Lines Matching refs:authorization
400 _COMMENT new authorization value
411 _COMMENT private area containing the new authorization value
840 _COMMENT authorization value for subsequent use of the sequence
865 _COMMENT authorization value for subsequent use of the sequence
912 _COMMENT authorization for the sequence Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
946 _COMMENT authorization for the sequence Auth Index: 2 Auth Role: USER
1475 _COMMENT handle for a PCR that may have an authorization value set Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
1478 _COMMENT the desired authorization value
1522 _COMMENT the policy nonce for the session If the nonce is not included in the authorization qualifi…
1525 _COMMENT digest of the command parameters to which this authorization is limited This is not the cp…
1528 _COMMENT a reference to a policy relating to the authorization – may be the Empty Buffer Size is li…
1531 _COMMENT time when authorization will expire, measured in seconds from the time that nonceTPM was g…
1534 _COMMENT signed authorization (not optional)
1559 _COMMENT handle for an entity providing the authorization Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
1565 _COMMENT the policy nonce for the session If the nonce is not included in the authorization qualifi…
1568 _COMMENT digest of the command parameters to which this authorization is limited This not the cpHas…
1571 _COMMENT a reference to a policy relating to the authorization – may be the Empty Buffer Size is li…
1574 _COMMENT time when authorization will expire, measured in seconds from the time that nonceTPM was g…
1603 _COMMENT time when authorization will expire The contents are TPM specific. This shall be the value…
1606 _COMMENT digest of the command parameters to which this authorization is limited If it is not limit…
1612 _COMMENT name of the object that provided the authorization
1615 _COMMENT an authorization ticket returned by the TPM in response to a TPM2_PolicySigned() or TPM2_P…
1703 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2078 _COMMENT an authorization policy digest; may be the Empty Buffer If hashAlg is TPM_ALG_NULL, then t…
2182 _COMMENT new authorization value
2223 _COMMENT count of authorization failures before the lockout is imposed
2226 _COMMENT time in seconds before the authorization failure count is automatically decremented A valu…
2294 _NAME authorization
2575 _COMMENT the authorization value
2666 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2694 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2716 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2741 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2767 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2810 _COMMENT the handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2841 _COMMENT the handle indicating the source of the authorization value Auth Index: 1 Auth Role: USER
2867 _COMMENT new authorization value
2890 _COMMENT handle indicating the source of the authorization value for the NV Index Auth Index: 2 Aut…