Lines Matching refs:locality

962       6) if policySession->commandLocality has been set, it shall match the locality of the command
1566 … previous Startup() or the locality of the startup is not 0 pr 3
1580 13 BYTE locality = _plat__LocalityGet();
1582 15 // In the PC Client specification, only locality 0 and 3 are allowed
1583 16 if(locality != 0 && locality != 3)
1585 18 // Indicate that the locality was 3 unless there was an H-CRTM
1587 20 locality = 0;
1588 21 g_StartupLocality3 = (locality == 3);
1696 119 PCRStartup(startup, locality);
1871 55 // Hack for the H-CRTM and Startup locality settings
2327  authorization may be given at any locality;
7139 TPM_RC_LOCALITY PCR extension is not allowed at the current locality
7165 27 // see if extend of the PCR is allowed at the locality of the command,
9376 TPM_RC_LOCALITY current command locality is not allowed to extend the PCR
9401 26 // Check if the extend operation is allowed by the current command locality
9513 TPM_RC_LOCALITY current command locality is not allowed to extend the PCR
9592 No authorization is required to read a PCR and any implemented PCR may be read from any locality.
9693 PCR attribute definitions indicate how a PCR is to be managed – if it is resettable, the locality f…
10067 command may be used to set the PCR to zero. The attributes of the PCR may restrict the locality tha…
10075 … TPM_RC_LOCALITY is returned because the reset attributes are defined on a per -locality basis.
10124 …TPM_RC_LOCALITY current command locality is not allowed to reset the PCR referen…
10136 13 // Check if the reset operation is allowed by the current command locality
10608 … disables localities. Once use of a policy for a locality has been disabled, it cannot be enabled
11743 This command indicates that the authorization will be limited to a specific locality.
11745 started, this parameter is initialized to a value that allows the policy to apply to any locality.
11746 If locality has a value greater than 31, then an extended locality is indicated. For an extended lo…
11748 value of policySession→commandLocality is the same as locality (TPM_RC_RANGE).
11749 When locality is not an extended locality, the TPM will validate that the policySession→commandLoca…
11750 is not set to an extended locality value (TPM_RC_RANGE). If not the TPM will disable any locality n…
11751 SET in the locality parameter. If the result of disabling localities results in no locality being e…
11753 If no error occurred in the validation of locality, policySession→policyDigest is extended with
11754 … policyDigestnew ≔ HpolicyAlg(policyDigestold || TPM_CC_PolicyLocality || locality) (21)
11757 When the policy session is used to authorize a command, the authorization will fail if the locality
11784 TPMA_LOCALITY locality the allowed localities for the policy
11809 Limit a policy to a specific locality
11813 …TPM_RC_RANGE all the locality values selected by locality have been disable…
11834 22 // Get new locality setting in canonical form
11836 24 marshalSize = TPMA_LOCALITY_Marshal(&in->locality, &buffer, NULL);
11838 26 // Its an error if the locality parameter is zero
11842 30 // Get existing locality setting in canonical form
11846 34 // If the locality has previously been set
11848 36 // then the current locality setting and the requested have to be the same
11853 41 // See if the input is a regular or extended locality
11875 58 // for extended locality
11876 59 // if the locality has already been set, then it must match the
11888 71 // policyDigestnew = hash(policyDigestold || TPM_CC_PolicyLocality || locality)
11898 81 // add input locality
11904 87 // update session locality by unmarshal function. The function must succeed
11905 88 // because both input and existing locality setting have been validated.