1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
6 #ifndef CORE_SRC_FXGE_WIN32_WIN32_INT_H_
7 #define CORE_SRC_FXGE_WIN32_WIN32_INT_H_
9 struct  WINDIB_Open_Args_;
10 class CGdiplusExt
11 {
12 public:
13     CGdiplusExt();
14     ~CGdiplusExt();
15     void			Load();
IsAvailable()16     FX_BOOL			IsAvailable()
17     {
18         return m_hModule != NULL;
19     }
20     FX_BOOL			StretchBitMask(HDC hDC, BOOL bMonoDevice, const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, int dest_left, int dest_top,
21                                    int dest_width, int dest_height, FX_DWORD argb, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, int flags);
22     FX_BOOL			StretchDIBits(HDC hDC, const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, int dest_left, int dest_top,
23                                   int dest_width, int dest_height, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, int flags);
24     FX_BOOL			DrawPath(HDC hDC, const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
25                              const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
26                              const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
27                              FX_DWORD fill_argb,
28                              FX_DWORD stroke_argb,
29                              int fill_mode
30                       );
32     void*			LoadMemFont(FX_BYTE* pData, FX_DWORD size);
33     void			DeleteMemFont(void* pFontCollection);
34     FX_BOOL         GdipCreateFromImage(void* bitmap, void** graphics);
35     void            GdipDeleteGraphics(void* graphics);
36     void            GdipSetTextRenderingHint(void* graphics, int mode);
37     void            GdipSetPageUnit(void* graphics, FX_DWORD unit);
38     void            GdipSetWorldTransform(void* graphics, void* pMatrix);
39     FX_BOOL         GdipDrawDriverString(void *graphics,  unsigned short *text, int length, void *font, void* brush, void *positions, int flags, const void *matrix);
40     void            GdipCreateBrush(FX_DWORD fill_argb, void** pBrush);
41     void            GdipDeleteBrush(void* pBrush);
42     void            GdipCreateMatrix(FX_FLOAT a, FX_FLOAT b, FX_FLOAT c, FX_FLOAT d, FX_FLOAT e, FX_FLOAT f, void** matrix);
43     void            GdipDeleteMatrix(void* matrix);
44     FX_BOOL         GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(FX_LPCWSTR name, void* pFontCollection, void**pFamily);
45     void            GdipDeleteFontFamily(void* pFamily);
46     FX_BOOL         GdipCreateFontFromFamily(void* pFamily, FX_FLOAT font_size, int fontstyle, int flag, void** pFont);
47     void*           GdipCreateFontFromCollection(void* pFontCollection, FX_FLOAT font_size, int fontstyle);
48     void            GdipDeleteFont(void* pFont);
49     FX_BOOL         GdipCreateBitmap(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, void**bitmap);
50     void            GdipDisposeImage(void* bitmap);
51     void            GdipGetFontSize(void *pFont, FX_FLOAT *size);
52     void*           GdiAddFontMemResourceEx(void *pFontdata, FX_DWORD size, void* pdv, FX_DWORD* num_face);
53     FX_BOOL         GdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx(void* handle);
54     void*			m_Functions[100];
55     void*           m_pGdiAddFontMemResourceEx;
56     void*           m_pGdiRemoveFontMemResourseEx;
57     CFX_DIBitmap*	LoadDIBitmap(WINDIB_Open_Args_ args);
58 protected:
59     HMODULE			m_hModule;
60     HMODULE         m_GdiModule;
61 };
62 #include "dwrite_int.h"
63 class CWin32Platform
64 {
65 public:
66     FX_BOOL			m_bHalfTone;
67     CGdiplusExt		m_GdiplusExt;
68     CDWriteExt      m_DWriteExt;
69 };
70 class CGdiDeviceDriver : public IFX_RenderDeviceDriver
71 {
72 protected:
73     virtual int		GetDeviceCaps(int caps_id);
SaveState()74     virtual void	SaveState()
75     {
76         SaveDC(m_hDC);
77     }
78     virtual void	RestoreState(FX_BOOL bKeepSaved = FALSE)
79     {
80         RestoreDC(m_hDC, -1);
81         if (bKeepSaved) {
82             SaveDC(m_hDC);
83         }
84     }
85     virtual FX_BOOL	SetClip_PathFill(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
86                                      const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
87                                      int fill_mode
88                                     );
89     virtual FX_BOOL	SetClip_PathStroke(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
90                                        const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
91                                        const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState
92                                       );
93     virtual FX_BOOL	DrawPath(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
94                              const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
95                              const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
96                              FX_DWORD fill_color,
97                              FX_DWORD stroke_color,
98                              int fill_mode,
99                              int alpha_flag,
100                              void* pIccTransform,
101                              int	blend_type
102                             );
103     virtual FX_BOOL FillRect(const FX_RECT* pRect,
104                              FX_DWORD fill_color,
105                              int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
106     virtual FX_BOOL	DrawCosmeticLine(FX_FLOAT x1, FX_FLOAT y1, FX_FLOAT x2, FX_FLOAT y2, FX_DWORD color,
107                                      int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
108     virtual FX_LPVOID GetClipRgn() ;
109     virtual FX_BOOL SetClipRgn(FX_LPVOID pRgn) ;
110     virtual FX_BOOL GetClipBox(FX_RECT* pRect);
111     virtual FX_BOOL DeleteDeviceRgn(FX_LPVOID pRgn);
112     virtual void	DrawLine(FX_FLOAT x1, FX_FLOAT y1, FX_FLOAT x2, FX_FLOAT y2);
GetPlatformSurface()113     virtual void*	GetPlatformSurface()
114     {
115         return (void*)m_hDC;
116     }
117     FX_BOOL			GDI_SetDIBits(const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, const FX_RECT* pSrcRect, int left, int top,
118                                   void* pIccTransform);
119     FX_BOOL			GDI_StretchDIBits(const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, int dest_left, int dest_top,
120                                       int dest_width, int dest_height, FX_DWORD flags,
121                                       void* pIccTransform);
122     FX_BOOL			GDI_StretchBitMask(const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, int dest_left, int dest_top,
123                                        int dest_width, int dest_height, FX_DWORD bitmap_color, FX_DWORD flags,
124                                        int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
125     HDC				m_hDC;
126     int				m_Width, m_Height, m_nBitsPerPixel;
127     int				m_DeviceClass, m_RenderCaps;
128     CGdiDeviceDriver(HDC hDC, int device_class);
~CGdiDeviceDriver()129     ~CGdiDeviceDriver() {}
130 };
131 class CGdiDisplayDriver : public CGdiDeviceDriver
132 {
133 public:
134     CGdiDisplayDriver(HDC hDC);
135 protected:
136     virtual FX_BOOL GetDIBits(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, int left, int top, void* pIccTransform = NULL, FX_BOOL bDEdge = FALSE);
137     virtual FX_BOOL SetDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, const FX_RECT* pSrcRect, int left, int top, int blend_type,
138                               int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
139     virtual FX_BOOL StretchDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, int dest_left, int dest_top,
140                                   int dest_width, int dest_height, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, FX_DWORD flags,
141                                   int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
StartDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource * pBitmap,int bitmap_alpha,FX_DWORD color,const CFX_AffineMatrix * pMatrix,FX_DWORD render_flags,FX_LPVOID & handle,int alpha_flag,void * pIccTransform,int blend_type)142     virtual FX_BOOL	StartDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, int bitmap_alpha, FX_DWORD color,
143                                 const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_DWORD render_flags, FX_LPVOID& handle,
144                                 int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type)
145     {
146         return FALSE;
147     }
148     FX_BOOL			UseFoxitStretchEngine(const CFX_DIBSource* pSource, FX_DWORD color, int dest_left, int dest_top,
149                                           int dest_width, int dest_height, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, int render_flags,
150                                           int alpha_flag = 0, void* pIccTransform = NULL, int blend_type = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL);
151 };
152 class CGdiPrinterDriver : public CGdiDeviceDriver
153 {
154 public:
155     CGdiPrinterDriver(HDC hDC);
156 protected:
157     virtual int		GetDeviceCaps(int caps_id);
158     virtual FX_BOOL SetDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, const FX_RECT* pSrcRect, int left, int top, int blend_type,
159                               int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
160     virtual FX_BOOL StretchDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, int dest_left, int dest_top,
161                                   int dest_width, int dest_height, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, FX_DWORD flags,
162                                   int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
163     virtual FX_BOOL	StartDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, int bitmap_alpha, FX_DWORD color,
164                                 const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_DWORD render_flags, FX_LPVOID& handle,
165                                 int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
166     int				m_HorzSize, m_VertSize;
167     FX_BOOL			m_bSupportROP;
168 };
169 class CPSOutput : public IFX_PSOutput
170 {
171 public:
172     CPSOutput(HDC hDC);
173     virtual ~CPSOutput();
Release()174     virtual void			Release()
175     {
176         delete this;
177     }
178     void Init();
179     virtual void	OutputPS(FX_LPCSTR string, int len);
180     HDC				m_hDC;
181     FX_LPSTR        m_pBuf;
182 };
183 class CPSPrinterDriver : public IFX_RenderDeviceDriver
184 {
185 public:
186     CPSPrinterDriver();
187     FX_BOOL			Init(HDC hDC, int ps_level, FX_BOOL bCmykOutput);
188     ~CPSPrinterDriver();
189 protected:
IsPSPrintDriver()190     virtual FX_BOOL IsPSPrintDriver()
191     {
192         return TRUE;
193     }
194     virtual int		GetDeviceCaps(int caps_id);
195     virtual FX_BOOL	StartRendering();
196     virtual void	EndRendering();
197     virtual void	SaveState();
198     virtual void	RestoreState(FX_BOOL bKeepSaved = FALSE);
199     virtual FX_BOOL	SetClip_PathFill(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
200                                      const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
201                                      int fill_mode
202                                     );
203     virtual FX_BOOL	SetClip_PathStroke(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
204                                        const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
205                                        const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState
206                                       );
207     virtual FX_BOOL	DrawPath(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
208                              const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device,
209                              const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
210                              FX_DWORD fill_color,
211                              FX_DWORD stroke_color,
212                              int fill_mode,
213                              int alpha_flag,
214                              void* pIccTransform,
215                              int blend_type
216                             );
217     virtual FX_BOOL GetClipBox(FX_RECT* pRect);
218     virtual FX_BOOL SetDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, const FX_RECT* pSrcRect, int left, int top, int blend_type,
219                               int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
220     virtual FX_BOOL StretchDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, FX_DWORD color, int dest_left, int dest_top,
221                                   int dest_width, int dest_height, const FX_RECT* pClipRect, FX_DWORD flags,
222                                   int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
223     virtual FX_BOOL	StartDIBits(const CFX_DIBSource* pBitmap, int bitmap_alpha, FX_DWORD color,
224                                 const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_DWORD render_flags, FX_LPVOID& handle,
225                                 int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform, int blend_type);
226     virtual FX_BOOL DrawDeviceText(int nChars, const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos, CFX_Font* pFont,
227                                    CFX_FontCache* pCache, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device, FX_FLOAT font_size, FX_DWORD color,
228                                    int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
GetPlatformSurface()229     virtual void*	GetPlatformSurface()
230     {
231         return (void*)m_hDC;
232     }
233     HDC				m_hDC;
234     FX_BOOL			m_bCmykOutput;
235     int				m_Width, m_Height, m_nBitsPerPixel;
236     int				m_HorzSize, m_VertSize;
237     CPSOutput*		m_pPSOutput;
238     CFX_PSRenderer	m_PSRenderer;
239 };
240 void _Color2Argb(FX_ARGB& argb, FX_DWORD color, int alpha_flag, void* pIccTransform);
242 #endif  // CORE_SRC_FXGE_WIN32_WIN32_INT_H_