Lines Matching refs:UINT8
84 typedef UINT8 tNFC_STATE;
121 UINT8 id; /* NFCEE ID or RF Discovery ID or NFC_TEST_ID */
122 UINT8 act_protocol; /* the active protocol on this logical connection */
123 UINT8 conn_id; /* the connection id assigned by NFCC for this conn */
124 UINT8 buff_size; /* the max buffer size for this connection. . */
125 UINT8 num_buff; /* num of buffers left to send on this connection */
126 UINT8 init_credits; /* initial num of buffer credits */
140 UINT8 hal_evt; /* HAL event code */
141 UINT8 status; /* tHAL_NFC_STATUS */
161 …UINT8 conn_id[NFC_MAX_CONN_ID+1]; /* index: conn_id; conn_id[]: index(1 based) to co…
171 UINT8 max_conn; /* the num of connections supported by NFCC */
173 UINT8 nci_ctrl_size; /* Max Control Packet Payload Size */
176 …UINT8 vs_interface[NFC_NFCC_MAX_NUM_VS_INTERFACE]; /* the NCI VS interfaces of NFCC…
178 UINT8 num_disc_maps; /* number of RF Discovery interface mappings */
189 UINT8 trace_level;
190 UINT8 last_hdr[NFC_SAVED_HDR_SIZE];/* part of last NCI command header */
191 UINT8 last_cmd[NFC_SAVED_CMD_SIZE];/* part of last NCI command payload */
196 UINT8 nci_wait_rsp; /* layer_specific for last NCI message */
198 …UINT8 nci_cmd_window; /* Number of commands the controller can accecpt without w…
226 NFC_API extern tNFC_CONN_CB * nfc_find_conn_cb_by_conn_id (UINT8 conn_id);
227 NFC_API extern tNFC_CONN_CB * nfc_find_conn_cb_by_handle (UINT8 target_handle);
228 NFC_API extern void nfc_set_conn_id (tNFC_CONN_CB * p_cb, UINT8 conn_id);
234 extern UINT8 nfc_ncif_send_data (tNFC_CONN_CB *p_cb, BT_HDR *p_data);
241 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_discover_ntf (UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen);
242 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_rf_management_status (tNFC_DISCOVER_EVT event, UINT8 status);
243 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_set_config_status (UINT8 *p, UINT8 len);
244 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_event_status (tNFC_RESPONSE_EVT event, UINT8 status);
245 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_error_status (UINT8 conn_id, UINT8 status);
246 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_credits(UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen);
247 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_activate (UINT8 *p, UINT8 len);
248 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_deactivate (UINT8 status, UINT8 deact_type, BOOLEAN is_ntf);
250 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_ee_action (UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen);
251 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_ee_discover_req (UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen);
252 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_get_routing (UINT8 *p, UINT8 len);
254 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_conn_create_rsp (UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen, UINT8 dest_type);
255 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_report_conn_close_evt (UINT8 conn_id, tNFC_STATUS status);
256 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_t3t_polling_ntf (UINT8 *p, UINT16 plen);
257 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_reset_rsp (UINT8 *p, BOOLEAN is_ntf);
261 NFC_API extern BOOLEAN nfa_dm_p2p_prio_logic(UINT8 event, UINT8 *p, UINT8 ntf_rsp);
266 NFC_API extern void nfc_ncif_proc_rf_field_ntf (UINT8 rf_status);