Lines Matching refs:byte
93 byte LCI_request; // 1: request LCI, 0: do not request LCI
94 byte LCR_request; // 1: request LCR, 0: do not request LCR
113 byte number_per_burst_peer; // Maximum number of "FTM frames per burst" supported by
122 byte retry_after_duration; // When status == RTT_STATUS_FAIL_BUSY_TRY_LATER,
196 byte rtt_one_sided_supported; // if 1-sided rtt data collection is supported
197 byte rtt_ftm_supported; // if ftm rtt data collection is supported
198 byte lci_support; // if initiator supports LCI request. Applies to 2-sided RTT
199 byte lcr_support; // if initiator supports LCR request. Applies to 2-sided RTT
200 byte preamble_support; // bit mask indicates what preamble is supported by initiator
201 byte bw_support; // bit mask indicates what BW is supported by initiator
202 byte responder_supported; // if 11mc responder mode is supported
203 byte mc_version; // draft 11mc spec version supported by chip. For instance,
251 byte latitude_unc; // As defined in Section 2.3.2 of IETF RFC 6225
252 byte longitude_unc; // As defined in Section 2.3.2 of IETF RFC 6225
253 byte altitude_unc; // As defined in Section 2.4.5 from IETF RFC 6225: