Lines Matching defs:SpeexEchoState_

132 struct SpeexEchoState_ {  struct
133 int frame_size; /**< Number of samples processed each time */
134 int window_size;
135 int M;
136 int cancel_count;
137 int adapted;
138 int saturated;
139 int screwed_up;
140 int C; /** Number of input channels (microphones) */
141 int K; /** Number of output channels (loudspeakers) */
142 spx_int32_t sampling_rate;
143 spx_word16_t spec_average;
144 spx_word16_t beta0;
145 spx_word16_t beta_max;
146 spx_word32_t sum_adapt;
147 spx_word16_t leak_estimate;
149 spx_word16_t *e; /* scratch */
150 spx_word16_t *x; /* Far-end input buffer (2N) */
151 spx_word16_t *X; /* Far-end buffer (M+1 frames) in frequency domain */
152 spx_word16_t *input; /* scratch */
153 spx_word16_t *y; /* scratch */
154 spx_word16_t *last_y;
155 spx_word16_t *Y; /* scratch */
156 spx_word16_t *E;
157 spx_word32_t *PHI; /* scratch */
158 spx_word32_t *W; /* (Background) filter weights */
160 spx_word16_t *foreground; /* Foreground filter weights */
161 spx_word32_t Davg1; /* 1st recursive average of the residual power difference */
162 spx_word32_t Davg2; /* 2nd recursive average of the residual power difference */
163 spx_float_t Dvar1; /* Estimated variance of 1st estimator */
164 spx_float_t Dvar2; /* Estimated variance of 2nd estimator */
166 spx_word32_t *power; /* Power of the far-end signal */
167 spx_float_t *power_1;/* Inverse power of far-end */
168 spx_word16_t *wtmp; /* scratch */
170 spx_word16_t *wtmp2; /* scratch */
172 spx_word32_t *Rf; /* scratch */
173 spx_word32_t *Yf; /* scratch */
174 spx_word32_t *Xf; /* scratch */
175 spx_word32_t *Eh;
176 spx_word32_t *Yh;
177 spx_float_t Pey;
178 spx_float_t Pyy;
179 spx_word16_t *window;
180 spx_word16_t *prop;
181 void *fft_table;
182 spx_word16_t *memX, *memD, *memE;
183 spx_word16_t preemph;
184 spx_word16_t notch_radius;
185 spx_mem_t *notch_mem;
188 spx_int16_t *play_buf;
189 int play_buf_pos;
190 int play_buf_started;