Lines Matching refs:bit

95  * half: 16 bit floating point value
97 * A 16 bit floating point value.
104 * half2: Two 16 bit floats
107 * into a single 32 bit field with 32 bit alignment.
114 * half3: Three 16 bit floats
117 * into a single 64 bit field with 64 bit alignment.
124 * half4: Four 16 bit floats
127 * into a single 64 bit field with 64 bit alignment.
134 * int8_t: 8 bit signed integer
136 * 8 bit signed integer type.
141 * int16_t: 16 bit signed integer
143 * A 16 bit signed integer type.
148 * int32_t: 32 bit signed integer
150 * A 32 bit signed integer type.
155 * int64_t: 64 bit signed integer
157 * A 64 bit signed integer type.
168 * uint8_t: 8 bit unsigned integer
170 * 8 bit unsigned integer type.
175 * uint16_t: 16 bit unsigned integer
177 * A 16 bit unsigned integer type.
182 * uint32_t: 32 bit unsigned integer
184 * A 32 bit unsigned integer type.
189 * uint64_t: 64 bit unsigned integer
191 * A 64 bit unsigned integer type.
202 * uchar: 8 bit unsigned integer
204 * 8 bit unsigned integer type.
209 * ushort: 16 bit unsigned integer
211 * A 16 bit unsigned integer type.
216 * uint: 32 bit unsigned integer
218 * A 32 bit unsigned integer type.
223 * ulong: 64 bit unsigned integer
225 * A 64 bit unsigned integer type.
256 * float2: Two 32 bit floats
258 * A vector of two floats. These two floats are packed into a single 64 bit field
259 * with a 64 bit alignment.
261 * A vector of two floats. These two floats are packed into a single 64 bit field
262 * with a 64 bit alignment.
267 * float3: Three 32 bit floats
269 * A vector of three floats. These three floats are packed into a single 128 bit field
270 * with a 128 bit alignment.
275 * float4: Four 32 bit floats
277 * A vector of four floats type. These four floats are packed into a single 128 bit field
278 * with a 128 bit alignment.
283 * double2: Two 64 bit floats
285 * A vector of two doubles. These two double fields packed into a single 128 bit field
286 * with a 128 bit alignment.
291 * double3: Three 64 bit floats
293 * A vector of three doubles. These three double fields packed into a single 256 bit field
294 * with a 256 bit alignment.
299 * double4: Four 64 bit floats
301 * A vector of four doubles. These four double fields packed into a single 256 bit field
302 * with a 256 bit alignment.
307 * uchar2: Two 8 bit unsigned integers
309 * A vector of two uchars. These two uchar fields packed into a single 16 bit field
310 * with a 16 bit alignment.
315 * uchar3: Three 8 bit unsigned integers
317 * A vector of three uchars. These three uchar fields packed into a single 32 bit field
318 * with a 32 bit alignment.
323 * uchar4: Four 8 bit unsigned integers
325 * A vector of four uchars. These four uchar fields packed into a single 32 bit field
326 * with a 32 bit alignment.
331 * ushort2: Two 16 bit unsigned integers
333 * A vector of two ushorts. These two ushort fields packed into a single 32 bit field
334 * with a 32 bit alignment.
339 * ushort3: Three 16 bit unsigned integers
341 * A vector of three ushorts. These three ushort fields packed into a single 64 bit field
342 * with a 64 bit alignment.
347 * ushort4: Four 16 bit unsigned integers
349 * A vector of four ushorts. These four ushort fields packed into a single 64 bit field
350 * with a 64 bit alignment.
355 * uint2: Two 32 bit unsigned integers
357 * A vector of two uints. These two uints are packed into a single 64 bit field
358 * with a 64 bit alignment.
363 * uint3: Three 32 bit unsigned integers
365 * A vector of three uints. These three uints are packed into a single 128 bit field
366 * with a 128 bit alignment.
371 * uint4: Four 32 bit unsigned integers
373 * A vector of four uints. These four uints are packed into a single 128 bit field
374 * with a 128 bit alignment.
379 * ulong2: Two 64 bit unsigned integers
381 * A vector of two ulongs. These two ulongs are packed into a single 128 bit field
382 * with a 128 bit alignment.
387 * ulong3: Three 64 bit unsigned integers
389 * A vector of three ulongs. These three ulong fields packed into a single 256 bit field
390 * with a 256 bit alignment.
395 * ulong4: Four 64 bit unsigned integers
397 * A vector of four ulongs. These four ulong fields packed into a single 256 bit field
398 * with a 256 bit alignment.
403 * char2: Two 8 bit signed integers
405 * A vector of two chars. These two chars are packed into a single 16 bit field
406 * with a 16 bit alignment.
411 * char3: Three 8 bit signed integers
413 * A vector of three chars. These three chars are packed into a single 32 bit field
414 * with a 32 bit alignment.
419 * char4: Four 8 bit signed integers
421 * A vector of four chars. These four chars are packed into a single 32 bit field
422 * with a 32 bit alignment.
427 * short2: Two 16 bit signed integers
429 * A vector of two shorts. These two shorts are packed into a single 32 bit field
430 * with a 32 bit alignment.
435 * short3: Three 16 bit signed integers
437 * A vector of three shorts. These three short fields packed into a single 64 bit field
438 * with a 64 bit alignment.
443 * short4: Four 16 bit signed integers
445 * A vector of four shorts. These four short fields packed into a single 64 bit field
446 * with a 64 bit alignment.
451 * int2: Two 32 bit signed integers
453 * A vector of two ints. These two ints are packed into a single 64 bit field
454 * with a 64 bit alignment.
459 * int3: Three 32 bit signed integers
461 * A vector of three ints. These three ints are packed into a single 128 bit field
462 * with a 128 bit alignment.
467 * int4: Four 32 bit signed integers
469 * A vector of four ints. These two fours are packed into a single 128 bit field
470 * with a 128 bit alignment.
475 * long2: Two 64 bit signed integers
477 * A vector of two longs. These two longs are packed into a single 128 bit field
478 * with a 128 bit alignment.
483 * long3: Three 64 bit signed integers
485 * A vector of three longs. These three longs are packed into a single 256 bit field
486 * with a 256 bit alignment.
491 * long4: Four 64 bit signed integers
493 * A vector of four longs. These four longs are packed into a single 256 bit field
494 * with a 256 bit alignment.
499 * rs_matrix2x2: 2x2 matrix of 32 bit floats
511 * rs_matrix3x3: 3x3 matrix of 32 bit floats
523 * rs_matrix4x4: 4x4 matrix of 32 bit floats