/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_ #define ART_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "arch/instruction_set.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "experimental_flags.h" #include "gc_root.h" #include "instrumentation.h" #include "jobject_comparator.h" #include "method_reference.h" #include "object_callbacks.h" #include "offsets.h" #include "process_state.h" #include "profiler_options.h" #include "quick/quick_method_frame_info.h" #include "runtime_stats.h" #include "safe_map.h" namespace art { namespace gc { class Heap; namespace collector { class GarbageCollector; } // namespace collector } // namespace gc namespace jit { class Jit; class JitOptions; } // namespace jit namespace lambda { class BoxTable; } // namespace lambda namespace mirror { class ClassLoader; class Array; template class ObjectArray; template class PrimitiveArray; typedef PrimitiveArray ByteArray; class String; class Throwable; } // namespace mirror namespace verifier { class MethodVerifier; enum class VerifyMode : int8_t; } // namespace verifier class ArenaPool; class ArtMethod; class ClassLinker; class Closure; class CompilerCallbacks; class DexFile; class InternTable; class JavaVMExt; class LinearAlloc; class MonitorList; class MonitorPool; class NullPointerHandler; class OatFileManager; struct RuntimeArgumentMap; class SignalCatcher; class StackOverflowHandler; class SuspensionHandler; class ThreadList; class Trace; struct TraceConfig; class Transaction; typedef std::vector> RuntimeOptions; // Not all combinations of flags are valid. You may not visit all roots as well as the new roots // (no logical reason to do this). You also may not start logging new roots and stop logging new // roots (also no logical reason to do this). enum VisitRootFlags : uint8_t { kVisitRootFlagAllRoots = 0x1, kVisitRootFlagNewRoots = 0x2, kVisitRootFlagStartLoggingNewRoots = 0x4, kVisitRootFlagStopLoggingNewRoots = 0x8, kVisitRootFlagClearRootLog = 0x10, // Non moving means we can have optimizations where we don't visit some roots if they are // definitely reachable from another location. E.g. ArtMethod and ArtField roots. kVisitRootFlagNonMoving = 0x20, }; class Runtime { public: // Parse raw runtime options. static bool ParseOptions(const RuntimeOptions& raw_options, bool ignore_unrecognized, RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options); // Creates and initializes a new runtime. static bool Create(RuntimeArgumentMap&& runtime_options) SHARED_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true, Locks::mutator_lock_); // Creates and initializes a new runtime. static bool Create(const RuntimeOptions& raw_options, bool ignore_unrecognized) SHARED_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true, Locks::mutator_lock_); // IsAotCompiler for compilers that don't have a running runtime. Only dex2oat currently. bool IsAotCompiler() const { return !UseJitCompilation() && IsCompiler(); } // IsCompiler is any runtime which has a running compiler, either dex2oat or JIT. bool IsCompiler() const { return compiler_callbacks_ != nullptr; } // If a compiler, are we compiling a boot image? bool IsCompilingBootImage() const; bool CanRelocate() const; bool ShouldRelocate() const { return must_relocate_ && CanRelocate(); } bool MustRelocateIfPossible() const { return must_relocate_; } bool IsDex2OatEnabled() const { return dex2oat_enabled_ && IsImageDex2OatEnabled(); } bool IsImageDex2OatEnabled() const { return image_dex2oat_enabled_; } CompilerCallbacks* GetCompilerCallbacks() { return compiler_callbacks_; } void SetCompilerCallbacks(CompilerCallbacks* callbacks) { CHECK(callbacks != nullptr); compiler_callbacks_ = callbacks; } bool IsZygote() const { return is_zygote_; } bool IsExplicitGcDisabled() const { return is_explicit_gc_disabled_; } std::string GetCompilerExecutable() const; std::string GetPatchoatExecutable() const; const std::vector& GetCompilerOptions() const { return compiler_options_; } void AddCompilerOption(std::string option) { compiler_options_.push_back(option); } const std::vector& GetImageCompilerOptions() const { return image_compiler_options_; } const std::string& GetImageLocation() const { return image_location_; } const ProfilerOptions& GetProfilerOptions() const { return profiler_options_; } // Starts a runtime, which may cause threads to be started and code to run. bool Start() UNLOCK_FUNCTION(Locks::mutator_lock_); bool IsShuttingDown(Thread* self); bool IsShuttingDownLocked() const REQUIRES(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_) { return shutting_down_; } size_t NumberOfThreadsBeingBorn() const REQUIRES(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_) { return threads_being_born_; } void StartThreadBirth() REQUIRES(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_) { threads_being_born_++; } void EndThreadBirth() REQUIRES(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); bool IsStarted() const { return started_; } bool IsFinishedStarting() const { return finished_starting_; } static Runtime* Current() { return instance_; } // Aborts semi-cleanly. Used in the implementation of LOG(FATAL), which most // callers should prefer. NO_RETURN static void Abort() REQUIRES(!Locks::abort_lock_); // Returns the "main" ThreadGroup, used when attaching user threads. jobject GetMainThreadGroup() const; // Returns the "system" ThreadGroup, used when attaching our internal threads. jobject GetSystemThreadGroup() const; // Returns the system ClassLoader which represents the CLASSPATH. jobject GetSystemClassLoader() const; // Attaches the calling native thread to the runtime. bool AttachCurrentThread(const char* thread_name, bool as_daemon, jobject thread_group, bool create_peer); void CallExitHook(jint status); // Detaches the current native thread from the runtime. void DetachCurrentThread() REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_); void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os); void DumpLockHolders(std::ostream& os); ~Runtime(); const std::string& GetBootClassPathString() const { return boot_class_path_string_; } const std::string& GetClassPathString() const { return class_path_string_; } ClassLinker* GetClassLinker() const { return class_linker_; } size_t GetDefaultStackSize() const { return default_stack_size_; } gc::Heap* GetHeap() const { return heap_; } InternTable* GetInternTable() const { DCHECK(intern_table_ != nullptr); return intern_table_; } JavaVMExt* GetJavaVM() const { return java_vm_; } size_t GetMaxSpinsBeforeThinkLockInflation() const { return max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_; } MonitorList* GetMonitorList() const { return monitor_list_; } MonitorPool* GetMonitorPool() const { return monitor_pool_; } // Is the given object the special object used to mark a cleared JNI weak global? bool IsClearedJniWeakGlobal(mirror::Object* obj) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Get the special object used to mark a cleared JNI weak global. mirror::Object* GetClearedJniWeakGlobal() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); mirror::Throwable* GetPreAllocatedOutOfMemoryError() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); mirror::Throwable* GetPreAllocatedNoClassDefFoundError() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); const std::vector& GetProperties() const { return properties_; } ThreadList* GetThreadList() const { return thread_list_; } static const char* GetVersion() { return "2.1.0"; } void DisallowNewSystemWeaks() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void AllowNewSystemWeaks() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void BroadcastForNewSystemWeaks() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit all the roots. If only_dirty is true then non-dirty roots won't be visited. If // clean_dirty is true then dirty roots will be marked as non-dirty after visiting. void VisitRoots(RootVisitor* visitor, VisitRootFlags flags = kVisitRootFlagAllRoots) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit image roots, only used for hprof since the GC uses the image space mod union table // instead. void VisitImageRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit all of the roots we can do safely do concurrently. void VisitConcurrentRoots(RootVisitor* visitor, VisitRootFlags flags = kVisitRootFlagAllRoots) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit all of the non thread roots, we can do this with mutators unpaused. void VisitNonThreadRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void VisitTransactionRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit all of the thread roots. void VisitThreadRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Flip thread roots from from-space refs to to-space refs. size_t FlipThreadRoots(Closure* thread_flip_visitor, Closure* flip_callback, gc::collector::GarbageCollector* collector) REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_); // Visit all other roots which must be done with mutators suspended. void VisitNonConcurrentRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Sweep system weaks, the system weak is deleted if the visitor return null. Otherwise, the // system weak is updated to be the visitor's returned value. void SweepSystemWeaks(IsMarkedVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Constant roots are the roots which never change after the runtime is initialized, they only // need to be visited once per GC cycle. void VisitConstantRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Returns a special method that calls into a trampoline for runtime method resolution ArtMethod* GetResolutionMethod(); bool HasResolutionMethod() const { return resolution_method_ != nullptr; } void SetResolutionMethod(ArtMethod* method) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); ArtMethod* CreateResolutionMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Returns a special method that calls into a trampoline for runtime imt conflicts. ArtMethod* GetImtConflictMethod(); ArtMethod* GetImtUnimplementedMethod(); bool HasImtConflictMethod() const { return imt_conflict_method_ != nullptr; } void FixupConflictTables(); void SetImtConflictMethod(ArtMethod* method) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void SetImtUnimplementedMethod(ArtMethod* method) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); ArtMethod* CreateImtConflictMethod(LinearAlloc* linear_alloc) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Returns a special method that describes all callee saves being spilled to the stack. enum CalleeSaveType { kSaveAll, kRefsOnly, kRefsAndArgs, kLastCalleeSaveType // Value used for iteration }; bool HasCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType type) const { return callee_save_methods_[type] != 0u; } ArtMethod* GetCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType type) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); ArtMethod* GetCalleeSaveMethodUnchecked(CalleeSaveType type) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); QuickMethodFrameInfo GetCalleeSaveMethodFrameInfo(CalleeSaveType type) const { return callee_save_method_frame_infos_[type]; } QuickMethodFrameInfo GetRuntimeMethodFrameInfo(ArtMethod* method) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); static size_t GetCalleeSaveMethodOffset(CalleeSaveType type) { return OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Runtime, callee_save_methods_[type]); } InstructionSet GetInstructionSet() const { return instruction_set_; } void SetInstructionSet(InstructionSet instruction_set); void SetCalleeSaveMethod(ArtMethod* method, CalleeSaveType type); ArtMethod* CreateCalleeSaveMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); int32_t GetStat(int kind); RuntimeStats* GetStats() { return &stats_; } bool HasStatsEnabled() const { return stats_enabled_; } void ResetStats(int kinds); void SetStatsEnabled(bool new_state) REQUIRES(!Locks::instrument_entrypoints_lock_, !Locks::mutator_lock_); enum class NativeBridgeAction { // private kUnload, kInitialize }; jit::Jit* GetJit() { return jit_.get(); } // Returns true if JIT compilations are enabled. GetJit() will be not null in this case. bool UseJitCompilation() const; // Returns true if profile saving is enabled. GetJit() will be not null in this case. bool SaveProfileInfo() const; void PreZygoteFork(); bool InitZygote(); void InitNonZygoteOrPostFork( JNIEnv* env, bool is_system_server, NativeBridgeAction action, const char* isa); const instrumentation::Instrumentation* GetInstrumentation() const { return &instrumentation_; } instrumentation::Instrumentation* GetInstrumentation() { return &instrumentation_; } void RegisterAppInfo(const std::vector& code_paths, const std::string& profile_output_filename, const std::string& foreign_dex_profile_path, const std::string& app_dir); void NotifyDexLoaded(const std::string& dex_location); // Transaction support. bool IsActiveTransaction() const { return preinitialization_transaction_ != nullptr; } void EnterTransactionMode(Transaction* transaction); void ExitTransactionMode(); bool IsTransactionAborted() const; void AbortTransactionAndThrowAbortError(Thread* self, const std::string& abort_message) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void ThrowTransactionAbortError(Thread* self) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void RecordWriteFieldBoolean(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, uint8_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteFieldByte(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, int8_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteFieldChar(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, uint16_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteFieldShort(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, int16_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteField32(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, uint32_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteField64(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, uint64_t value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteFieldReference(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset field_offset, mirror::Object* value, bool is_volatile) const; void RecordWriteArray(mirror::Array* array, size_t index, uint64_t value) const SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); void RecordStrongStringInsertion(mirror::String* s) const REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_); void RecordWeakStringInsertion(mirror::String* s) const REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_); void RecordStrongStringRemoval(mirror::String* s) const REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_); void RecordWeakStringRemoval(mirror::String* s) const REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_); void SetFaultMessage(const std::string& message) REQUIRES(!fault_message_lock_); // Only read by the signal handler, NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS to prevent lock order violations // with the unexpected_signal_lock_. const std::string& GetFaultMessage() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { return fault_message_; } void AddCurrentRuntimeFeaturesAsDex2OatArguments(std::vector* arg_vector) const; bool ExplicitStackOverflowChecks() const { return !implicit_so_checks_; } bool IsVerificationEnabled() const; bool IsVerificationSoftFail() const; bool IsDexFileFallbackEnabled() const { return allow_dex_file_fallback_; } const std::vector& GetCpuAbilist() const { return cpu_abilist_; } bool IsRunningOnMemoryTool() const { return is_running_on_memory_tool_; } void SetTargetSdkVersion(int32_t version) { target_sdk_version_ = version; } int32_t GetTargetSdkVersion() const { return target_sdk_version_; } uint32_t GetZygoteMaxFailedBoots() const { return zygote_max_failed_boots_; } bool AreExperimentalFlagsEnabled(ExperimentalFlags flags) { return (experimental_flags_ & flags) != ExperimentalFlags::kNone; } lambda::BoxTable* GetLambdaBoxTable() const { return lambda_box_table_.get(); } // Create the JIT and instrumentation and code cache. void CreateJit(); ArenaPool* GetArenaPool() { return arena_pool_.get(); } ArenaPool* GetJitArenaPool() { return jit_arena_pool_.get(); } const ArenaPool* GetArenaPool() const { return arena_pool_.get(); } void ReclaimArenaPoolMemory(); LinearAlloc* GetLinearAlloc() { return linear_alloc_.get(); } jit::JitOptions* GetJITOptions() { return jit_options_.get(); } bool IsDebuggable() const; bool IsNativeDebuggable() const { return is_native_debuggable_; } void SetNativeDebuggable(bool value) { is_native_debuggable_ = value; } // Returns the build fingerprint, if set. Otherwise an empty string is returned. std::string GetFingerprint() { return fingerprint_; } // Called from class linker. void SetSentinel(mirror::Object* sentinel) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_); // Create a normal LinearAlloc or low 4gb version if we are 64 bit AOT compiler. LinearAlloc* CreateLinearAlloc(); OatFileManager& GetOatFileManager() const { DCHECK(oat_file_manager_ != nullptr); return *oat_file_manager_; } double GetHashTableMinLoadFactor() const; double GetHashTableMaxLoadFactor() const; void SetSafeMode(bool mode) { safe_mode_ = mode; } bool GetDumpNativeStackOnSigQuit() const { return dump_native_stack_on_sig_quit_; } bool GetPrunedDalvikCache() const { return pruned_dalvik_cache_; } void SetPrunedDalvikCache(bool pruned) { pruned_dalvik_cache_ = pruned; } void UpdateProcessState(ProcessState process_state); // Returns true if we currently care about long mutator pause. bool InJankPerceptibleProcessState() const { return process_state_ == kProcessStateJankPerceptible; } void RegisterSensitiveThread() const; void SetZygoteNoThreadSection(bool val) { zygote_no_threads_ = val; } bool IsZygoteNoThreadSection() const { return zygote_no_threads_; } private: static void InitPlatformSignalHandlers(); Runtime(); void BlockSignals(); bool Init(RuntimeArgumentMap&& runtime_options) SHARED_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true, Locks::mutator_lock_); void InitNativeMethods() REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_); void InitThreadGroups(Thread* self); void RegisterRuntimeNativeMethods(JNIEnv* env); void StartDaemonThreads(); void StartSignalCatcher(); void MaybeSaveJitProfilingInfo(); // A pointer to the active runtime or null. static Runtime* instance_; // NOTE: these must match the gc::ProcessState values as they come directly from the framework. static constexpr int kProfileForground = 0; static constexpr int kProfileBackground = 1; // 64 bit so that we can share the same asm offsets for both 32 and 64 bits. uint64_t callee_save_methods_[kLastCalleeSaveType]; GcRoot pre_allocated_OutOfMemoryError_; GcRoot pre_allocated_NoClassDefFoundError_; ArtMethod* resolution_method_; ArtMethod* imt_conflict_method_; // Unresolved method has the same behavior as the conflict method, it is used by the class linker // for differentiating between unfilled imt slots vs conflict slots in superclasses. ArtMethod* imt_unimplemented_method_; // Special sentinel object used to invalid conditions in JNI (cleared weak references) and // JDWP (invalid references). GcRoot sentinel_; InstructionSet instruction_set_; QuickMethodFrameInfo callee_save_method_frame_infos_[kLastCalleeSaveType]; CompilerCallbacks* compiler_callbacks_; bool is_zygote_; bool must_relocate_; bool is_concurrent_gc_enabled_; bool is_explicit_gc_disabled_; bool dex2oat_enabled_; bool image_dex2oat_enabled_; std::string compiler_executable_; std::string patchoat_executable_; std::vector compiler_options_; std::vector image_compiler_options_; std::string image_location_; std::string boot_class_path_string_; std::string class_path_string_; std::vector properties_; // The default stack size for managed threads created by the runtime. size_t default_stack_size_; gc::Heap* heap_; std::unique_ptr jit_arena_pool_; std::unique_ptr arena_pool_; // Special low 4gb pool for compiler linear alloc. We need ArtFields to be in low 4gb if we are // compiling using a 32 bit image on a 64 bit compiler in case we resolve things in the image // since the field arrays are int arrays in this case. std::unique_ptr low_4gb_arena_pool_; // Shared linear alloc for now. std::unique_ptr linear_alloc_; // The number of spins that are done before thread suspension is used to forcibly inflate. size_t max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_; MonitorList* monitor_list_; MonitorPool* monitor_pool_; ThreadList* thread_list_; InternTable* intern_table_; ClassLinker* class_linker_; SignalCatcher* signal_catcher_; std::string stack_trace_file_; JavaVMExt* java_vm_; std::unique_ptr jit_; std::unique_ptr jit_options_; std::unique_ptr lambda_box_table_; // Fault message, printed when we get a SIGSEGV. Mutex fault_message_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER; std::string fault_message_ GUARDED_BY(fault_message_lock_); // A non-zero value indicates that a thread has been created but not yet initialized. Guarded by // the shutdown lock so that threads aren't born while we're shutting down. size_t threads_being_born_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); // Waited upon until no threads are being born. std::unique_ptr shutdown_cond_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); // Set when runtime shutdown is past the point that new threads may attach. bool shutting_down_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); // The runtime is starting to shutdown but is blocked waiting on shutdown_cond_. bool shutting_down_started_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); bool started_; // New flag added which tells us if the runtime has finished starting. If // this flag is set then the Daemon threads are created and the class loader // is created. This flag is needed for knowing if its safe to request CMS. bool finished_starting_; // Hooks supported by JNI_CreateJavaVM jint (*vfprintf_)(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list ap); void (*exit_)(jint status); void (*abort_)(); bool stats_enabled_; RuntimeStats stats_; const bool is_running_on_memory_tool_; std::string profile_output_filename_; ProfilerOptions profiler_options_; std::unique_ptr trace_config_; instrumentation::Instrumentation instrumentation_; jobject main_thread_group_; jobject system_thread_group_; // As returned by ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(). jobject system_class_loader_; // If true, then we dump the GC cumulative timings on shutdown. bool dump_gc_performance_on_shutdown_; // Transaction used for pre-initializing classes at compilation time. Transaction* preinitialization_transaction_; // If kNone, verification is disabled. kEnable by default. verifier::VerifyMode verify_; // If true, the runtime may use dex files directly with the interpreter if an oat file is not // available/usable. bool allow_dex_file_fallback_; // List of supported cpu abis. std::vector cpu_abilist_; // Specifies target SDK version to allow workarounds for certain API levels. int32_t target_sdk_version_; // Implicit checks flags. bool implicit_null_checks_; // NullPointer checks are implicit. bool implicit_so_checks_; // StackOverflow checks are implicit. bool implicit_suspend_checks_; // Thread suspension checks are implicit. // Whether or not the sig chain (and implicitly the fault handler) should be // disabled. Tools like dex2oat or patchoat don't need them. This enables // building a statically link version of dex2oat. bool no_sig_chain_; // Force the use of native bridge even if the app ISA matches the runtime ISA. bool force_native_bridge_; // Whether or not a native bridge has been loaded. // // The native bridge allows running native code compiled for a foreign ISA. The way it works is, // if standard dlopen fails to load native library associated with native activity, it calls to // the native bridge to load it and then gets the trampoline for the entry to native activity. // // The option 'native_bridge_library_filename' specifies the name of the native bridge. // When non-empty the native bridge will be loaded from the given file. An empty value means // that there's no native bridge. bool is_native_bridge_loaded_; // Whether we are running under native debugger. bool is_native_debuggable_; // The maximum number of failed boots we allow before pruning the dalvik cache // and trying again. This option is only inspected when we're running as a // zygote. uint32_t zygote_max_failed_boots_; // Enable experimental opcodes that aren't fully specified yet. The intent is to // eventually publish them as public-usable opcodes, but they aren't ready yet. // // Experimental opcodes should not be used by other production code. ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags_; // Contains the build fingerprint, if given as a parameter. std::string fingerprint_; // Oat file manager, keeps track of what oat files are open. OatFileManager* oat_file_manager_; // Whether or not we are on a low RAM device. bool is_low_memory_mode_; // Whether the application should run in safe mode, that is, interpreter only. bool safe_mode_; // Whether threads should dump their native stack on SIGQUIT. bool dump_native_stack_on_sig_quit_; // Whether the dalvik cache was pruned when initializing the runtime. bool pruned_dalvik_cache_; // Whether or not we currently care about pause times. ProcessState process_state_; // Whether zygote code is in a section that should not start threads. bool zygote_no_threads_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Runtime); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Runtime::CalleeSaveType& rhs); } // namespace art #endif // ART_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_