1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #ifndef ANDROID_TTS_H
17 #define ANDROID_TTS_H
19 // This header defines the interface used by the Android platform
20 // to access Text-To-Speech functionality in shared libraries that implement
21 // speech synthesis and the management of resources associated with the
22 // synthesis.
24 // The shared library must contain a function named "android_getTtsEngine"
25 // that returns an 'android_tts_engine_t' instance.
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
36 typedef enum {
37     ANDROID_TTS_SUCCESS                 = 0,
38     ANDROID_TTS_FAILURE                 = -1,
40     ANDROID_TTS_VALUE_INVALID           = -3,
44 } android_tts_result_t;
46 typedef enum {
49     ANDROID_TTS_LANG_AVAILABLE            = 0,
50     ANDROID_TTS_LANG_MISSING_DATA         = -1,
52 } android_tts_support_result_t;
54 typedef enum {
55     ANDROID_TTS_SYNTH_DONE              = 0,
56     ANDROID_TTS_SYNTH_PENDING           = 1
57 } android_tts_synth_status_t;
59 typedef enum {
60     ANDROID_TTS_CALLBACK_HALT           = 0,
62 } android_tts_callback_status_t;
64 // Supported audio formats
65 //
66 // NOTE: This is duplicated in compat/include/TtsEngine.h
67 // Please make changes there as well.
68 typedef enum {
73 } android_tts_audio_format_t;
76 /* An android_tts_engine_t object can be anything, but must have,
77  * as its first field, a pointer to a table of functions.
78  *
79  * See the full definition of struct android_tts_engine_t_funcs_t
80  * below for details.
81  */
82 typedef struct android_tts_engine_funcs_t  android_tts_engine_funcs_t;
84 typedef struct {
85     android_tts_engine_funcs_t *funcs;
86 } android_tts_engine_t;
88 /* This function must be located in the TTS Engine shared library
89  * and must return the address of an android_tts_engine_t library.
90  */
91 extern android_tts_engine_t *android_getTtsEngine();
93 /* Including the old version for legacy support (Froyo compatibility).
94  * This should return the same thing as android_getTtsEngine.
95  */
96 extern "C" android_tts_engine_t *getTtsEngine();
98 // A callback type used to notify the framework of new synthetized
99 // audio samples, status will be SYNTH_DONE for the last sample of
100 // the last request, of SYNTH_PENDING otherwise.
101 //
102 // This is passed by the framework to the engine through the
103 // 'engine_init' function (see below).
104 //
105 // The callback for synthesis completed takes:
106 // @param [inout] void *&       - The userdata pointer set in the original
107 //                                 synth call
108 // @param [in]    uint32_t      - Track sampling rate in Hz
109 // @param [in]    uint32_t      - The audio format
110 // @param [in]    int           - The number of channels
111 // @param [inout] int8_t *&     - A buffer of audio data only valid during the
112 //                                execution of the callback
113 // @param [inout] size_t  &     - The size of the buffer
114 // @param [in] tts_synth_status - indicate whether the synthesis is done, or
115 //                                 if more data is to be synthesized.
116 // @return TTS_CALLBACK_HALT to indicate the synthesis must stop,
117 //         TTS_CALLBACK_CONTINUE to indicate the synthesis must continue if
118 //            there is more data to produce.
119 typedef android_tts_callback_status_t (*android_tts_synth_cb_t)
120             (void **pUserData,
121              uint32_t trackSamplingHz,
122              android_tts_audio_format_t audioFormat,
123              int channelCount,
124              int8_t **pAudioBuffer,
125              size_t *pBufferSize,
126              android_tts_synth_status_t status);
129 // The table of function pointers that the android_tts_engine_t must point to.
130 // Note that each of these functions will take a handle to the engine itself
131 // as their first parameter.
132 //
134 struct android_tts_engine_funcs_t {
135     // reserved fields, ignored by the framework
136     // they must be placed here to ensure binary compatibility
137     // of legacy binary plugins.
138     void *reserved[2];
140     // Initialize the TTS engine and returns whether initialization succeeded.
141     // @param synthDoneCBPtr synthesis callback function pointer
142     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
143     android_tts_result_t (*init)
144             (void *engine,
145              android_tts_synth_cb_t synthDonePtr,
146              const char *engineConfig);
148     // Shut down the TTS engine and releases all associated resources.
149     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
150     android_tts_result_t (*shutdown)
151             (void *engine);
153     // Interrupt synthesis and flushes any synthesized data that hasn't been
154     // output yet. This will block until callbacks underway are completed.
155     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
156     android_tts_result_t (*stop)
157             (void *engine);
159     // Returns the level of support for the language, country and variant.
160     // @return TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_VAR_AVAILABLE if the language, country and variant are supported,
161     //            and the corresponding resources are correctly installed
162     //         TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE if the language and country are supported and the
163     //             corresponding resources are correctly installed, but there is no match for
164     //             the specified variant
165     //         TTS_LANG_AVAILABLE if the language is supported and the
166     //             corresponding resources are correctly installed, but there is no match for
167     //             the specified country and variant
168     //         TTS_LANG_MISSING_DATA if the required resources to provide any level of support
169     //             for the language are not correctly installed
170     //         TTS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED if the language is not supported by the TTS engine.
171     android_tts_support_result_t (*isLanguageAvailable)
172             (void *engine,
173              const char *lang,
174              const char *country,
175              const char *variant);
177     // Load the resources associated with the specified language. The loaded
178     // language will only be used once a call to setLanguage() with the same
179     // language value is issued. Language and country values are coded according to the ISO three
180     // letter codes for languages and countries, as can be retrieved from a java.util.Locale
181     // instance. The variant value is encoded as the variant string retrieved from a
182     // java.util.Locale instance built with that variant data.
183     // @param lang pointer to the ISO three letter code for the language
184     // @param country pointer to the ISO three letter code for the country
185     // @param variant pointer to the variant code
186     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
187     android_tts_result_t (*loadLanguage)
188             (void *engine,
189              const char *lang,
190              const char *country,
191              const char *variant);
193     // Load the resources associated with the specified language, country and Locale variant.
194     // The loaded language will only be used once a call to setLanguageFromLocale() with the same
195     // language value is issued. Language and country values are coded according to the ISO three
196     // letter codes for languages and countries, as can be retrieved from a java.util.Locale
197     // instance. The variant value is encoded as the variant string retrieved from a
198     // java.util.Locale instance built with that variant data.
199     // @param lang pointer to the ISO three letter code for the language
200     // @param country pointer to the ISO three letter code for the country
201     // @param variant pointer to the variant code
202     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
203     android_tts_result_t (*setLanguage)
204             (void *engine,
205              const char *lang,
206              const char *country,
207              const char *variant);
209     // Retrieve the currently set language, country and variant, or empty strings if none of
210     // parameters have been set. Language and country are represented by their 3-letter ISO code
211     // @param[out]   pointer to the retrieved 3-letter code language value
212     // @param[out]   pointer to the retrieved 3-letter code country value
213     // @param[out]   pointer to the retrieved variant value
214     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
215     android_tts_result_t (*getLanguage)
216             (void *engine,
217              char *language,
218              char *country,
219              char *variant);
221     // Notifies the engine what audio parameters should be used for the synthesis.
222     // This is meant to be used as a hint, the engine implementation will set the output values
223     // to those of the synthesis format, based on a given hint.
224     // @param[inout] encoding in: the desired audio sample format
225     //                         out: the format used by the TTS engine
226     // @param[inout] rate in: the desired audio sample rate
227     //                         out: the sample rate used by the TTS engine
228     // @param[inout] channels in: the desired number of audio channels
229     //                         out: the number of channels used by the TTS engine
230     // @return TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE
231     android_tts_result_t (*setAudioFormat)
232             (void *engine,
233              android_tts_audio_format_t* pEncoding,
234              uint32_t* pRate,
235              int* pChannels);
237     // Set a property for the the TTS engine
238     // "size" is the maximum size of "value" for properties "property"
239     // @param property pointer to the property name
240     // @param value    pointer to the property value
241     // @param size     maximum size required to store this type of property
242     // @return         TTS_PROPERTY_UNSUPPORTED, or TTS_SUCCESS, or TTS_FAILURE,
243     //                  or TTS_VALUE_INVALID
244     android_tts_result_t (*setProperty)
245             (void *engine,
246              const char *property,
247              const char *value,
248              const size_t size);
250     // Retrieve a property from the TTS engine
251     // @param        property pointer to the property name
252     // @param[out]   value    pointer to the retrieved language value
253     // @param[inout] iosize   in: stores the size available to store the
254     //                          property value.
255     //                        out: stores the size required to hold the language
256     //                          value if getLanguage() returned
257     //                          TTS_PROPERTY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL, unchanged otherwise
259     //         or TTS_PROPERTY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL
260     android_tts_result_t (*getProperty)
261             (void *engine,
262              const char *property,
263              char *value,
264              size_t *iosize);
266     // Synthesize the text.
267     // As the synthesis is performed, the engine invokes the callback to notify
268     // the TTS framework that it has filled the given buffer, and indicates how
269     // many bytes it wrote. The callback is called repeatedly until the engine
270     // has generated all the audio data corresponding to the text.
271     // Note about the format of the input: the text parameter may use the
272     // following elements
273     // and their respective attributes as defined in the SSML 1.0 specification:
274     //    * lang
275     //    * say-as:
276     //          o interpret-as
277     //    * phoneme
278     //    * voice:
279     //          o gender,
280     //          o age,
281     //          o variant,
282     //          o name
283     //    * emphasis
284     //    * break:
285     //          o strength,
286     //          o time
287     //    * prosody:
288     //          o pitch,
289     //          o contour,
290     //          o range,
291     //          o rate,
292     //          o duration,
293     //          o volume
294     //    * mark
295     // Differences between this text format and SSML are:
296     //    * full SSML documents are not supported
297     //    * namespaces are not supported
298     // Text is coded in UTF-8.
299     // @param text      the UTF-8 text to synthesize
300     // @param userdata  pointer to be returned when the call is invoked
301     // @param buffer    the location where the synthesized data must be written
302     // @param bufferSize the number of bytes that can be written in buffer
303     // @return          TTS_SUCCESS or TTS_FAILURE
304     android_tts_result_t (*synthesizeText)
305             (void *engine,
306              const char *text,
307              int8_t *buffer,
308              size_t bufferSize,
309              void *userdata);
310 };
312 #ifdef __cplusplus
313 }
314 #endif
316 #endif /* ANDROID_TTS_H */