1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 20013 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
5 //
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 // This unit test cannot be easily written to work with EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR
13 #endif
15 static int nb_temporaries;
on_temporary_creation(int)17 inline void on_temporary_creation(int) {
18 // here's a great place to set a breakpoint when debugging failures in this test!
19 nb_temporaries++;
20 }
23 #define EIGEN_DENSE_STORAGE_CTOR_PLUGIN { on_temporary_creation(size); }
25 #include "main.h"
28 nb_temporaries = 0; \
29 XPR; \
30 if(nb_temporaries!=N) std::cerr << "nb_temporaries == " << nb_temporaries << "\n"; \
31 VERIFY( (#XPR) && nb_temporaries==N ); \
32 }
35 // test Ref.h
ref_matrix(const MatrixType & m)37 template<typename MatrixType> void ref_matrix(const MatrixType& m)
38 {
39 typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
40 typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
41 typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
42 typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,MatrixType::Options> DynMatrixType;
43 typedef Matrix<RealScalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,MatrixType::Options> RealDynMatrixType;
45 typedef Ref<MatrixType> RefMat;
46 typedef Ref<DynMatrixType> RefDynMat;
47 typedef Ref<const DynMatrixType> ConstRefDynMat;
48 typedef Ref<RealDynMatrixType , 0, Stride<Dynamic,Dynamic> > RefRealMatWithStride;
50 Index rows = m.rows(), cols = m.cols();
52 MatrixType m1 = MatrixType::Random(rows, cols),
53 m2 = m1;
55 Index i = internal::random<Index>(0,rows-1);
56 Index j = internal::random<Index>(0,cols-1);
57 Index brows = internal::random<Index>(1,rows-i);
58 Index bcols = internal::random<Index>(1,cols-j);
60 RefMat rm0 = m1;
61 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm0, m1);
62 RefDynMat rm1 = m1;
63 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm1, m1);
64 RefDynMat rm2 = m1.block(i,j,brows,bcols);
65 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm2, m1.block(i,j,brows,bcols));
66 rm2.setOnes();
67 m2.block(i,j,brows,bcols).setOnes();
68 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(m1, m2);
70 m2.block(i,j,brows,bcols).setRandom();
71 rm2 = m2.block(i,j,brows,bcols);
72 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(m1, m2);
75 ConstRefDynMat rm3 = m1.block(i,j,brows,bcols);
76 m1.block(i,j,brows,bcols) *= 2;
77 m2.block(i,j,brows,bcols) *= 2;
78 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm3, m2.block(i,j,brows,bcols));
79 RefRealMatWithStride rm4 = m1.real();
80 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm4, m2.real());
81 rm4.array() += 1;
82 m2.real().array() += 1;
83 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(m1, m2);
84 }
ref_vector(const VectorType & m)86 template<typename VectorType> void ref_vector(const VectorType& m)
87 {
88 typedef typename VectorType::Index Index;
89 typedef typename VectorType::Scalar Scalar;
90 typedef typename VectorType::RealScalar RealScalar;
91 typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1,VectorType::Options> DynMatrixType;
92 typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,ColMajor> MatrixType;
93 typedef Matrix<RealScalar,Dynamic,1,VectorType::Options> RealDynMatrixType;
95 typedef Ref<VectorType> RefMat;
96 typedef Ref<DynMatrixType> RefDynMat;
97 typedef Ref<const DynMatrixType> ConstRefDynMat;
98 typedef Ref<RealDynMatrixType , 0, InnerStride<> > RefRealMatWithStride;
99 typedef Ref<DynMatrixType , 0, InnerStride<> > RefMatWithStride;
101 Index size = m.size();
103 VectorType v1 = VectorType::Random(size),
104 v2 = v1;
105 MatrixType mat1 = MatrixType::Random(size,size),
106 mat2 = mat1,
107 mat3 = MatrixType::Random(size,size);
109 Index i = internal::random<Index>(0,size-1);
110 Index bsize = internal::random<Index>(1,size-i);
112 RefMat rm0 = v1;
113 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm0, v1);
114 RefDynMat rv1 = v1;
115 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rv1, v1);
116 RefDynMat rv2 = v1.segment(i,bsize);
117 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rv2, v1.segment(i,bsize));
118 rv2.setOnes();
119 v2.segment(i,bsize).setOnes();
120 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(v1, v2);
122 v2.segment(i,bsize).setRandom();
123 rv2 = v2.segment(i,bsize);
124 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(v1, v2);
126 ConstRefDynMat rm3 = v1.segment(i,bsize);
127 v1.segment(i,bsize) *= 2;
128 v2.segment(i,bsize) *= 2;
129 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm3, v2.segment(i,bsize));
131 RefRealMatWithStride rm4 = v1.real();
132 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm4, v2.real());
133 rm4.array() += 1;
134 v2.real().array() += 1;
135 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(v1, v2);
137 RefMatWithStride rm5 = mat1.row(i).transpose();
138 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(rm5, mat1.row(i).transpose());
139 rm5.array() += 1;
140 mat2.row(i).array() += 1;
141 VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(mat1, mat2);
142 rm5.noalias() = rm4.transpose() * mat3;
143 mat2.row(i) = v2.real().transpose() * mat3;
144 VERIFY_IS_APPROX(mat1, mat2);
145 }
check_const_correctness(const PlainObjectType &)147 template<typename PlainObjectType> void check_const_correctness(const PlainObjectType&)
148 {
149 // verify that ref-to-const don't have LvalueBit
150 typedef typename internal::add_const<PlainObjectType>::type ConstPlainObjectType;
151 VERIFY( !(internal::traits<Ref<ConstPlainObjectType> >::Flags & LvalueBit) );
152 VERIFY( !(internal::traits<Ref<ConstPlainObjectType, Aligned> >::Flags & LvalueBit) );
153 VERIFY( !(Ref<ConstPlainObjectType>::Flags & LvalueBit) );
154 VERIFY( !(Ref<ConstPlainObjectType, Aligned>::Flags & LvalueBit) );
155 }
157 template<typename B>
call_ref_1(Ref<VectorXf> a,const B & b)158 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_1(Ref<VectorXf> a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
159 template<typename B>
call_ref_2(const Ref<const VectorXf> & a,const B & b)160 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_2(const Ref<const VectorXf>& a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
161 template<typename B>
call_ref_3(Ref<VectorXf,0,InnerStride<>> a,const B & b)162 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_3(Ref<VectorXf,0,InnerStride<> > a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
163 template<typename B>
call_ref_4(const Ref<const VectorXf,0,InnerStride<>> & a,const B & b)164 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_4(const Ref<const VectorXf,0,InnerStride<> >& a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
165 template<typename B>
call_ref_5(Ref<MatrixXf,0,OuterStride<>> a,const B & b)166 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_5(Ref<MatrixXf,0,OuterStride<> > a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
167 template<typename B>
call_ref_6(const Ref<const MatrixXf,0,OuterStride<>> & a,const B & b)168 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_6(const Ref<const MatrixXf,0,OuterStride<> >& a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
169 template<typename B>
call_ref_7(Ref<Matrix<float,Dynamic,3>> a,const B & b)170 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void call_ref_7(Ref<Matrix<float,Dynamic,3> > a, const B &b) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(a,b); }
call_ref()172 void call_ref()
173 {
174 VectorXcf ca = VectorXcf::Random(10);
175 VectorXf a = VectorXf::Random(10);
176 RowVectorXf b = RowVectorXf::Random(10);
177 MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(10,10);
178 RowVector3f c = RowVector3f::Random();
179 const VectorXf& ac(a);
180 VectorBlock<VectorXf> ab(a,0,3);
181 const VectorBlock<VectorXf> abc(a,0,3);
184 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(a,a), 0);
185 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(b,b.transpose()), 0);
186 // call_ref_1(ac,a<c); // does not compile because ac is const
187 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(ab,ab), 0);
188 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(a.head(4),a.head(4)), 0);
189 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(abc,abc), 0);
190 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_1(A.col(3),A.col(3)), 0);
191 // call_ref_1(A.row(3),A.row(3)); // does not compile because innerstride!=1
192 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_3(A.row(3),A.row(3).transpose()), 0);
193 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(A.row(3),A.row(3).transpose()), 0);
194 // call_ref_1(a+a, a+a); // does not compile for obvious reason
196 MatrixXf tmp = A*A.col(1);
197 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(A*A.col(1), tmp), 1); // evaluated into a temp
198 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ac.head(5),ac.head(5)), 0);
199 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ac,ac), 0);
200 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a,a), 0);
201 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ab,ab), 0);
202 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a.head(4),a.head(4)), 0);
203 tmp = a+a;
204 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(a+a,tmp), 1); // evaluated into a temp
205 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_2(ca.imag(),ca.imag()), 1); // evaluated into a temp
207 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(ac.head(5),ac.head(5)), 0);
208 tmp = a+a;
209 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(a+a,tmp), 1); // evaluated into a temp
210 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_4(ca.imag(),ca.imag()), 0);
212 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a,a), 0);
213 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a.head(3),a.head(3)), 0);
214 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(A,A), 0);
215 // call_ref_5(A.transpose(),A.transpose()); // does not compile because storage order does not match
216 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(A.block(1,1,2,2),A.block(1,1,2,2)), 0);
217 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(b,b), 0); // storage order do not match, but this is a degenerate case that should work
218 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_5(a.row(3),a.row(3)), 0);
220 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(a,a), 0);
221 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(a.head(3),a.head(3)), 0);
222 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.row(3),A.row(3)), 1); // evaluated into a temp thouth it could be avoided by viewing it as a 1xn matrix
223 tmp = A+A;
224 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A+A,tmp), 1); // evaluated into a temp
225 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A,A), 0);
226 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.transpose(),A.transpose()), 1); // evaluated into a temp because the storage orders do not match
227 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_6(A.block(1,1,2,2),A.block(1,1,2,2)), 0);
229 VERIFY_EVALUATION_COUNT( call_ref_7(c,c), 0);
230 }
test_ref()232 void test_ref()
233 {
234 for(int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
235 CALL_SUBTEST_1( ref_vector(Matrix<float, 1, 1>()) );
236 CALL_SUBTEST_1( check_const_correctness(Matrix<float, 1, 1>()) );
237 CALL_SUBTEST_2( ref_vector(Vector4d()) );
238 CALL_SUBTEST_2( check_const_correctness(Matrix4d()) );
239 CALL_SUBTEST_3( ref_vector(Vector4cf()) );
240 CALL_SUBTEST_4( ref_vector(VectorXcf(8)) );
241 CALL_SUBTEST_5( ref_vector(VectorXi(12)) );
242 CALL_SUBTEST_5( check_const_correctness(VectorXi(12)) );
244 CALL_SUBTEST_1( ref_matrix(Matrix<float, 1, 1>()) );
245 CALL_SUBTEST_2( ref_matrix(Matrix4d()) );
246 CALL_SUBTEST_1( ref_matrix(Matrix<float,3,5>()) );
247 CALL_SUBTEST_4( ref_matrix(MatrixXcf(internal::random<int>(1,10),internal::random<int>(1,10))) );
248 CALL_SUBTEST_4( ref_matrix(Matrix<std::complex<double>,10,15>()) );
249 CALL_SUBTEST_5( ref_matrix(MatrixXi(internal::random<int>(1,10),internal::random<int>(1,10))) );
250 CALL_SUBTEST_6( call_ref() );
251 }
252 }