Lines Matching refs:msgid

5 msgid ""
20 msgid "failed to load names from %s: %s"
25 msgid "bad address at %s line %d"
30 msgid "bad name at %s line %d"
35 msgid "read %s - %d addresses"
39 msgid "cleared cache"
44 msgid "cannot access directory %s: %s"
49 msgid "not giving name %s to the DHCP lease of %s because the name exists in %s with address %s"
54 msgid "time %lu"
59 msgid "cache size %d, %d/%d cache insertions re-used unexpired cache entries."
64 msgid "queries forwarded %u, queries answered locally %u"
69 msgid "server %s#%d: queries sent %u, retried or failed %u"
74 msgid "failed to seed the random number generator: %s"
78 msgid "failed to allocate memory"
82 msgid "could not get memory"
87 msgid "cannot create pipe: %s"
92 msgid "failed to allocate %d bytes"
97 msgid "infinite"
101 msgid "Specify local address(es) to listen on."
105 msgid "Return ipaddr for all hosts in specified domains."
109 msgid "Fake reverse lookups for RFC1918 private address ranges."
113 msgid "Treat ipaddr as NXDOMAIN (defeats Verisign wildcard)."
118 msgid "Specify the size of the cache in entries (defaults to %s)."
123 msgid "Specify configuration file (defaults to %s)."
127 msgid "Do NOT fork into the background: run in debug mode."
131 msgid "Do NOT forward queries with no domain part."
135 msgid "Return self-pointing MX records for local hosts."
139 msgid "Expand simple names in /etc/hosts with domain-suffix."
143 msgid "Don't forward spurious DNS requests from Windows hosts."
147 msgid "Enable DHCP in the range given with lease duration."
152 msgid "Change to this group after startup (defaults to %s)."
156 msgid "Set address or hostname for a specified machine."
160 msgid "Read DHCP host specs from file"
164 msgid "Read DHCP option specs from file"
169 msgid "Do NOT load %s file."
174 msgid "Specify a hosts file to be read in addition to %s."
178 msgid "Specify interface(s) to listen on."
182 msgid "Specify interface(s) NOT to listen on."
186 msgid "Map DHCP user class to tag."
190 msgid "Map RFC3046 circuit-id to tag."
194 msgid "Map RFC3046 remote-id to tag."
198 msgid "Map RFC3993 subscriber-id to tag."
202 msgid "Don't do DHCP for hosts with tag set."
206 msgid "Force broadcast replies for hosts with tag set."
210 msgid "Do NOT fork into the background, do NOT run in debug mode."
214 msgid "Assume we are the only DHCP server on the local network."
219 msgid "Specify where to store DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."
223 msgid "Return MX records for local hosts."
227 msgid "Specify an MX record."
231 msgid "Specify BOOTP options to DHCP server."
236 msgid "Do NOT poll %s file, reload only on SIGHUP."
240 msgid "Do NOT cache failed search results."
245 msgid "Use nameservers strictly in the order given in %s."
249 msgid "Specify options to be sent to DHCP clients."
253 msgid "DHCP option sent even if the client does not request it."
257 msgid "Specify port to listen for DNS requests on (defaults to 53)."
262 msgid "Maximum supported UDP packet size for EDNS.0 (defaults to %s)."
266 msgid "Log DNS queries."
270 msgid "Force the originating port for upstream DNS queries."
274 msgid "Do NOT read resolv.conf."
279 msgid "Specify path to resolv.conf (defaults to %s)."
283 msgid "Specify address(es) of upstream servers with optional domains."
287 msgid "Never forward queries to specified domains."
291 msgid "Specify the domain to be assigned in DHCP leases."
295 msgid "Specify default target in an MX record."
299 msgid "Specify time-to-live in seconds for replies from /etc/hosts."
303 msgid "Specify time-to-live in seconds for negative caching."
308 msgid "Change to this user after startup. (defaults to %s)."
312 msgid "Map DHCP vendor class to tag."
316 msgid "Display dnsmasq version and copyright information."
320 msgid "Translate IPv4 addresses from upstream servers."
324 msgid "Specify a SRV record."
328 msgid "Display this message. Use --help dhcp for known DHCP options."
333 msgid "Specify path of PID file (defaults to %s)."
338 msgid "Specify maximum number of DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."
342 msgid "Answer DNS queries based on the interface a query was sent to."
346 msgid "Specify TXT DNS record."
350 msgid "Specify PTR DNS record."
354 msgid "Give DNS name to IPv4 address of interface."
358 msgid "Bind only to interfaces in use."
363 msgid "Read DHCP static host information from %s."
367 msgid "Enable the DBus interface for setting upstream servers, etc."
371 msgid "Do not provide DHCP on this interface, only provide DNS."
375 msgid "Enable dynamic address allocation for bootp."
379 msgid "Map MAC address (with wildcards) to option set."
383 msgid "Treat DHCP requests on aliases as arriving from interface."
387 msgid "Disable ICMP echo address checking in the DHCP server."
391 msgid "Script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction."
395 msgid "Read configuration from all the files in this directory."
399 msgid "Log to this syslog facility or file. (defaults to DAEMON)"
403 msgid "Do not use leasefile."
408 msgid "Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries. (defaults to %s)"
413 msgid "Clear DNS cache when reloading %s."
417 msgid "Ignore hostnames provided by DHCP clients."
421 msgid "Do NOT reuse filename and server fields for extra DHCP options."
425 msgid "Enable integrated read-only TFTP server."
429 msgid "Export files by TFTP only from the specified subtree."
433 msgid "Add client IP address to tftp-root."
437 msgid "Allow access only to files owned by the user running dnsmasq."
442 msgid "Maximum number of conncurrent TFTP transfers (defaults to %s)."
446 msgid "Disable the TFTP blocksize extension."
450 msgid "Ephemeral port range for use by TFTP transfers."
454 msgid "Extra logging for DHCP."
458 msgid "Enable async. logging; optionally set queue length."
462 msgid "Stop DNS rebinding. Filter private IP ranges when resolving."
466 msgid "Always perform DNS queries to all servers."
470 msgid "Set tag if client includes matching option in request."
474 msgid "Use alternative ports for DHCP."
478 msgid "Run lease-change script as this user."
482 msgid "Specify NAPTR DNS record."
486 msgid "Specify lowest port available for DNS query transmission."
490 msgid "Use only fully qualified domain names for DHCP clients."
494 msgid "Specify alias name for LOCAL DNS name."
498 msgid "Prompt to send to PXE clients."
502 msgid "Boot service for PXE menu."
506 msgid "Check configuration syntax."
511 msgid ""
518 msgid "Use short options only on the command line.\n"
523 msgid "Valid options are:\n"
528 msgid "Known DHCP options:\n"
532 msgid "bad dhcp-option"
536 msgid "bad IP address"
540 msgid "bad domain in dhcp-option"
544 msgid "dhcp-option too long"
548 msgid "illegal dhcp-match"
552 msgid "illegal repeated flag"
556 msgid "illegal repeated keyword"
561 msgid "cannot access %s: %s"
565 msgid "only one dhcp-hostsfile allowed"
569 msgid "only one dhcp-optsfile allowed"
573 msgid "bad MX preference"
577 msgid "bad MX name"
581 msgid "bad MX target"
585 msgid "cannot run scripts under uClinux"
589 msgid "recompile with HAVE_SCRIPT defined to enable lease-change scripts"
593 msgid "bad port"
597 msgid "interface binding not supported"
601 msgid "bad port range"
605 msgid "bad bridge-interface"
609 msgid "bad dhcp-range"
613 msgid "only one netid tag allowed"
617 msgid "inconsistent DHCP range"
621 msgid "bad DHCP host name"
625 msgid "invalid port number"
629 msgid "invalid alias range"
633 msgid "bad interface name"
637 msgid "bad CNAME"
641 msgid "duplicate CNAME"
645 msgid "bad PTR record"
649 msgid "bad NAPTR record"
653 msgid "TXT record string too long"
657 msgid "bad TXT record"
661 msgid "bad SRV record"
665 msgid "bad SRV target"
669 msgid "invalid priority"
673 msgid "invalid weight"
677 msgid "unsupported option (check that dnsmasq was compiled with DHCP/TFTP/DBus support)"
682 msgid "files nested too deep in %s"
687 msgid "cannot read %s: %s"
691 msgid "missing \""
695 msgid "bad option"
699 msgid "extraneous parameter"
703 msgid "missing parameter"
707 msgid "error"
712 msgid "%s at line %d of %%s"
717 msgid "read %s"
722 msgid "Dnsmasq version %s %s\n"
727 msgid ""
734 msgid "This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"
739 msgid "Dnsmasq is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"
744 msgid "under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or 3.\n"
748 msgid "try --help"
752 msgid "try -w"
757 msgid "bad command line options: %s"
762 msgid "cannot get host-name: %s"
766 msgid "only one resolv.conf file allowed in no-poll mode."
770 msgid "must have exactly one resolv.conf to read domain from."
775 msgid "failed to read %s: %s"
780 msgid "no search directive found in %s"
784 msgid "there must be a default domain when --dhcp-fqdn is set"
788 msgid "syntax check OK"
793 msgid "nameserver %s refused to do a recursive query"
797 msgid "possible DNS-rebind attack detected"
802 msgid "unknown interface %s in bridge-interface"
807 msgid "failed to create listening socket: %s"
812 msgid "failed to set IPV6 options on listening socket: %s"
817 msgid "failed to bind listening socket for %s: %s"
822 msgid "failed to listen on socket: %s"
827 msgid "failed to create TFTP socket: %s"
832 msgid "failed to bind server socket for %s: %s"
837 msgid "ignoring nameserver %s - local interface"
842 msgid "ignoring nameserver %s - cannot make/bind socket: %s"
846 msgid "unqualified"
850 msgid "names"
854 msgid "default"
858 msgid "domain"
863 msgid "using local addresses only for %s %s"
868 msgid "using nameserver %s#%d for %s %s"
873 msgid "using nameserver %s#%d(via %s)"
878 msgid "using nameserver %s#%d"
882 msgid "TFTP server not available: set HAVE_TFTP in src/config.h"
886 msgid "asychronous logging is not available under Solaris"
891 msgid "failed to find list of interfaces: %s"
896 msgid "unknown interface %s"
901 msgid "no interface with address %s"
906 msgid "DBus error: %s"
910 msgid "DBus not available: set HAVE_DBUS in src/config.h"
915 msgid "unknown user or group: %s"
920 msgid "cannot chdir to filesystem root: %s"
925 msgid "started, version %s DNS disabled"
930 msgid "started, version %s cachesize %d"
935 msgid "started, version %s cache disabled"
940 msgid "compile time options: %s"
944 msgid "DBus support enabled: connected to system bus"
948 msgid "DBus support enabled: bus connection pending"
953 msgid "warning: failed to change owner of %s: %s"
957 msgid "setting --bind-interfaces option because of OS limitations"
962 msgid "warning: interface %s does not currently exist"
966 msgid "warning: ignoring resolv-file flag because no-resolv is set"
970 msgid "warning: no upstream servers configured"
975 msgid "asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is %d messages"
980 msgid "DHCP, static leases only on %.0s%s, lease time %s"
985 msgid "DHCP, proxy on subnet %.0s%s%.0s"
990 msgid "DHCP, IP range %s -- %s, lease time %s"
994 msgid "root is "
998 msgid "enabled"
1002 msgid "secure mode"
1007 msgid "restricting maximum simultaneous TFTP transfers to %d"
1011 msgid "connected to system DBus"
1016 msgid "cannot fork into background: %s"
1021 msgid "failed to create helper: %s"
1026 msgid "setting capabilities failed: %s"
1031 msgid "failed to change user-id to %s: %s"
1036 msgid "failed to change group-id to %s: %s"
1041 msgid "failed to open pidfile %s: %s"
1046 msgid "cannot open %s: %s"
1051 msgid "child process killed by signal %d"
1056 msgid "child process exited with status %d"
1061 msgid "failed to execute %s: %s"
1065 msgid "exiting on receipt of SIGTERM"
1070 msgid "failed to access %s: %s"
1075 msgid "reading %s"
1080 msgid "no servers found in %s, will retry"
1085 msgid "cannot create DHCP socket: %s"
1090 msgid "failed to set options on DHCP socket: %s"
1095 msgid "failed to set SO_REUSE{ADDR|PORT} on DHCP socket: %s"
1100 msgid "failed to bind DHCP server socket: %s"
1105 msgid "cannot create ICMP raw socket: %s."
1110 msgid "DHCP packet received on %s which has no address"
1115 msgid "DHCP range %s -- %s is not consistent with netmask %s"
1120 msgid "bad line at %s line %d"
1125 msgid "ignoring %s line %d, duplicate name or IP address"
1130 msgid "duplicate IP address %s in dhcp-config directive."
1135 msgid "duplicate IP address %s in %s."
1140 msgid "%s has more than one address in hostsfile, using %s for DHCP"
1145 msgid "duplicate IP address %s (%s) in dhcp-config directive"
1150 msgid "cannot open or create lease file %s: %s"
1154 msgid "too many stored leases"
1159 msgid "cannot run lease-init script %s: %s"
1164 msgid "lease-init script returned exit code %s"
1169 msgid "failed to write %s: %s (retry in %us)"
1174 msgid "no address range available for DHCP request %s %s"
1178 msgid "with subnet selector"
1182 msgid "via"
1187 msgid "%u Available DHCP subnet: %s/%s"
1192 msgid "%u Available DHCP range: %s -- %s"
1196 msgid "disabled"
1200 msgid "ignored"
1204 msgid "address in use"
1208 msgid "no address available"
1212 msgid "wrong network"
1216 msgid "no address configured"
1220 msgid "no leases left"
1225 msgid "%u client provides name: %s"
1230 msgid "%u Vendor class: %s"
1235 msgid "%u User class: %s"
1239 msgid "PXE BIS not supported"
1244 msgid "disabling DHCP static address %s for %s"
1248 msgid "unknown lease"
1253 msgid "not using configured address %s because it is leased to %s"
1258 msgid "not using configured address %s because it is in use by the server or relay"
1263 msgid "not using configured address %s because it was previously declined"
1267 msgid "no unique-id"
1271 msgid "wrong server-ID"
1275 msgid "wrong address"
1279 msgid "lease not found"
1283 msgid "address not available"
1287 msgid "static lease available"
1291 msgid "address reserved"
1296 msgid "abandoning lease to %s of %s"
1301 msgid "%u tags: %s"
1306 msgid "%u bootfile name: %s"
1311 msgid "%u server name: %s"
1316 msgid "%u next server: %s"
1321 msgid "cannot send DHCP/BOOTP option %d: no space left in packet"
1325 msgid "PXE menu too large"
1330 msgid "Ignoring domain %s for DHCP host name %s"
1335 msgid "%u requested options: %s"
1340 msgid "cannot create netlink socket: %s"
1345 msgid "netlink returns error: %s"
1349 msgid "attempt to set an IPv6 server address via DBus - no IPv6 support"
1353 msgid "setting upstream servers from DBus"
1357 msgid "could not register a DBus message handler"
1362 msgid "cannot create DHCP BPF socket: %s"
1367 msgid "DHCP request for unsupported hardware type (%d) received on %s"
1371 msgid "unable to get free port for TFTP"
1376 msgid "unsupported request from %s"
1381 msgid "TFTP sent %s to %s"
1386 msgid "file %s not found"
1391 msgid "TFTP error %d %s received from %s"
1396 msgid "TFTP failed sending %s to %s"
1401 msgid "overflow: %d log entries lost"
1406 msgid "log failed: %s"
1410 msgid "FAILED to start up"