Lines Matching refs:authPolicy

958 …4) policySession→policyDigest       shall    match    the   authPolicy   associated     with   the…
2336 used to compute the authPolicy for an object.
3043 TPM_RC_SIZE inPrivate missing, or authPolicy size for inPublic or is not valid
3166 be the same as its Name. The TPM will validate that the authPolicy is either the size of the digest
3281 …TPM_RC_SIZE authPolicy is not zero and is not the size of a digest produced …
3302 21 // the size of authPolicy is either 0 or the digest size of nameAlg
3303 22 if(in->inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size != 0
3304 23 && in->inPublic.t.publicArea.authPolicy.t.size !=
4641 …TPM_RC_SIZE authPolicy size does not match digest size of the name algorithm…
9839 …Empty Buffer for the authPolicy value. This will allow an EmptyAuth to be used as the authorization
9842 If the size of the data buffer in authPolicy is not the size of a digest produced by hashAlg, the T…
9873 TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy the desired authPolicy
9903 …TPM_RC_SIZE size of authPolicy is not the size of a digest produced by polic…
9923 21 // Check the authPolicy consistent with hash algorithm
9924 22 if(in->authPolicy.t.size != CryptGetHashDigestSize(in->hashAlg))
9935 33 gp.pcrPolicies.policy[groupIndex] = in->authPolicy;
13514 … done using either an HMAC or a password with no change to the authPolicy of the object. The
13616 to perform the actions required to pre-compute the authPolicy for an object.
14259 the current authPolicy for the referenced hierarchy.
14262 or authPolicy) may not be used.
14291 TPM2B_DIGEST authPolicy If hashAlg is TPM_ALG_NULL, then this shall be …
14294 TPMI_ALG_HASH+ hashAlg If the authPolicy is an Empty Buffer, then this…
14325 … TPM_RC_SIZE size of input authPolicy is not consistent with input hash algorithm
14336 13 // Check the authPolicy consistent with hash algorithm. If the policy size is
14338 15 if(in->authPolicy.t.size != CryptGetHashDigestSize(in->hashAlg))
14356 33 gp.ownerPolicy = in->authPolicy;
14362 39 gp.endorsementPolicy = in->authPolicy;
14368 45 gc.platformPolicy = in->authPolicy;
14374 51 gp.lockoutPolicy = in->authPolicy;
14492 29 // Set platform authPolicy to null
14619 36 // Set endorsement authPolicy to null
14770 45 // Set storage, endorsement, and lockout authPolicy to null
15603  Hierarchy authValue, authPolicy, and proof values;
15605  PCR authValue and authPolicy values;
17508 An Index may have an Index-specific authValue and authPolicy. The authValue may be used to authorize
17509 reading if TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD is SET and writing if TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD is SET. The authPolicy
17713 …TPM_RC_SIZE 'auth->size' or 'publicInfo->authPolicy.size' is larger than the dig…
17750 37 // check that the authPolicy consistent with hash algorithm
17751 38 if( in->publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size != 0
17752 39 && in->publicInfo.t.nvPublic.authPolicy.t.size != nameSize)
18199 authPolicy of the NV Index.
18505 TPMA_NV_OWNERWRITE, TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE, and the authPolicy of the NV Index.
18823 TPMA_NV_OWNERWRITE, TPMA_NV_AUTHWRITE, and the authPolicy of the NV Index.
19053 TPMA_NV_OWNERREAD, TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD, and the authPolicy of the NV Index.
19184 TPMA_NV_OWNERREAD, TPMA_NV_AUTHREAD, and the authPolicy of the NV Index.