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Lines Matching refs:BIT

494 #define BIT(i)		(1 << (i))  macro
777 #define EF_BRKCONT_PASS BIT(1) /* set if E_LOOP must pass break/continue on */
778 #define EF_FAKE_SIGDIE BIT(2) /* hack to get info from unwind to quitenv */
918 #define TF_SHELL_USES BIT(0) /* shell uses signal, user can't change */
919 #define TF_USER_SET BIT(1) /* user has (tried to) set trap */
920 #define TF_ORIG_IGN BIT(2) /* original action was SIG_IGN */
921 #define TF_ORIG_DFL BIT(3) /* original action was SIG_DFL */
922 #define TF_EXEC_IGN BIT(4) /* restore SIG_IGN just before exec */
923 #define TF_EXEC_DFL BIT(5) /* restore SIG_DFL just before exec */
924 #define TF_DFL_INTR BIT(6) /* when received, default action is LINTR */
925 #define TF_TTY_INTR BIT(7) /* tty generated signal (see j_waitj) */
926 #define TF_CHANGED BIT(8) /* used by runtrap() to detect trap changes */
927 #define TF_FATAL BIT(9) /* causes termination if not trapped */
935 #define SS_FORCE BIT(3) /* set signal even if original signal ignored */
936 #define SS_USER BIT(4) /* user is doing the set (ie, trap command) */
937 #define SS_SHTRAP BIT(5) /* trap for internal use (ALRM, CHLD, WINCH) */
972 #define C_ALPHA BIT(0) /* a-z_A-Z */
973 #define C_DIGIT BIT(1) /* 0-9 */
974 #define C_LEX1 BIT(2) /* \t \n\0|&;<>() */
975 #define C_VAR1 BIT(3) /* *@#!$-? */
976 #define C_IFSWS BIT(4) /* \t \n (IFS white space) */
977 #define C_SUBOP1 BIT(5) /* "=-+?" */
978 #define C_QUOTE BIT(6) /* \t\n "#$&'()*;<=>?[\]`| (needing quoting) */
979 #define C_IFS BIT(7) /* $IFS */
980 #define C_SUBOP2 BIT(8) /* "#%" (magic, see below) */
1007 #define GF_ERROR BIT(0) /* call errorf() if there is an error */
1008 #define GF_PLUSOPT BIT(1) /* allow +c as an option */
1009 #define GF_NONAME BIT(2) /* don't print argv[0] in errors */
1012 #define GI_MINUS BIT(0) /* an option started with -... */
1013 #define GI_PLUS BIT(1) /* an option started with +... */
1014 #define GI_MINUSMINUS BIT(2) /* arguments were ended with -- */
1197 #define ALLOC BIT(0) /* val.s has been allocated */
1198 #define DEFINED BIT(1) /* is defined in block */
1199 #define ISSET BIT(2) /* has value, vp->val.[si] */
1200 #define EXPORT BIT(3) /* exported variable/function */
1201 #define TRACE BIT(4) /* var: user flagged, func: execution tracing */
1204 #define SPECIAL BIT(8) /* PATH, IFS, SECONDS, etc */
1205 #define INTEGER BIT(9) /* val.i contains integer value */
1206 #define RDONLY BIT(10) /* read-only variable */
1207 #define LOCAL BIT(11) /* for local typeset() */
1208 #define ARRAY BIT(13) /* array */
1209 #define LJUST BIT(14) /* left justify */
1210 #define RJUST BIT(15) /* right justify */
1211 #define ZEROFIL BIT(16) /* 0 filled if RJUSTIFY, strip 0s if LJUSTIFY */
1212 #define LCASEV BIT(17) /* convert to lower case */
1213 #define UCASEV_AL BIT(18) /* convert to upper case / autoload function */
1214 #define INT_U BIT(19) /* unsigned integer */
1215 #define INT_L BIT(20) /* long integer (no-op but used as magic) */
1216 #define IMPORT BIT(21) /* flag to typeset(): no arrays, must have = */
1217 #define LOCAL_COPY BIT(22) /* with LOCAL - copy attrs from existing var */
1218 #define EXPRINEVAL BIT(23) /* contents currently being evaluated */
1219 #define EXPRLVALUE BIT(24) /* useable as lvalue (temp flag) */
1220 #define AINDEX BIT(25) /* array index >0 = ua.index filled in */
1221 #define ASSOC BIT(26) /* ARRAY ? associative : reference */
1223 #define KEEPASN BIT(8) /* keep command assignments (eg, var=x cmd) */
1224 #define FINUSE BIT(9) /* function being executed */
1225 #define FDELETE BIT(10) /* function deleted while it was executing */
1226 #define FKSH BIT(11) /* function defined with function x (vs x()) */
1227 #define SPEC_BI BIT(12) /* a POSIX special builtin */
1255 #define FC_SPECBI BIT(0) /* special builtin */
1256 #define FC_FUNC BIT(1) /* function */
1257 #define FC_NORMBI BIT(2) /* not special builtin */
1259 #define FC_PATH BIT(3) /* do path search */
1260 #define FC_DEFPATH BIT(4) /* use default path in path search */
1293 #define BF_DOGETOPTS BIT(0) /* save/restore getopts state */
1294 #define BF_STOPENV BIT(1) /* do not export further */
1419 #define IOEVAL BIT(4) /* expand in << */
1420 #define IOSKIP BIT(5) /* <<-, skip ^\t* */
1421 #define IOCLOB BIT(6) /* >|, override -o noclobber */
1422 #define IORDUP BIT(7) /* x<&y (as opposed to x>&y) */
1423 #define IONAMEXP BIT(8) /* name has been expanded */
1424 #define IOBASH BIT(9) /* &> etc. */
1425 #define IOHERESTR BIT(10) /* <<< (here string) */
1426 #define IONDELIM BIT(11) /* null delimiter (<<) */
1429 #define XEXEC BIT(0) /* execute without forking */
1430 #define XFORK BIT(1) /* fork before executing */
1431 #define XBGND BIT(2) /* command & */
1432 #define XPIPEI BIT(3) /* input is pipe */
1433 #define XPIPEO BIT(4) /* output is pipe */
1434 #define XXCOM BIT(5) /* `...` command */
1435 #define XPCLOSE BIT(6) /* exchild: close close_fd in parent */
1436 #define XCCLOSE BIT(7) /* exchild: close close_fd in child */
1437 #define XERROK BIT(8) /* non-zero exit ok (for set -e) */
1438 #define XCOPROC BIT(9) /* starting a co-process */
1439 #define XTIME BIT(10) /* timing TCOM command */
1440 #define XPIPEST BIT(11) /* want PIPESTATUS */
1446 #define DOBLANK BIT(0) /* perform blank interpretation */
1447 #define DOGLOB BIT(1) /* expand [?* */
1448 #define DOPAT BIT(2) /* quote *?[ */
1449 #define DOTILDE BIT(3) /* normal ~ expansion (first char) */
1450 #define DONTRUNCOMMAND BIT(4) /* do not run $(command) things */
1451 #define DOASNTILDE BIT(5) /* assignment ~ expansion (after =, :) */
1452 #define DOBRACE BIT(6) /* used by expand(): do brace expansion */
1453 #define DOMAGIC BIT(7) /* used by expand(): string contains MAGIC */
1454 #define DOTEMP BIT(8) /* dito: in word part of ${..[%#=?]..} */
1455 #define DOVACHECK BIT(9) /* var assign check (for typeset, set, etc) */
1456 #define DOMARKDIRS BIT(10) /* force markdirs behaviour */
1457 #define DOTCOMEXEC BIT(11) /* not an eval flag, used by sh -c hack */
1458 #define DOSCALAR BIT(12) /* change field handling to non-list context */
1459 #define DOHEREDOC BIT(13) /* change scalar handling to heredoc body */
1460 #define DOHERESTR BIT(14) /* append a newline char */
1586 #define SF_ECHO BIT(0) /* echo input to shlout */
1587 #define SF_ALIAS BIT(1) /* faking space at end of alias */
1588 #define SF_ALIASEND BIT(2) /* faking space at end of alias */
1589 #define SF_TTY BIT(3) /* type == SSTDIN & it is a tty */
1590 #define SF_HASALIAS BIT(4) /* u.tblp valid (SALIAS, SEOF) */
1591 #define SF_MAYEXEC BIT(5) /* special sh -c optimisation hack */
1632 #define CONTIN BIT(0) /* skip new lines to complete command */
1633 #define ONEWORD BIT(1) /* single word for substitute() */
1634 #define ALIAS BIT(2) /* recognise alias */
1635 #define KEYWORD BIT(3) /* recognise keywords */
1636 #define LETEXPR BIT(4) /* get expression inside (( )) */
1637 #define CMDASN BIT(5) /* parse x[1 & 2] as one word, for typeset */
1638 #define HEREDOC BIT(6) /* parsing a here document body */
1639 #define ESACONLY BIT(7) /* only accept esac keyword */
1640 #define CMDWORD BIT(8) /* parsing simple command (alias related) */
1641 #define HEREDELIM BIT(9) /* parsing <<,<<- delimiter */
1642 #define LQCHAR BIT(10) /* source string contains QCHAR */
2005 #define WDS_TPUTS BIT(0) /* tputS (dumpwdvar) mode */
2076 #define TEF_ERROR BIT(0) /* set if we've hit an error */
2077 #define TEF_DBRACKET BIT(1) /* set if [[ .. ]] test */