# Whitelist of SDK projects that can be built for the SDK on Windows

# The Windows SDK cannot build all the projects from the SDK tree, typically
# due to obvious compiler/architectures differences. When building the Windows
# SDK, we only care about a subset of projects (e.g. generally the SDK tools
# and a few platform-specific binaries.)
# This file defines a whitelist of projects that can be built in the Windows
# SDK case. Note that whitelisting a project directory will NOT actually build
# it -- it will only allow one to reference it as a make dependency.
# This file is included by build/core/main.mk.

# Note that there are 2 flavors of this file:
# - This file: sdk/build/windows_sdk_whitelist.mk
#   must list all projects that are that are NOT specific to a given platform.
#   These binaries are the ones typically found in the SDK/tools directory.
# - The other file: development/build/windows_sdk_whitelist.mk
#   must list all projects that are specific to a given platform. These
#   projects generate files that are generally locates in SDK/platform-tools,
#   or SDK/platforms/, etc.

# -----
# Whitelist of SDK specific projects that do NOT need Java (e.g. C libraries)

subdirs += \
	external/boringssl \
	external/openssl \
#	external/qemu \
#	prebuilts/tools \
#	sdk/avdlauncher \
#	sdk/emulator/mksdcard \
#	sdk/emulator/opengl \
#	sdk/find_java \
#	sdk/find_lock \
#	sdk/sdklauncher

# -----
# Whitelist of SDK specific projects that DO require Java

ifneq (,$(shell which javac 2>/dev/null))
subdirs += \
#	external/ant-glob \
#	external/eclipse-windowbuilder/propertysheet \
#	external/hamcrest \
#	external/junit \
#	sdk/apkbuilder \
#	sdk/eclipse/scripts/rcp \
#	sdk/testutils

$(warning SDK_ONLY: javac not available.)