Lines Matching refs:domainlabel

370 typedef struct { mDNSu8 c[ 64]; } domainlabel;		// One label: length byte and up to 63 characters  typedef
1857 domainlabel nicelabel; // Rich text label encoded using canonically precomposed UTF-8
1858 domainlabel hostlabel; // Conforms to RFC 1034 "letter-digit-hyphen" ARPANET host name rules
1899domainlabel AutoTunnelLabel; // Used to construct hostname for *IPv4* address of tunnel end…
2217 … const domainlabel *const name, const domainname *const type, const domainname *const domain,
2223 …_RenameAndReregisterService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *const sr, const domainlabel *newname);
2228 … const domainlabel *const name, const domainname *const type, const domainname *const domain,
2298 #define FirstLabel(X) ((const domainlabel *)(X))
2299 #define SecondLabel(X) ((const domainlabel *)StripFirstLabel(X))
2300 #define ThirdLabel(X) ((const domainlabel *)StripFirstLabel(StripFirstLabel(X)))
2316 extern mDNSu8 *AppendDomainLabel (domainname *const name, const domainlabel *const label);
2324 extern mDNSBool MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(domainlabel *const label, const char *cstr);
2334 extern char *ConvertDomainLabelToCString_withescape(const domainlabel *const name, char *cstr, c…
2341 extern void ConvertUTF8PstringToRFC1034HostLabel(const mDNSu8 UTF8Name[], domainlabel *const ho…
2343 extern mDNSu8 *ConstructServiceName(domainname *const fqdn, const domainlabel *name, const domainn…
2344 extern mDNSBool DeconstructServiceName(const domainname *const fqdn, domainlabel *const name, domai…
2377 extern void IncrementLabelSuffix(domainlabel *name, mDNSBool RichText);