Lines Matching refs:_plat__ClockTimeElapsed
966 …C.3.3.3. _plat__ClockTimeElapsed() .........................................................…
1044 …C.8.7.3. _plat__ClockTimeElapsed() ..........................................................…
15320 96 elapsed = _plat__ClockTimeElapsed();
35785 C.3.3.3. _plat__ClockTimeElapsed()
35787 …Get the time elapsed from current to the last time the _plat__ClockTimeElapsed() is called. For th…
35788 …_plat__ClockTimeElapsed() call after a power on event, this call report the elapsed time from powe…
35792 25 _plat__ClockTimeElapsed(
36801 C.8.7.3. _plat__ClockTimeElapsed()
36803 …Get the time elapsed from current to the last time the _plat__ClockTimeElapsed() is called. For th…
36804 …_plat__ClockTimeElapsed() call after a power on event, this call report the elapsed time from powe…
36808 93 _plat__ClockTimeElapsed(void);