1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "linker/relative_patcher_test.h"
18 #include "linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64.h"
20 namespace art {
21 namespace linker {
23 class Arm64RelativePatcherTest : public RelativePatcherTest {
24  public:
Arm64RelativePatcherTest(const std::string & variant)25   explicit Arm64RelativePatcherTest(const std::string& variant)
26       : RelativePatcherTest(kArm64, variant) { }
28  protected:
29   static const uint8_t kCallRawCode[];
30   static const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> kCallCode;
31   static const uint8_t kNopRawCode[];
32   static const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> kNopCode;
34   // All branches can be created from kBlPlus0 or kBPlus0 by adding the low 26 bits.
35   static constexpr uint32_t kBlPlus0 = 0x94000000u;
36   static constexpr uint32_t kBPlus0 = 0x14000000u;
38   // Special BL values.
39   static constexpr uint32_t kBlPlusMax = 0x95ffffffu;
40   static constexpr uint32_t kBlMinusMax = 0x96000000u;
42   // LDUR x2, [sp, #4], i.e. unaligned load crossing 64-bit boundary (assuming aligned sp).
43   static constexpr uint32_t kLdurInsn = 0xf840405fu;
45   // LDR w12, <label> and LDR x12, <label>. Bits 5-23 contain label displacement in 4-byte units.
46   static constexpr uint32_t kLdrWPcRelInsn = 0x1800000cu;
47   static constexpr uint32_t kLdrXPcRelInsn = 0x5800000cu;
49   // LDR w13, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR x13, [SP, #<pimm>]. Bits 10-21 contain displacement from SP
50   // in units of 4-bytes (for 32-bit load) or 8-bytes (for 64-bit load).
51   static constexpr uint32_t kLdrWSpRelInsn = 0xb94003edu;
52   static constexpr uint32_t kLdrXSpRelInsn = 0xf94003edu;
Create2MethodsWithGap(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> & method1_code,const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch> & method1_patches,const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> & last_method_code,const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch> & last_method_patches,uint32_t distance_without_thunks)54   uint32_t Create2MethodsWithGap(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& method1_code,
55                                  const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& method1_patches,
56                                  const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& last_method_code,
57                                  const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& last_method_patches,
58                                  uint32_t distance_without_thunks) {
59     CHECK_EQ(distance_without_thunks % kArm64Alignment, 0u);
60     const uint32_t method1_offset =
61         CompiledCode::AlignCode(kTrampolineSize, kArm64) + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
62     AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), method1_code, method1_patches);
63     const uint32_t gap_start =
64         CompiledCode::AlignCode(method1_offset + method1_code.size(), kArm64);
66     // We want to put the method3 at a very precise offset.
67     const uint32_t last_method_offset = method1_offset + distance_without_thunks;
68     const uint32_t gap_end = last_method_offset - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
69     CHECK(IsAligned<kArm64Alignment>(gap_end));
71     // Fill the gap with intermediate methods in chunks of 2MiB and the last in [2MiB, 4MiB).
72     // (This allows deduplicating the small chunks to avoid using 256MiB of memory for +-128MiB
73     // offsets by this test.)
74     uint32_t method_idx = 2u;
75     constexpr uint32_t kSmallChunkSize = 2 * MB;
76     std::vector<uint8_t> gap_code;
77     size_t gap_size = gap_end - gap_start;
78     for (; gap_size >= 2u * kSmallChunkSize; gap_size -= kSmallChunkSize) {
79       uint32_t chunk_code_size = kSmallChunkSize - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
80       gap_code.resize(chunk_code_size, 0u);
81       AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(method_idx), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(gap_code),
82                         ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
83       method_idx += 1u;
84     }
85     uint32_t chunk_code_size = gap_size - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
86     gap_code.resize(chunk_code_size, 0u);
87     AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(method_idx), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(gap_code),
88                       ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
89     method_idx += 1u;
91     // Add the last method and link
92     AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(method_idx), last_method_code, last_method_patches);
93     Link();
95     // Check assumptions.
96     CHECK_EQ(GetMethodOffset(1), method1_offset);
97     auto last_result = method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(method_idx));
98     CHECK(last_result.first);
99     // There may be a thunk before method2.
100     if (last_result.second != last_method_offset) {
101       // Thunk present. Check that there's only one.
102       uint32_t aligned_thunk_size = CompiledCode::AlignCode(ThunkSize(), kArm64);
103       CHECK_EQ(last_result.second, last_method_offset + aligned_thunk_size);
104     }
105     return method_idx;
106   }
GetMethodOffset(uint32_t method_idx)108   uint32_t GetMethodOffset(uint32_t method_idx) {
109     auto result = method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(method_idx));
110     CHECK(result.first);
111     CHECK_EQ(result.second & 3u, 0u);
112     return result.second;
113   }
ThunkSize()115   uint32_t ThunkSize() {
116     return static_cast<Arm64RelativePatcher*>(patcher_.get())->thunk_code_.size();
117   }
CheckThunk(uint32_t thunk_offset)119   bool CheckThunk(uint32_t thunk_offset) {
120     Arm64RelativePatcher* patcher = static_cast<Arm64RelativePatcher*>(patcher_.get());
121     ArrayRef<const uint8_t> expected_code(patcher->thunk_code_);
122     if (output_.size() < thunk_offset + expected_code.size()) {
123       LOG(ERROR) << "output_.size() == " << output_.size() << " < "
124           << "thunk_offset + expected_code.size() == " << (thunk_offset + expected_code.size());
125       return false;
126     }
127     ArrayRef<const uint8_t> linked_code(&output_[thunk_offset], expected_code.size());
128     if (linked_code == expected_code) {
129       return true;
130     }
131     // Log failure info.
132     DumpDiff(expected_code, linked_code);
133     return false;
134   }
GenNopsAndBl(size_t num_nops,uint32_t bl)136   std::vector<uint8_t> GenNopsAndBl(size_t num_nops, uint32_t bl) {
137     std::vector<uint8_t> result;
138     result.reserve(num_nops * 4u + 4u);
139     for (size_t i = 0; i != num_nops; ++i) {
140       result.insert(result.end(), kNopCode.begin(), kNopCode.end());
141     }
142     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(bl));
143     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(bl >> 8));
144     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(bl >> 16));
145     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(bl >> 24));
146     return result;
147   }
GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(size_t num_nops,uint32_t method_offset,uint32_t target_offset)149   std::vector<uint8_t> GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(size_t num_nops,
150                                          uint32_t method_offset, uint32_t target_offset) {
151     std::vector<uint8_t> result;
152     result.reserve(num_nops * 4u + 8u);
153     for (size_t i = 0; i != num_nops; ++i) {
154       result.insert(result.end(), kNopCode.begin(), kNopCode.end());
155     }
156     DCHECK_EQ(method_offset & 3u, 0u);
157     DCHECK_EQ(target_offset & 3u, 0u);
158     uint32_t adrp_offset = method_offset + num_nops * 4u;
159     uint32_t disp = target_offset - (adrp_offset & ~0xfffu);
160     DCHECK_EQ(disp & 3u, 0u);
161     uint32_t ldr = 0xb9400001 |               // LDR w1, [x0, #(imm12 * 2)]
162         ((disp & 0xfffu) << (10 - 2));        // imm12 = ((disp & 0xfffu) >> 2) is at bit 10.
163     uint32_t adrp = 0x90000000 |              // ADRP x0, +SignExtend(immhi:immlo:Zeros(12), 64)
164         ((disp & 0x3000u) << (29 - 12)) |     // immlo = ((disp & 0x3000u) >> 12) is at bit 29,
165         ((disp & 0xffffc000) >> (14 - 5)) |   // immhi = (disp >> 14) is at bit 5,
166         // We take the sign bit from the disp, limiting disp to +- 2GiB.
167         ((disp & 0x80000000) >> (31 - 23));   // sign bit in immhi is at bit 23.
168     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(adrp));
169     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(adrp >> 8));
170     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(adrp >> 16));
171     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(adrp >> 24));
172     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(ldr));
173     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(ldr >> 8));
174     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(ldr >> 16));
175     result.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(ldr >> 24));
176     return result;
177   }
TestNopsAdrpLdr(size_t num_nops,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)179   void TestNopsAdrpLdr(size_t num_nops, uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
180     dex_cache_arrays_begin_ = dex_cache_arrays_begin;
181     auto code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(num_nops, 0u, 0u);  // Unpatched.
182     LinkerPatch patches[] = {
183         LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(num_nops * 4u     , nullptr, num_nops * 4u, element_offset),
184         LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(num_nops * 4u + 4u, nullptr, num_nops * 4u, element_offset),
185     };
186     AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(code),
187                       ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches));
188     Link();
190     uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
191     uint32_t target_offset = dex_cache_arrays_begin_ + element_offset;
192     auto expected_code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(num_nops, method1_offset, target_offset);
193     EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
194   }
InsertInsn(std::vector<uint8_t> * code,size_t pos,uint32_t insn)196   void InsertInsn(std::vector<uint8_t>* code, size_t pos, uint32_t insn) {
197     CHECK_LE(pos, code->size());
198     const uint8_t insn_code[] = {
199         static_cast<uint8_t>(insn), static_cast<uint8_t>(insn >> 8),
200         static_cast<uint8_t>(insn >> 16), static_cast<uint8_t>(insn >> 24),
201     };
202     static_assert(sizeof(insn_code) == 4u, "Invalid sizeof(insn_code).");
203     code->insert(code->begin() + pos, insn_code, insn_code + sizeof(insn_code));
204   }
PrepareNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(size_t num_nops,uint32_t insn2,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)206   void PrepareNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(size_t num_nops, uint32_t insn2,
207                                uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
208     dex_cache_arrays_begin_ = dex_cache_arrays_begin;
209     auto code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(num_nops, 0u, 0u);  // Unpatched.
210     InsertInsn(&code, num_nops * 4u + 4u, insn2);
211     LinkerPatch patches[] = {
212         LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(num_nops * 4u     , nullptr, num_nops * 4u, element_offset),
213         LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(num_nops * 4u + 8u, nullptr, num_nops * 4u, element_offset),
214     };
215     AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(code),
216                       ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches));
217     Link();
218   }
TestNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(size_t num_nops,uint32_t insn2,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)220   void TestNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(size_t num_nops, uint32_t insn2,
221                             uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
222     PrepareNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
224     uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
225     uint32_t target_offset = dex_cache_arrays_begin_ + element_offset;
226     auto expected_code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(num_nops, method1_offset, target_offset);
227     InsertInsn(&expected_code, num_nops * 4u + 4u, insn2);
228     EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
229   }
TestNopsAdrpInsn2LdrHasThunk(size_t num_nops,uint32_t insn2,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)231   void TestNopsAdrpInsn2LdrHasThunk(size_t num_nops, uint32_t insn2,
232                                     uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
233     PrepareNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
235     uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
236     CHECK(!compiled_method_refs_.empty());
237     CHECK_EQ(compiled_method_refs_[0].dex_method_index, 1u);
238     CHECK_EQ(compiled_method_refs_.size(), compiled_methods_.size());
239     uint32_t method1_size = compiled_methods_[0]->GetQuickCode()->size();
240     uint32_t thunk_offset = CompiledCode::AlignCode(method1_offset + method1_size, kArm64);
241     uint32_t b_diff = thunk_offset - (method1_offset + num_nops * 4u);
242     ASSERT_EQ(b_diff & 3u, 0u);
243     ASSERT_LT(b_diff, 128 * MB);
244     uint32_t b_out = kBPlus0 + ((b_diff >> 2) & 0x03ffffffu);
245     uint32_t b_in = kBPlus0 + ((-b_diff >> 2) & 0x03ffffffu);
247     uint32_t target_offset = dex_cache_arrays_begin_ + element_offset;
248     auto expected_code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(num_nops, method1_offset, target_offset);
249     InsertInsn(&expected_code, num_nops * 4u + 4u, insn2);
250     // Replace adrp with bl.
251     expected_code.erase(expected_code.begin() + num_nops * 4u,
252                         expected_code.begin() + num_nops * 4u + 4u);
253     InsertInsn(&expected_code, num_nops * 4u, b_out);
254     EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
256     auto expected_thunk_code = GenNopsAndAdrpLdr(0u, thunk_offset, target_offset);
257     ASSERT_EQ(expected_thunk_code.size(), 8u);
258     expected_thunk_code.erase(expected_thunk_code.begin() + 4u, expected_thunk_code.begin() + 8u);
259     InsertInsn(&expected_thunk_code, 4u, b_in);
260     ASSERT_EQ(expected_thunk_code.size(), 8u);
262     uint32_t thunk_size = ThunkSize();
263     ASSERT_EQ(thunk_offset + thunk_size, output_.size());
264     ASSERT_EQ(thunk_size, expected_thunk_code.size());
265     ArrayRef<const uint8_t> thunk_code(&output_[thunk_offset], thunk_size);
266     if (ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_thunk_code) != thunk_code) {
267       DumpDiff(ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_thunk_code), thunk_code);
268       FAIL();
269     }
270   }
TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(uint32_t insn2,uint32_t adrp_offset,bool has_thunk,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)272   void TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(uint32_t insn2, uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
273                         uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
274     uint32_t method1_offset =
275         CompiledCode::AlignCode(kTrampolineSize, kArm64) + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
276     ASSERT_LT(method1_offset, adrp_offset);
277     ASSERT_EQ(adrp_offset & 3u, 0u);
278     uint32_t num_nops = (adrp_offset - method1_offset) / 4u;
279     if (has_thunk) {
280       TestNopsAdrpInsn2LdrHasThunk(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
281     } else {
282       TestNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
283     }
284     ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset, GetMethodOffset(1u));  // If this fails, num_nops is wrong.
285   }
TestAdrpLdurLdr(uint32_t adrp_offset,bool has_thunk,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)287   void TestAdrpLdurLdr(uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
288                        uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
289     TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(kLdurInsn, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
290   }
TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(uint32_t pcrel_ldr_insn,int32_t pcrel_disp,uint32_t adrp_offset,bool has_thunk,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)292   void TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(uint32_t pcrel_ldr_insn, int32_t pcrel_disp,
293                            uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
294                            uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
295     ASSERT_LT(pcrel_disp, 0x100000);
296     ASSERT_GE(pcrel_disp, -0x100000);
297     ASSERT_EQ(pcrel_disp & 0x3, 0);
298     uint32_t insn2 = pcrel_ldr_insn | (((static_cast<uint32_t>(pcrel_disp) >> 2) & 0x7ffffu) << 5);
299     TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(insn2, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
300   }
TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(uint32_t sprel_ldr_insn,uint32_t sprel_disp_in_load_units,uint32_t adrp_offset,bool has_thunk,uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin,uint32_t element_offset)302   void TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(uint32_t sprel_ldr_insn, uint32_t sprel_disp_in_load_units,
303                            uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
304                            uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
305     ASSERT_LT(sprel_disp_in_load_units, 0x1000u);
306     uint32_t insn2 = sprel_ldr_insn | ((sprel_disp_in_load_units & 0xfffu) << 10);
307     TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(insn2, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
308   }
309 };
311 const uint8_t Arm64RelativePatcherTest::kCallRawCode[] = {
312     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94
313 };
315 const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> Arm64RelativePatcherTest::kCallCode(kCallRawCode);
317 const uint8_t Arm64RelativePatcherTest::kNopRawCode[] = {
318     0x1f, 0x20, 0x03, 0xd5
319 };
321 const ArrayRef<const uint8_t> Arm64RelativePatcherTest::kNopCode(kNopRawCode);
323 class Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault : public Arm64RelativePatcherTest {
324  public:
Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault()325   Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault() : Arm64RelativePatcherTest("default") { }
326 };
328 class Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64 : public Arm64RelativePatcherTest {
329  public:
Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64()330   Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64() : Arm64RelativePatcherTest("denver64") { }
331 };
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallSelf)333 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallSelf) {
334   LinkerPatch patches[] = {
335       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 1u),
336   };
337   AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches));
338   Link();
340   static const uint8_t expected_code[] = {
341       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94
342   };
343   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
344 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallOther)346 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOther) {
347   LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = {
348       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 2u),
349   };
350   AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(method1_patches));
351   LinkerPatch method2_patches[] = {
352       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 1u),
353   };
354   AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(2u), kCallCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(method2_patches));
355   Link();
357   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
358   uint32_t method2_offset = GetMethodOffset(2u);
359   uint32_t diff_after = method2_offset - method1_offset;
360   ASSERT_EQ(diff_after & 3u, 0u);
361   ASSERT_LT(diff_after >> 2, 1u << 8);  // Simple encoding, (diff_after >> 2) fits into 8 bits.
362   static const uint8_t method1_expected_code[] = {
363       static_cast<uint8_t>(diff_after >> 2), 0x00, 0x00, 0x94
364   };
365   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(method1_expected_code)));
366   uint32_t diff_before = method1_offset - method2_offset;
367   ASSERT_EQ(diff_before & 3u, 0u);
368   ASSERT_GE(diff_before, -1u << 27);
369   auto method2_expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlPlus0 | ((diff_before >> 2) & 0x03ffffffu));
370   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(2u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(method2_expected_code)));
371 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallTrampoline)373 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallTrampoline) {
374   LinkerPatch patches[] = {
375       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 2u),
376   };
377   AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches));
378   Link();
380   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
381   uint32_t diff = kTrampolineOffset - method1_offset;
382   ASSERT_EQ(diff & 1u, 0u);
383   ASSERT_GE(diff, -1u << 9);  // Simple encoding, -256 <= (diff >> 1) < 0 (checked as unsigned).
384   auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlPlus0 | ((diff >> 2) & 0x03ffffffu));
385   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
386 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallOtherAlmostTooFarAfter)388 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOtherAlmostTooFarAfter) {
389   auto method1_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0);
390   constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method1 = 1u * 4u;  // After NOPs.
391   ArrayRef<const uint8_t> method1_code(method1_raw_code);
392   ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method1 + 4u, method1_code.size());
393   uint32_t expected_last_method_idx = 65;  // Based on 2MiB chunks in Create2MethodsWithGap().
394   LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = {
395       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method1, nullptr, expected_last_method_idx),
396   };
398   constexpr uint32_t max_positive_disp = 128 * MB - 4u;
399   uint32_t last_method_idx = Create2MethodsWithGap(method1_code, method1_patches,
400                                                    kNopCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(),
401                                                    bl_offset_in_method1 + max_positive_disp);
402   ASSERT_EQ(expected_last_method_idx, last_method_idx);
404   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
405   uint32_t last_method_offset = GetMethodOffset(last_method_idx);
406   ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset + bl_offset_in_method1 + max_positive_disp, last_method_offset);
408   // Check linked code.
409   auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlusMax);
410   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
411 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallOtherAlmostTooFarBefore)413 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOtherAlmostTooFarBefore) {
414   auto last_method_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlPlus0);
415   constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_last_method = 0u * 4u;  // After NOPs.
416   ArrayRef<const uint8_t> last_method_code(last_method_raw_code);
417   ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_last_method + 4u, last_method_code.size());
418   LinkerPatch last_method_patches[] = {
419       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_last_method, nullptr, 1u),
420   };
422   constexpr uint32_t max_negative_disp = 128 * MB;
423   uint32_t last_method_idx = Create2MethodsWithGap(kNopCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(),
424                                                    last_method_code, last_method_patches,
425                                                    max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_last_method);
426   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
427   uint32_t last_method_offset = GetMethodOffset(last_method_idx);
428   ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset, last_method_offset + bl_offset_in_last_method - max_negative_disp);
430   // Check linked code.
431   auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlMinusMax);
432   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(last_method_idx),
433                                 ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
434 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallOtherJustTooFarAfter)436 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOtherJustTooFarAfter) {
437   auto method1_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlPlus0);
438   constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method1 = 0u * 4u;  // After NOPs.
439   ArrayRef<const uint8_t> method1_code(method1_raw_code);
440   ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method1 + 4u, method1_code.size());
441   uint32_t expected_last_method_idx = 65;  // Based on 2MiB chunks in Create2MethodsWithGap().
442   LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = {
443       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method1, nullptr, expected_last_method_idx),
444   };
446   constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_positive_disp = 128 * MB;
447   uint32_t last_method_idx = Create2MethodsWithGap(
448       method1_code, method1_patches, kNopCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(),
449       bl_offset_in_method1 + just_over_max_positive_disp);
450   ASSERT_EQ(expected_last_method_idx, last_method_idx);
452   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
453   uint32_t last_method_offset = GetMethodOffset(last_method_idx);
454   uint32_t last_method_header_offset = last_method_offset - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
455   ASSERT_TRUE(IsAligned<kArm64Alignment>(last_method_header_offset));
456   uint32_t thunk_offset = last_method_header_offset - CompiledCode::AlignCode(ThunkSize(), kArm64);
457   ASSERT_TRUE(IsAligned<kArm64Alignment>(thunk_offset));
458   uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (method1_offset + bl_offset_in_method1);
459   ASSERT_EQ(diff & 3u, 0u);
460   ASSERT_LT(diff, 128 * MB);
461   auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlPlus0 | (diff >> 2));
462   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
463   CheckThunk(thunk_offset);
464 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,CallOtherJustTooFarBefore)466 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOtherJustTooFarBefore) {
467   auto last_method_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0);
468   constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_last_method = 1u * 4u;  // After NOPs.
469   ArrayRef<const uint8_t> last_method_code(last_method_raw_code);
470   ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_last_method + 4u, last_method_code.size());
471   LinkerPatch last_method_patches[] = {
472       LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_last_method, nullptr, 1u),
473   };
475   constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_negative_disp = 128 * MB + 4;
476   uint32_t last_method_idx = Create2MethodsWithGap(
477       kNopCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(), last_method_code, last_method_patches,
478       just_over_max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_last_method);
479   uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
480   uint32_t last_method_offset = GetMethodOffset(last_method_idx);
481   ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset,
482             last_method_offset + bl_offset_in_last_method - just_over_max_negative_disp);
484   // Check linked code.
485   uint32_t thunk_offset =
486       CompiledCode::AlignCode(last_method_offset + last_method_code.size(), kArm64);
487   uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (last_method_offset + bl_offset_in_last_method);
488   ASSERT_EQ(diff & 3u, 0u);
489   ASSERT_LT(diff, 128 * MB);
490   auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0 | (diff >> 2));
491   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(last_method_idx),
492                                 ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
493   EXPECT_TRUE(CheckThunk(thunk_offset));
494 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference1)496 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference1) {
497   TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
498 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference2)500 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference2) {
501   TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, -0x12345678u, 0x4444u);
502 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference3)504 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference3) {
505   TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345000u, 0x3ffcu);
506 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference4)508 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference4) {
509   TestNopsAdrpLdr(0u, 0x12345000u, 0x4000u);
510 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference0xff4)512 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference0xff4) {
513   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xff4u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
514 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference0xff8)516 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference0xff8) {
517   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xff8u, true, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
518 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference0xffc)520 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference0xffc) {
521   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xffcu, true, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
522 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault,DexCacheReference0x1000)524 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference0x1000) {
525   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0x1000u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
526 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64,DexCacheReference0xff4)528 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, DexCacheReference0xff4) {
529   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xff4u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
530 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64,DexCacheReference0xff8)532 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, DexCacheReference0xff8) {
533   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xff8u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
534 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64,DexCacheReference0xffc)536 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, DexCacheReference0xffc) {
537   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0xffcu, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
538 }
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64,DexCacheReference0x1000)540 TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDenver64, DexCacheReference0x1000) {
541   TestAdrpLdurLdr(0x1000u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
542 }
544 #define TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(test, disp1, disp2) \
545   test(0xff4u, disp1) test(0xff8u, disp1) test(0xffcu, disp1) test(0x1000u, disp1) \
546   test(0xff4u, disp2) test(0xff8u, disp2) test(0xffcu, disp2) test(0x1000u, disp2)
548 // LDR <Wt>, <label> is always aligned. We should never have to use a fixup.
549 #define LDRW_PCREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
550   TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## WPcRel ## disp) { \
551     TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrWPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
552   }
556 // LDR <Xt>, <label> is aligned when offset + displacement is a multiple of 8.
557 #define LDRX_PCREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
558   TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## XPcRel ## disp) { \
559     bool unaligned = ((adrp_offset + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(disp)) & 7u) != 0; \
560     bool has_thunk = (adrp_offset == 0xff8u || adrp_offset == 0xffcu) && unaligned; \
561     TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrXPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, has_thunk, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
562   }
566 // LDR <Wt>, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR <Xt>, [SP, #<pimm>] are always aligned. No fixup needed.
567 #define LDRW_SPREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
568   TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## WSpRel ## disp) { \
569     TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrWSpRelInsn, disp >> 2, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
570   }
574 #define LDRX_SPREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
575   TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## XSpRel ## disp) { \
576     TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrXSpRelInsn, disp >> 3, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
577   }
581 }  // namespace linker
582 }  // namespace art