1# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6# This GYP file stores the dependencies necessary to build Skia on the Android
7# platform. The OS doesn't provide many stable libraries as part of the
8# distribution so we have to build a few of them ourselves.
10# NOTE: We tried adding the gyp file to the android/ directory at the root of
11# the Skia repo, but that resulted in the generated makefiles being created
12# outside of the out directory. We may be able to move the bulk of this gyp
13# to the /android directory and put a simple shim here, but that has yet to be
14# tested.
17  'variables': {
18    'skia_warnings_as_errors': 0,
19  },
20  'targets': [
21    {
22      'target_name': 'cpu_features',
23      'type': 'static_library',
24      'direct_dependent_settings': {
25        'include_dirs': [
26          '../third_party/cpufeatures',
27        ],
28      },
29      'sources': [
30        '../third_party/cpufeatures/cpu-features.c',
31        '../third_party/cpufeatures/cpu-features.h',
32      ],
33      'cflags': [
34        '-w',
35      ],
36    },
37    {
38      'target_name': 'ashmem',
39      'type': 'static_library',
40      'sources': [
41        '../third_party/ashmem/cutils/ashmem.h',
42        '../third_party/ashmem/cutils/ashmem-dev.c'
43      ],
44      'direct_dependent_settings': {
45        'include_dirs': [
46          '../third_party/ashmem',
47        ]
48      },
49    },
50    {
51      'target_name': 'expat',
52      'type': 'static_library',
53      'sources': [
54        '../third_party/externals/expat/lib/xmlparse.c',
55        '../third_party/externals/expat/lib/xmlrole.c',
56        '../third_party/externals/expat/lib/xmltok.c',
57      ],
58      'include_dirs': [
59        '../third_party/externals/expat',
60        '../third_party/externals/expat/lib',
61      ],
62      'cflags': [
63        '-w',
64        '-fexceptions',
65      ],
66      'defines': [
67        'HAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H',
68      ],
69      'direct_dependent_settings': {
70        'include_dirs': [
71          '../third_party/externals/expat/lib',  # For expat.h
72        ],
73      }
74    },
75    {
76      'target_name': 'png',
77      'type': 'static_library',
78      'sources': [
79        '../third_party/externals/png/png.c',
80        '../third_party/externals/png/pngerror.c',
81        '../third_party/externals/png/pnggccrd.c',
82        '../third_party/externals/png/pngget.c',
83        '../third_party/externals/png/pngmem.c',
84        '../third_party/externals/png/pngpread.c',
85        '../third_party/externals/png/pngread.c',
86        '../third_party/externals/png/pngrio.c',
87        '../third_party/externals/png/pngrtran.c',
88        '../third_party/externals/png/pngrutil.c',
89        '../third_party/externals/png/pngset.c',
90        '../third_party/externals/png/pngtrans.c',
91        '../third_party/externals/png/pngvcrd.c',
92        '../third_party/externals/png/pngwio.c',
93        '../third_party/externals/png/pngwrite.c',
94        '../third_party/externals/png/pngwtran.c',
95        '../third_party/externals/png/pngwutil.c',
96      ],
97      'include_dirs': [
98        '../third_party/externals/png',
99      ],
100      'cflags': [
101        '-w',
102        '-fvisibility=hidden',
103      ],
104      'link_settings': {
105        'libraries': [
106          '-lz',
107        ],
108      },
109      'direct_dependent_settings': {
110        'include_dirs': [
111          '../third_party/externals/png',
112        ],
113      }
114    },
115    {
116      'target_name': 'jpeg',
117      'type': 'static_library',
118      'dependencies': [
119        'ashmem'
120      ],
121      'sources': [
122        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcapimin.c',
123        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcapistd.c',
124        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jccoefct.c',
125        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jccolor.c',
126        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcdctmgr.c',
127        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jchuff.c',
128        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcinit.c',
129        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcmainct.c',
130        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcmarker.c',
131        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcmaster.c',
132        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcomapi.c',
133        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcparam.c',
134        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcphuff.c',
135        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcprepct.c',
136        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jcsample.c',
137        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jctrans.c',
138        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdapimin.c',
139        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdapistd.c',
140        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdatadst.c',
141        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdatasrc.c',
142        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdcoefct.c',
143        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdcolor.c',
144        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jddctmgr.c',
145        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdhuff.c',
146        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdinput.c',
147        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdmainct.c',
148        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdmarker.c',
149        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdmaster.c',
150        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdmerge.c',
151        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdphuff.c',
152        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdpostct.c',
153        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdsample.c',
154        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jdtrans.c',
155        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jerror.c',
156        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jfdctflt.c',
157        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jfdctfst.c',
158        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jfdctint.c',
159        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jidctflt.c',
160        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jidctfst.c',
161        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jidctint.c',
162        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jidctred.c',
163        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jmem-ashmem.c',
164        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jmemmgr.c',
165        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jquant1.c',
166        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jquant2.c',
167        '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jutils.c',
168      ],
169      'conditions': [
170        [ 'arm_neon == 1 and skia_clang_build == 0',
171          {
172            'sources' : [
173              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/armv6_idct.S',
174              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jsimd_arm_neon.S',
175              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jsimd_neon.c',
176            ],
177            'defines' : [
178              'NV_ARM_NEON',
179            ],
180          },
181        ],
182        [ 'skia_arch_type == "mips" and mips_dsp == 2',
183          {
184            'sources' : [
185              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/mips_jidctfst.c',
186              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/mips_idct_le.S',
187            ],
188            'defines' : [
189              'ANDROID_MIPS_IDCT',
190            ],
191          },
192        ],
193        [ '"x86" in skia_arch_type',
194          {
195            'sources' : [
196              '../third_party/externals/jpeg/jidctintelsse.c',
197            ],
198            'defines' : [
199              'ANDROID_INTELSSE2_IDCT',
200            ],
201          },
202        ],
203      ],
204      'include_dirs': [
205        '../third_party/externals/jpeg',
206      ],
207      'cflags': [
208        '-w',
209        '-fvisibility=hidden',
210        '-DAVOID_TABLES',
211        '-DUSE_ANDROID_ASHMEM',
212        '-O3',
213        '-fstrict-aliasing',
214        '-fprefetch-loop-arrays',
216      ],
217      'direct_dependent_settings': {
218        'include_dirs': [
219          '../third_party/externals/jpeg',
220        ],
221      }
222    },
223    {
224      # This target is a dependency for all console-type Skia applications which
225      # will run on Android.  Since Android requires us to load native code in
226      # shared libraries, we need a common entry point to wrap around main().
227      # Here we also change the type of all would-be executables to be shared
228      # libraries.  The alternative would be to introduce a condition in every
229      # executable target which changes to a shared library if the target OS is
230      # Android.  This is nicer because the switch is in one place.
231      'target_name': 'Android_EntryPoint',
232      'type': 'static_library',
233      'direct_dependent_settings': {
234        'target_conditions': [
235          # '_type' is an 'automatic variable' which is defined for any
236          # target which defines a key-value pair with 'type' as the key (so,
237          # all of them).  Conditionals inside 'target_conditions' are evaluated
238          # *after* all other definitions and conditionals are evaluated, so
239          # we're guaranteed that '_type' will be defined when we get here.
240          # For more info, see:
241          # - http://code.google.com/p/gyp/wiki/InputFormatReference#Variables
242          # - http://codereview.appspot.com/6353065/
243          ['_type == "executable"', {
244            'type': 'shared_library',
245          }],
246        ],
247      },
248    },
249    {
250      # This target is a dependency for Skia Sample application which runs on
251      # Android.  Since Android requires us to load native code in shared
252      # libraries, we need a common entry point to wrap around main(). Here
253      # we also change the type of all would-be executables to be shared
254      # libraries.  The alternative would be to introduce a condition in every
255      # executable target which changes to a shared library if the target OS is
256      # Android.  This is nicer because the switch is in one place.
257      'target_name': 'Android_SampleApp',
258      'type': 'static_library',
259      'direct_dependent_settings': {
260        'target_conditions': [
261          # '_type' is an 'automatic variable' which is defined for any
262          # target which defines a key-value pair with 'type' as the key (so,
263          # all of them).  Conditionals inside 'target_conditions' are evaluated
264          # *after* all other definitions and conditionals are evaluated, so
265          # we're guaranteed that '_type' will be defined when we get here.
266          # For more info, see:
267          # - http://code.google.com/p/gyp/wiki/InputFormatReference#Variables
268          # - http://codereview.appspot.com/6353065/
269          ['_type == "executable"', {
270            'type': 'shared_library',
271          }],
272        ],
273        'sources': [
274          '../app/jni/com_skia_SkiaSampleRenderer.cpp',
275        ],
276      },
278    },
279  ]