Lines Matching refs:expiration
18737 b) expiration – If this parameter is not zero, then its absolute value is compared to the time in s…
18739 expiration, the TPM shall return TPM_RC_EXPIRED. If nonceTPM is the Empty buffer, and expiration
18745 The expiration parameter is present in the TPM2_PolicySigned and TPM2_PolicySecret
18940 …or TPM2_PolicySigned() or TPM2_PolicySecret() the caller specified a negative value for expiration,
18981 implementation-specific representation of the expiration time of
18983 policySession→startTime plus the absolute value of expiration
18984 Timeout is not the same as expiration. The expiration value in the aHash is a relative time,
19027 The authorizing object will sign a digest of the authorization qualifiers: nonceTPM, expiration, cp…
19030 aHash ≔ HauthAlg(nonceTPM || expiration || cpHashA || policyRef)
19049 expiration
19052 value is set to zero if the expiration time is not being set.
19074 which is the hash of an expiration time of zero.
19185 expiration
19189 If expiration is zero, a NULL Ticket is returned.
19238 produced if the command succeeds and expiration in
19267 expiration indicates a time in the past or expiration is non-zero but no
19335 input policyID or expiration does not match the internal data in policy
19363 expiration = (in->expiration < 0)
19364 ? -(in->expiration) : in->expiration;
19387 if(expiration != 0)
19388 authTimeout = expiration * 1000 + session->startTime;
19478 aHash := hash ( nonceTPM | expiration | cpHashA | policyRef)
19491 expiration time limit on authorization set by authorizing object.
19493 This 32-bit value is set to zero if the expiration
19516 // add expiration
19517 CryptUpdateDigestInt(&hashState, sizeof(UINT32), (BYTE*) &in->expiration);
19538 // Create ticket and timeout buffer if in->expiration < 0 and this is not
19541 // when expiration is non-zero.
19543 in->expiration < 0
19750 expiration
19754 If expiration is zero, a NULL Ticket is returned.
19789 produced if the command succeeds and expiration in
19821 expiration indicates a time in the past
19878 input policyID or expiration does not match the internal data in policy
19900 expiration = (in->expiration < 0)
19901 ? -(in->expiration) : in->expiration;
19915 if(expiration != 0)
19916 authTimeout = expiration * 1000 + session->startTime;
19986 // Create ticket and timeout buffer if in->expiration < 0 and this is not
19989 // when expiration is non-zero.
19991 in->expiration < 0
20039 authorization. The ticket represents a validated authorization that had an expiration time associat…