Lines Matching refs:ProxyHandler
1484 + 288194 Add blacklist/whitelist to ProxyServlet and ProxyHandler
3833 + ProxyHandler can handle chained proxies
4242 + Improved error messages from ProxyHandler
4273 + Restricted ports in ProxyHandler.
4288 + ProxyHandler has improved test for request content
4307 + ProxyHandler checks black and white lists for Connect.
4323 + Added X-Forwarded-For header in ProxyHandler
4337 + ProxyHandler has black and white host list.
4346 + ProxyHandler can handle multiple cookies.
4352 + Moved ProxyHandler to the src1.4 tree
4411 + Improved ProxyHandler to the point is works well for non SSL.
4412 + Implemented RFC2817 CONNECT in ProxyHandler
5626 + ProxyHandler sends content for POSTs etc.