Lines Matching refs:SyntaxError
50 PASS Function('"use strict"; with({});') threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not incl…
56 PASS (function eval(){'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in …
57 PASS (function(){(function eval(){'use strict';})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or…
58 PASS (function (eval){'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in …
59 PASS (function(){(function (eval){'use strict';})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or…
60 PASS (function arguments(){'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or argument…
61 PASS (function(){(function arguments(){'use strict';})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected ev…
62 PASS (function (arguments){'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or argument…
63 PASS (function(){(function (arguments){'use strict';})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected ev…
64 PASS (function (){'use strict'; var eval;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or argumen…
65 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; var eval;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected e…
66 PASS (function (){'use strict'; var arguments;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or ar…
67 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; var arguments;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpec…
68 PASS (function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(eval){}}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval o…
69 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(eval){}})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Une…
70 PASS (function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(arguments){}}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected e…
71 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; try{}catch(arguments){}})}) threw exception SyntaxError…
72 PASS (function (a, a){'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Duplicate parameter name not all…
73 PASS (function(){(function (a, a){'use strict';})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Duplicate paramete…
74 PASS (function (a){'use strict'; delete a;})() threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualifie…
75 PASS (function(){(function (a){'use strict'; delete a;})()}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of…
76 PASS (function (){'use strict'; var a; delete a;})() threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqu…
77 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; var a; delete a;})()}) threw exception SyntaxError: Del…
78 PASS (function (){var a; function f() {'use strict'; delete a;} })() threw exception SyntaxError: D…
79 …){var a; function f() {'use strict'; delete a;} })()}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an u…
80 PASS (function (){'use strict'; with(1){};}) threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not …
81 PASS (function(){(function (){'use strict'; with(1){};})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode…
100 PASS 'use strict'; (function (){with(1){};}) threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not …
101 PASS (function(){'use strict'; (function (){with(1){};})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode…
102 PASS 'use strict'; (function (){var a; delete a;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqual…
103 PASS (function(){'use strict'; (function (){var a; delete a;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delet…
104 PASS 'use strict'; var a; (function (){ delete a;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqua…
105 PASS (function(){'use strict'; var a; (function (){ delete a;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Dele…
106 PASS var a; (function (){ 'use strict'; delete a;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqua…
107 PASS (function(){var a; (function (){ 'use strict'; delete a;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Dele…
108 PASS 'misc directive'; 'use strict'; with({}){} threw exception SyntaxError: Strict mode code may n…
109 PASS (function(){'misc directive'; 'use strict'; with({}){}}) threw exception SyntaxError: Strict m…
110 PASS 'use strict'; return threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal return statement.
111 PASS 'use strict'; break threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal break statement.
112 PASS (function(){'use strict'; break}) threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal break statement.
113 PASS 'use strict'; continue threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal continue statement.
114 PASS (function(){'use strict'; continue}) threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal continue statement.
115 PASS 'use strict'; for(;;)return threw exception SyntaxError: Illegal return statement.
116 PASS 'use strict'; for(;;)break missingLabel threw exception SyntaxError: Undefined label 'missingL…
117 PASS (function(){'use strict'; for(;;)break missingLabel}) threw exception SyntaxError: Undefined l…
118 PASS 'use strict'; for(;;)continue missingLabel threw exception SyntaxError: Undefined label 'missi…
119 PASS (function(){'use strict'; for(;;)continue missingLabel}) threw exception SyntaxError: Undefine…
120 PASS 'use strict'; 007; threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode..
121 PASS (function(){'use strict'; 007;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed i…
122 PASS 'use strict'; '\007'; threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mo…
123 PASS (function(){'use strict'; '\007';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowe…
124 PASS '\007'; 'use strict'; threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mo…
125 PASS (function(){'\007'; 'use strict';}) threw exception SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowe…
126 PASS 'use strict'; delete aDeletableProperty; threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified…
127 PASS (function(){'use strict'; delete aDeletableProperty;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of …
128 PASS 'use strict'; (function (){ delete someDeclaredGlobal;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete o…
129 … strict'; (function (){ delete someDeclaredGlobal;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an u…
130 PASS (function (){ 'use strict'; delete someDeclaredGlobal;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete o…
131 …ction (){ 'use strict'; delete someDeclaredGlobal;})}) threw exception SyntaxError: Delete of an u…
139 PASS 'use strict'; ++eval threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode.
140 PASS (function(){'use strict'; ++eval}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments i…
141 PASS 'use strict'; eval++ threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode.
142 PASS (function(){'use strict'; eval++}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments i…
143 PASS 'use strict'; --eval threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode.
144 PASS (function(){'use strict'; --eval}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments i…
145 PASS 'use strict'; eval-- threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode.
146 PASS (function(){'use strict'; eval--}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments i…
147 PASS 'use strict'; function f() { ++arguments } threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arg…
148 PASS (function(){'use strict'; function f() { ++arguments }}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpect…
149 PASS 'use strict'; function f() { arguments++ } threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arg…
150 PASS (function(){'use strict'; function f() { arguments++ }}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpect…
151 PASS 'use strict'; function f() { --arguments } threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arg…
152 PASS (function(){'use strict'; function f() { --arguments }}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpect…
153 PASS 'use strict'; function f() { arguments-- } threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arg…
154 PASS (function(){'use strict'; function f() { arguments-- }}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpect…
155 PASS global.eval('"use strict"; if (0) ++arguments; true;') threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected…
209 PASS 'use strict'̻ threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
210 PASS (function(){'use strict'̻}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
211 PASS 'use strict'5.f threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
212 PASS (function(){'use strict'5.f}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
213 PASS 'use strict';̻ threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
214 PASS (function(){'use strict';̻}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
215 PASS 'use strict';5.f threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
216 PASS (function(){'use strict';5.f}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL.
217 PASS 'use strict';1-(eval=1); threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict m…
218 PASS (function(){'use strict';1-(eval=1);}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or argumen…
219 PASS 'use strict';arguments=1; threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict …
220 PASS (function(){'use strict';arguments=1;}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or argume…
221 PASS 'use strict';1-(arguments=1); threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in str…
222 PASS (function(){'use strict';1-(arguments=1);}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or ar…
223 PASS 'use strict';var a=(eval=1); threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in stri…
224 PASS (function(){'use strict';var a=(eval=1);}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arg…
225 PASS 'use strict';var a=(arguments=1); threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in…
226 PASS (function(){'use strict';var a=(arguments=1);}) threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected eval o…