1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.hardware.camera2;
19 import android.annotation.NonNull;
20 import android.annotation.Nullable;
21 import android.annotation.IntDef;
22 import android.hardware.camera2.params.InputConfiguration;
23 import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap;
24 import android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration;
25 import android.os.Handler;
26 import android.view.Surface;
28 import java.util.List;
29 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
30 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
32 /**
33  * <p>The CameraDevice class is a representation of a single camera connected to an
34  * Android device, allowing for fine-grain control of image capture and
35  * post-processing at high frame rates.</p>
36  *
37  * <p>Your application must declare the
38  * {@link android.Manifest.permission#CAMERA Camera} permission in its manifest
39  * in order to access camera devices.</p>
40  *
41  * <p>A given camera device may provide support at one of two levels: limited or
42  * full. If a device only supports the limited level, then Camera2 exposes a
43  * feature set that is roughly equivalent to the older
44  * {@link android.hardware.Camera Camera} API, although with a cleaner and more
45  * efficient interface.  Devices that implement the full level of support
46  * provide substantially improved capabilities over the older camera
47  * API. Applications that target the limited level devices will run unchanged on
48  * the full-level devices; if your application requires a full-level device for
49  * proper operation, declare the "android.hardware.camera2.full" feature in your
50  * manifest.</p>
51  *
52  * @see CameraManager#openCamera
53  * @see android.Manifest.permission#CAMERA
54  */
55 public abstract class CameraDevice implements AutoCloseable {
57     /**
58      * Create a request suitable for a camera preview window. Specifically, this
59      * means that high frame rate is given priority over the highest-quality
60      * post-processing. These requests would normally be used with the
61      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingRequest} method.
62      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on all camera devices.
63      *
64      * @see #createCaptureRequest
65      */
66     public static final int TEMPLATE_PREVIEW = 1;
68     /**
69      * Create a request suitable for still image capture. Specifically, this
70      * means prioritizing image quality over frame rate. These requests would
71      * commonly be used with the {@link CameraCaptureSession#capture} method.
72      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on all camera devices.
73      *
74      * @see #createCaptureRequest
75      */
76     public static final int TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE = 2;
78     /**
79      * Create a request suitable for video recording. Specifically, this means
80      * that a stable frame rate is used, and post-processing is set for
81      * recording quality. These requests would commonly be used with the
82      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingRequest} method.
83      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on all camera devices.
84      *
85      * @see #createCaptureRequest
86      */
87     public static final int TEMPLATE_RECORD  = 3;
89     /**
90      * Create a request suitable for still image capture while recording
91      * video. Specifically, this means maximizing image quality without
92      * disrupting the ongoing recording. These requests would commonly be used
93      * with the {@link CameraCaptureSession#capture} method while a request based on
94      * {@link #TEMPLATE_RECORD} is is in use with {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingRequest}.
95      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on all camera devices except
96      * legacy devices ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
97      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LEGACY LEGACY})
98      *
99      * @see #createCaptureRequest
100      */
101     public static final int TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT = 4;
103     /**
104      * Create a request suitable for zero shutter lag still capture. This means
105      * means maximizing image quality without compromising preview frame rate.
106      * AE/AWB/AF should be on auto mode.
107      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on camera devices that support the
109      * capability or the
111      * capability.
112      *
113      * @see #createCaptureRequest
114      */
115     public static final int TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG = 5;
117     /**
118      * A basic template for direct application control of capture
119      * parameters. All automatic control is disabled (auto-exposure, auto-white
120      * balance, auto-focus), and post-processing parameters are set to preview
121      * quality. The manual capture parameters (exposure, sensitivity, and so on)
122      * are set to reasonable defaults, but should be overriden by the
123      * application depending on the intended use case.
124      * This template is guaranteed to be supported on camera devices that support the
126      * capability.
127      *
128      * @see #createCaptureRequest
129      */
130     public static final int TEMPLATE_MANUAL = 6;
132      /** @hide */
133      @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
134      @IntDef(
135          {TEMPLATE_PREVIEW,
137           TEMPLATE_RECORD,
140           TEMPLATE_MANUAL })
141      public @interface RequestTemplate {};
143     /**
144      * Get the ID of this camera device.
145      *
146      * <p>This matches the ID given to {@link CameraManager#openCamera} to instantiate this
147      * this camera device.</p>
148      *
149      * <p>This ID can be used to query the camera device's {@link
150      * CameraCharacteristics fixed properties} with {@link
151      * CameraManager#getCameraCharacteristics}.</p>
152      *
153      * <p>This method can be called even if the device has been closed or has encountered
154      * a serious error.</p>
155      *
156      * @return the ID for this camera device
157      *
158      * @see CameraManager#getCameraCharacteristics
159      * @see CameraManager#getCameraIdList
160      */
161     @NonNull
getId()162     public abstract String getId();
164     /**
165      * <p>Create a new camera capture session by providing the target output set of Surfaces to the
166      * camera device.</p>
167      *
168      * <p>The active capture session determines the set of potential output Surfaces for
169      * the camera device for each capture request. A given request may use all
170      * or only some of the outputs. Once the CameraCaptureSession is created, requests can be
171      * can be submitted with {@link CameraCaptureSession#capture capture},
172      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#captureBurst captureBurst},
173      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingRequest setRepeatingRequest}, or
174      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingBurst setRepeatingBurst}.</p>
175      *
176      * <p>Surfaces suitable for inclusion as a camera output can be created for
177      * various use cases and targets:</p>
178      *
179      * <ul>
180      *
181      * <li>For drawing to a {@link android.view.SurfaceView SurfaceView}: Once the SurfaceView's
182      *   Surface is {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder.Callback#surfaceCreated created}, set the size
183      *   of the Surface with {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder#setFixedSize} to be one of the sizes
184      *   returned by {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class)
185      *   getOutputSizes(SurfaceHolder.class)} and then obtain the Surface by calling {@link
186      *   android.view.SurfaceHolder#getSurface}. If the size is not set by the application, it will
187      *   be rounded to the nearest supported size less than 1080p, by the camera device.</li>
188      *
189      * <li>For accessing through an OpenGL texture via a {@link android.graphics.SurfaceTexture
190      *   SurfaceTexture}: Set the size of the SurfaceTexture with {@link
191      *   android.graphics.SurfaceTexture#setDefaultBufferSize} to be one of the sizes returned by
192      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class) getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)}
193      *   before creating a Surface from the SurfaceTexture with {@link Surface#Surface}. If the size
194      *   is not set by the application, it will be set to be the smallest supported size less than
195      *   1080p, by the camera device.</li>
196      *
197      * <li>For recording with {@link android.media.MediaCodec}: Call
198      *   {@link android.media.MediaCodec#createInputSurface} after configuring
199      *   the media codec to use one of the sizes returned by
200      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class) getOutputSizes(MediaCodec.class)}
201      *   </li>
202      *
203      * <li>For recording with {@link android.media.MediaRecorder}: Call
204      *   {@link android.media.MediaRecorder#getSurface} after configuring the media recorder to use
205      *   one of the sizes returned by
206      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class) getOutputSizes(MediaRecorder.class)},
207      *   or configuring it to use one of the supported
208      *   {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile CamcorderProfiles}.</li>
209      *
210      * <li>For efficient YUV processing with {@link android.renderscript}:
211      *   Create a RenderScript
212      *   {@link android.renderscript.Allocation Allocation} with a supported YUV
213      *   type, the IO_INPUT flag, and one of the sizes returned by
214      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class) getOutputSizes(Allocation.class)},
215      *   Then obtain the Surface with
216      *   {@link android.renderscript.Allocation#getSurface}.</li>
217      *
218      * <li>For access to RAW, uncompressed YUV, or compressed JPEG data in the application: Create an
219      *   {@link android.media.ImageReader} object with one of the supported output formats given by
220      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputFormats()}, setting its size to one of the
221      *   corresponding supported sizes by passing the chosen output format into
222      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(int)}. Then obtain a
223      *   {@link android.view.Surface} from it with {@link android.media.ImageReader#getSurface()}.
224      *   If the ImageReader size is not set to a supported size, it will be rounded to a supported
225      *   size less than 1080p by the camera device.
226      *   </li>
227      *
228      * </ul>
229      *
230      * <p>The camera device will query each Surface's size and formats upon this
231      * call, so they must be set to a valid setting at this time.</p>
232      *
233      * <p>It can take several hundred milliseconds for the session's configuration to complete,
234      * since camera hardware may need to be powered on or reconfigured. Once the configuration is
235      * complete and the session is ready to actually capture data, the provided
236      * {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback}'s
237      * {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback#onConfigured} callback will be called.</p>
238      *
239      * <p>If a prior CameraCaptureSession already exists when this method is called, the previous
240      * session will no longer be able to accept new capture requests and will be closed. Any
241      * in-progress capture requests made on the prior session will be completed before it's closed.
242      * {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateListener#onConfigured} for the new session may be invoked
243      * before {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateListener#onClosed} is invoked for the prior
244      * session. Once the new session is {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateListener#onConfigured
245      * configured}, it is able to start capturing its own requests. To minimize the transition time,
246      * the {@link CameraCaptureSession#abortCaptures} call can be used to discard the remaining
247      * requests for the prior capture session before a new one is created. Note that once the new
248      * session is created, the old one can no longer have its captures aborted.</p>
249      *
250      * <p>Using larger resolution outputs, or more outputs, can result in slower
251      * output rate from the device.</p>
252      *
253      * <p>Configuring a session with an empty or null list will close the current session, if
254      * any. This can be used to release the current session's target surfaces for another use.</p>
255      *
256      * <p>While any of the sizes from {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes} can be used when
257      * a single output stream is configured, a given camera device may not be able to support all
258      * combination of sizes, formats, and targets when multiple outputs are configured at once.  The
259      * tables below list the maximum guaranteed resolutions for combinations of streams and targets,
260      * given the capabilities of the camera device.</p>
261      *
262      * <p>If an application tries to create a session using a set of targets that exceed the limits
263      * described in the below tables, one of three possibilities may occur. First, the session may
264      * be successfully created and work normally. Second, the session may be successfully created,
265      * but the camera device won't meet the frame rate guarantees as described in
266      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration}. Or third, if the output set
267      * cannot be used at all, session creation will fail entirely, with
268      * {@link CameraCaptureSession.StateListener#onConfigureFailed} being invoked.</p>
269      *
270      * <p>For the type column, {@code PRIV} refers to any target whose available sizes are found
271      * using {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class)} with no direct application-visible
272      * format, {@code YUV} refers to a target Surface using the
273      * {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#YUV_420_888} format, {@code JPEG} refers to the
274      * {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#JPEG} format, and {@code RAW} refers to the
275      * {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#RAW_SENSOR} format.</p>
276      *
277      * <p>For the maximum size column, {@code PREVIEW} refers to the best size match to the
278      * device's screen resolution, or to 1080p ({@code 1920x1080}), whichever is
279      * smaller. {@code RECORD} refers to the camera device's maximum supported recording resolution,
280      * as determined by {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile}. And {@code MAXIMUM} refers to the
281      * camera device's maximum output resolution for that format or target from
282      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes}.</p>
283      *
284      * <p>To use these tables, determine the number and the formats/targets of outputs needed, and
285      * find the row(s) of the table with those targets. The sizes indicate the maximum set of sizes
286      * that can be used; it is guaranteed that for those targets, the listed sizes and anything
287      * smaller from the list given by {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes} can be
288      * successfully used to create a session.  For example, if a row indicates that a 8 megapixel
289      * (MP) YUV_420_888 output can be used together with a 2 MP {@code PRIV} output, then a session
290      * can be created with targets {@code [8 MP YUV, 2 MP PRIV]} or targets {@code [2 MP YUV, 2 MP
291      * PRIV]}; but a session with targets {@code [8 MP YUV, 4 MP PRIV]}, targets {@code [4 MP YUV, 4
292      * MP PRIV]}, or targets {@code [8 MP PRIV, 2 MP YUV]} would not be guaranteed to work, unless
293      * some other row of the table lists such a combination.</p>
294      *
295      * <style scoped>
296      *  #rb { border-right-width: thick; }
297      * </style>
298      * <p>Legacy devices ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
299      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LEGACY LEGACY}) support at
300      * least the following stream combinations:
301      *
302      * <table>
303      * <tr><th colspan="7">LEGACY-level guaranteed configurations</th></tr>
304      * <tr> <th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th> <th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th>  <th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th> <th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
305      * <tr> <th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th> <th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th> <th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
306      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Simple preview, GPU video processing, or no-preview video recording.</td> </tr>
307      * <tr> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>No-viewfinder still image capture.</td> </tr>
308      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>In-application video/image processing.</td> </tr>
309      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Standard still imaging.</td> </tr>
310      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>In-app processing plus still capture.</td> </tr>
311      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Standard recording.</td> </tr>
312      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Preview plus in-app processing.</td> </tr>
313      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Still capture plus in-app processing.</td> </tr>
314      * </table><br>
315      * </p>
316      *
317      * <p>Limited-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
318      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED}) devices
319      * support at least the following stream combinations in addition to those for
320      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LEGACY LEGACY} devices:
321      *
322      * <table>
323      * <tr><th colspan="7">LIMITED-level additional guaranteed configurations</th></tr>
324      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th> <th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
325      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
326      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>High-resolution video recording with preview.</td> </tr>
327      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>High-resolution in-app video processing with preview.</td> </tr>
328      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Two-input in-app video processing.</td> </tr>
329      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td>High-resolution recording with video snapshot.</td> </tr>
330      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD }</td> <td>High-resolution in-app processing with video snapshot.</td> </tr>
331      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Two-input in-app processing with still capture.</td> </tr>
332      * </table><br>
333      * </p>
334      *
335      * <p>FULL-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
336      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL}) devices
337      * support at least the following stream combinations in addition to those for
338      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices:
339      *
340      * <table>
341      * <tr><th colspan="7">FULL-capability additional guaranteed configurations</th></tr>
342      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th> <th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
343      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th> </tr>
344      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution GPU processing with preview.</td> </tr>
345      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution in-app processing with preview.</td> </tr>
346      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution two-input in-app processsing.</td> </tr>
347      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Video recording with maximum-size video snapshot</td> </tr>
348      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code 640x480}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Standard video recording plus maximum-resolution in-app processing.</td> </tr>
349      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code 640x480}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Preview plus two-input maximum-resolution in-app processing.</td> </tr>
350      * </table><br>
351      * </p>
352      *
353      * <p>RAW-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES} includes
354      * {@link CameraMetadata#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_RAW RAW}) devices additionally support
355      * at least the following stream combinations on both
356      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL} and
357      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices:
358      *
359      * <table>
360      * <tr><th colspan="7">RAW-capability additional guaranteed configurations</th></tr>
361      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th> <th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
362      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th> </tr>
363      * <tr> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>No-preview DNG capture.</td> </tr>
364      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>Standard DNG capture.</td> </tr>
365      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td colspan="2" id="rb"></td> <td>In-app processing plus DNG capture.</td> </tr>
366      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Video recording with DNG capture.</td> </tr>
367      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Preview with in-app processing and DNG capture.</td> </tr>
368      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Two-input in-app processing plus DNG capture.</td> </tr>
369      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Still capture with simultaneous JPEG and DNG.</td> </tr>
370      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code RAW }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>In-app processing with simultaneous JPEG and DNG.</td> </tr>
371      * </table><br>
372      * </p>
373      *
374      * <p>BURST-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES} includes
376      * support at least the below stream combinations in addition to those for
377      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices. Note that all
378      * FULL-level devices support the BURST capability, and the below list is a strict subset of the
379      * list for FULL-level devices, so this table is only relevant for LIMITED-level devices that
380      * support the BURST_CAPTURE capability.
381      *
382      * <table>
383      * <tr><th colspan="5">BURST-capability additional guaranteed configurations</th></tr>
384      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
385      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th> </tr>
386      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Maximum-resolution GPU processing with preview.</td> </tr>
387      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Maximum-resolution in-app processing with preview.</td> </tr>
388      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV }</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Maximum-resolution two-input in-app processsing.</td> </tr>
389      * </table><br>
390      * </p>
391      *
392      * <p>Since the capabilities of camera devices vary greatly, a given camera device may support
393      * target combinations with sizes outside of these guarantees, but this can only be tested for
394      * by attempting to create a session with such targets.</p>
395      *
396      * @param outputs The new set of Surfaces that should be made available as
397      *                targets for captured image data.
398      * @param callback The callback to notify about the status of the new capture session.
399      * @param handler The handler on which the callback should be invoked, or {@code null} to use
400      *                the current thread's {@link android.os.Looper looper}.
401      *
402      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the set of output Surfaces do not meet the requirements,
403      *                                  the callback is null, or the handler is null but the current
404      *                                  thread has no looper.
405      * @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has
406      *                               encountered a fatal error
407      * @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed
408      *
409      * @see CameraCaptureSession
410      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputFormats()
411      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(int)
412      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(Class)
413      */
createCaptureSession(@onNull List<Surface> outputs, @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, @Nullable Handler handler)414     public abstract void createCaptureSession(@NonNull List<Surface> outputs,
415             @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, @Nullable Handler handler)
416             throws CameraAccessException;
418     /**
419      * <p>Create a new camera capture session by providing the target output set of Surfaces and
420      * its corresponding surface configuration to the camera device.</p>
421      *
422      * @see #createCaptureSession
423      * @see OutputConfiguration
424      *
425      * @hide
426      */
createCaptureSessionByOutputConfiguration( List<OutputConfiguration> outputConfigurations, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, Handler handler)427     public abstract void createCaptureSessionByOutputConfiguration(
428             List<OutputConfiguration> outputConfigurations,
429             CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, Handler handler)
430             throws CameraAccessException;
431     /**
432      * Create a new reprocessable camera capture session by providing the desired reprocessing
433      * input Surface configuration and the target output set of Surfaces to the camera device.
434      *
435      * <p>If a camera device supports YUV reprocessing
437      * reprocessing
438      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_PRIVATE_REPROCESSING}), besides
439      * the capture session created via {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession}, the
440      * application can also create a reprocessable capture session to submit reprocess capture
441      * requests in addition to regular capture requests. A reprocess capture request takes the next
442      * available buffer from the session's input Surface, and sends it through the camera device's
443      * processing pipeline again, to produce buffers for the request's target output Surfaces. No
444      * new image data is captured for a reprocess request. However the input buffer provided by
445      * the application must be captured previously by the same camera device in the same session
446      * directly (e.g. for Zero-Shutter-Lag use case) or indirectly (e.g. combining multiple output
447      * images).</p>
448      *
449      * <p>The active reprocessable capture session determines an input {@link Surface} and the set
450      * of potential output Surfaces for the camera devices for each capture request. The application
451      * can use {@link #createCaptureRequest createCaptureRequest} to create regular capture requests
452      * to capture new images from the camera device, and use {@link #createReprocessCaptureRequest
453      * createReprocessCaptureRequest} to create reprocess capture requests to process buffers from
454      * the input {@link Surface}. Some combinations of output Surfaces in a session may not be used
455      * in a request simultaneously. The guaranteed combinations of output Surfaces that can be used
456      * in a request simultaneously are listed in the tables under {@link #createCaptureSession
457      * createCaptureSession}. All the output Surfaces in one capture request will come from the
458      * same source, either from a new capture by the camera device, or from the input Surface
459      * depending on if the request is a reprocess capture request.</p>
460      *
461      * <p>Input formats and sizes supported by the camera device can be queried via
462      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getInputFormats} and
463      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getInputSizes}. For each supported input format, the camera
464      * device supports a set of output formats and sizes for reprocessing that can be queried via
465      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getValidOutputFormatsForInput} and
466      * {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes}. While output Surfaces with formats that
467      * aren't valid reprocess output targets for the input configuration can be part of a session,
468      * they cannot be used as targets for a reprocessing request.</p>
469      *
470      * <p>Since the application cannot access {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#PRIVATE} images
471      * directly, an output Surface created by {@link android.media.ImageReader#newInstance} with
472      * {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#PRIVATE} as the format will be considered as intended to
473      * be used for reprocessing input and thus the {@link android.media.ImageReader} size must
474      * match one of the supported input sizes for {@link android.graphics.ImageFormat#PRIVATE}
475      * format. Otherwise, creating a reprocessable capture session will fail.</p>
476      *
477      * <p>The guaranteed stream configurations listed in
478      * {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession} are also guaranteed to work for
479      * {@link #createReprocessableCaptureSession createReprocessableCaptureSession}. In addition,
480      * the configurations in the tables below are also guaranteed for creating a reprocessable
481      * capture session if the camera device supports YUV reprocessing or PRIVATE reprocessing.
482      * However, not all output targets used to create a reprocessable session may be used in a
483      * {@link CaptureRequest} simultaneously. For devices that support only 1 output target in a
484      * reprocess {@link CaptureRequest}, submitting a reprocess {@link CaptureRequest} with multiple
485      * output targets will result in a {@link CaptureFailure}. For devices that support multiple
486      * output targets in a reprocess {@link CaptureRequest}, the guaranteed output targets that can
487      * be included in a {@link CaptureRequest} simultaneously are listed in the tables under
488      * {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession}. For example, with a FULL-capability
489      * ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL} {@code == }
490      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL}) device that supports PRIVATE
491      * reprocessing, an application can create a reprocessable capture session with 1 input,
492      * ({@code PRIV}, {@code MAXIMUM}), and 3 outputs, ({@code PRIV}, {@code MAXIMUM}),
493      * ({@code PRIV}, {@code PREVIEW}), and ({@code YUV}, {@code MAXIMUM}). However, it's not
494      * guaranteed that an application can submit a regular or reprocess capture with ({@code PRIV},
495      * {@code MAXIMUM}) and ({@code YUV}, {@code MAXIMUM}) outputs based on the table listed under
496      * {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession}. In other words, use the tables below to
497      * determine the guaranteed stream configurations for creating a reprocessable capture session,
498      * and use the tables under {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession} to determine the
499      * guaranteed output targets that can be submitted in a regular or reprocess
500      * {@link CaptureRequest} simultaneously.</p>
501      *
502      * <style scoped>
503      *  #rb { border-right-width: thick; }
504      * </style>
505      *
506      * <p>Limited-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
507      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED}) devices
508      * support at least the following stream combinations for creating a reprocessable capture
509      * session in addition to those listed in {@link #createCaptureSession createCaptureSession} for
510      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices:
511      *
512      * <table>
513      * <tr><th colspan="11">LIMITED-level additional guaranteed configurations for creating a reprocessable capture session<br>({@code PRIV} input is guaranteed only if PRIVATE reprocessing is supported. {@code YUV} input is guaranteed only if YUV reprocessing is supported)</th></tr>
514      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Input</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 4</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
515      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
516      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>No-viewfinder still image reprocessing.</td> </tr>
517      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>ZSL(Zero-Shutter-Lag) still imaging.</td> </tr>
518      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>ZSL still and in-app processing imaging.</td> </tr>
519      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>ZSL in-app processing with still capture.</td> </tr>
520      * </table><br>
521      * </p>
522      *
523      * <p>FULL-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL}
524      * {@code == }{@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL}) devices
525      * support at least the following stream combinations for creating a reprocessable capture
526      * session in addition to those for
527      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices:
528      *
529      * <table>
530      * <tr><th colspan="11">FULL-capability additional guaranteed configurations for creating a reprocessable capture session<br>({@code PRIV} input is guaranteed only if PRIVATE reprocessing is supported. {@code YUV} input is guaranteed only if YUV reprocessing is supported)</th></tr>
531      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Input</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 4</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
532      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
533      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution multi-frame image fusion in-app processing with regular preview.</td> </tr>
534      * <tr> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution multi-frame image fusion two-input in-app processing.</td> </tr>
535      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code RECORD}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>High-resolution ZSL in-app video processing with regular preview.</td> </tr>
536      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution ZSL in-app processing with regular preview.</td> </tr>
537      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>Maximum-resolution two-input ZSL in-app processing.</td> </tr>
538      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>ZSL still capture and in-app processing.</td> </tr>
539      * </table><br>
540      * </p>
541      *
542      * <p>RAW-capability ({@link CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES} includes
543      * {@link CameraMetadata#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_RAW RAW}) devices additionally support
544      * at least the following stream combinations for creating a reprocessable capture session
545      * on both {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL FULL} and
546      * {@link CameraMetadata#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED LIMITED} devices
547      *
548      * <table>
549      * <tr><th colspan="11">RAW-capability additional guaranteed configurations for creating a reprocessable capture session<br>({@code PRIV} input is guaranteed only if PRIVATE reprocessing is supported. {@code YUV} input is guaranteed only if YUV reprocessing is supported)</th></tr>
550      * <tr><th colspan="2" id="rb">Input</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 1</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 2</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 3</th><th colspan="2" id="rb">Target 4</th><th rowspan="2">Sample use case(s)</th> </tr>
551      * <tr><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th><th>Type</th><th id="rb">Max size</th></tr>
552      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td></td><td id="rb"></td> <td>Mutually exclusive ZSL in-app processing and DNG capture.</td> </tr>
553      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Mutually exclusive ZSL in-app processing and preview with DNG capture.</td> </tr>
554      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Mutually exclusive ZSL two-input in-app processing and DNG capture.</td> </tr>
555      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code PRIV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Mutually exclusive ZSL still capture and preview with DNG capture.</td> </tr>
556      * <tr> <td>{@code PRIV}/{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Same as input</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code YUV}</td><td id="rb">{@code PREVIEW}</td> <td>{@code JPEG}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>{@code RAW}</td><td id="rb">{@code MAXIMUM}</td> <td>Mutually exclusive ZSL in-app processing with still capture and DNG capture.</td> </tr>
557      * </table><br>
558      * </p>
559      *
560      * @param inputConfig The configuration for the input {@link Surface}
561      * @param outputs The new set of Surfaces that should be made available as
562      *                targets for captured image data.
563      * @param callback The callback to notify about the status of the new capture session.
564      * @param handler The handler on which the callback should be invoked, or {@code null} to use
565      *                the current thread's {@link android.os.Looper looper}.
566      *
567      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input configuration is null or not supported, the set
568      *                                  of output Surfaces do not meet the requirements, the
569      *                                  callback is null, or the handler is null but the current
570      *                                  thread has no looper.
571      * @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has
572      *                               encountered a fatal error
573      * @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed
574      *
575      * @see #createCaptureSession
576      * @see CameraCaptureSession
577      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getInputFormats
578      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getInputSizes
579      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getValidOutputFormatsForInput
580      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes
581      * @see android.media.ImageWriter
582      * @see android.media.ImageReader
583      */
createReprocessableCaptureSession(@onNull InputConfiguration inputConfig, @NonNull List<Surface> outputs, @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, @Nullable Handler handler)584     public abstract void createReprocessableCaptureSession(@NonNull InputConfiguration inputConfig,
585             @NonNull List<Surface> outputs, @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback,
586             @Nullable Handler handler)
587             throws CameraAccessException;
589     /**
590      * <p>Create a new constrained high speed capture session.</p>
591      *
592      * <p>The application can use normal capture session (created via {@link #createCaptureSession})
593      * for high speed capture if the desired high speed FPS ranges are advertised by
594      * {@link CameraCharacteristics#CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES}, in which case all API
595      * semantics associated with normal capture sessions applies.</p>
596      *
597      * <p>The method creates a specialized capture session that is only targeted at high speed
598      * video recording (>=120fps) use case if the camera device supports high speed video
599      * capability (i.e., {@link CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES} contains
601      * Therefore, it has special characteristics compared with a normal capture session:</p>
602      *
603      * <ul>
604      *
605      * <li>In addition to the output target Surface requirements specified by the
606      *   {@link #createCaptureSession} method, an active high speed capture session will support up
607      *   to 2 output Surfaces, though the application might choose to configure just one Surface
608      *   (e.g., preview only). All Surfaces must be either video encoder surfaces (acquired by
609      *   {@link android.media.MediaRecorder#getSurface} or
610      *   {@link android.media.MediaCodec#createInputSurface}) or preview surfaces (obtained from
611      *   {@link android.view.SurfaceView}, {@link android.graphics.SurfaceTexture} via
612      *   {@link android.view.Surface#Surface(android.graphics.SurfaceTexture)}). The Surface sizes
613      *   must be one of the sizes reported by {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getHighSpeedVideoSizes}.
614      *   When multiple Surfaces are configured, their size must be same.</li>
615      *
616      * <li>An active high speed capture session only accepts request lists created via
617      *   {@link CameraConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession#createHighSpeedRequestList}, and the
618      *   request list can only be submitted to this session via
619      *   {@link CameraCaptureSession#captureBurst captureBurst}, or
620      *   {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingBurst setRepeatingBurst}.</li>
621      *
622      * <li>The FPS ranges being requested to this session must be selected from
623      *   {@link StreamConfigurationMap#getHighSpeedVideoFpsRangesFor}. The application can still use
624      *   {@link CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE} to control the desired FPS range.
625      *   Switching to an FPS range that has different
626      *   {@link android.util.Range#getUpper() maximum FPS} may trigger some camera device
627      *   reconfigurations, which may introduce extra latency. It is recommended that the
628      *   application avoids unnecessary maximum target FPS changes as much as possible during high
629      *   speed streaming.</li>
630      *
631      * <li>For the request lists submitted to this session, the camera device will override the
632      *   {@link CaptureRequest#CONTROL_MODE control mode}, auto-exposure (AE), auto-white balance
633      *   (AWB) and auto-focus (AF) to {@link CameraMetadata#CONTROL_MODE_AUTO},
634      *   {@link CameraMetadata#CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON}, {@link CameraMetadata#CONTROL_AWB_MODE_AUTO}
635      *   and {@link CameraMetadata#CONTROL_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO}, respectively. All
636      *   post-processing block mode controls will be overridden to be FAST. Therefore, no manual
637      *   control of capture and post-processing parameters is possible. Beside these, only a subset
638      *   of controls will work, see
640      *   more details.</li>
641      *
642      * </ul>
643      *
644      * @param outputs The new set of Surfaces that should be made available as
645      *                targets for captured high speed image data.
646      * @param callback The callback to notify about the status of the new capture session.
647      * @param handler The handler on which the callback should be invoked, or {@code null} to use
648      *                the current thread's {@link android.os.Looper looper}.
649      *
650      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the set of output Surfaces do not meet the requirements,
651      *                                  the callback is null, or the handler is null but the current
652      *                                  thread has no looper, or the camera device doesn't support
653      *                                  high speed video capability.
654      * @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has
655      *                               encountered a fatal error
656      * @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed
657      *
658      * @see #createCaptureSession
659      * @see CaptureRequest#CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE
660      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getHighSpeedVideoSizes
661      * @see StreamConfigurationMap#getHighSpeedVideoFpsRangesFor
662      * @see CameraCharacteristics#REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES
664      * @see CameraCaptureSession#captureBurst
665      * @see CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingBurst
666      * @see CameraConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession#createHighSpeedRequestList
667      */
createConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession(@onNull List<Surface> outputs, @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback, @Nullable Handler handler)668     public abstract void createConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession(@NonNull List<Surface> outputs,
669             @NonNull CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback callback,
670             @Nullable Handler handler)
671             throws CameraAccessException;
673     /**
674      * <p>Create a {@link CaptureRequest.Builder} for new capture requests,
675      * initialized with template for a target use case. The settings are chosen
676      * to be the best options for the specific camera device, so it is not
677      * recommended to reuse the same request for a different camera device;
678      * create a builder specific for that device and template and override the
679      * settings as desired, instead.</p>
680      *
681      * @param templateType An enumeration selecting the use case for this
682      * request; one of the CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ values. Not all template
683      * types are supported on every device. See the documentation for each
684      * template type for details.
685      * @return a builder for a capture request, initialized with default
686      * settings for that template, and no output streams
687      *
688      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the templateType is not supported by
689      * this device.
690      * @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has
691      *                               encountered a fatal error
692      * @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed
693      *
694      * @see #TEMPLATE_PREVIEW
695      * @see #TEMPLATE_RECORD
698      * @see #TEMPLATE_MANUAL
699      */
700     @NonNull
createCaptureRequest(@equestTemplate int templateType)701     public abstract CaptureRequest.Builder createCaptureRequest(@RequestTemplate int templateType)
702             throws CameraAccessException;
704     /**
705      * <p>Create a {@link CaptureRequest.Builder} for a new reprocess {@link CaptureRequest} from a
706      * {@link TotalCaptureResult}.
707      *
708      * <p>Each reprocess {@link CaptureRequest} processes one buffer from
709      * {@link CameraCaptureSession}'s input {@link Surface} to all output {@link Surface Surfaces}
710      * included in the reprocess capture request. The reprocess input images must be generated from
711      * one or multiple output images captured from the same camera device. The application can
712      * provide input images to camera device via {@link android.media.ImageWriter#queueInputImage}.
713      * The application must use the capture result of one of those output images to create a
714      * reprocess capture request so that the camera device can use the information to achieve
715      * optimal reprocess image quality. For camera devices that support only 1 output
716      * {@link Surface}, submitting a reprocess {@link CaptureRequest} with multiple
717      * output targets will result in a {@link CaptureFailure}.
718      *
719      * @param inputResult The capture result of the output image or one of the output images used
720      *                       to generate the reprocess input image for this capture request.
721      *
722      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if inputResult is null.
723      * @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected or has
724      *                               encountered a fatal error
725      * @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed
726      *
727      * @see CaptureRequest.Builder
728      * @see TotalCaptureResult
729      * @see CameraDevice#createReprocessableCaptureSession
730      * @see android.media.ImageWriter
731      */
732     @NonNull
createReprocessCaptureRequest( @onNull TotalCaptureResult inputResult)733     public abstract CaptureRequest.Builder createReprocessCaptureRequest(
734             @NonNull TotalCaptureResult inputResult) throws CameraAccessException;
736     /**
737      * Close the connection to this camera device as quickly as possible.
738      *
739      * <p>Immediately after this call, all calls to the camera device or active session interface
740      * will throw a {@link IllegalStateException}, except for calls to close(). Once the device has
741      * fully shut down, the {@link StateCallback#onClosed} callback will be called, and the camera
742      * is free to be re-opened.</p>
743      *
744      * <p>Immediately after this call, besides the final {@link StateCallback#onClosed} calls, no
745      * further callbacks from the device or the active session will occur, and any remaining
746      * submitted capture requests will be discarded, as if
747      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#abortCaptures} had been called, except that no success or failure
748      * callbacks will be invoked.</p>
749      *
750      */
751     @Override
close()752     public abstract void close();
754     /**
755      * A callback objects for receiving updates about the state of a camera device.
756      *
757      * <p>A callback instance must be provided to the {@link CameraManager#openCamera} method to
758      * open a camera device.</p>
759      *
760      * <p>These state updates include notifications about the device completing startup (
761      * allowing for {@link #createCaptureSession} to be called), about device
762      * disconnection or closure, and about unexpected device errors.</p>
763      *
764      * <p>Events about the progress of specific {@link CaptureRequest CaptureRequests} are provided
765      * through a {@link CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback} given to the
766      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#capture}, {@link CameraCaptureSession#captureBurst},
767      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingRequest}, or
768      * {@link CameraCaptureSession#setRepeatingBurst} methods.
769      *
770      * @see CameraManager#openCamera
771      */
772     public static abstract class StateCallback {
773        /**
774          * An error code that can be reported by {@link #onError}
775          * indicating that the camera device is in use already.
776          *
777          * <p>
778          * This error can be produced when opening the camera fails due to the camera
779         *  being used by a higher-priority camera API client.
780          * </p>
781          *
782          * @see #onError
783          */
784         public static final int ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE = 1;
786         /**
787          * An error code that can be reported by {@link #onError}
788          * indicating that the camera device could not be opened
789          * because there are too many other open camera devices.
790          *
791          * <p>
792          * The system-wide limit for number of open cameras has been reached,
793          * and more camera devices cannot be opened until previous instances are
794          * closed.
795          * </p>
796          *
797          * <p>
798          * This error can be produced when opening the camera fails.
799          * </p>
800          *
801          * @see #onError
802          */
803         public static final int ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE = 2;
805         /**
806          * An error code that can be reported by {@link #onError}
807          * indicating that the camera device could not be opened due to a device
808          * policy.
809          *
810          * @see android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager#setCameraDisabled(android.content.ComponentName, boolean)
811          * @see #onError
812          */
813         public static final int ERROR_CAMERA_DISABLED = 3;
815        /**
816          * An error code that can be reported by {@link #onError}
817          * indicating that the camera device has encountered a fatal error.
818          *
819          * <p>The camera device needs to be re-opened to be used again.</p>
820          *
821          * @see #onError
822          */
823         public static final int ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE = 4;
825         /**
826          * An error code that can be reported by {@link #onError}
827          * indicating that the camera service has encountered a fatal error.
828          *
829          * <p>The Android device may need to be shut down and restarted to restore
830          * camera function, or there may be a persistent hardware problem.</p>
831          *
832          * <p>An attempt at recovery <i>may</i> be possible by closing the
833          * CameraDevice and the CameraManager, and trying to acquire all resources
834          * again from scratch.</p>
835          *
836          * @see #onError
837          */
838         public static final int ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE = 5;
840         /** @hide */
841         @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
842         @IntDef(
843             {ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE,
844              ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE,
845              ERROR_CAMERA_DISABLED,
846              ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE,
847              ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE })
848         public @interface ErrorCode {};
850         /**
851          * The method called when a camera device has finished opening.
852          *
853          * <p>At this point, the camera device is ready to use, and
854          * {@link CameraDevice#createCaptureSession} can be called to set up the first capture
855          * session.</p>
856          *
857          * @param camera the camera device that has become opened
858          */
onOpened(@onNull CameraDevice camera)859         public abstract void onOpened(@NonNull CameraDevice camera); // Must implement
861         /**
862          * The method called when a camera device has been closed with
863          * {@link CameraDevice#close}.
864          *
865          * <p>Any attempt to call methods on this CameraDevice in the
866          * future will throw a {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
867          *
868          * <p>The default implementation of this method does nothing.</p>
869          *
870          * @param camera the camera device that has become closed
871          */
onClosed(@onNull CameraDevice camera)872         public void onClosed(@NonNull CameraDevice camera) {
873             // Default empty implementation
874         }
876         /**
877          * The method called when a camera device is no longer available for
878          * use.
879          *
880          * <p>This callback may be called instead of {@link #onOpened}
881          * if opening the camera fails.</p>
882          *
883          * <p>Any attempt to call methods on this CameraDevice will throw a
884          * {@link CameraAccessException}. The disconnection could be due to a
885          * change in security policy or permissions; the physical disconnection
886          * of a removable camera device; or the camera being needed for a
887          * higher-priority camera API client.</p>
888          *
889          * <p>There may still be capture callbacks that are invoked
890          * after this method is called, or new image buffers that are delivered
891          * to active outputs.</p>
892          *
893          * <p>The default implementation logs a notice to the system log
894          * about the disconnection.</p>
895          *
896          * <p>You should clean up the camera with {@link CameraDevice#close} after
897          * this happens, as it is not recoverable until the camera can be opened
898          * again. For most use cases, this will be when the camera again becomes
899          * {@link CameraManager.AvailabilityCallback#onCameraAvailable available}.
900          * </p>
901          *
902          * @param camera the device that has been disconnected
903          */
onDisconnected(@onNull CameraDevice camera)904         public abstract void onDisconnected(@NonNull CameraDevice camera); // Must implement
906         /**
907          * The method called when a camera device has encountered a serious error.
908          *
909          * <p>This callback may be called instead of {@link #onOpened}
910          * if opening the camera fails.</p>
911          *
912          * <p>This indicates a failure of the camera device or camera service in
913          * some way. Any attempt to call methods on this CameraDevice in the
914          * future will throw a {@link CameraAccessException} with the
915          * {@link CameraAccessException#CAMERA_ERROR CAMERA_ERROR} reason.
916          * </p>
917          *
918          * <p>There may still be capture completion or camera stream callbacks
919          * that will be called after this error is received.</p>
920          *
921          * <p>You should clean up the camera with {@link CameraDevice#close} after
922          * this happens. Further attempts at recovery are error-code specific.</p>
923          *
924          * @param camera The device reporting the error
925          * @param error The error code, one of the
926          *     {@code StateCallback.ERROR_*} values.
927          *
928          * @see #ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE
929          * @see #ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE
930          * @see #ERROR_CAMERA_DISABLED
931          * @see #ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE
932          * @see #ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE
933          */
onError(@onNull CameraDevice camera, @ErrorCode int error)934         public abstract void onError(@NonNull CameraDevice camera,
935                 @ErrorCode int error); // Must implement
936     }
938     /**
939      * Temporary for migrating to Callback naming
940      * @hide
941      */
942     public static abstract class StateListener extends StateCallback {
943     }
945     /**
946      * To be inherited by android.hardware.camera2.* code only.
947      * @hide
948      */
CameraDevice()949     public CameraDevice() {}
950 }