1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
18 /*
19  * $Id: SAX2RTFDTM.java 468653 2006-10-28 07:07:05Z minchau $
20  */
21 package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm;
23 import javax.xml.transform.Source;
25 import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
26 import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager;
27 import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMWSFilter;
28 import org.apache.xml.utils.IntStack;
29 import org.apache.xml.utils.IntVector;
30 import org.apache.xml.utils.StringVector;
31 import org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory;
33 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
35 /**
36  * This is a subclass of SAX2DTM which has been modified to meet the needs of
37  * Result Tree Frameworks (RTFs). The differences are:
38  *
39  * 1) Multiple XML trees may be appended to the single DTM. This means
40  * that the root node of each document is _not_ node 0. Some code has
41  * had to be deoptimized to support this mode of operation, and an
42  * explicit mechanism for obtaining the Node Handle of the root node
43  * has been provided.
44  *
45  * 2) A stack of these documents is maintained, allowing us to "tail-prune" the
46  * most recently added trees off the end of the DTM as stylesheet elements
47  * (and thus variable contexts) are exited.
48  *
49  * PLEASE NOTE that this class may be _heavily_ dependent upon the
50  * internals of the SAX2DTM superclass, and must be maintained in
51  * parallel with that code.  Arguably, they should be conditionals
52  * within a single class... but they have deen separated for
53  * performance reasons. (In fact, one could even argue about which is
54  * the superclass and which is the subclass; the current arrangement
55  * is as much about preserving stability of existing code during
56  * development as anything else.)
57  *
58  * %REVIEW% In fact, since the differences are so minor, I think it
59  * may be possible/practical to fold them back into the base
60  * SAX2DTM. Consider that as a future code-size optimization.
61  * */
62 public class SAX2RTFDTM extends SAX2DTM
63 {
64   /** Set true to monitor SAX events and similar diagnostic info. */
65   private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
67   /** Most recently started Document, or null if the DTM is empty.  */
68   private int m_currentDocumentNode=NULL;
70   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of nodes in use */
71   IntStack mark_size=new IntStack();
72   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of data items in use */
73   IntStack mark_data_size=new IntStack();
74   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of size-of-data fields in use */
75   IntStack mark_char_size=new IntStack();
76   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of dataOrQName slots in use */
77   IntStack mark_doq_size=new IntStack();
78   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of namespace declaration sets in use
79    * %REVIEW% I don't think number of NS sets is ever different from number
80    * of NS elements. We can probabably reduce these to a single stack and save
81    * some storage.
82    * */
83   IntStack mark_nsdeclset_size=new IntStack();
84   /** Tail-pruning mark: Number of naespace declaration elements in use
85    * %REVIEW% I don't think number of NS sets is ever different from number
86    * of NS elements. We can probabably reduce these to a single stack and save
87    * some storage.
88    */
89   IntStack mark_nsdeclelem_size=new IntStack();
91   /**
92    * Tail-pruning mark:  initial number of nodes in use
93    */
94   int m_emptyNodeCount;
96   /**
97    * Tail-pruning mark:  initial number of namespace declaration sets
98    */
99   int m_emptyNSDeclSetCount;
101   /**
102    * Tail-pruning mark:  initial number of namespace declaration elements
103    */
104   int m_emptyNSDeclSetElemsCount;
106   /**
107    * Tail-pruning mark:  initial number of data items in use
108    */
109   int m_emptyDataCount;
111   /**
112    * Tail-pruning mark:  initial number of characters in use
113    */
114   int m_emptyCharsCount;
116   /**
117    * Tail-pruning mark:  default initial number of dataOrQName slots in use
118    */
119   int m_emptyDataQNCount;
SAX2RTFDTM(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing)121   public SAX2RTFDTM(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity,
122                  DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
123                  XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
124                  boolean doIndexing)
125   {
126     super(mgr, source, dtmIdentity, whiteSpaceFilter,
127           xstringfactory, doIndexing);
129     // NEVER track source locators for RTFs; they aren't meaningful. I think.
130     // (If we did track them, we'd need to tail-prune these too.)
131     //org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.m_source_location;
132     m_useSourceLocationProperty=false;
133     m_sourceSystemId = (m_useSourceLocationProperty) ? new StringVector()
134                                                      : null;
135     m_sourceLine = (m_useSourceLocationProperty) ? new IntVector() : null;
136     m_sourceColumn = (m_useSourceLocationProperty) ? new IntVector() : null;
138     // Record initial sizes of fields that are pushed and restored
139     // for RTF tail-pruning.  More entries can be popped than pushed, so
140     // we need this to mark the primordial state of the DTM.
141     m_emptyNodeCount = m_size;
142     m_emptyNSDeclSetCount = (m_namespaceDeclSets == null)
143                                  ? 0 : m_namespaceDeclSets.size();
144     m_emptyNSDeclSetElemsCount = (m_namespaceDeclSetElements == null)
145                                       ? 0 : m_namespaceDeclSetElements.size();
146     m_emptyDataCount = m_data.size();
147     m_emptyCharsCount = m_chars.size();
148     m_emptyDataQNCount = m_dataOrQName.size();
149   }
151   /**
152    * Given a DTM, find the owning document node. In the case of
153    * SAX2RTFDTM, which may contain multiple documents, this returns
154    * the <b>most recently started</b> document, or null if the DTM is
155    * empty or no document is currently under construction.
156    *
157    * %REVIEW% Should we continue to report the most recent after
158    * construction has ended? I think not, given that it may have been
159    * tail-pruned.
160    *
161    *  @return int Node handle of Document node, or null if this DTM does not
162    *  contain an "active" document.
163    * */
getDocument()164   public int getDocument()
165   {
166     return makeNodeHandle(m_currentDocumentNode);
167   }
169   /**
170    * Given a node handle, find the owning document node, using DTM semantics
171    * (Document owns itself) rather than DOM semantics (Document has no owner).
172    *
173    * (I'm counting on the fact that getOwnerDocument() is implemented on top
174    * of this call, in the superclass, to avoid having to rewrite that one.
175    * Be careful if that code changes!)
176    *
177    * @param nodeHandle the id of the node.
178    * @return int Node handle of owning document
179    */
getDocumentRoot(int nodeHandle)180   public int getDocumentRoot(int nodeHandle)
181   {
182     for (int id=makeNodeIdentity(nodeHandle); id!=NULL; id=_parent(id)) {
183       if (_type(id)==DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
184         return makeNodeHandle(id);
185       }
186     }
188     return DTM.NULL; // Safety net; should never happen
189   }
191   /**
192    * Given a node identifier, find the owning document node.  Unlike the DOM,
193    * this considers the owningDocument of a Document to be itself. Note that
194    * in shared DTMs this may not be zero.
195    *
196    * @param nodeIdentifier the id of the starting node.
197    * @return int Node identifier of the root of this DTM tree
198    */
_documentRoot(int nodeIdentifier)199   protected int _documentRoot(int nodeIdentifier)
200   {
201     if(nodeIdentifier==NULL) return NULL;
203     for (int parent=_parent(nodeIdentifier);
204          parent!=NULL;
205          nodeIdentifier=parent,parent=_parent(nodeIdentifier))
206       ;
208     return nodeIdentifier;
209   }
211   /**
212    * Receive notification of the beginning of a new RTF document.
213    *
214    * %REVIEW% Y'know, this isn't all that much of a deoptimization. We
215    * might want to consider folding the start/endDocument changes back
216    * into the main SAX2DTM so we don't have to expose so many fields
217    * (even as Protected) and carry the additional code.
218    *
219    * @throws SAXException Any SAX exception, possibly
220    *            wrapping another exception.
221    * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startDocument
222    * */
startDocument()223   public void startDocument() throws SAXException
224   {
225     // Re-initialize the tree append process
226     m_endDocumentOccured = false;
227     m_prefixMappings = new java.util.Vector();
228     m_contextIndexes = new IntStack();
229     m_parents = new IntStack();
231     m_currentDocumentNode=m_size;
232     super.startDocument();
233   }
235   /**
236    * Receive notification of the end of the document.
237    *
238    * %REVIEW% Y'know, this isn't all that much of a deoptimization. We
239    * might want to consider folding the start/endDocument changes back
240    * into the main SAX2DTM so we don't have to expose so many fields
241    * (even as Protected).
242    *
243    * @throws SAXException Any SAX exception, possibly
244    *            wrapping another exception.
245    * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endDocument
246    * */
endDocument()247   public void endDocument() throws SAXException
248   {
249     charactersFlush();
251     m_nextsib.setElementAt(NULL,m_currentDocumentNode);
253     if (m_firstch.elementAt(m_currentDocumentNode) == NOTPROCESSED)
254       m_firstch.setElementAt(NULL,m_currentDocumentNode);
256     if (DTM.NULL != m_previous)
257       m_nextsib.setElementAt(DTM.NULL,m_previous);
259     m_parents = null;
260     m_prefixMappings = null;
261     m_contextIndexes = null;
263     m_currentDocumentNode= NULL; // no longer open
264     m_endDocumentOccured = true;
265   }
268   /** "Tail-pruning" support for RTFs.
269    *
270    * This function pushes information about the current size of the
271    * DTM's data structures onto a stack, for use by popRewindMark()
272    * (which see).
273    *
274    * %REVIEW% I have no idea how to rewind m_elemIndexes. However,
275    * RTFs will not be indexed, so I can simply panic if that case
276    * arises. Hey, it works...
277    * */
pushRewindMark()278   public void pushRewindMark()
279   {
280     if(m_indexing || m_elemIndexes!=null)
281       throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("Coding error; Don't try to mark/rewind an indexed DTM");
283     // Values from DTMDefaultBase
284     // %REVIEW% Can the namespace stack sizes ever differ? If not, save space!
285     mark_size.push(m_size);
286     mark_nsdeclset_size.push((m_namespaceDeclSets==null)
287                                    ? 0
288                                    : m_namespaceDeclSets.size());
289     mark_nsdeclelem_size.push((m_namespaceDeclSetElements==null)
290                                    ? 0
291                                    : m_namespaceDeclSetElements.size());
293     // Values from SAX2DTM
294     mark_data_size.push(m_data.size());
295     mark_char_size.push(m_chars.size());
296     mark_doq_size.push(m_dataOrQName.size());
297   }
299   /** "Tail-pruning" support for RTFs.
300    *
301    * This function pops the information previously saved by
302    * pushRewindMark (which see) and uses it to discard all nodes added
303    * to the DTM after that time. We expect that this will allow us to
304    * reuse storage more effectively.
305    *
306    * This is _not_ intended to be called while a document is still being
307    * constructed -- only between endDocument and the next startDocument
308    *
309    * %REVIEW% WARNING: This is the first use of some of the truncation
310    * methods.  If Xalan blows up after this is called, that's a likely
311    * place to check.
312    *
313    * %REVIEW% Our original design for DTMs permitted them to share
314    * string pools.  If there any risk that this might be happening, we
315    * can _not_ rewind and recover the string storage. One solution
316    * might to assert that DTMs used for RTFs Must Not take advantage
317    * of that feature, but this seems excessively fragile. Another, much
318    * less attractive, would be to just let them leak... Nah.
319    *
320    * @return true if and only if the pop completely emptied the
321    * RTF. That response is used when determining how to unspool
322    * RTF-started-while-RTF-open situations.
323    * */
popRewindMark()324   public boolean popRewindMark()
325   {
326     boolean top=mark_size.empty();
328     m_size=top ? m_emptyNodeCount : mark_size.pop();
329     m_exptype.setSize(m_size);
330     m_firstch.setSize(m_size);
331     m_nextsib.setSize(m_size);
332     m_prevsib.setSize(m_size);
333     m_parent.setSize(m_size);
335     m_elemIndexes=null;
337     int ds= top ? m_emptyNSDeclSetCount : mark_nsdeclset_size.pop();
338     if (m_namespaceDeclSets!=null) {
339       m_namespaceDeclSets.setSize(ds);
340     }
342     int ds1= top ? m_emptyNSDeclSetElemsCount : mark_nsdeclelem_size.pop();
343     if (m_namespaceDeclSetElements!=null) {
344       m_namespaceDeclSetElements.setSize(ds1);
345     }
347     // Values from SAX2DTM - m_data always has a reserved entry
348     m_data.setSize(top ? m_emptyDataCount : mark_data_size.pop());
349     m_chars.setLength(top ? m_emptyCharsCount : mark_char_size.pop());
350     m_dataOrQName.setSize(top ? m_emptyDataQNCount : mark_doq_size.pop());
352     // Return true iff DTM now empty
353     return m_size==0;
354   }
356   /** @return true if a DTM tree is currently under construction.
357    * */
isTreeIncomplete()358   public boolean isTreeIncomplete()
359   {
360     return !m_endDocumentOccured;
361   }
362 }