/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "linker/relative_patcher_test.h" #include "linker/arm/relative_patcher_thumb2.h" #include "oat_quick_method_header.h" namespace art { namespace linker { class Thumb2RelativePatcherTest : public RelativePatcherTest { public: Thumb2RelativePatcherTest() : RelativePatcherTest(kThumb2, "default") { } protected: static const uint8_t kCallRawCode[]; static const ArrayRef kCallCode; static const uint8_t kNopRawCode[]; static const ArrayRef kNopCode; static const uint8_t kUnpatchedPcRelativeRawCode[]; static const ArrayRef kUnpatchedPcRelativeCode; static const uint32_t kPcInsnOffset; // Branches within range [-256, 256) can be created from these by adding the low 8 bits. static constexpr uint32_t kBlPlus0 = 0xf000f800; static constexpr uint32_t kBlMinus256 = 0xf7ffff00; // Special BL values. static constexpr uint32_t kBlPlusMax = 0xf3ffd7ff; static constexpr uint32_t kBlMinusMax = 0xf400d000; bool Create2MethodsWithGap(const ArrayRef& method1_code, const ArrayRef& method1_patches, const ArrayRef& method3_code, const ArrayRef& method3_patches, uint32_t distance_without_thunks) { CHECK_EQ(distance_without_thunks % kArmAlignment, 0u); const uint32_t method1_offset = CompiledCode::AlignCode(kTrampolineSize, kThumb2) + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader); AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), method1_code, method1_patches); // We want to put the method3 at a very precise offset. const uint32_t method3_offset = method1_offset + distance_without_thunks; CHECK_ALIGNED(method3_offset - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader), kArmAlignment); // Calculate size of method2 so that we put method3 at the correct place. const uint32_t method2_offset = CompiledCode::AlignCode(method1_offset + method1_code.size(), kThumb2) + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader); const uint32_t method2_size = (method3_offset - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader) - method2_offset); std::vector method2_raw_code(method2_size); ArrayRef method2_code(method2_raw_code); AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(2u), method2_code, ArrayRef()); AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(3u), method3_code, method3_patches); Link(); // Check assumptions. CHECK_EQ(GetMethodOffset(1), method1_offset); CHECK_EQ(GetMethodOffset(2), method2_offset); auto result3 = method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(3)); CHECK(result3.first); // There may be a thunk before method2. if (result3.second == method3_offset + 1 /* thumb mode */) { return false; // No thunk. } else { uint32_t aligned_thunk_size = CompiledCode::AlignCode(ThunkSize(), kThumb2); CHECK_EQ(result3.second, method3_offset + aligned_thunk_size + 1 /* thumb mode */); return true; // Thunk present. } } uint32_t GetMethodOffset(uint32_t method_idx) { auto result = method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(method_idx)); CHECK(result.first); CHECK_NE(result.second & 1u, 0u); return result.second - 1 /* thumb mode */; } uint32_t ThunkSize() { return static_cast(patcher_.get())->thunk_code_.size(); } bool CheckThunk(uint32_t thunk_offset) { Thumb2RelativePatcher* patcher = static_cast(patcher_.get()); ArrayRef expected_code(patcher->thunk_code_); if (output_.size() < thunk_offset + expected_code.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "output_.size() == " << output_.size() << " < " << "thunk_offset + expected_code.size() == " << (thunk_offset + expected_code.size()); return false; } ArrayRef linked_code(&output_[thunk_offset], expected_code.size()); if (linked_code == expected_code) { return true; } // Log failure info. DumpDiff(expected_code, linked_code); return false; } std::vector GenNopsAndBl(size_t num_nops, uint32_t bl) { std::vector result; result.reserve(num_nops * 2u + 4u); for (size_t i = 0; i != num_nops; ++i) { result.push_back(0x00); result.push_back(0xbf); } result.push_back(static_cast(bl >> 16)); result.push_back(static_cast(bl >> 24)); result.push_back(static_cast(bl)); result.push_back(static_cast(bl >> 8)); return result; } void TestDexCacheReference(uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset); void TestStringReference(uint32_t string_offset); void CheckPcRelativePatch(const ArrayRef& patches, uint32_t target_offset); }; const uint8_t Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kCallRawCode[] = { 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xf8 }; const ArrayRef Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kCallCode(kCallRawCode); const uint8_t Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kNopRawCode[] = { 0x00, 0xbf }; const ArrayRef Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kNopCode(kNopRawCode); const uint8_t Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kUnpatchedPcRelativeRawCode[] = { 0x40, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, // MOVW r0, #0 (placeholder) 0xc0, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, // MOVT r0, #0 (placeholder) 0x78, 0x44, // ADD r0, pc }; const ArrayRef Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kUnpatchedPcRelativeCode( kUnpatchedPcRelativeRawCode); const uint32_t Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::kPcInsnOffset = 8u; void Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::TestDexCacheReference(uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) { dex_cache_arrays_begin_ = dex_cache_arrays_begin; LinkerPatch patches[] = { LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(0u, nullptr, kPcInsnOffset, element_offset), LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(4u, nullptr, kPcInsnOffset, element_offset), }; CheckPcRelativePatch(ArrayRef(patches), dex_cache_arrays_begin_ + element_offset); } void Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::TestStringReference(uint32_t string_offset) { constexpr uint32_t kStringIndex = 1u; string_index_to_offset_map_.Put(kStringIndex, string_offset); LinkerPatch patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeStringPatch(0u, nullptr, kPcInsnOffset, kStringIndex), LinkerPatch::RelativeStringPatch(4u, nullptr, kPcInsnOffset, kStringIndex), }; CheckPcRelativePatch(ArrayRef(patches), string_offset); } void Thumb2RelativePatcherTest::CheckPcRelativePatch(const ArrayRef& patches, uint32_t target_offset) { AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kUnpatchedPcRelativeCode, ArrayRef(patches)); Link(); uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u); uint32_t pc_base_offset = method1_offset + kPcInsnOffset + 4u /* PC adjustment */; uint32_t diff = target_offset - pc_base_offset; // Distribute the bits of the diff between the MOVW and MOVT: uint32_t diffw = diff & 0xffffu; uint32_t difft = diff >> 16; uint32_t movw = 0xf2400000u | // MOVW r0, #0 (placeholder), ((diffw & 0xf000u) << (16 - 12)) | // move imm4 from bits 12-15 to bits 16-19, ((diffw & 0x0800u) << (26 - 11)) | // move imm from bit 11 to bit 26, ((diffw & 0x0700u) << (12 - 8)) | // move imm3 from bits 8-10 to bits 12-14, ((diffw & 0x00ffu)); // keep imm8 at bits 0-7. uint32_t movt = 0xf2c00000u | // MOVT r0, #0 (placeholder), ((difft & 0xf000u) << (16 - 12)) | // move imm4 from bits 12-15 to bits 16-19, ((difft & 0x0800u) << (26 - 11)) | // move imm from bit 11 to bit 26, ((difft & 0x0700u) << (12 - 8)) | // move imm3 from bits 8-10 to bits 12-14, ((difft & 0x00ffu)); // keep imm8 at bits 0-7. const uint8_t expected_code[] = { static_cast(movw >> 16), static_cast(movw >> 24), static_cast(movw >> 0), static_cast(movw >> 8), static_cast(movt >> 16), static_cast(movt >> 24), static_cast(movt >> 0), static_cast(movt >> 8), 0x78, 0x44, }; EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallSelf) { LinkerPatch patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 1u), }; AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef(patches)); Link(); static const uint8_t expected_code[] = { 0xff, 0xf7, 0xfe, 0xff }; EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallOther) { LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 2u), }; AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef(method1_patches)); LinkerPatch method2_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 1u), }; AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(2u), kCallCode, ArrayRef(method2_patches)); Link(); uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u); uint32_t method2_offset = GetMethodOffset(2u); uint32_t diff_after = method2_offset - (method1_offset + 4u /* PC adjustment */); ASSERT_EQ(diff_after & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_LT(diff_after >> 1, 1u << 8); // Simple encoding, (diff_after >> 1) fits into 8 bits. static const uint8_t method1_expected_code[] = { 0x00, 0xf0, static_cast(diff_after >> 1), 0xf8 }; EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(method1_expected_code))); uint32_t diff_before = method1_offset - (method2_offset + 4u /* PC adjustment */); ASSERT_EQ(diff_before & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_GE(diff_before, -1u << 9); // Simple encoding, -256 <= (diff >> 1) < 0. auto method2_expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlMinus256 | ((diff_before >> 1) & 0xffu)); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(2u), ArrayRef(method2_expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallTrampoline) { LinkerPatch patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(0u, nullptr, 2u), }; AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), kCallCode, ArrayRef(patches)); Link(); uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u); uint32_t diff = kTrampolineOffset - (method1_offset + 4u); ASSERT_EQ(diff & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_GE(diff, -1u << 9); // Simple encoding, -256 <= (diff >> 1) < 0 (checked as unsigned). auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(0u, kBlMinus256 | ((diff >> 1) & 0xffu)); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallTrampolineTooFar) { constexpr uint32_t missing_method_index = 1024u; auto method3_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlus0); constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method3 = 3u * 2u; // After NOPs. ArrayRef method3_code(method3_raw_code); ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method3 + 4u, method3_code.size()); LinkerPatch method3_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method3, nullptr, missing_method_index), }; constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_negative_disp = 16 * MB + 2 - 4u /* PC adjustment */; bool thunk_in_gap = Create2MethodsWithGap(kNopCode, ArrayRef(), method3_code, ArrayRef(method3_patches), just_over_max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_method3); ASSERT_FALSE(thunk_in_gap); // There should be a thunk but it should be after the method2. ASSERT_FALSE(method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(missing_method_index)).first); // Check linked code. uint32_t method3_offset = GetMethodOffset(3u); uint32_t thunk_offset = CompiledCode::AlignCode(method3_offset + method3_code.size(), kThumb2); uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (method3_offset + bl_offset_in_method3 + 4u /* PC adjustment */); ASSERT_EQ(diff & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_LT(diff >> 1, 1u << 8); // Simple encoding, (diff >> 1) fits into 8 bits. auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlus0 | ((diff >> 1) & 0xffu)); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(3u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckThunk(thunk_offset)); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallOtherAlmostTooFarAfter) { auto method1_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlus0); constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method1 = 3u * 2u; // After NOPs. ArrayRef method1_code(method1_raw_code); ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method1 + 4u, method1_code.size()); LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method1, nullptr, 3u), }; constexpr uint32_t max_positive_disp = 16 * MB - 2u + 4u /* PC adjustment */; bool thunk_in_gap = Create2MethodsWithGap(method1_code, ArrayRef(method1_patches), kNopCode, ArrayRef(), bl_offset_in_method1 + max_positive_disp); ASSERT_FALSE(thunk_in_gap); // There should be no thunk. // Check linked code. auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlusMax); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallOtherAlmostTooFarBefore) { auto method3_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(2u, kBlPlus0); constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method3 = 2u * 2u; // After NOPs. ArrayRef method3_code(method3_raw_code); ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method3 + 4u, method3_code.size()); LinkerPatch method3_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method3, nullptr, 1u), }; constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_negative_disp = 16 * MB - 4u /* PC adjustment */; bool thunk_in_gap = Create2MethodsWithGap(kNopCode, ArrayRef(), method3_code, ArrayRef(method3_patches), just_over_max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_method3); ASSERT_FALSE(thunk_in_gap); // There should be no thunk. // Check linked code. auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(2u, kBlMinusMax); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(3u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallOtherJustTooFarAfter) { auto method1_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(2u, kBlPlus0); constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method1 = 2u * 2u; // After NOPs. ArrayRef method1_code(method1_raw_code); ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method1 + 4u, method1_code.size()); LinkerPatch method1_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method1, nullptr, 3u), }; constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_positive_disp = 16 * MB + 4u /* PC adjustment */; bool thunk_in_gap = Create2MethodsWithGap(method1_code, ArrayRef(method1_patches), kNopCode, ArrayRef(), bl_offset_in_method1 + just_over_max_positive_disp); ASSERT_TRUE(thunk_in_gap); uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u); uint32_t method3_offset = GetMethodOffset(3u); uint32_t method3_header_offset = method3_offset - sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader); ASSERT_TRUE(IsAligned(method3_header_offset)); uint32_t thunk_offset = method3_header_offset - CompiledCode::AlignCode(ThunkSize(), kThumb2); ASSERT_TRUE(IsAligned(thunk_offset)); uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (method1_offset + bl_offset_in_method1 + 4u /* PC adjustment */); ASSERT_EQ(diff & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_GE(diff, 16 * MB - (1u << 9)); // Simple encoding, unknown bits fit into the low 8 bits. auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(2u, 0xf3ffd700 | ((diff >> 1) & 0xffu)); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); CheckThunk(thunk_offset); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, CallOtherJustTooFarBefore) { auto method3_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlus0); constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method3 = 3u * 2u; // After NOPs. ArrayRef method3_code(method3_raw_code); ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_method3 + 4u, method3_code.size()); LinkerPatch method3_patches[] = { LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_method3, nullptr, 1u), }; constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_negative_disp = 16 * MB + 2 - 4u /* PC adjustment */; bool thunk_in_gap = Create2MethodsWithGap(kNopCode, ArrayRef(), method3_code, ArrayRef(method3_patches), just_over_max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_method3); ASSERT_FALSE(thunk_in_gap); // There should be a thunk but it should be after the method2. // Check linked code. uint32_t method3_offset = GetMethodOffset(3u); uint32_t thunk_offset = CompiledCode::AlignCode(method3_offset + method3_code.size(), kThumb2); uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (method3_offset + bl_offset_in_method3 + 4u /* PC adjustment */); ASSERT_EQ(diff & 1u, 0u); ASSERT_LT(diff >> 1, 1u << 8); // Simple encoding, (diff >> 1) fits into 8 bits. auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(3u, kBlPlus0 | ((diff >> 1) & 0xffu)); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(3u), ArrayRef(expected_code))); EXPECT_TRUE(CheckThunk(thunk_offset)); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, DexCacheReference1) { TestDexCacheReference(0x00ff0000u, 0x00fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, DexCacheReference2) { TestDexCacheReference(0x02ff0000u, 0x05fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, DexCacheReference3) { TestDexCacheReference(0x08ff0000u, 0x08fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, DexCacheReference4) { TestDexCacheReference(0xd0ff0000u, 0x60fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, StringReference1) { TestStringReference(0x00ff00fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, StringReference2) { TestStringReference(0x02ff05fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, StringReference3) { TestStringReference(0x08ff08fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } TEST_F(Thumb2RelativePatcherTest, StringReference4) { TestStringReference(0xd0ff60fcu); ASSERT_LT(GetMethodOffset(1u), 0xfcu); } } // namespace linker } // namespace art