Lines Matching refs:use
2 [^:]*:11: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldr r0,\[r1,pc,LSL#2\]'
4 [^:]*:13: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldr r0,\[r1\],pc,LSL#2'
6 [^:]*:15: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldr r0,\[pc\],r1,LSL#2'
16 [^:]*:31: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrb r0,\[r1,pc,LSL#2\]!'
18 [^:]*:33: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrb r0,\[pc,r1,LSL#2\]!'
24 [^:]*:41: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrbt r0,\[r1\],pc,LSL#4'
34 [^:]*:57: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrd r0,r1,\[r2,pc\]!'
36 [^:]*:59: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrd r0,r1,\[pc,r2\]!'
54 [^:]*:91: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrh r0,\[r1,pc\]!'
56 [^:]*:93: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrh r0,\[pc,r1\]!'
62 [^:]*:101: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrht r0,\[r1\],pc'
72 [^:]*:117: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsb r0,\[r1,pc\]!'
74 [^:]*:119: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsb r0,\[pc,r1\]!'
80 [^:]*:127: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsbt r0,\[r1\],pc'
90 [^:]*:143: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsh r0,\[r1,pc\]!'
92 [^:]*:145: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsh r0,\[pc,r1\]!'
98 [^:]*:153: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrsht r0,\[r1\],pc'
100 [^:]*:157: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrt r0,\[pc\],#4'
102 [^:]*:159: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `ldrt r0,\[pc\],r1,LSL#4'
104 [^:]*:166: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `str r0,\[pc\],#4'
106 [^:]*:170: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `str r0,\[r1,pc,LSL#4\]'
108 [^:]*:172: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `str r0,\[r1\],pc,LSL#4'
112 [^:]*:178: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strb r0,\[pc\],#4'
118 [^:]*:186: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strb r1,\[r0,pc,LSL#4\]…
120 [^:]*:188: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strb r0,\[pc,r1,LSL#4\]…
126 [^:]*:196: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strbt r0,\[r1\],pc,LSL#…
130 [^:]*:202: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `strd r0,r1,\[pc\],#4'
136 [^:]*:210: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strd r0,r1,\[r2,pc\]!'
138 [^:]*:212: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `strd r0,r1,\[pc,r2\]!'
154 [^:]*:238: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `strh r0,\[pc\],#4'
160 [^:]*:246: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strh r0,\[r1,pc\]!'
162 [^:]*:248: Error: cannot use writeback with PC-relative addressing -- `strh r0,\[pc,r1\]!'
168 [^:]*:256: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strht r0,\[r1\],pc'
170 [^:]*:260: Error: cannot use register index with PC-relative addressing -- `strt r0,\[pc\],r1,LSL#4'