1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "type_inference.h"
19 #include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
20 #include "compiler_ir.h"
21 #include "dataflow_iterator-inl.h"
22 #include "dex_flags.h"
23 #include "dex_file-inl.h"
24 #include "driver/dex_compilation_unit.h"
25 #include "mir_field_info.h"
26 #include "mir_graph.h"
27 #include "mir_method_info.h"
28 #include "utils.h"
30 namespace art {
ArrayType(uint32_t array_depth,Type nested_type)32 inline TypeInference::Type TypeInference::Type::ArrayType(uint32_t array_depth, Type nested_type) {
33   DCHECK_NE(array_depth, 0u);
34   return Type(kFlagNarrow | kFlagRef | kFlagLowWord | (array_depth << kBitArrayDepthStart) |
35               ((nested_type.raw_bits_ & kMaskWideAndType) << kArrayTypeShift));
36 }
ArrayTypeFromComponent(Type component_type)38 inline TypeInference::Type TypeInference::Type::ArrayTypeFromComponent(Type component_type) {
39   if (component_type.ArrayDepth() == 0u) {
40     return ArrayType(1u, component_type);
41   }
42   if (UNLIKELY(component_type.ArrayDepth() == kMaxArrayDepth)) {
43     return component_type;
44   }
45   return Type(component_type.raw_bits_ + (1u << kBitArrayDepthStart));  // array_depth + 1u;
46 }
ShortyType(char shorty)48 TypeInference::Type TypeInference::Type::ShortyType(char shorty) {
49   switch (shorty) {
50     case 'L':
51       return Type(kFlagLowWord | kFlagNarrow | kFlagRef);
52     case 'D':
53       return Type(kFlagLowWord | kFlagWide | kFlagFp);
54     case 'J':
55       return Type(kFlagLowWord | kFlagWide | kFlagCore);
56     case 'F':
57       return Type(kFlagLowWord | kFlagNarrow | kFlagFp);
58     default:
59       DCHECK(shorty == 'I' || shorty == 'S' || shorty == 'C' || shorty == 'B' || shorty == 'Z');
60       return Type(kFlagLowWord | kFlagNarrow | kFlagCore);
61   }
62 }
DexType(const DexFile * dex_file,uint32_t type_idx)64 TypeInference::Type TypeInference::Type::DexType(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t type_idx) {
65   const char* desc = dex_file->GetTypeDescriptor(dex_file->GetTypeId(type_idx));
66   if (UNLIKELY(desc[0] == 'V')) {
67     return Unknown();
68   } else if (UNLIKELY(desc[0] == '[')) {
69     size_t array_depth = 0u;
70     while (*desc == '[') {
71       ++array_depth;
72       ++desc;
73     }
74     if (UNLIKELY(array_depth > kMaxArrayDepth)) {
75       LOG(WARNING) << "Array depth exceeds " << kMaxArrayDepth << ": " << array_depth
76           << " in dex file " << dex_file->GetLocation() << " type index " << type_idx;
77       array_depth = kMaxArrayDepth;
78     }
79     Type shorty_result = Type::ShortyType(desc[0]);
80     return ArrayType(array_depth, shorty_result);
81   } else {
82     return ShortyType(desc[0]);
83   }
84 }
MergeArrayConflict(Type src_type)86 bool TypeInference::Type::MergeArrayConflict(Type src_type) {
87   DCHECK(Ref());
88   DCHECK_NE(ArrayDepth(), src_type.ArrayDepth());
89   DCHECK_GE(std::min(ArrayDepth(), src_type.ArrayDepth()), 1u);
90   bool size_conflict =
91       (ArrayDepth() == 1u && (raw_bits_ & kFlagArrayWide) != 0u) ||
92       (src_type.ArrayDepth() == 1u && (src_type.raw_bits_ & kFlagArrayWide) != 0u);
93   // Mark all three array type bits so that merging any other type bits will not change this type.
94   return Copy(Type((raw_bits_ & kMaskNonArray) |
95                    (1u << kBitArrayDepthStart) | kFlagArrayCore | kFlagArrayRef | kFlagArrayFp |
96                    kFlagArrayNarrow | (size_conflict ? kFlagArrayWide : 0u)));
97 }
MergeStrong(Type src_type)99 bool TypeInference::Type::MergeStrong(Type src_type) {
100   bool changed = MergeNonArrayFlags(src_type);
101   if (src_type.ArrayDepth() != 0u) {
102     if (ArrayDepth() == 0u) {
103       DCHECK_EQ(raw_bits_ & ~kMaskNonArray, 0u);
104       DCHECK_NE(src_type.raw_bits_ & kFlagRef, 0u);
105       raw_bits_ |= src_type.raw_bits_ & (~kMaskNonArray | kFlagRef);
106       changed = true;
107     } else if (ArrayDepth() == src_type.ArrayDepth()) {
108       changed |= MergeBits(src_type, kMaskArrayWideAndType);
109     } else if (src_type.ArrayDepth() == 1u &&
110         (((src_type.raw_bits_ ^ UnknownArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u ||
111          ((src_type.raw_bits_ ^ ObjectArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u)) {
112       // Source type is [L or [? but current type is at least [[, preserve it.
113     } else if (ArrayDepth() == 1u &&
114         (((raw_bits_ ^ UnknownArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u ||
115          ((raw_bits_ ^ ObjectArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u)) {
116       // Overwrite [? or [L with the source array type which is at least [[.
117       raw_bits_ = (raw_bits_ & kMaskNonArray) | (src_type.raw_bits_ & ~kMaskNonArray);
118       changed = true;
119     } else {
120       // Mark the array value type with conflict - both ref and fp.
121       changed |= MergeArrayConflict(src_type);
122     }
123   }
124   return changed;
125 }
MergeWeak(Type src_type)127 bool TypeInference::Type::MergeWeak(Type src_type) {
128   bool changed = MergeNonArrayFlags(src_type);
129   if (src_type.ArrayDepth() != 0u && src_type.NonNull()) {
130     DCHECK_NE(src_type.ArrayDepth(), 0u);
131     if (ArrayDepth() == 0u) {
132       DCHECK_EQ(raw_bits_ & ~kMaskNonArray, 0u);
133       // Preserve current type.
134     } else if (ArrayDepth() == src_type.ArrayDepth()) {
135       changed |= MergeBits(src_type, kMaskArrayWideAndType);
136     } else if (src_type.ArrayDepth() == 1u &&
137         (((src_type.raw_bits_ ^ UnknownArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u ||
138          ((src_type.raw_bits_ ^ ObjectArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u)) {
139       // Source type is [L or [? but current type is at least [[, preserve it.
140     } else if (ArrayDepth() == 1u &&
141         (((raw_bits_ ^ UnknownArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u ||
142          ((raw_bits_ ^ ObjectArrayType().raw_bits_) & kMaskArrayWideAndType) == 0u)) {
143       // We have [? or [L. If it's [?, upgrade to [L as the source array type is at least [[.
144       changed |= MergeBits(ObjectArrayType(), kMaskArrayWideAndType);
145     } else {
146       // Mark the array value type with conflict - both ref and fp.
147       changed |= MergeArrayConflict(src_type);
148     }
149   }
150   return changed;
151 }
CheckCastData(MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)153 TypeInference::CheckCastData::CheckCastData(MIRGraph* mir_graph, ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc)
154     : mir_graph_(mir_graph),
155       alloc_(alloc),
156       num_blocks_(mir_graph->GetNumBlocks()),
157       num_sregs_(mir_graph->GetNumSSARegs()),
158       check_cast_map_(std::less<MIR*>(), alloc->Adapter()),
159       split_sreg_data_(std::less<int32_t>(), alloc->Adapter()) {
160 }
AddCheckCast(MIR * check_cast,Type type)162 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::AddCheckCast(MIR* check_cast, Type type) {
163   DCHECK_EQ(check_cast->dalvikInsn.opcode, Instruction::CHECK_CAST);
164   type.CheckPureRef();
165   int32_t extra_s_reg = static_cast<int32_t>(num_sregs_);
166   num_sregs_ += 1;
167   check_cast_map_.Put(check_cast, CheckCastMapValue{extra_s_reg, type});  // NOLINT
168   int32_t s_reg = check_cast->ssa_rep->uses[0];
169   auto lb = split_sreg_data_.lower_bound(s_reg);
170   if (lb == split_sreg_data_.end() || split_sreg_data_.key_comp()(s_reg, lb->first)) {
171     SplitSRegData split_s_reg_data = {
172         0,
173         alloc_->AllocArray<int32_t>(num_blocks_, kArenaAllocMisc),
174         alloc_->AllocArray<int32_t>(num_blocks_, kArenaAllocMisc),
175         new (alloc_) ArenaBitVector(alloc_, num_blocks_, false)
176     };
177     std::fill_n(split_s_reg_data.starting_mod_s_reg, num_blocks_, INVALID_SREG);
178     std::fill_n(split_s_reg_data.ending_mod_s_reg, num_blocks_, INVALID_SREG);
179     split_s_reg_data.def_phi_blocks_->ClearAllBits();
180     BasicBlock* def_bb = FindDefBlock(check_cast);
181     split_s_reg_data.ending_mod_s_reg[def_bb->id] = s_reg;
182     split_s_reg_data.def_phi_blocks_->SetBit(def_bb->id);
183     lb = split_sreg_data_.PutBefore(lb, s_reg, split_s_reg_data);
184   }
185   lb->second.ending_mod_s_reg[check_cast->bb] = extra_s_reg;
186   lb->second.def_phi_blocks_->SetBit(check_cast->bb);
187 }
AddPseudoPhis()189 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::AddPseudoPhis() {
190   // Look for pseudo-phis where a split SSA reg merges with a differently typed version
191   // and initialize all starting_mod_s_reg.
192   DCHECK(!split_sreg_data_.empty());
193   ArenaBitVector* phi_blocks = new (alloc_) ArenaBitVector(alloc_, num_blocks_, false);
195   for (auto& entry : split_sreg_data_) {
196     SplitSRegData& data = entry.second;
198     // Find pseudo-phi nodes.
199     phi_blocks->ClearAllBits();
200     ArenaBitVector* input_blocks = data.def_phi_blocks_;
201     do {
202       for (uint32_t idx : input_blocks->Indexes()) {
203         BasicBlock* def_bb = mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(idx);
204         if (def_bb->dom_frontier != nullptr) {
205           phi_blocks->Union(def_bb->dom_frontier);
206         }
207       }
208     } while (input_blocks->Union(phi_blocks));
210     // Find live pseudo-phis. Make sure they're merging the same SSA reg.
211     data.def_phi_blocks_->ClearAllBits();
212     int32_t s_reg = entry.first;
213     int v_reg = mir_graph_->SRegToVReg(s_reg);
214     for (uint32_t phi_bb_id : phi_blocks->Indexes()) {
215       BasicBlock* phi_bb = mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(phi_bb_id);
216       DCHECK(phi_bb != nullptr);
217       DCHECK(phi_bb->data_flow_info != nullptr);
218       DCHECK(phi_bb->data_flow_info->live_in_v != nullptr);
219       if (IsSRegLiveAtStart(phi_bb, v_reg, s_reg)) {
220         int32_t extra_s_reg = static_cast<int32_t>(num_sregs_);
221         num_sregs_ += 1;
222         data.starting_mod_s_reg[phi_bb_id] = extra_s_reg;
223         data.def_phi_blocks_->SetBit(phi_bb_id);
224       }
225     }
227     // SSA rename for s_reg.
228     TopologicalSortIterator iter(mir_graph_);
229     for (BasicBlock* bb = iter.Next(); bb != nullptr; bb = iter.Next()) {
230       if (bb->data_flow_info == nullptr || bb->block_type == kEntryBlock) {
231         continue;
232       }
233       BasicBlockId bb_id = bb->id;
234       if (data.def_phi_blocks_->IsBitSet(bb_id)) {
235         DCHECK_NE(data.starting_mod_s_reg[bb_id], INVALID_SREG);
236       } else {
237         DCHECK_EQ(data.starting_mod_s_reg[bb_id], INVALID_SREG);
238         if (IsSRegLiveAtStart(bb, v_reg, s_reg)) {
239           // The earliest predecessor must have been processed already.
240           BasicBlock* pred_bb = FindTopologicallyEarliestPredecessor(bb);
241           int32_t mod_s_reg = data.ending_mod_s_reg[pred_bb->id];
242           data.starting_mod_s_reg[bb_id] = (mod_s_reg != INVALID_SREG) ? mod_s_reg : s_reg;
243         } else if (data.ending_mod_s_reg[bb_id] != INVALID_SREG) {
244           // Start the original defining block with s_reg.
245           data.starting_mod_s_reg[bb_id] = s_reg;
246         }
247       }
248       if (data.ending_mod_s_reg[bb_id] == INVALID_SREG) {
249         // If the block doesn't define the modified SSA reg, it propagates the starting type.
250         data.ending_mod_s_reg[bb_id] = data.starting_mod_s_reg[bb_id];
251       }
252     }
253   }
254 }
InitializeCheckCastSRegs(Type * sregs) const256 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::InitializeCheckCastSRegs(Type* sregs) const {
257   for (const auto& entry : check_cast_map_) {
258     DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(entry.second.modified_s_reg), num_sregs_);
259     sregs[entry.second.modified_s_reg] = entry.second.type.AsNonNull();
260   }
261 }
MergeCheckCastConflicts(Type * sregs) const263 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::MergeCheckCastConflicts(Type* sregs) const {
264   for (const auto& entry : check_cast_map_) {
265     DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(entry.second.modified_s_reg), num_sregs_);
266     sregs[entry.first->ssa_rep->uses[0]].MergeNonArrayFlags(
267         sregs[entry.second.modified_s_reg].AsNull());
268   }
269 }
MarkPseudoPhiBlocks(uint64_t * bb_df_attrs) const271 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::MarkPseudoPhiBlocks(uint64_t* bb_df_attrs) const {
272   for (auto& entry : split_sreg_data_) {
273     for (uint32_t bb_id : entry.second.def_phi_blocks_->Indexes()) {
274       bb_df_attrs[bb_id] |= DF_NULL_TRANSFER_N;
275     }
276   }
277 }
Start(BasicBlock * bb)279 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::Start(BasicBlock* bb) {
280   for (auto& entry : split_sreg_data_) {
281     entry.second.current_mod_s_reg = entry.second.starting_mod_s_reg[bb->id];
282   }
283 }
ProcessPseudoPhis(BasicBlock * bb,Type * sregs)285 bool TypeInference::CheckCastData::ProcessPseudoPhis(BasicBlock* bb, Type* sregs) {
286   bool changed = false;
287   for (auto& entry : split_sreg_data_) {
288     DCHECK_EQ(entry.second.current_mod_s_reg, entry.second.starting_mod_s_reg[bb->id]);
289     if (entry.second.def_phi_blocks_->IsBitSet(bb->id)) {
290       int32_t* ending_mod_s_reg = entry.second.ending_mod_s_reg;
291       Type merged_type = sregs[entry.second.current_mod_s_reg];
292       for (BasicBlockId pred_id : bb->predecessors) {
293         DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(ending_mod_s_reg[pred_id]), num_sregs_);
294         merged_type.MergeWeak(sregs[ending_mod_s_reg[pred_id]]);
295       }
296       if (UNLIKELY(!merged_type.IsDefined())) {
297         // This can happen during an initial merge of a loop head if the original def is
298         // actually an untyped null. (All other definitions are typed using the check-cast.)
299       } else if (merged_type.Wide()) {
300         // Ignore the pseudo-phi, just remember that there's a size mismatch.
301         sregs[entry.second.current_mod_s_reg].MarkSizeConflict();
302       } else {
303         DCHECK(merged_type.Narrow() && merged_type.LowWord() && !merged_type.HighWord());
304         // Propagate both down (fully) and up (without the "non-null" flag).
305         changed |= sregs[entry.second.current_mod_s_reg].Copy(merged_type);
306         merged_type = merged_type.AsNull();
307         for (BasicBlockId pred_id : bb->predecessors) {
308           DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(ending_mod_s_reg[pred_id]), num_sregs_);
309           sregs[ending_mod_s_reg[pred_id]].MergeStrong(merged_type);
310         }
311       }
312     }
313   }
314   return changed;
315 }
ProcessCheckCast(MIR * mir)317 void TypeInference::CheckCastData::ProcessCheckCast(MIR* mir) {
318   auto mir_it = check_cast_map_.find(mir);
319   DCHECK(mir_it != check_cast_map_.end());
320   auto sreg_it = split_sreg_data_.find(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
321   DCHECK(sreg_it != split_sreg_data_.end());
322   sreg_it->second.current_mod_s_reg = mir_it->second.modified_s_reg;
323 }
GetSplitSRegData(int32_t s_reg)325 TypeInference::SplitSRegData* TypeInference::CheckCastData::GetSplitSRegData(int32_t s_reg) {
326   auto it = split_sreg_data_.find(s_reg);
327   return (it == split_sreg_data_.end()) ? nullptr : &it->second;
328 }
FindDefBlock(MIR * check_cast)330 BasicBlock* TypeInference::CheckCastData::FindDefBlock(MIR* check_cast) {
331   // Find the initial definition of the SSA reg used by the check-cast.
332   DCHECK_EQ(check_cast->dalvikInsn.opcode, Instruction::CHECK_CAST);
333   int32_t s_reg = check_cast->ssa_rep->uses[0];
334   if (mir_graph_->IsInVReg(s_reg)) {
335     return mir_graph_->GetEntryBlock();
336   }
337   int v_reg = mir_graph_->SRegToVReg(s_reg);
338   BasicBlock* bb = mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(check_cast->bb);
339   DCHECK(bb != nullptr);
340   while (true) {
341     // Find the earliest predecessor in the topological sort order to ensure we don't
342     // go in a loop.
343     BasicBlock* pred_bb = FindTopologicallyEarliestPredecessor(bb);
344     DCHECK(pred_bb != nullptr);
345     DCHECK(pred_bb->data_flow_info != nullptr);
346     DCHECK(pred_bb->data_flow_info->vreg_to_ssa_map_exit != nullptr);
347     if (pred_bb->data_flow_info->vreg_to_ssa_map_exit[v_reg] != s_reg) {
348       // The s_reg was not valid at the end of pred_bb, so it must have been defined in bb.
349       return bb;
350     }
351     bb = pred_bb;
352   }
353 }
FindTopologicallyEarliestPredecessor(BasicBlock * bb)355 BasicBlock* TypeInference::CheckCastData::FindTopologicallyEarliestPredecessor(BasicBlock* bb) {
356   DCHECK(!bb->predecessors.empty());
357   const auto& indexes = mir_graph_->GetTopologicalSortOrderIndexes();
358   DCHECK_LT(bb->id, indexes.size());
359   size_t best_idx = indexes[bb->id];
360   BasicBlockId best_id = NullBasicBlockId;
361   for (BasicBlockId pred_id : bb->predecessors) {
362     DCHECK_LT(pred_id, indexes.size());
363     if (best_idx > indexes[pred_id]) {
364       best_idx = indexes[pred_id];
365       best_id = pred_id;
366     }
367   }
368   // There must be at least one predecessor earlier than the bb.
369   DCHECK_LT(best_idx, indexes[bb->id]);
370   return mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(best_id);
371 }
IsSRegLiveAtStart(BasicBlock * bb,int v_reg,int32_t s_reg)373 bool TypeInference::CheckCastData::IsSRegLiveAtStart(BasicBlock* bb, int v_reg, int32_t s_reg) {
374   DCHECK_EQ(v_reg, mir_graph_->SRegToVReg(s_reg));
375   DCHECK(bb != nullptr);
376   DCHECK(bb->data_flow_info != nullptr);
377   DCHECK(bb->data_flow_info->live_in_v != nullptr);
378   if (!bb->data_flow_info->live_in_v->IsBitSet(v_reg)) {
379     return false;
380   }
381   for (BasicBlockId pred_id : bb->predecessors) {
382     BasicBlock* pred_bb = mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(pred_id);
383     DCHECK(pred_bb != nullptr);
384     DCHECK(pred_bb->data_flow_info != nullptr);
385     DCHECK(pred_bb->data_flow_info->vreg_to_ssa_map_exit != nullptr);
386     if (pred_bb->data_flow_info->vreg_to_ssa_map_exit[v_reg] != s_reg) {
387       return false;
388     }
389   }
390   return true;
391 }
TypeInference(MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)393 TypeInference::TypeInference(MIRGraph* mir_graph, ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc)
394     : mir_graph_(mir_graph),
395       cu_(mir_graph->GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit()->GetCompilationUnit()),
396       check_cast_data_(!mir_graph->HasCheckCast() ? nullptr :
397           InitializeCheckCastData(mir_graph, alloc)),
398       num_sregs_(
399           check_cast_data_ != nullptr ? check_cast_data_->NumSRegs() : mir_graph->GetNumSSARegs()),
400       ifields_(mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfoCount() == 0u ? nullptr :
401           PrepareIFieldTypes(cu_->dex_file, mir_graph, alloc)),
402       sfields_(mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfoCount() == 0u ? nullptr :
403           PrepareSFieldTypes(cu_->dex_file, mir_graph, alloc)),
404       signatures_(mir_graph->GetMethodLoweringInfoCount() == 0u ? nullptr :
405           PrepareSignatures(cu_->dex_file, mir_graph, alloc)),
406       current_method_signature_(
407           Signature(cu_->dex_file, cu_->method_idx, (cu_->access_flags & kAccStatic) != 0, alloc)),
408       sregs_(alloc->AllocArray<Type>(num_sregs_, kArenaAllocMisc)),
409       bb_df_attrs_(alloc->AllocArray<uint64_t>(mir_graph->GetNumBlocks(), kArenaAllocDFInfo)) {
410   InitializeSRegs();
411 }
Apply(BasicBlock * bb)413 bool TypeInference::Apply(BasicBlock* bb) {
414   bool changed = false;
415   uint64_t bb_df_attrs = bb_df_attrs_[bb->id];
416   if (bb_df_attrs != 0u) {
417     if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
418       check_cast_data_->Start(bb);
419       if (bb_df_attrs & DF_NULL_TRANSFER_N) {
420         changed |= check_cast_data_->ProcessPseudoPhis(bb, sregs_);
421       }
422     }
423     MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn;
424     MIR* main_mirs_end = ((bb_df_attrs & DF_SAME_TYPE_AB) != 0u) ? bb->last_mir_insn : nullptr;
425     for (; mir != main_mirs_end && static_cast<int>(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode) == kMirOpPhi;
426         mir = mir->next) {
427       // Special-case handling for Phi comes first because we have 2 Phis instead of a wide one.
428       // At least one input must have been previously processed. Look for the first
429       // occurrence of a high_word or low_word flag to determine the type.
430       size_t num_uses = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses;
431       const int32_t* uses = mir->ssa_rep->uses;
432       const int32_t* defs = mir->ssa_rep->defs;
433       DCHECK_EQ(bb->predecessors.size(), num_uses);
434       Type merged_type = sregs_[defs[0]];
435       for (size_t pred_idx = 0; pred_idx != num_uses; ++pred_idx) {
436         int32_t input_mod_s_reg = PhiInputModifiedSReg(uses[pred_idx], bb, pred_idx);
437         merged_type.MergeWeak(sregs_[input_mod_s_reg]);
438       }
439       if (UNLIKELY(!merged_type.IsDefined())) {
440         // No change
441       } else if (merged_type.HighWord()) {
442         // Ignore the high word phi, just remember if there's a size mismatch.
443         if (UNLIKELY(merged_type.LowWord())) {
444           sregs_[defs[0]].MarkSizeConflict();
445         }
446       } else {
447         // Propagate both down (fully) and up (without the "non-null" flag).
448         changed |= sregs_[defs[0]].Copy(merged_type);
449         merged_type = merged_type.AsNull();
450         for (size_t pred_idx = 0; pred_idx != num_uses; ++pred_idx) {
451           int32_t input_mod_s_reg = PhiInputModifiedSReg(uses[pred_idx], bb, pred_idx);
452           changed |= UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(input_mod_s_reg, merged_type);
453         }
454       }
455     }
457     // Propagate types with MOVEs and AGETs, process CHECK_CASTs for modified SSA reg tracking.
458     for (; mir != main_mirs_end; mir = mir->next) {
459       uint64_t attrs = MIRGraph::GetDataFlowAttributes(mir);
460       size_t num_uses = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses;
461       const int32_t* uses = mir->ssa_rep->uses;
462       const int32_t* defs = mir->ssa_rep->defs;
464       // Special handling for moves. Propagate type both ways.
465       if ((attrs & DF_IS_MOVE) != 0) {
466         int32_t used_mod_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[0]);
467         int32_t defd_mod_s_reg = defs[0];
469         // The "non-null" flag is propagated only downwards from actual definitions and it's
470         // not initially marked for moves, so used sreg must be marked before defined sreg.
471         // The only exception is an inlined move where we know the type from the original invoke.
472         DCHECK(sregs_[used_mod_s_reg].NonNull() || !sregs_[defd_mod_s_reg].NonNull() ||
473                (mir->optimization_flags & MIR_CALLEE) != 0);
474         changed |= UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(used_mod_s_reg, sregs_[defd_mod_s_reg].AsNull());
476         // The value is the same, so either both registers are null or no register is.
477         // In any case we can safely propagate the array type down.
478         changed |= UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(defd_mod_s_reg, sregs_[used_mod_s_reg]);
479         if (UNLIKELY((attrs & DF_REF_A) == 0 && sregs_[used_mod_s_reg].Ref())) {
480           // Mark type conflict: move instead of move-object.
481           sregs_[used_mod_s_reg].MarkTypeConflict();
482         }
483         continue;
484       }
486       // Handle AGET/APUT.
487       if ((attrs & DF_HAS_RANGE_CHKS) != 0) {
488         int32_t base_mod_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[num_uses - 2u]);
489         int32_t mod_s_reg = (attrs & DF_DA) != 0 ? defs[0] : ModifiedSReg(uses[0]);
490         DCHECK_NE(sregs_[base_mod_s_reg].ArrayDepth(), 0u);
491         if (!sregs_[base_mod_s_reg].NonNull()) {
492           // If the base is null, don't propagate anything. All that we could determine
493           // has already been merged in the previous stage.
494         } else {
495           changed |= UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(mod_s_reg, sregs_[base_mod_s_reg].ComponentType());
496           Type array_type = Type::ArrayTypeFromComponent(sregs_[mod_s_reg]);
497           if ((attrs & DF_DA) != 0) {
498             changed |= sregs_[base_mod_s_reg].MergeStrong(array_type);
499           } else {
500             changed |= sregs_[base_mod_s_reg].MergeWeak(array_type);
501           }
502         }
503         if (UNLIKELY((attrs & DF_REF_A) == 0 && sregs_[mod_s_reg].Ref())) {
504           // Mark type conflict: aget/aput instead of aget/aput-object.
505           sregs_[mod_s_reg].MarkTypeConflict();
506         }
507         continue;
508       }
510       // Special-case handling for check-cast to advance modified SSA reg.
511       if (UNLIKELY((attrs & DF_CHK_CAST) != 0)) {
512         DCHECK(check_cast_data_ != nullptr);
513         check_cast_data_->ProcessCheckCast(mir);
514       }
515     }
517     // Propagate types for IF_cc if present.
518     if (mir != nullptr) {
519       DCHECK(mir == bb->last_mir_insn);
520       DCHECK(mir->next == nullptr);
521       DCHECK_NE(MIRGraph::GetDataFlowAttributes(mir) & DF_SAME_TYPE_AB, 0u);
522       DCHECK_EQ(mir->ssa_rep->num_uses, 2u);
523       const int32_t* uses = mir->ssa_rep->uses;
524       int32_t mod_s_reg0 = ModifiedSReg(uses[0]);
525       int32_t mod_s_reg1 = ModifiedSReg(uses[1]);
526       changed |= sregs_[mod_s_reg0].MergeWeak(sregs_[mod_s_reg1].AsNull());
527       changed |= sregs_[mod_s_reg1].MergeWeak(sregs_[mod_s_reg0].AsNull());
528     }
529   }
530   return changed;
531 }
Finish()533 void TypeInference::Finish() {
534   if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
535     check_cast_data_->MergeCheckCastConflicts(sregs_);
536   }
538   size_t num_sregs = mir_graph_->GetNumSSARegs();  // Without the extra SSA regs.
539   for (size_t s_reg = 0; s_reg != num_sregs; ++s_reg) {
540     if (sregs_[s_reg].SizeConflict()) {
541       /*
542        * The dex bytecode definition does not explicitly outlaw the definition of the same
543        * virtual register to be used in both a 32-bit and 64-bit pair context.  However, dx
544        * does not generate this pattern (at least recently).  Further, in the next revision of
545        * dex, we will forbid this.  To support the few cases in the wild, detect this pattern
546        * and punt to the interpreter.
547        */
548       LOG(WARNING) << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file)
549                    << " has size conflict block for sreg " << s_reg
550                    << ", punting to interpreter.";
551       mir_graph_->SetPuntToInterpreter(true);
552       return;
553     }
554   }
556   size_t conflict_s_reg = 0;
557   bool type_conflict = false;
558   for (size_t s_reg = 0; s_reg != num_sregs; ++s_reg) {
559     Type type = sregs_[s_reg];
560     RegLocation* loc = &mir_graph_->reg_location_[s_reg];
561     loc->wide = type.Wide();
562     loc->defined = type.IsDefined();
563     loc->fp = type.Fp();
564     loc->core = type.Core();
565     loc->ref = type.Ref();
566     loc->high_word = type.HighWord();
567     if (UNLIKELY(type.TypeConflict())) {
568       type_conflict = true;
569       conflict_s_reg = s_reg;
570     }
571   }
573   if (type_conflict) {
574     /*
575      * Each dalvik register definition should be used either as a reference, or an
576      * integer or a floating point value. We don't normally expect to see a Dalvik
577      * register definition used in two or three of these roles though technically it
578      * could happen with constants (0 for all three roles, non-zero for integer and
579      * FP). Detect this situation and disable optimizations that rely on correct
580      * typing, i.e. register promotion, GVN/LVN and GVN-based DCE.
581      */
582     LOG(WARNING) << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file)
583                  << " has type conflict block for sreg " << conflict_s_reg
584                  << ", disabling register promotion.";
585     cu_->disable_opt |=
586         (1u << kPromoteRegs) |
587         (1u << kGlobalValueNumbering) |
588         (1u << kGvnDeadCodeElimination) |
589         (1u << kLocalValueNumbering);
590   }
591 }
FieldType(const DexFile * dex_file,uint32_t field_idx)593 TypeInference::Type TypeInference::FieldType(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t field_idx) {
594   uint32_t type_idx = dex_file->GetFieldId(field_idx).type_idx_;
595   Type result = Type::DexType(dex_file, type_idx);
596   return result;
597 }
PrepareIFieldTypes(const DexFile * dex_file,MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)599 TypeInference::Type* TypeInference::PrepareIFieldTypes(const DexFile* dex_file,
600                                                        MIRGraph* mir_graph,
601                                                        ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc) {
602   size_t count = mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfoCount();
603   Type* ifields = alloc->AllocArray<Type>(count, kArenaAllocDFInfo);
604   for (uint32_t i = 0u; i != count; ++i) {
605     // NOTE: Quickened field accesses have invalid FieldIndex() but they are always resolved.
606     const MirFieldInfo& info = mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(i);
607     const DexFile* current_dex_file = info.IsResolved() ? info.DeclaringDexFile() : dex_file;
608     uint32_t field_idx = info.IsResolved() ? info.DeclaringFieldIndex() : info.FieldIndex();
609     ifields[i] = FieldType(current_dex_file, field_idx);
610     DCHECK_EQ(info.MemAccessType() == kDexMemAccessWide, ifields[i].Wide());
611     DCHECK_EQ(info.MemAccessType() == kDexMemAccessObject, ifields[i].Ref());
612   }
613   return ifields;
614 }
PrepareSFieldTypes(const DexFile * dex_file,MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)616 TypeInference::Type* TypeInference::PrepareSFieldTypes(const DexFile* dex_file,
617                                                        MIRGraph* mir_graph,
618                                                        ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc) {
619   size_t count = mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfoCount();
620   Type* sfields = alloc->AllocArray<Type>(count, kArenaAllocDFInfo);
621   for (uint32_t i = 0u; i != count; ++i) {
622     // FieldIndex() is always valid for static fields (no quickened instructions).
623     sfields[i] = FieldType(dex_file, mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(i).FieldIndex());
624   }
625   return sfields;
626 }
Signature(const DexFile * dex_file,uint32_t method_idx,bool is_static,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)628 TypeInference::MethodSignature TypeInference::Signature(const DexFile* dex_file,
629                                                         uint32_t method_idx,
630                                                         bool is_static,
631                                                         ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc) {
632   const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file->GetMethodId(method_idx);
633   const DexFile::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file->GetMethodPrototype(method_id);
634   Type return_type = Type::DexType(dex_file, proto_id.return_type_idx_);
635   const DexFile::TypeList* type_list = dex_file->GetProtoParameters(proto_id);
636   size_t this_size = (is_static ? 0u : 1u);
637   size_t param_size = ((type_list != nullptr) ? type_list->Size() : 0u);
638   size_t size = this_size + param_size;
639   Type* param_types = (size != 0u) ? alloc->AllocArray<Type>(size, kArenaAllocDFInfo) : nullptr;
640   if (!is_static) {
641     param_types[0] = Type::DexType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_);
642   }
643   for (size_t i = 0; i != param_size; ++i)  {
644     uint32_t type_idx = type_list->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_;
645     param_types[this_size + i] = Type::DexType(dex_file, type_idx);
646   }
647   return MethodSignature{ return_type, size, param_types };  // NOLINT
648 }
PrepareSignatures(const DexFile * dex_file,MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)650 TypeInference::MethodSignature* TypeInference::PrepareSignatures(const DexFile* dex_file,
651                                                                  MIRGraph* mir_graph,
652                                                                  ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc) {
653   size_t count = mir_graph->GetMethodLoweringInfoCount();
654   MethodSignature* signatures = alloc->AllocArray<MethodSignature>(count, kArenaAllocDFInfo);
655   for (uint32_t i = 0u; i != count; ++i) {
656     // NOTE: Quickened invokes have invalid MethodIndex() but they are always resolved.
657     const MirMethodInfo& info = mir_graph->GetMethodLoweringInfo(i);
658     uint32_t method_idx = info.IsResolved() ? info.DeclaringMethodIndex() : info.MethodIndex();
659     const DexFile* current_dex_file = info.IsResolved() ? info.DeclaringDexFile() : dex_file;
660     signatures[i] = Signature(current_dex_file, method_idx, info.IsStatic(), alloc);
661   }
662   return signatures;
663 }
InitializeCheckCastData(MIRGraph * mir_graph,ScopedArenaAllocator * alloc)665 TypeInference::CheckCastData* TypeInference::InitializeCheckCastData(MIRGraph* mir_graph,
666                                                                      ScopedArenaAllocator* alloc) {
667   if (!mir_graph->HasCheckCast()) {
668     return nullptr;
669   }
671   CheckCastData* data = nullptr;
672   const DexFile* dex_file = nullptr;
673   PreOrderDfsIterator iter(mir_graph);
674   for (BasicBlock* bb = iter.Next(); bb != nullptr; bb = iter.Next()) {
675     for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != nullptr; mir = mir->next) {
676       if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::CHECK_CAST) {
677         if (data == nullptr) {
678           data = new (alloc) CheckCastData(mir_graph, alloc);
679           dex_file = mir_graph->GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit()->GetCompilationUnit()->dex_file;
680         }
681         Type type = Type::DexType(dex_file, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
682         data->AddCheckCast(mir, type);
683       }
684     }
685   }
686   if (data != nullptr) {
687     data->AddPseudoPhis();
688   }
689   return data;
690 }
InitializeSRegs()692 void TypeInference::InitializeSRegs() {
693   std::fill_n(sregs_, num_sregs_, Type::Unknown());
695   /* Treat ArtMethod* specially since they are pointer sized */
696   sregs_[mir_graph_->GetMethodSReg()] = Type::ArtMethodType(cu_->target64);
698   // Initialize parameter SSA regs at method entry.
699   int32_t entry_param_s_reg = mir_graph_->GetFirstInVR();
700   for (size_t i = 0, size = current_method_signature_.num_params; i != size; ++i)  {
701     Type param_type = current_method_signature_.param_types[i].AsNonNull();
702     sregs_[entry_param_s_reg] = param_type;
703     entry_param_s_reg += param_type.Wide() ? 2 : 1;
704   }
705   DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(entry_param_s_reg),
706             mir_graph_->GetFirstInVR() + mir_graph_->GetNumOfInVRs());
708   // Initialize check-cast types.
709   if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
710     check_cast_data_->InitializeCheckCastSRegs(sregs_);
711   }
713   // Initialize well-known SSA register definition types. Merge inferred types
714   // upwards where a single merge is enough (INVOKE arguments and return type,
715   // RETURN type, IPUT/SPUT source type).
716   // NOTE: Using topological sort order to make sure the definition comes before
717   // any upward merging. This allows simple assignment of the defined types
718   // instead of MergeStrong().
719   TopologicalSortIterator iter(mir_graph_);
720   for (BasicBlock* bb = iter.Next(); bb != nullptr; bb = iter.Next()) {
721     uint64_t bb_df_attrs = 0u;
722     if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
723       check_cast_data_->Start(bb);
724     }
725     // Ignore pseudo-phis, we're not setting types for SSA regs that depend on them in this pass.
726     for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != nullptr; mir = mir->next) {
727       uint64_t attrs = MIRGraph::GetDataFlowAttributes(mir);
728       bb_df_attrs |= attrs;
730       const uint32_t num_uses = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses;
731       const int32_t* uses = mir->ssa_rep->uses;
732       const int32_t* defs = mir->ssa_rep->defs;
734       uint16_t opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
735       switch (opcode) {
736         case Instruction::CONST_4:
737         case Instruction::CONST_16:
738         case Instruction::CONST:
739         case Instruction::CONST_HIGH16:
740         case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_16:
741         case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_32:
742         case Instruction::CONST_WIDE:
743         case Instruction::CONST_WIDE_HIGH16:
744         case Instruction::MOVE:
745         case Instruction::MOVE_FROM16:
746         case Instruction::MOVE_16:
747         case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE:
748         case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_FROM16:
749         case Instruction::MOVE_WIDE_16:
750         case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT:
751         case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16:
752         case Instruction::MOVE_OBJECT_16:
753           if ((mir->optimization_flags & MIR_CALLEE) != 0) {
754             // Inlined const/move keeps method_lowering_info for type inference.
755             DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.method_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetMethodLoweringInfoCount());
756             Type return_type = signatures_[mir->meta.method_lowering_info].return_type;
757             DCHECK(return_type.IsDefined());  // Method return type can't be void.
758             sregs_[defs[0]] = return_type.AsNonNull();
759             if (return_type.Wide()) {
760               DCHECK_EQ(defs[0] + 1, defs[1]);
761               sregs_[defs[1]] = return_type.ToHighWord();
762             }
763             break;
764           }
766         case kMirOpPhi:
767           // These cannot be determined in this simple pass and will be processed later.
768           break;
770         case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT:
771         case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_WIDE:
772         case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT:
773           // Nothing to do, handled with invoke-* or filled-new-array/-range.
774           break;
775         case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION:
776           // NOTE: We can never catch an array.
777           sregs_[defs[0]] = Type::NonArrayRefType().AsNonNull();
778           break;
779         case Instruction::CONST_STRING:
780         case Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO:
781           sregs_[defs[0]] = Type::NonArrayRefType().AsNonNull();
782           break;
783         case Instruction::CONST_CLASS:
784           sregs_[defs[0]] = Type::NonArrayRefType().AsNonNull();
785           break;
786         case Instruction::CHECK_CAST:
787           DCHECK(check_cast_data_ != nullptr);
788           check_cast_data_->ProcessCheckCast(mir);
789           break;
790         case Instruction::ARRAY_LENGTH:
791           sregs_[ModifiedSReg(uses[0])].MergeStrong(Type::UnknownArrayType());
792           break;
793         case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE:
794           sregs_[defs[0]] = Type::DexType(cu_->dex_file, mir->dalvikInsn.vB).AsNonNull();
795           DCHECK(sregs_[defs[0]].Ref());
796           DCHECK_EQ(sregs_[defs[0]].ArrayDepth(), 0u);
797           break;
798         case Instruction::NEW_ARRAY:
799           sregs_[defs[0]] = Type::DexType(cu_->dex_file, mir->dalvikInsn.vC).AsNonNull();
800           DCHECK(sregs_[defs[0]].Ref());
801           DCHECK_NE(sregs_[defs[0]].ArrayDepth(), 0u);
802           break;
803         case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY:
804         case Instruction::FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE: {
805           Type array_type = Type::DexType(cu_->dex_file, mir->dalvikInsn.vB);
806           array_type.CheckPureRef();  // Previously checked by the method verifier.
807           DCHECK_NE(array_type.ArrayDepth(), 0u);
808           Type component_type = array_type.ComponentType();
809           DCHECK(!component_type.Wide());
810           MIR* move_result_mir = mir_graph_->FindMoveResult(bb, mir);
811           if (move_result_mir != nullptr) {
812             DCHECK_EQ(move_result_mir->dalvikInsn.opcode, Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT);
813             sregs_[move_result_mir->ssa_rep->defs[0]] = array_type.AsNonNull();
814           }
815           DCHECK_EQ(num_uses, mir->dalvikInsn.vA);
816           for (size_t next = 0u; next != num_uses; ++next) {
817             int32_t input_mod_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[next]);
818             sregs_[input_mod_s_reg].MergeStrong(component_type);
819           }
820           break;
821         }
822         case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
823         case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER:
824         case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
825         case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
826         case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE:
827         case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
828         case Instruction::INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
829         case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
830         case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
831         case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
832         case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK:
833         case Instruction::INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE_QUICK: {
834           const MethodSignature* signature = &signatures_[mir->meta.method_lowering_info];
835           MIR* move_result_mir = mir_graph_->FindMoveResult(bb, mir);
836           if (move_result_mir != nullptr) {
837             Type return_type = signature->return_type;
838             sregs_[move_result_mir->ssa_rep->defs[0]] = return_type.AsNonNull();
839             if (return_type.Wide()) {
840               DCHECK_EQ(move_result_mir->ssa_rep->defs[0] + 1, move_result_mir->ssa_rep->defs[1]);
841               sregs_[move_result_mir->ssa_rep->defs[1]] = return_type.ToHighWord();
842             }
843           }
844           size_t next = 0u;
845           for (size_t i = 0, size = signature->num_params; i != size; ++i)  {
846             Type param_type = signature->param_types[i];
847             int32_t param_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[next]);
848             DCHECK(!param_type.Wide() || uses[next] + 1 == uses[next + 1]);
849             UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(param_s_reg, param_type);
850             next += param_type.Wide() ? 2 : 1;
851           }
852           DCHECK_EQ(next, num_uses);
853           DCHECK_EQ(next, mir->dalvikInsn.vA);
854           break;
855         }
857         case Instruction::RETURN_WIDE:
858           DCHECK(current_method_signature_.return_type.Wide());
859           DCHECK_EQ(uses[0] + 1, uses[1]);
860           DCHECK_EQ(ModifiedSReg(uses[0]), uses[0]);
862         case Instruction::RETURN:
863         case Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT: {
864           int32_t mod_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[0]);
865           UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(mod_s_reg, current_method_signature_.return_type);
866           break;
867         }
869         // NOTE: For AGET/APUT we set only the array type. The operand type is set
870         // below based on the data flow attributes.
871         case Instruction::AGET:
872         case Instruction::APUT:
873           sregs_[ModifiedSReg(uses[num_uses - 2u])].MergeStrong(Type::NarrowArrayType());
874           break;
875         case Instruction::AGET_WIDE:
876         case Instruction::APUT_WIDE:
877           sregs_[ModifiedSReg(uses[num_uses - 2u])].MergeStrong(Type::WideArrayType());
878           break;
879         case Instruction::AGET_OBJECT:
880           sregs_[defs[0]] = sregs_[defs[0]].AsNonNull();
882         case Instruction::APUT_OBJECT:
883           sregs_[ModifiedSReg(uses[num_uses - 2u])].MergeStrong(Type::ObjectArrayType());
884           break;
885         case Instruction::AGET_BOOLEAN:
886         case Instruction::APUT_BOOLEAN:
887         case Instruction::AGET_BYTE:
888         case Instruction::APUT_BYTE:
889         case Instruction::AGET_CHAR:
890         case Instruction::APUT_CHAR:
891         case Instruction::AGET_SHORT:
892         case Instruction::APUT_SHORT:
893           sregs_[ModifiedSReg(uses[num_uses - 2u])].MergeStrong(Type::NarrowCoreArrayType());
894           break;
896         case Instruction::IGET_WIDE:
897         case Instruction::IGET_WIDE_QUICK:
898           DCHECK_EQ(defs[0] + 1, defs[1]);
899           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetIFieldLoweringInfoCount());
900           sregs_[defs[1]] = ifields_[mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info].ToHighWord();
902         case Instruction::IGET:
903         case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT:
904         case Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN:
905         case Instruction::IGET_BYTE:
906         case Instruction::IGET_CHAR:
907         case Instruction::IGET_SHORT:
908         case Instruction::IGET_QUICK:
909         case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT_QUICK:
910         case Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN_QUICK:
911         case Instruction::IGET_BYTE_QUICK:
912         case Instruction::IGET_CHAR_QUICK:
913         case Instruction::IGET_SHORT_QUICK:
914           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetIFieldLoweringInfoCount());
915           sregs_[defs[0]] = ifields_[mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info].AsNonNull();
916           break;
917         case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE:
918         case Instruction::IPUT_WIDE_QUICK:
919           DCHECK_EQ(uses[0] + 1, uses[1]);
921         case Instruction::IPUT:
922         case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT:
923         case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN:
924         case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE:
925         case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR:
926         case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT:
927         case Instruction::IPUT_QUICK:
928         case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK:
929         case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN_QUICK:
930         case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE_QUICK:
931         case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR_QUICK:
932         case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT_QUICK:
933           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetIFieldLoweringInfoCount());
934           UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(ModifiedSReg(uses[0]),
935                                     ifields_[mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info]);
936           break;
937         case Instruction::SGET_WIDE:
938           DCHECK_EQ(defs[0] + 1, defs[1]);
939           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetSFieldLoweringInfoCount());
940           sregs_[defs[1]] = sfields_[mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info].ToHighWord();
942         case Instruction::SGET:
943         case Instruction::SGET_OBJECT:
944         case Instruction::SGET_BOOLEAN:
945         case Instruction::SGET_BYTE:
946         case Instruction::SGET_CHAR:
947         case Instruction::SGET_SHORT:
948           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetSFieldLoweringInfoCount());
949           sregs_[defs[0]] = sfields_[mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info].AsNonNull();
950           break;
951         case Instruction::SPUT_WIDE:
952           DCHECK_EQ(uses[0] + 1, uses[1]);
954         case Instruction::SPUT:
955         case Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT:
956         case Instruction::SPUT_BOOLEAN:
957         case Instruction::SPUT_BYTE:
958         case Instruction::SPUT_CHAR:
959         case Instruction::SPUT_SHORT:
960           DCHECK_LT(mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info, mir_graph_->GetSFieldLoweringInfoCount());
961           UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(ModifiedSReg(uses[0]),
962                                           sfields_[mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info]);
963           break;
965         default:
966           // No invokes or reference definitions here.
967           DCHECK_EQ(attrs & (DF_FORMAT_35C | DF_FORMAT_3RC), 0u);
968           DCHECK_NE(attrs & (DF_DA | DF_REF_A), (DF_DA | DF_REF_A));
969           break;
970       }
972       if ((attrs & DF_NULL_TRANSFER_N) != 0) {
973         // Don't process Phis at this stage.
974         continue;
975       }
977       // Handle defs
978       if (attrs & DF_DA) {
979         int32_t s_reg = defs[0];
980         sregs_[s_reg].SetLowWord();
981         if (attrs & DF_FP_A) {
982           sregs_[s_reg].SetFp();
983         }
984         if (attrs & DF_CORE_A) {
985           sregs_[s_reg].SetCore();
986         }
987         if (attrs & DF_REF_A) {
988           sregs_[s_reg].SetRef();
989         }
990         if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
991           sregs_[s_reg].SetWide();
992           DCHECK_EQ(s_reg + 1, ModifiedSReg(defs[1]));
993           sregs_[s_reg + 1].MergeHighWord(sregs_[s_reg]);
994         } else {
995           sregs_[s_reg].SetNarrow();
996         }
997       }
999       // Handles uses
1000       size_t next = 0;
1001   #define PROCESS(REG)                                                        \
1002       if (attrs & DF_U##REG) {                                                \
1003         int32_t mod_s_reg = ModifiedSReg(uses[next]);                         \
1004         sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetLowWord();                                       \
1005         if (attrs & DF_FP_##REG) {                                            \
1006           sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetFp();                                          \
1007         }                                                                     \
1008         if (attrs & DF_CORE_##REG) {                                          \
1009           sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetCore();                                        \
1010         }                                                                     \
1011         if (attrs & DF_REF_##REG) {                                           \
1012           sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetRef();                                         \
1013         }                                                                     \
1014         if (attrs & DF_##REG##_WIDE) {                                        \
1015           sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetWide();                                        \
1016           DCHECK_EQ(mod_s_reg + 1, ModifiedSReg(uses[next + 1]));             \
1017           sregs_[mod_s_reg + 1].SetWide();                                    \
1018           sregs_[mod_s_reg + 1].MergeHighWord(sregs_[mod_s_reg]);             \
1019           next += 2;                                                          \
1020         } else {                                                              \
1021           sregs_[mod_s_reg].SetNarrow();                                      \
1022           next++;                                                             \
1023         }                                                                     \
1024       }
1025       PROCESS(A)
1026       PROCESS(B)
1027       PROCESS(C)
1028   #undef PROCESS
1029       DCHECK(next == mir->ssa_rep->num_uses || (attrs & (DF_FORMAT_35C | DF_FORMAT_3RC)) != 0);
1030     }
1031     // Record relevant attributes.
1032     bb_df_attrs_[bb->id] = bb_df_attrs &
1034   }
1036   if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
1037     check_cast_data_->MarkPseudoPhiBlocks(bb_df_attrs_);
1038   }
1039 }
ModifiedSReg(int32_t s_reg)1041 int32_t TypeInference::ModifiedSReg(int32_t s_reg) {
1042   if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
1043     SplitSRegData* split_data = check_cast_data_->GetSplitSRegData(s_reg);
1044     if (UNLIKELY(split_data != nullptr)) {
1045       DCHECK_NE(split_data->current_mod_s_reg, INVALID_SREG);
1046       return split_data->current_mod_s_reg;
1047     }
1048   }
1049   return s_reg;
1050 }
PhiInputModifiedSReg(int32_t s_reg,BasicBlock * bb,size_t pred_idx)1052 int32_t TypeInference::PhiInputModifiedSReg(int32_t s_reg, BasicBlock* bb, size_t pred_idx) {
1053   DCHECK_LT(pred_idx, bb->predecessors.size());
1054   if (UNLIKELY(check_cast_data_ != nullptr)) {
1055     SplitSRegData* split_data = check_cast_data_->GetSplitSRegData(s_reg);
1056     if (UNLIKELY(split_data != nullptr)) {
1057       return split_data->ending_mod_s_reg[bb->predecessors[pred_idx]];
1058     }
1059   }
1060   return s_reg;
1061 }
UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(int32_t mod_s_reg,Type low_word_type)1063 bool TypeInference::UpdateSRegFromLowWordType(int32_t mod_s_reg, Type low_word_type) {
1064   DCHECK(low_word_type.LowWord());
1065   bool changed = sregs_[mod_s_reg].MergeStrong(low_word_type);
1066   if (!sregs_[mod_s_reg].Narrow()) {  // Wide without conflict with narrow.
1067     DCHECK(!low_word_type.Narrow());
1068     DCHECK_LT(mod_s_reg, mir_graph_->GetNumSSARegs());  // Original SSA reg.
1069     changed |= sregs_[mod_s_reg + 1].MergeHighWord(sregs_[mod_s_reg]);
1070   }
1071   return changed;
1072 }
1074 }  // namespace art