1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <audio_utils/minifloat.h>
24 #include <utils/threads.h>
25 #include <utils/Log.h>
26 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
27 #include <audio_utils/roundup.h>
28 #include <media/AudioResamplerPublic.h>
29 #include <media/SingleStateQueue.h>
31 namespace android {
33 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // for audio_track_cblk_t::mFlags
36 #define CBLK_UNDERRUN   0x01 // set by server immediately on output underrun, cleared by client
37 #define CBLK_FORCEREADY 0x02 // set: track is considered ready immediately by AudioFlinger,
38                              // clear: track is ready when buffer full
39 #define CBLK_INVALID    0x04 // track buffer invalidated by AudioFlinger, need to re-create
40 #define CBLK_DISABLED   0x08 // output track disabled by AudioFlinger due to underrun,
41                              // need to re-start.  Unlike CBLK_UNDERRUN, this is not set
42                              // immediately, but only after a long string of underruns.
43 // 0x10 unused
44 #define CBLK_LOOP_CYCLE 0x20 // set by server each time a loop cycle other than final one completes
45 #define CBLK_LOOP_FINAL 0x40 // set by server when the final loop cycle completes
46 #define CBLK_BUFFER_END 0x80 // set by server when the position reaches end of buffer if not looping
47 #define CBLK_OVERRUN   0x100 // set by server immediately on input overrun, cleared by client
48 #define CBLK_INTERRUPT 0x200 // set by client on interrupt(), cleared by client in obtainBuffer()
49 #define CBLK_STREAM_END_DONE 0x400 // set by server on render completion, cleared by client
51 //EL_FIXME 20 seconds may not be enough and must be reconciled with new obtainBuffer implementation
52 #define MAX_RUN_OFFLOADED_TIMEOUT_MS 20000 // assuming up to a maximum of 20 seconds of offloaded
54 struct AudioTrackSharedStreaming {
55     // similar to NBAIO MonoPipe
56     // in continuously incrementing frame units, take modulo buffer size, which must be a power of 2
57     volatile int32_t mFront;    // read by consumer (output: server, input: client)
58     volatile int32_t mRear;     // written by producer (output: client, input: server)
59     volatile int32_t mFlush;    // incremented by client to indicate a request to flush;
60                                 // server notices and discards all data between mFront and mRear
61     volatile uint32_t mUnderrunFrames;  // server increments for each unavailable but desired frame
62 };
64 // Represents a single state of an AudioTrack that was created in static mode (shared memory buffer
65 // supplied by the client).  This state needs to be communicated from the client to server.  As this
66 // state is too large to be updated atomically without a mutex, and mutexes aren't allowed here, the
67 // state is wrapped by a SingleStateQueue.
68 struct StaticAudioTrackState {
69     // Do not define constructors, destructors, or virtual methods as this is part of a
70     // union in shared memory and they will not get called properly.
72     // These fields should both be size_t, but since they are located in shared memory we
73     // force to 32-bit.  The client and server may have different typedefs for size_t.
75     // The state has a sequence counter to indicate whether changes are made to loop or position.
76     // The sequence counter also currently indicates whether loop or position is first depending
77     // on which is greater; it jumps by max(mLoopSequence, mPositionSequence) + 1.
79     uint32_t    mLoopStart;
80     uint32_t    mLoopEnd;
81     int32_t     mLoopCount;
82     uint32_t    mLoopSequence; // a sequence counter to indicate changes to loop
83     uint32_t    mPosition;
84     uint32_t    mPositionSequence; // a sequence counter to indicate changes to position
85 };
87 typedef SingleStateQueue<StaticAudioTrackState> StaticAudioTrackSingleStateQueue;
89 struct StaticAudioTrackPosLoop {
90     // Do not define constructors, destructors, or virtual methods as this is part of a
91     // union in shared memory and will not get called properly.
93     // These fields should both be size_t, but since they are located in shared memory we
94     // force to 32-bit.  The client and server may have different typedefs for size_t.
96     // This struct information is stored in a single state queue to communicate the
97     // static AudioTrack server state to the client while data is consumed.
98     // It is smaller than StaticAudioTrackState to prevent unnecessary information from
99     // being sent.
101     uint32_t mBufferPosition;
102     int32_t  mLoopCount;
103 };
105 typedef SingleStateQueue<StaticAudioTrackPosLoop> StaticAudioTrackPosLoopQueue;
107 struct AudioTrackSharedStatic {
108     // client requests to the server for loop or position changes.
109     StaticAudioTrackSingleStateQueue::Shared
110                     mSingleStateQueue;
111     // position info updated asynchronously by server and read by client,
112     // "for entertainment purposes only"
113     StaticAudioTrackPosLoopQueue::Shared
114                     mPosLoopQueue;
115 };
117 typedef SingleStateQueue<AudioPlaybackRate> PlaybackRateQueue;
119 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 // Important: do not add any virtual methods, including ~
122 struct audio_track_cblk_t
123 {
124                 // Since the control block is always located in shared memory, this constructor
125                 // is only used for placement new().  It is never used for regular new() or stack.
126                             audio_track_cblk_t();
~audio_track_cblk_taudio_track_cblk_t127                 /*virtual*/ ~audio_track_cblk_t() { }
129                 friend class Proxy;
130                 friend class ClientProxy;
131                 friend class AudioTrackClientProxy;
132                 friend class AudioRecordClientProxy;
133                 friend class ServerProxy;
134                 friend class AudioTrackServerProxy;
135                 friend class AudioRecordServerProxy;
137     // The data members are grouped so that members accessed frequently and in the same context
138     // are in the same line of data cache.
140                 uint32_t    mServer;    // Number of filled frames consumed by server (mIsOut),
141                                         // or filled frames provided by server (!mIsOut).
142                                         // It is updated asynchronously by server without a barrier.
143                                         // The value should be used
144                                         // "for entertainment purposes only",
145                                         // which means don't make important decisions based on it.
147                 uint32_t    mPad1;      // unused
149     volatile    int32_t     mFutex;     // event flag: down (P) by client,
150                                         // up (V) by server or binderDied() or interrupt()
151 #define CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE 1               // if event flag bit is set, then a deferred wake is pending
153 private:
155                 // This field should be a size_t, but since it is located in shared memory we
156                 // force to 32-bit.  The client and server may have different typedefs for size_t.
157                 uint32_t    mMinimum;       // server wakes up client if available >= mMinimum
159                 // Stereo gains for AudioTrack only, not used by AudioRecord.
160                 gain_minifloat_packed_t mVolumeLR;
162                 uint32_t    mSampleRate;    // AudioTrack only: client's requested sample rate in Hz
163                                             // or 0 == default. Write-only client, read-only server.
165                 PlaybackRateQueue::Shared mPlaybackRateQueue;
167                 // client write-only, server read-only
168                 uint16_t    mSendLevel;      // Fixed point U4.12 so 0x1000 means 1.0
170                 uint16_t    mPad2;           // unused
172 public:
174     volatile    int32_t     mFlags;         // combinations of CBLK_*
176                 // Cache line boundary (32 bytes)
178 public:
179                 union {
180                     AudioTrackSharedStreaming   mStreaming;
181                     AudioTrackSharedStatic      mStatic;
182                     int                         mAlign[8];
183                 } u;
185                 // Cache line boundary (32 bytes)
186 };
188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 // Proxy for shared memory control block, to isolate callers from needing to know the details.
191 // There is exactly one ClientProxy and one ServerProxy per shared memory control block.
192 // The proxies are located in normal memory, and are not multi-thread safe within a given side.
193 class Proxy : public RefBase {
194 protected:
195     Proxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount, size_t frameSize, bool isOut,
196             bool clientInServer);
~Proxy()197     virtual ~Proxy() { }
199 public:
200     struct Buffer {
201         size_t  mFrameCount;            // number of frames available in this buffer
202         void*   mRaw;                   // pointer to first frame
203         size_t  mNonContig;             // number of additional non-contiguous frames available
204     };
206 protected:
207     // These refer to shared memory, and are virtual addresses with respect to the current process.
208     // They may have different virtual addresses within the other process.
209     audio_track_cblk_t* const   mCblk;  // the control block
210     void* const     mBuffers;           // starting address of buffers
212     const size_t    mFrameCount;        // not necessarily a power of 2
213     const size_t    mFrameSize;         // in bytes
214     const size_t    mFrameCountP2;      // mFrameCount rounded to power of 2, streaming mode
215     const bool      mIsOut;             // true for AudioTrack, false for AudioRecord
216     const bool      mClientInServer;    // true for OutputTrack, false for AudioTrack & AudioRecord
217     bool            mIsShutdown;        // latch set to true when shared memory corruption detected
218     size_t          mUnreleased;        // unreleased frames remaining from most recent obtainBuffer
219 };
221 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 // Proxy seen by AudioTrack client and AudioRecord client
224 class ClientProxy : public Proxy {
225 public:
226     ClientProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount, size_t frameSize,
227             bool isOut, bool clientInServer);
~ClientProxy()228     virtual ~ClientProxy() { }
230     static const struct timespec kForever;
231     static const struct timespec kNonBlocking;
233     // Obtain a buffer with filled frames (reading) or empty frames (writing).
234     // It is permitted to call obtainBuffer() multiple times in succession, without any intervening
235     // calls to releaseBuffer().  In that case, the final obtainBuffer() is the one that effectively
236     // sets or extends the unreleased frame count.
237     // On entry:
238     //  buffer->mFrameCount should be initialized to maximum number of desired frames,
239     //      which must be > 0.
240     //  buffer->mNonContig is unused.
241     //  buffer->mRaw is unused.
242     //  requested is the requested timeout in local monotonic delta time units:
243     //      NULL or &kNonBlocking means non-blocking (zero timeout).
244     //      &kForever means block forever (infinite timeout).
245     //      Other values mean a specific timeout in local monotonic delta time units.
246     //  elapsed is a pointer to a location that will hold the total local monotonic time that
247     //      elapsed while blocked, or NULL if not needed.
248     // On exit:
249     //  buffer->mFrameCount has the actual number of contiguous available frames,
250     //      which is always 0 when the return status != NO_ERROR.
251     //  buffer->mNonContig is the number of additional non-contiguous available frames.
252     //  buffer->mRaw is a pointer to the first available frame,
253     //      or NULL when buffer->mFrameCount == 0.
254     // The return status is one of:
255     //  NO_ERROR    Success, buffer->mFrameCount > 0.
256     //  WOULD_BLOCK Non-blocking mode and no frames are available.
257     //  TIMED_OUT   Timeout occurred before any frames became available.
258     //              This can happen even for infinite timeout, due to a spurious wakeup.
259     //              In this case, the caller should investigate and then re-try as appropriate.
260     //  DEAD_OBJECT Server has died or invalidated, caller should destroy this proxy and re-create.
261     //  -EINTR      Call has been interrupted.  Look around to see why, and then perhaps try again.
262     //  NO_INIT     Shared memory is corrupt.
263     // Assertion failure on entry, if buffer == NULL or buffer->mFrameCount == 0.
264     status_t    obtainBuffer(Buffer* buffer, const struct timespec *requested = NULL,
265             struct timespec *elapsed = NULL);
267     // Release (some of) the frames last obtained.
268     // On entry, buffer->mFrameCount should have the number of frames to release,
269     // which must (cumulatively) be <= the number of frames last obtained but not yet released.
270     // buffer->mRaw is ignored, but is normally same pointer returned by last obtainBuffer().
271     // It is permitted to call releaseBuffer() multiple times to release the frames in chunks.
272     // On exit:
273     //  buffer->mFrameCount is zero.
274     //  buffer->mRaw is NULL.
275     void        releaseBuffer(Buffer* buffer);
277     // Call after detecting server's death
278     void        binderDied();
280     // Call to force an obtainBuffer() to return quickly with -EINTR
281     void        interrupt();
getPosition()283     size_t      getPosition() {
284         return mEpoch + mCblk->mServer;
285     }
setEpoch(size_t epoch)287     void        setEpoch(size_t epoch) {
288         mEpoch = epoch;
289     }
setMinimum(size_t minimum)291     void        setMinimum(size_t minimum) {
292         // This can only happen on a 64-bit client
293         if (minimum > UINT32_MAX) {
294             minimum = UINT32_MAX;
295         }
296         mCblk->mMinimum = (uint32_t) minimum;
297     }
299     // Return the number of frames that would need to be obtained and released
300     // in order for the client to be aligned at start of buffer
301     virtual size_t  getMisalignment();
getEpoch()303     size_t      getEpoch() const {
304         return mEpoch;
305     }
307     size_t      getFramesFilled();
309 private:
310     size_t      mEpoch;
311 };
313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 // Proxy used by AudioTrack client, which also includes AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::OutputTrack
316 class AudioTrackClientProxy : public ClientProxy {
317 public:
318     AudioTrackClientProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
319             size_t frameSize, bool clientInServer = false)
ClientProxy(cblk,buffers,frameCount,frameSize,true,clientInServer)320         : ClientProxy(cblk, buffers, frameCount, frameSize, true /*isOut*/,
321           clientInServer),
322           mPlaybackRateMutator(&cblk->mPlaybackRateQueue) { }
~AudioTrackClientProxy()323     virtual ~AudioTrackClientProxy() { }
325     // No barriers on the following operations, so the ordering of loads/stores
326     // with respect to other parameters is UNPREDICTABLE. That's considered safe.
328     // caller must limit to 0.0 <= sendLevel <= 1.0
setSendLevel(float sendLevel)329     void        setSendLevel(float sendLevel) {
330         mCblk->mSendLevel = uint16_t(sendLevel * 0x1000);
331     }
333     // set stereo gains
setVolumeLR(gain_minifloat_packed_t volumeLR)334     void        setVolumeLR(gain_minifloat_packed_t volumeLR) {
335         mCblk->mVolumeLR = volumeLR;
336     }
setSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRate)338     void        setSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRate) {
339         mCblk->mSampleRate = sampleRate;
340     }
setPlaybackRate(const AudioPlaybackRate & playbackRate)342     void        setPlaybackRate(const AudioPlaybackRate& playbackRate) {
343         mPlaybackRateMutator.push(playbackRate);
344     }
346     virtual void flush();
getUnderrunFrames()348     virtual uint32_t    getUnderrunFrames() const {
349         return mCblk->u.mStreaming.mUnderrunFrames;
350     }
352     bool        clearStreamEndDone();   // and return previous value
354     bool        getStreamEndDone() const;
356     status_t    waitStreamEndDone(const struct timespec *requested);
358 private:
359     PlaybackRateQueue::Mutator   mPlaybackRateMutator;
360 };
362 class StaticAudioTrackClientProxy : public AudioTrackClientProxy {
363 public:
364     StaticAudioTrackClientProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
365             size_t frameSize);
~StaticAudioTrackClientProxy()366     virtual ~StaticAudioTrackClientProxy() { }
368     virtual void    flush();
370 #define MIN_LOOP    16  // minimum length of each loop iteration in frames
372             // setLoop(), setBufferPosition(), and setBufferPositionAndLoop() set the
373             // static buffer position and looping parameters.  These commands are not
374             // synchronous (they do not wait or block); instead they take effect at the
375             // next buffer data read from the server side. However, the client side
376             // getters will read a cached version of the position and loop variables
377             // until the setting takes effect.
378             //
379             // setBufferPositionAndLoop() is equivalent to calling, in order, setLoop() and
380             // setBufferPosition().
381             //
382             // The functions should not be relied upon to do parameter or state checking.
383             // That is done at the AudioTrack level.
385             void    setLoop(size_t loopStart, size_t loopEnd, int loopCount);
386             void    setBufferPosition(size_t position);
387             void    setBufferPositionAndLoop(size_t position, size_t loopStart, size_t loopEnd,
388                                              int loopCount);
389             size_t  getBufferPosition();
390                     // getBufferPositionAndLoopCount() provides the proper snapshot of
391                     // position and loopCount together.
392             void    getBufferPositionAndLoopCount(size_t *position, int *loopCount);
getMisalignment()394     virtual size_t  getMisalignment() {
395         return 0;
396     }
getUnderrunFrames()398     virtual uint32_t    getUnderrunFrames() const {
399         return 0;
400     }
402 private:
403     StaticAudioTrackSingleStateQueue::Mutator   mMutator;
404     StaticAudioTrackPosLoopQueue::Observer      mPosLoopObserver;
405                         StaticAudioTrackState   mState;   // last communicated state to server
406                         StaticAudioTrackPosLoop mPosLoop; // snapshot of position and loop.
407 };
409 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 // Proxy used by AudioRecord client
412 class AudioRecordClientProxy : public ClientProxy {
413 public:
AudioRecordClientProxy(audio_track_cblk_t * cblk,void * buffers,size_t frameCount,size_t frameSize)414     AudioRecordClientProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
415             size_t frameSize)
416         : ClientProxy(cblk, buffers, frameCount, frameSize,
417             false /*isOut*/, false /*clientInServer*/) { }
~AudioRecordClientProxy()418     ~AudioRecordClientProxy() { }
419 };
421 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 // Proxy used by AudioFlinger server
424 class ServerProxy : public Proxy {
425 protected:
426     ServerProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount, size_t frameSize,
427             bool isOut, bool clientInServer);
428 public:
~ServerProxy()429     virtual ~ServerProxy() { }
431     // Obtain a buffer with filled frames (writing) or empty frames (reading).
432     // It is permitted to call obtainBuffer() multiple times in succession, without any intervening
433     // calls to releaseBuffer().  In that case, the final obtainBuffer() is the one that effectively
434     // sets or extends the unreleased frame count.
435     // Always non-blocking.
436     // On entry:
437     //  buffer->mFrameCount should be initialized to maximum number of desired frames,
438     //      which must be > 0.
439     //  buffer->mNonContig is unused.
440     //  buffer->mRaw is unused.
441     //  ackFlush is true iff being called from Track::start to acknowledge a pending flush.
442     // On exit:
443     //  buffer->mFrameCount has the actual number of contiguous available frames,
444     //      which is always 0 when the return status != NO_ERROR.
445     //  buffer->mNonContig is the number of additional non-contiguous available frames.
446     //  buffer->mRaw is a pointer to the first available frame,
447     //      or NULL when buffer->mFrameCount == 0.
448     // The return status is one of:
449     //  NO_ERROR    Success, buffer->mFrameCount > 0.
450     //  WOULD_BLOCK No frames are available.
451     //  NO_INIT     Shared memory is corrupt.
452     virtual status_t    obtainBuffer(Buffer* buffer, bool ackFlush = false);
454     // Release (some of) the frames last obtained.
455     // On entry, buffer->mFrameCount should have the number of frames to release,
456     // which must (cumulatively) be <= the number of frames last obtained but not yet released.
457     // It is permitted to call releaseBuffer() multiple times to release the frames in chunks.
458     // buffer->mRaw is ignored, but is normally same pointer returned by last obtainBuffer().
459     // On exit:
460     //  buffer->mFrameCount is zero.
461     //  buffer->mRaw is NULL.
462     virtual void        releaseBuffer(Buffer* buffer);
464 protected:
465     size_t      mAvailToClient; // estimated frames available to client prior to releaseBuffer()
466     int32_t     mFlush;         // our copy of cblk->u.mStreaming.mFlush, for streaming output only
467 };
469 // Proxy used by AudioFlinger for servicing AudioTrack
470 class AudioTrackServerProxy : public ServerProxy {
471 public:
472     AudioTrackServerProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
473             size_t frameSize, bool clientInServer = false, uint32_t sampleRate = 0)
ServerProxy(cblk,buffers,frameCount,frameSize,true,clientInServer)474         : ServerProxy(cblk, buffers, frameCount, frameSize, true /*isOut*/, clientInServer),
475           mPlaybackRateObserver(&cblk->mPlaybackRateQueue) {
476         mCblk->mSampleRate = sampleRate;
477         mPlaybackRate = AUDIO_PLAYBACK_RATE_DEFAULT;
478     }
479 protected:
~AudioTrackServerProxy()480     virtual ~AudioTrackServerProxy() { }
482 public:
483     // return value of these methods must be validated by the caller
getSampleRate()484     uint32_t    getSampleRate() const { return mCblk->mSampleRate; }
getSendLevel_U4_12()485     uint16_t    getSendLevel_U4_12() const { return mCblk->mSendLevel; }
getVolumeLR()486     gain_minifloat_packed_t getVolumeLR() const { return mCblk->mVolumeLR; }
488     // estimated total number of filled frames available to server to read,
489     // which may include non-contiguous frames
490     virtual size_t      framesReady();
492     // Currently AudioFlinger will call framesReady() for a fast track from two threads:
493     // FastMixer thread, and normal mixer thread.  This is dangerous, as the proxy is intended
494     // to be called from at most one thread of server, and one thread of client.
495     // As a temporary workaround, this method informs the proxy implementation that it
496     // should avoid doing a state queue poll from within framesReady().
497     // FIXME Change AudioFlinger to not call framesReady() from normal mixer thread.
framesReadyIsCalledByMultipleThreads()498     virtual void        framesReadyIsCalledByMultipleThreads() { }
500     bool     setStreamEndDone();    // and return previous value
502     // Add to the tally of underrun frames, and inform client of underrun
503     virtual void        tallyUnderrunFrames(uint32_t frameCount);
505     // Return the total number of frames which AudioFlinger desired but were unavailable,
506     // and thus which resulted in an underrun.
getUnderrunFrames()507     virtual uint32_t    getUnderrunFrames() const { return mCblk->u.mStreaming.mUnderrunFrames; }
509     // Return the total number of frames that AudioFlinger has obtained and released
framesReleased()510     virtual size_t      framesReleased() const { return mCblk->mServer; }
512     // Return the playback speed and pitch read atomically. Not multi-thread safe on server side.
513     AudioPlaybackRate getPlaybackRate();
515 private:
516     AudioPlaybackRate             mPlaybackRate;  // last observed playback rate
517     PlaybackRateQueue::Observer   mPlaybackRateObserver;
518 };
520 class StaticAudioTrackServerProxy : public AudioTrackServerProxy {
521 public:
522     StaticAudioTrackServerProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
523             size_t frameSize);
524 protected:
~StaticAudioTrackServerProxy()525     virtual ~StaticAudioTrackServerProxy() { }
527 public:
528     virtual size_t      framesReady();
529     virtual void        framesReadyIsCalledByMultipleThreads();
530     virtual status_t    obtainBuffer(Buffer* buffer, bool ackFlush);
531     virtual void        releaseBuffer(Buffer* buffer);
532     virtual void        tallyUnderrunFrames(uint32_t frameCount);
getUnderrunFrames()533     virtual uint32_t    getUnderrunFrames() const { return 0; }
535 private:
536     status_t            updateStateWithLoop(StaticAudioTrackState *localState,
537                                             const StaticAudioTrackState &update) const;
538     status_t            updateStateWithPosition(StaticAudioTrackState *localState,
539                                                 const StaticAudioTrackState &update) const;
540     ssize_t             pollPosition(); // poll for state queue update, and return current position
541     StaticAudioTrackSingleStateQueue::Observer  mObserver;
542     StaticAudioTrackPosLoopQueue::Mutator       mPosLoopMutator;
543     size_t              mFramesReadySafe; // Assuming size_t read/writes are atomic on 32 / 64 bit
544                                           // processors, this is a thread-safe version of
545                                           // mFramesReady.
546     int64_t             mFramesReady;     // The number of frames ready in the static buffer
547                                           // including loops.  This is 64 bits since loop mode
548                                           // can cause a track to appear to have a large number
549                                           // of frames. INT64_MAX means an infinite loop.
550     bool                mFramesReadyIsCalledByMultipleThreads;
551     StaticAudioTrackState mState;         // Server side state. Any updates from client must be
552                                           // passed by the mObserver SingleStateQueue.
553 };
555 // Proxy used by AudioFlinger for servicing AudioRecord
556 class AudioRecordServerProxy : public ServerProxy {
557 public:
AudioRecordServerProxy(audio_track_cblk_t * cblk,void * buffers,size_t frameCount,size_t frameSize,bool clientInServer)558     AudioRecordServerProxy(audio_track_cblk_t* cblk, void *buffers, size_t frameCount,
559             size_t frameSize, bool clientInServer)
560         : ServerProxy(cblk, buffers, frameCount, frameSize, false /*isOut*/, clientInServer) { }
561 protected:
~AudioRecordServerProxy()562     virtual ~AudioRecordServerProxy() { }
563 };
565 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 }; // namespace android