Lines Matching refs:store
203 50 st RX_RRRD "store" g5 esa,zarch
204 9b stam RS_AARD "store access multiple" g5 esa,zarch
205 b212 stap S_RD "store CPU address" g5 esa,zarch
206 42 stc RX_RRRD "store character" g5 esa,zarch
207 b205 stck S_RD "store clock" g5 esa,zarch
208 b207 stckc S_RD "store clock comparator" g5 esa,zarch
209 be stcm RS_RURD "store characters under mask" g5 esa,zarch
210 b23a stcps S_RD "store channel path status" g5 esa,zarch
211 b239 stcrw S_RD "store channel report word" g5 esa,zarch
212 b6 stctl RS_CCRD "store control" g5 esa,zarch
213 60 std RX_FRRD "store (long)" g5 esa,zarch
214 70 ste RX_FRRD "store (short)" g5 esa,zarch
215 40 sth RX_RRRD "store halfword" g5 esa,zarch
216 b202 stidp S_RD "store CPU id" g5 esa,zarch
217 90 stm RS_RRRD "store multiple" g5 esa,zarch
218 ac stnsm SI_URD "store then AND system mask" g5 esa,zarch
219 ad stosm SI_URD "store then OR system mask" g5 esa,zarch
220 b209 stpt S_RD "store CPU timer" g5 esa,zarch
221 b211 stpx S_RD "store prefix" g5 esa,zarch
222 b234 stsch S_RD "store subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
223 b246 stura RRE_RR "store using real address" g5 esa,zarch
351 b29c stfpc S_RD "store fpc" g5 esa,zarch
367 b27d stsi S_RD "store system information" g5 esa,zarch
370 b278 stcke S_RD "store clock extended" g5 esa,zarch
418 e30000000024 stg RXE_RRRD "store 64" z900 zarch
447 eb0000000024 stmg RSE_RRRD "store multiple 64" z900 zarch
448 eb0000000026 stmh RSE_RRRD "store multiple high" z900 zarch
454 e502 strag SSE_RDRD "store read address" z900 zarch
455 eb0000000025 stctg RSE_CCRD "store control 64" z900 zarch
460 eb000000002c stcmh RSE_RURD "store characters under mask high" z900 zarch
473 b925 sturg RRE_RR "store using real address 64" z900 zarch
510 b2b1 stfl S_RD "store facility list" z900 esa,zarch
536 e3000000002f strvg RXE_RRRD "store reversed 64" z900 zarch
537 e3000000003e strv RXE_RRRD "store reversed 32" z900 esa,zarch
538 e3000000003f strvh RXE_RRRD "store reversed 64" z900 esa,zarch
543 e3000000008e stpq RXE_RRRD "store pair to quadword" z900 zarch
618 ed0000000067 stdy RXY_FRRD "store (long) with long offset" z990 zarch
619 ed0000000066 stey RXY_FRRD "store (short) with long offset" z990 zarch
620 e30000000050 sty RXY_RRRD "store with long offset" z990 zarch
621 eb000000009b stamy RSY_AARD "store access multiple with long offset" z990 zarch
622 e30000000072 stcy RXY_RRRD "store character with long offset" z990 zarch
623 eb000000002d stcmy RSY_RURD "store characters under mask with long offset" z990 zarch
624 e30000000070 sthy RXY_RRRD "store halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
625 eb0000000090 stmy RSY_RRRD "store multiple with long offset" z990 zarch
656 e30000000024 stg RXY_RRRD "store with long offset 64" z990 zarch
658 e3000000002f strvg RXY_RRRD "store reversed 64" z990 zarch
661 e3000000003e strv RXY_RRRD "store reversed 32" z990 esa,zarch
662 e3000000003f strvh RXY_RRRD "store reversed 64" z990 zarch
671 e3000000008e stpq RXY_RRRD "store pair to quadword" z990 zarch
688 eb0000000024 stmg RSY_RRRD "store multiple with long offset 64" z990 zarch
689 eb0000000025 stctg RSY_CCRD "store control 64" z990 zarch
690 eb0000000026 stmh RSY_RRRD "store multiple high" z990 zarch
691 eb000000002c stcmh RSY_RURD "store characters under mask high with long offset" z990 zarch
759 # z9-109 store facility list extended
760 b2b0 stfle S_RD "store facility list extended" z9-109 zarch
761 # z9-109 store clock fast
762 b27c stckf S_RD "store clock fast" z9-109 zarch
863 c802 csst SSF_RRDRD "compare and swap and store" z9-ec zarch
959 c40f strl RIL_RP "store relative long (32)" z10 zarch
960 c40b stgrl RIL_RP "store relative long (64)" z10 zarch
961 c407 sthrl RIL_RP "store halfword relative long" z10 zarch
1005 e300000000c3 stch RXY_RRRD "store character high" z196 zarch
1006 e300000000c7 sthh RXY_RRRD "store halfword high" z196 zarch
1007 e300000000cb stfh RXY_RRRD "store high" z196 zarch
1032 eb00000000f3 stoc RSY_RURD2 "store on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
1033 eb00000000f3 stoc*12 RSY_R0RD "store on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
1034 eb00000000e3 stocg RSY_RURD2 "store on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
1035 eb00000000e3 stocg*12 RSY_R0RD "store on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
1122 e30000000025 ntstg RXY_RRRD "nontransactional store" zEC12 zarch