/* Copyright (c) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundataion. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "QCameraPostProc" #include #include #include #include "QCamera2HWI.h" #include "QCameraPostProc.h" namespace qcamera { const char *QCameraPostProcessor::STORE_LOCATION = "/sdcard/img_%d.jpg"; #define FREE_JPEG_OUTPUT_BUFFER(ptr,cnt) \ int jpeg_bufs; \ for (jpeg_bufs = 0; jpeg_bufs < (int)cnt; jpeg_bufs++) { \ if (ptr[jpeg_bufs] != NULL) { \ free(ptr[jpeg_bufs]); \ ptr[jpeg_bufs] = NULL; \ } \ } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCameraPostProcessor * * DESCRIPTION: constructor of QCameraPostProcessor. * * PARAMETERS : * @cam_ctrl : ptr to HWI object * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraPostProcessor::QCameraPostProcessor(QCamera2HardwareInterface *cam_ctrl) : m_parent(cam_ctrl), mJpegCB(NULL), mJpegUserData(NULL), mJpegClientHandle(0), mJpegSessionId(0), m_pJpegExifObj(NULL), m_bThumbnailNeeded(TRUE), m_pReprocChannel(NULL), m_bInited(FALSE), m_inputPPQ(releasePPInputData, this), m_ongoingPPQ(releaseOngoingPPData, this), m_inputJpegQ(releaseJpegData, this), m_ongoingJpegQ(releaseJpegData, this), m_inputRawQ(releaseRawData, this), mSaveFrmCnt(0), mUseSaveProc(false), mUseJpegBurst(false), mJpegMemOpt(true), m_JpegOutputMemCount(0), mNewJpegSessionNeeded(true) { memset(&mJpegHandle, 0, sizeof(mJpegHandle)); memset(&m_pJpegOutputMem, 0, sizeof(m_pJpegOutputMem)); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCameraPostProcessor * * DESCRIPTION: deconstructor of QCameraPostProcessor. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraPostProcessor::~QCameraPostProcessor() { FREE_JPEG_OUTPUT_BUFFER(m_pJpegOutputMem,m_JpegOutputMemCount); if (m_pJpegExifObj != NULL) { delete m_pJpegExifObj; m_pJpegExifObj = NULL; } if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL) { m_pReprocChannel->stop(); delete m_pReprocChannel; m_pReprocChannel = NULL; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : init * * DESCRIPTION: initialization of postprocessor * * PARAMETERS : * @jpeg_cb : callback to handle jpeg event from mm-camera-interface * @user_data : user data ptr for jpeg callback * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::init(jpeg_encode_callback_t jpeg_cb, void *user_data) { mJpegCB = jpeg_cb; mJpegUserData = user_data; mm_dimension max_size; //set max pic size memset(&max_size, 0, sizeof(mm_dimension)); max_size.w = m_parent->m_max_pic_width; max_size.h = m_parent->m_max_pic_height; mJpegClientHandle = jpeg_open(&mJpegHandle, max_size); if(!mJpegClientHandle) { ALOGE("%s : jpeg_open did not work", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } m_dataProcTh.launch(dataProcessRoutine, this); m_saveProcTh.launch(dataSaveRoutine, this); m_bInited = TRUE; return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : deinit * * DESCRIPTION: de-initialization of postprocessor * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::deinit() { if (m_bInited == TRUE) { m_dataProcTh.exit(); m_saveProcTh.exit(); if(mJpegClientHandle > 0) { int rc = mJpegHandle.close(mJpegClientHandle); CDBG_HIGH("%s: Jpeg closed, rc = %d, mJpegClientHandle = %x", __func__, rc, mJpegClientHandle); mJpegClientHandle = 0; memset(&mJpegHandle, 0, sizeof(mJpegHandle)); } m_bInited = FALSE; } return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : start * * DESCRIPTION: start postprocessor. Data process thread and data notify thread * will be launched. * * PARAMETERS : * @pSrcChannel : source channel obj ptr that possibly needs reprocess * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : if any reprocess is needed, a reprocess channel/stream * will be started. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::start(QCameraChannel *pSrcChannel) { char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; if (m_bInited == FALSE) { ALOGE("%s: postproc not initialized yet", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (m_parent->needReprocess()) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL) { delete m_pReprocChannel; m_pReprocChannel = NULL; } // if reprocess is needed, start reprocess channel m_pReprocChannel = m_parent->addReprocChannel(pSrcChannel); if (m_pReprocChannel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: cannot add reprocess channel", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } rc = m_pReprocChannel->start(); if (rc != 0) { ALOGE("%s: cannot start reprocess channel", __func__); delete m_pReprocChannel; m_pReprocChannel = NULL; return rc; } } property_get("persist.camera.longshot.save", prop, "0"); mUseSaveProc = atoi(prop) > 0 ? true : false; m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC, TRUE, FALSE); m_parent->m_cbNotifier.startSnapshots(); // Create Jpeg session if ( !m_parent->mParameters.getRecordingHintValue() && !m_parent->isLongshotEnabled() && !m_parent->isZSLMode()) { QCameraChannel *pChannel = NULL; pChannel = m_parent->needReprocess() ? m_pReprocChannel : pSrcChannel; QCameraStream *pSnapshotStream = NULL; QCameraStream *pThumbStream = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pChannel->getNumOfStreams(); ++i) { QCameraStream *pStream = pChannel->getStreamByIndex(i); if ( NULL == pStream ) { break; } if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT)) { pSnapshotStream = pStream; } if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW)) { pThumbStream = pStream; } } // If thumbnail is not part of the reprocess channel, then // try to get it from the source channel if ((NULL == pThumbStream) && (pChannel == m_pReprocChannel)) { for (int i = 0; i < pSrcChannel->getNumOfStreams(); ++i) { QCameraStream *pStream = pSrcChannel->getStreamByIndex(i); if ( NULL == pStream ) { break; } if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW)) { pThumbStream = pStream; } } } if (m_parent->mParameters.generateThumbFromMain()) { pThumbStream = NULL; } if ( NULL != pSnapshotStream ) { mm_jpeg_encode_params_t encodeParam; memset(&encodeParam, 0, sizeof(mm_jpeg_encode_params_t)); getJpegEncodingConfig(encodeParam, pSnapshotStream, pThumbStream); CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s : call jpeg create_session", __func__); rc = mJpegHandle.create_session(mJpegClientHandle, &encodeParam, &mJpegSessionId); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("%s: error creating a new jpeg encoding session", __func__); return rc; } mNewJpegSessionNeeded = false; } } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stop * * DESCRIPTION: stop postprocessor. Data process and notify thread will be stopped. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : reprocess channel will be stopped and deleted if there is any *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::stop() { if (m_bInited == TRUE) { m_parent->m_cbNotifier.stopSnapshots(); // dataProc Thread need to process "stop" as sync call because abort jpeg job should be a sync call m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC, TRUE, TRUE); } return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getJpegEncodingConfig * * DESCRIPTION: function to prepare encoding job information * * PARAMETERS : * @encode_parm : param to be filled with encoding configuration * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::getJpegEncodingConfig(mm_jpeg_encode_params_t& encode_parm, QCameraStream *main_stream, QCameraStream *thumb_stream) { CDBG("%s : E", __func__); int32_t ret = NO_ERROR; uint32_t out_size; char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("persist.camera.jpeg_burst", prop, "0"); mUseJpegBurst = (atoi(prop) > 0) && !mUseSaveProc; encode_parm.burst_mode = mUseJpegBurst; cam_rect_t crop; memset(&crop, 0, sizeof(cam_rect_t)); main_stream->getCropInfo(crop); cam_dimension_t src_dim, dst_dim; memset(&src_dim, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); memset(&dst_dim, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); main_stream->getFrameDimension(src_dim); bool hdr_output_crop = m_parent->mParameters.isHDROutputCropEnabled(); if (hdr_output_crop && crop.height) { dst_dim.height = crop.height; } else { dst_dim.height = src_dim.height; } if (hdr_output_crop && crop.width) { dst_dim.width = crop.width; } else { dst_dim.width = src_dim.width; } // set rotation only when no online rotation or offline pp rotation is done before if (!m_parent->needRotationReprocess()) { encode_parm.rotation = m_parent->getJpegRotation(); } encode_parm.main_dim.src_dim = src_dim; encode_parm.main_dim.dst_dim = dst_dim; encode_parm.jpeg_cb = mJpegCB; encode_parm.userdata = mJpegUserData; m_bThumbnailNeeded = TRUE; // need encode thumbnail by default cam_dimension_t thumbnailSize; memset(&thumbnailSize, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); m_parent->getThumbnailSize(thumbnailSize); if (thumbnailSize.width == 0 || thumbnailSize.height == 0) { // (0,0) means no thumbnail m_bThumbnailNeeded = FALSE; } encode_parm.encode_thumbnail = m_bThumbnailNeeded; // get color format cam_format_t img_fmt = CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV12; main_stream->getFormat(img_fmt); encode_parm.color_format = getColorfmtFromImgFmt(img_fmt); // get jpeg quality encode_parm.quality = m_parent->getJpegQuality(); if (encode_parm.quality <= 0) { encode_parm.quality = 85; } cam_frame_len_offset_t main_offset; memset(&main_offset, 0, sizeof(cam_frame_len_offset_t)); main_stream->getFrameOffset(main_offset); // src buf config QCameraMemory *pStreamMem = main_stream->getStreamBufs(); if (pStreamMem == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: cannot get stream bufs from main stream", __func__); ret = BAD_VALUE; goto on_error; } encode_parm.num_src_bufs = pStreamMem->getCnt(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < encode_parm.num_src_bufs; i++) { camera_memory_t *stream_mem = pStreamMem->getMemory(i, false); if (stream_mem != NULL) { encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].index = i; encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].buf_size = stream_mem->size; encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].buf_vaddr = (uint8_t *)stream_mem->data; encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].fd = pStreamMem->getFd(i); encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].format = MM_JPEG_FMT_YUV; encode_parm.src_main_buf[i].offset = main_offset; } } if (m_bThumbnailNeeded == TRUE) { bool need_thumb_rotate = true; int jpeg_rotation = m_parent->getJpegRotation(); m_parent->getThumbnailSize(encode_parm.thumb_dim.dst_dim); if (thumb_stream == NULL) { thumb_stream = main_stream; need_thumb_rotate = false; } pStreamMem = thumb_stream->getStreamBufs(); if (pStreamMem == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: cannot get stream bufs from thumb stream", __func__); ret = BAD_VALUE; goto on_error; } cam_frame_len_offset_t thumb_offset; memset(&thumb_offset, 0, sizeof(cam_frame_len_offset_t)); thumb_stream->getFrameOffset(thumb_offset); encode_parm.num_tmb_bufs = pStreamMem->getCnt(); for (int i = 0; i < pStreamMem->getCnt(); i++) { camera_memory_t *stream_mem = pStreamMem->getMemory(i, false); if (stream_mem != NULL) { encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].index = i; encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].buf_size = stream_mem->size; encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].buf_vaddr = (uint8_t *)stream_mem->data; encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].fd = pStreamMem->getFd(i); encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].format = MM_JPEG_FMT_YUV; encode_parm.src_thumb_buf[i].offset = thumb_offset; } } cam_format_t img_fmt_thumb = CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV12; thumb_stream->getFormat(img_fmt_thumb); encode_parm.thumb_color_format = getColorfmtFromImgFmt(img_fmt_thumb); // crop is the same if frame is the same if (thumb_stream != main_stream) { memset(&crop, 0, sizeof(cam_rect_t)); thumb_stream->getCropInfo(crop); } memset(&src_dim, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); thumb_stream->getFrameDimension(src_dim); encode_parm.thumb_dim.src_dim = src_dim; if (!m_parent->needRotationReprocess() || need_thumb_rotate) { encode_parm.thumb_rotation = jpeg_rotation; } else if ((90 == jpeg_rotation) || (270 == jpeg_rotation)) { // swap thumbnail dimensions cam_dimension_t tmp_dim = encode_parm.thumb_dim.dst_dim; encode_parm.thumb_dim.dst_dim.width = tmp_dim.height; encode_parm.thumb_dim.dst_dim.height = tmp_dim.width; } encode_parm.thumb_dim.crop = crop; } encode_parm.num_dst_bufs = 1; if (mUseJpegBurst) { encode_parm.num_dst_bufs = MAX_JPEG_BURST; } encode_parm.get_memory = NULL; out_size = main_offset.frame_len; if (mJpegMemOpt) { encode_parm.get_memory = getJpegMemory; out_size = sizeof(omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t); encode_parm.num_dst_bufs = encode_parm.num_src_bufs; } m_JpegOutputMemCount = encode_parm.num_dst_bufs; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_JpegOutputMemCount; i++) { if (m_pJpegOutputMem[i] != NULL) free(m_pJpegOutputMem[i]); omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t omx_out_buf; omx_out_buf.handle = this; // allocate output buf for jpeg encoding m_pJpegOutputMem[i] = malloc(out_size); if (NULL == m_pJpegOutputMem[i]) { ret = NO_MEMORY; ALOGE("%s : initHeapMem for jpeg, ret = NO_MEMORY", __func__); goto on_error; } if (mJpegMemOpt) { memcpy(m_pJpegOutputMem[i], &omx_out_buf, sizeof(omx_out_buf)); } encode_parm.dest_buf[i].index = i; encode_parm.dest_buf[i].buf_size = main_offset.frame_len; encode_parm.dest_buf[i].buf_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_pJpegOutputMem[i]; encode_parm.dest_buf[i].fd = 0; encode_parm.dest_buf[i].format = MM_JPEG_FMT_YUV; encode_parm.dest_buf[i].offset = main_offset; } CDBG("%s : X", __func__); return NO_ERROR; on_error: FREE_JPEG_OUTPUT_BUFFER(m_pJpegOutputMem, m_JpegOutputMemCount); CDBG("%s : X with error %d", __func__, ret); return ret; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : sendEvtNotify * * DESCRIPTION: send event notify through notify callback registered by upper layer * * PARAMETERS : * @msg_type: msg type of notify * @ext1 : extension * @ext2 : extension * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::sendEvtNotify(int32_t msg_type, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2) { return m_parent->sendEvtNotify(msg_type, ext1, ext2); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : sendDataNotify * * DESCRIPTION: enqueue data into dataNotify thread * * PARAMETERS : * @msg_type: data callback msg type * @data : ptr to data memory struct * @index : index to data buffer * @metadata: ptr to meta data buffer if there is any * @release_data : ptr to struct indicating if data need to be released * after notify * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::sendDataNotify(int32_t msg_type, camera_memory_t *data, uint8_t index, camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata, qcamera_release_data_t *release_data) { qcamera_data_argm_t *data_cb = (qcamera_data_argm_t *)malloc(sizeof(qcamera_data_argm_t)); if (NULL == data_cb) { ALOGE("%s: no mem for acamera_data_argm_t", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(data_cb, 0, sizeof(qcamera_data_argm_t)); data_cb->msg_type = msg_type; data_cb->data = data; data_cb->index = index; data_cb->metadata = metadata; if (release_data != NULL) { data_cb->release_data = *release_data; } qcamera_callback_argm_t cbArg; memset(&cbArg, 0, sizeof(qcamera_callback_argm_t)); cbArg.cb_type = QCAMERA_DATA_SNAPSHOT_CALLBACK; cbArg.msg_type = msg_type; cbArg.data = data; cbArg.metadata = metadata; cbArg.user_data = data_cb; cbArg.cookie = this; cbArg.release_cb = releaseNotifyData; int rc = m_parent->m_cbNotifier.notifyCallback(cbArg); if ( NO_ERROR != rc ) { ALOGE("%s: Error enqueuing jpeg data into notify queue", __func__); releaseNotifyData(data_cb, this, UNKNOWN_ERROR); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processData * * DESCRIPTION: enqueue data into dataProc thread * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : process frame received from mm-camera-interface * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : depends on if offline reprocess is needed, received frame will * be sent to either input queue of postprocess or jpeg encoding *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::processData(mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame) { if (m_bInited == FALSE) { ALOGE("%s: postproc not initialized yet", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (m_parent->needReprocess()) { if ((!m_parent->isLongshotEnabled() && !m_parent->m_stateMachine.isNonZSLCaptureRunning()) || (m_parent->isLongshotEnabled() && m_parent->isCaptureShutterEnabled())) { //play shutter sound m_parent->playShutter(); } CDBG_HIGH("%s: need reprocess", __func__); // enqueu to post proc input queue m_inputPPQ.enqueue((void *)frame); } else if (m_parent->mParameters.isNV16PictureFormat() || m_parent->mParameters.isNV21PictureFormat()) { //check if raw frame information is needed. if(m_parent->mParameters.isYUVFrameInfoNeeded()) setYUVFrameInfo(frame); processRawData(frame); } else { //play shutter sound if(!m_parent->m_stateMachine.isNonZSLCaptureRunning() && !m_parent->mLongshotEnabled) m_parent->playShutter(); CDBG_HIGH("%s: no need offline reprocess, sending to jpeg encoding", __func__); qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(qcamera_jpeg_data_t)); if (jpeg_job == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for jpeg job", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(jpeg_job, 0, sizeof(qcamera_jpeg_data_t)); jpeg_job->src_frame = frame; // find meta data frame mm_camera_buf_def_t *meta_frame = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < frame->num_bufs; i++) { // look through input superbuf if (frame->bufs[i]->stream_type == CAM_STREAM_TYPE_METADATA) { meta_frame = frame->bufs[i]; break; } } if (meta_frame != NULL) { // fill in meta data frame ptr jpeg_job->metadata = (metadata_buffer_t *)meta_frame->buffer; } // enqueu to jpeg input queue m_inputJpegQ.enqueue((void *)jpeg_job); } m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processRawData * * DESCRIPTION: enqueue raw data into dataProc thread * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : process frame received from mm-camera-interface * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::processRawData(mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame) { if (m_bInited == FALSE) { ALOGE("%s: postproc not initialized yet", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // enqueu to raw input queue m_inputRawQ.enqueue((void *)frame); m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processJpegEvt * * DESCRIPTION: process jpeg event from mm-jpeg-interface. * * PARAMETERS : * @evt : payload of jpeg event, including information about jpeg encoding * status, jpeg size and so on. * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : This event will also trigger DataProc thread to move to next job * processing (i.e., send a new jpeg encoding job to mm-jpeg-interface * if there is any pending job in jpeg input queue) *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::processJpegEvt(qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *evt) { if (m_bInited == FALSE) { ALOGE("%s: postproc not initialized yet", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; camera_memory_t *jpeg_mem = NULL; omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t *jpeg_out = NULL; if (mUseSaveProc && m_parent->isLongshotEnabled()) { qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *saveData = ( qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t * ) malloc(sizeof(qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t)); if ( NULL == saveData ) { ALOGE("%s: Can not allocate save data message!", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } *saveData = *evt; m_inputSaveQ.enqueue((void *) saveData); m_saveProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); } else { // Release jpeg job data m_ongoingJpegQ.flushNodes(matchJobId, (void*)&evt->jobId); CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s : jpeg job %d", __func__, evt->jobId); if (m_parent->mDataCb == NULL || m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE) == 0 ) { CDBG_HIGH("%s: No dataCB or CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE not enabled", __func__); rc = NO_ERROR; goto end; } if(evt->status == JPEG_JOB_STATUS_ERROR) { ALOGE("%s: Error event handled from jpeg, status = %d", __func__, evt->status); rc = FAILED_TRANSACTION; goto end; } m_parent->dumpJpegToFile(evt->out_data.buf_vaddr, evt->out_data.buf_filled_len, evt->jobId); CDBG_HIGH("%s: Dump jpeg_size=%d", __func__, evt->out_data.buf_filled_len); /* check if the all the captures are done */ if (m_parent->mParameters.isUbiRefocus() && (m_parent->getOutputImageCount() < m_parent->mParameters.UfOutputCount())) { jpeg_out = (omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t*) evt->out_data.buf_vaddr; jpeg_mem = (camera_memory_t *)jpeg_out->mem_hdl; if (NULL != jpeg_mem) { jpeg_mem->release(jpeg_mem); jpeg_mem = NULL; } goto end; } if (!mJpegMemOpt) { // alloc jpeg memory to pass to upper layer jpeg_mem = m_parent->mGetMemory(-1, evt->out_data.buf_filled_len, 1, m_parent->mCallbackCookie); if (NULL == jpeg_mem) { rc = NO_MEMORY; ALOGE("%s : getMemory for jpeg, ret = NO_MEMORY", __func__); goto end; } memcpy(jpeg_mem->data, evt->out_data.buf_vaddr, evt->out_data.buf_filled_len); } else { jpeg_out = (omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t*) evt->out_data.buf_vaddr; jpeg_mem = (camera_memory_t *)jpeg_out->mem_hdl; } CDBG_HIGH("%s : Calling upperlayer callback to store JPEG image", __func__); qcamera_release_data_t release_data; memset(&release_data, 0, sizeof(qcamera_release_data_t)); release_data.data = jpeg_mem; CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s: PROFILE_JPEG_CB ",__func__); rc = sendDataNotify(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE, jpeg_mem, 0, NULL, &release_data); end: if (rc != NO_ERROR) { // send error msg to upper layer sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); if (NULL != jpeg_mem) { jpeg_mem->release(jpeg_mem); jpeg_mem = NULL; } } } // wait up data proc thread to do next job, // if previous request is blocked due to ongoing jpeg job m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processPPData * * DESCRIPTION: process received frame after reprocess. * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : received frame from reprocess channel. * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : The frame after reprocess need to send to jpeg encoding. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::processPPData(mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame) { bool needSuperBufMatch = m_parent->mParameters.generateThumbFromMain(); if (m_bInited == FALSE) { ALOGE("%s: postproc not initialized yet", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } qcamera_pp_data_t *job = (qcamera_pp_data_t *)m_ongoingPPQ.dequeue(); if (!needSuperBufMatch && (job == NULL || job->src_frame == NULL) ) { ALOGE("%s: Cannot find reprocess job", __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } if (!needSuperBufMatch && (m_parent->mParameters.isNV16PictureFormat() || m_parent->mParameters.isNV21PictureFormat())) { releaseSuperBuf(job->src_frame); free(job->src_frame); free(job); if(m_parent->mParameters.isYUVFrameInfoNeeded()) setYUVFrameInfo(frame); return processRawData(frame); } if (m_parent->isLongshotEnabled() && !m_parent->isCaptureShutterEnabled()) { // play shutter sound for longshot // after reprocess is done // TODO: Move this after CAC done event m_parent->playShutter(); } qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(qcamera_jpeg_data_t)); if (jpeg_job == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for jpeg job", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(jpeg_job, 0, sizeof(qcamera_jpeg_data_t)); jpeg_job->src_frame = frame; jpeg_job->src_reproc_frame = job ? job->src_frame : NULL; jpeg_job->src_reproc_bufs = job ? job->src_reproc_bufs : NULL; jpeg_job->reproc_frame_release = job ? job->reproc_frame_release : false; // find meta data frame mm_camera_buf_def_t *meta_frame = NULL; for (int i = 0; job && (i < job->src_frame->num_bufs); i++) { // look through input superbuf if (job->src_frame->bufs[i]->stream_type == CAM_STREAM_TYPE_METADATA) { meta_frame = job->src_frame->bufs[i]; break; } } if (meta_frame == NULL) { // look through reprocess superbuf for (int i = 0; i < frame->num_bufs; i++) { if (frame->bufs[i]->stream_type == CAM_STREAM_TYPE_METADATA) { meta_frame = frame->bufs[i]; break; } } } if (meta_frame != NULL) { // fill in meta data frame ptr jpeg_job->metadata = (metadata_buffer_t *)meta_frame->buffer; } // free pp job buf if (job) { free(job); } // enqueu reprocessed frame to jpeg input queue m_inputJpegQ.enqueue((void *)jpeg_job); ALOGD("%s: %d] ", __func__, __LINE__); // wait up data proc thread m_dataProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : findJpegJobByJobId * * DESCRIPTION: find a jpeg job from ongoing Jpeg queue by its job ID * * PARAMETERS : * @jobId : job Id of the job * * RETURN : ptr to a jpeg job struct. NULL if not found. * * NOTE : Currently only one job is sending to mm-jpeg-interface for jpeg * encoding. Therefore simply dequeue from the ongoing Jpeg Queue * will serve the purpose to find the jpeg job. *==========================================================================*/ qcamera_jpeg_data_t *QCameraPostProcessor::findJpegJobByJobId(uint32_t jobId) { qcamera_jpeg_data_t * job = NULL; if (jobId == 0) { ALOGE("%s: not a valid jpeg jobId", __func__); return NULL; } // currely only one jpeg job ongoing, so simply dequeue the head job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)m_ongoingJpegQ.dequeue(); return job; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releasePPInputData * * DESCRIPTION: callback function to release post process input data node * * PARAMETERS : * @data : ptr to post process input data * @user_data : user data ptr (QCameraReprocessor) * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releasePPInputData(void *data, void *user_data) { QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *)user_data; if (NULL != pme) { pme->releaseSuperBuf((mm_camera_super_buf_t *)data); } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseJpegData * * DESCRIPTION: callback function to release jpeg job node * * PARAMETERS : * @data : ptr to ongoing jpeg job data * @user_data : user data ptr (QCameraReprocessor) * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseJpegData(void *data, void *user_data) { QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *)user_data; if (NULL != pme) { pme->releaseJpegJobData((qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)data); CDBG_HIGH("%s : Rleased job ID %u", __func__, ((qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)data)->jobId); } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseOngoingPPData * * DESCRIPTION: callback function to release ongoing postprocess job node * * PARAMETERS : * @data : ptr to onging postprocess job * @user_data : user data ptr (QCameraReprocessor) * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseOngoingPPData(void *data, void *user_data) { QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *)user_data; if (NULL != pme) { qcamera_pp_data_t *pp_job = (qcamera_pp_data_t *)data; if (NULL != pp_job->src_frame) { if (!pp_job->reproc_frame_release) { pme->releaseSuperBuf(pp_job->src_frame); } free(pp_job->src_frame); pp_job->src_frame = NULL; } } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseNotifyData * * DESCRIPTION: function to release internal resources in notify data struct * * PARAMETERS : * @user_data : ptr user data * @cookie : callback cookie * @cb_status : callback status * * RETURN : None * * NOTE : deallocate jpeg heap memory if it's not NULL *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseNotifyData(void *user_data, void *cookie, int32_t cb_status) { qcamera_data_argm_t *app_cb = ( qcamera_data_argm_t * ) user_data; QCameraPostProcessor *postProc = ( QCameraPostProcessor * ) cookie; if ( ( NULL != app_cb ) && ( NULL != postProc ) ) { if ( postProc->mUseSaveProc && app_cb->release_data.unlinkFile && ( NO_ERROR != cb_status ) ) { String8 unlinkPath((const char *) app_cb->release_data.data->data, app_cb->release_data.data->size); int rc = unlink(unlinkPath.string()); CDBG_HIGH("%s : Unlinking stored file rc = %d", __func__, rc); } if (app_cb && NULL != app_cb->release_data.data) { app_cb->release_data.data->release(app_cb->release_data.data); app_cb->release_data.data = NULL; } if (app_cb && NULL != app_cb->release_data.frame) { postProc->releaseSuperBuf(app_cb->release_data.frame); free(app_cb->release_data.frame); app_cb->release_data.frame = NULL; } if (app_cb && NULL != app_cb->release_data.streamBufs) { app_cb->release_data.streamBufs->deallocate(); delete app_cb->release_data.streamBufs; app_cb->release_data.streamBufs = NULL; } free(app_cb); } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseSuperBuf * * DESCRIPTION: function to release a superbuf frame by returning back to kernel * * PARAMETERS : * @super_buf : ptr to the superbuf frame * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseSuperBuf(mm_camera_super_buf_t *super_buf) { QCameraChannel *pChannel = NULL; if (NULL != super_buf) { pChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(super_buf->ch_id); if ( NULL == pChannel ) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL && m_pReprocChannel->getMyHandle() == super_buf->ch_id) { pChannel = m_pReprocChannel; } } if (pChannel != NULL) { pChannel->bufDone(super_buf); } else { ALOGE(" %s : Channel id %d not found!!", __func__, super_buf->ch_id); } } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseJpegJobData * * DESCRIPTION: function to release internal resources in jpeg job struct * * PARAMETERS : * @job : ptr to jpeg job struct * * RETURN : None * * NOTE : original source frame need to be queued back to kernel for * future use. Output buf of jpeg job need to be released since * it's allocated for each job. Exif object need to be deleted. *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseJpegJobData(qcamera_jpeg_data_t *job) { CDBG("%s: E", __func__); if (NULL != job) { if (NULL != job->src_reproc_frame) { if (!job->reproc_frame_release) { releaseSuperBuf(job->src_reproc_frame); } free(job->src_reproc_frame); job->src_reproc_frame = NULL; } if (NULL != job->src_frame) { releaseSuperBuf(job->src_frame); free(job->src_frame); job->src_frame = NULL; } if (NULL != job->pJpegExifObj) { delete job->pJpegExifObj; job->pJpegExifObj = NULL; } if (NULL != job->src_reproc_bufs) { delete [] job->src_reproc_bufs; } } CDBG("%s: X", __func__); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseSaveJobData * * DESCRIPTION: function to release internal resources in store jobs * * PARAMETERS : * @job : ptr to save job struct * * RETURN : None * *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseSaveJobData(void *data, void *user_data) { CDBG("%s: E", __func__); QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *) user_data; if (NULL == pme) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid postproc handle", __func__); return; } qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *job_data = (qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *) data; if (job_data == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid jpeg event data", __func__); return; } // find job by jobId qcamera_jpeg_data_t *job = pme->findJpegJobByJobId(job_data->jobId); if (NULL != job) { pme->releaseJpegJobData(job); free(job); } else { ALOGE("%s : Invalid jpeg job", __func__); } CDBG("%s: X", __func__); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseRawData * * DESCRIPTION: function to release internal resources in store jobs * * PARAMETERS : * @job : ptr to save job struct * * RETURN : None * *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraPostProcessor::releaseRawData(void *data, void *user_data) { CDBG("%s: E", __func__); QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *) user_data; if (NULL == pme) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid postproc handle", __func__); return; } mm_camera_super_buf_t *super_buf = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *) data; pme->releaseSuperBuf(super_buf); CDBG("%s: X", __func__); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getColorfmtFromImgFmt * * DESCRIPTION: function to return jpeg color format based on its image format * * PARAMETERS : * @img_fmt : image format * * RETURN : jpeg color format that can be understandable by omx lib *==========================================================================*/ mm_jpeg_color_format QCameraPostProcessor::getColorfmtFromImgFmt(cam_format_t img_fmt) { switch (img_fmt) { case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV21: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCRCBLP_H2V2; case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV21_ADRENO: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCRCBLP_H2V2; case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV12: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCRLP_H2V2; case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_YV12: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCRLP_H2V2; case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_422_NV61: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCRCBLP_H2V1; case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_422_NV16: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCBCRLP_H2V1; default: return MM_JPEG_COLOR_FORMAT_YCRCBLP_H2V2; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getJpegImgTypeFromImgFmt * * DESCRIPTION: function to return jpeg encode image type based on its image format * * PARAMETERS : * @img_fmt : image format * * RETURN : return jpeg source image format (YUV or Bitstream) *==========================================================================*/ mm_jpeg_format_t QCameraPostProcessor::getJpegImgTypeFromImgFmt(cam_format_t img_fmt) { switch (img_fmt) { case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV21: case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV21_ADRENO: case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_NV12: case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_420_YV12: case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_422_NV61: case CAM_FORMAT_YUV_422_NV16: return MM_JPEG_FMT_YUV; default: return MM_JPEG_FMT_YUV; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : queryStreams * * DESCRIPTION: utility method for retrieving main, thumbnail and reprocess * streams and frame from bundled super buffer * * PARAMETERS : * @main : ptr to main stream if present * @thumb : ptr to thumbnail stream if present * @reproc : ptr to reprocess stream if present * @main_image : ptr to main image if present * @thumb_image: ptr to thumbnail image if present * @frame : bundled super buffer * @reproc_frame : bundled source frame buffer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::queryStreams(QCameraStream **main, QCameraStream **thumb, QCameraStream **reproc, mm_camera_buf_def_t **main_image, mm_camera_buf_def_t **thumb_image, mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame, mm_camera_super_buf_t *reproc_frame) { if (NULL == frame) { return NO_INIT; } QCameraChannel *pChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(frame->ch_id); // check reprocess channel if not found if (pChannel == NULL) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL && m_pReprocChannel->getMyHandle() == frame->ch_id) { pChannel = m_pReprocChannel; } } if (pChannel == NULL) { ALOGD("%s: No corresponding channel (ch_id = %d) exist, return here", __func__, frame->ch_id); return BAD_VALUE; } // Use snapshot stream to create thumbnail if snapshot and preview // flip settings doesn't match in ZSL mode. bool thumb_stream_needed = !m_parent->isZSLMode() || (m_parent->mParameters.getFlipMode(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) == m_parent->mParameters.getFlipMode(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW)); *main = *thumb = *reproc = NULL; *main_image = *thumb_image = NULL; // find snapshot frame and thumnail frame for (int i = 0; i < frame->num_bufs; i++) { QCameraStream *pStream = pChannel->getStreamByHandle(frame->bufs[i]->stream_id); if (pStream != NULL) { if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT)) { *main= pStream; *main_image = frame->bufs[i]; } else if (thumb_stream_needed && (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW) || pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW))) { *thumb = pStream; *thumb_image = frame->bufs[i]; } if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_OFFLINE_PROC) ) { *reproc = pStream; } } } if (thumb_stream_needed && *thumb_image == NULL && reproc_frame != NULL) { QCameraChannel *pSrcReprocChannel = NULL; pSrcReprocChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(reproc_frame->ch_id); if (pSrcReprocChannel != NULL) { // find thumbnail frame for (int i = 0; i < reproc_frame->num_bufs; i++) { QCameraStream *pStream = pSrcReprocChannel->getStreamByHandle( reproc_frame->bufs[i]->stream_id); if (pStream != NULL) { if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW) || pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_POSTVIEW)) { *thumb = pStream; *thumb_image = reproc_frame->bufs[i]; } } } } } if (m_parent->mParameters.generateThumbFromMain()) { *thumb = NULL; *thumb_image = NULL; } return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : syncStreamParams * * DESCRIPTION: Query the runtime parameters of all streams included * in the main and reprocessed frames * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : Main image super buffer * @reproc_frame : Image supper buffer that got processed * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::syncStreamParams(mm_camera_super_buf_t *frame, mm_camera_super_buf_t *reproc_frame) { QCameraStream *reproc_stream = NULL; QCameraStream *main_stream = NULL; QCameraStream *thumb_stream = NULL; mm_camera_buf_def_t *main_frame = NULL; mm_camera_buf_def_t *thumb_frame = NULL; int32_t ret = NO_ERROR; ret = queryStreams(&main_stream, &thumb_stream, &reproc_stream, &main_frame, &thumb_frame, frame, reproc_frame); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { ALOGE("%s : Camera streams query from input frames failed %d", __func__, ret); return ret; } if (NULL != main_stream) { ret = main_stream->syncRuntimeParams(); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { ALOGE("%s : Syncing of main stream runtime parameters failed %d", __func__, ret); return ret; } } if (NULL != thumb_stream) { ret = thumb_stream->syncRuntimeParams(); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { ALOGE("%s : Syncing of thumb stream runtime parameters failed %d", __func__, ret); return ret; } } if ((NULL != reproc_stream) && (reproc_stream != main_stream)) { ret = reproc_stream->syncRuntimeParams(); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { ALOGE("%s : Syncing of reproc stream runtime parameters failed %d", __func__, ret); return ret; } } return ret; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : encodeData * * DESCRIPTION: function to prepare encoding job information and send to * mm-jpeg-interface to do the encoding job * * PARAMETERS : * @jpeg_job_data : ptr to a struct saving job related information * @needNewSess : flag to indicate if a new jpeg encoding session need * to be created. After creation, this flag will be toggled * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::encodeData(qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_job_data, uint8_t &needNewSess) { CDBG("%s : E", __func__); int32_t ret = NO_ERROR; mm_jpeg_job_t jpg_job; uint32_t jobId = 0; QCameraStream *reproc_stream = NULL; QCameraStream *main_stream = NULL; mm_camera_buf_def_t *main_frame = NULL; QCameraStream *thumb_stream = NULL; mm_camera_buf_def_t *thumb_frame = NULL; mm_camera_super_buf_t *recvd_frame = jpeg_job_data->src_frame; cam_rect_t crop; cam_stream_parm_buffer_t param; cam_stream_img_prop_t imgProp; // find channel QCameraChannel *pChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(recvd_frame->ch_id); // check reprocess channel if not found if (pChannel == NULL) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL && m_pReprocChannel->getMyHandle() == recvd_frame->ch_id) { pChannel = m_pReprocChannel; } } if (pChannel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s:%d] No corresponding channel (ch_id = %d) exist, return here", __func__, __LINE__, recvd_frame->ch_id); return BAD_VALUE; } const int jpeg_rotation = m_parent->getJpegRotation(); ret = queryStreams(&main_stream, &thumb_stream, &reproc_stream, &main_frame, &thumb_frame, recvd_frame, jpeg_job_data->src_reproc_frame); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { return ret; } if(NULL == main_frame){ ALOGE("%s : Main frame is NULL", __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } if(NULL == thumb_frame){ CDBG("%s : Thumbnail frame does not exist", __func__); } QCameraMemory *memObj = (QCameraMemory *)main_frame->mem_info; if (NULL == memObj) { ALOGE("%s : Memeory Obj of main frame is NULL", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } // dump snapshot frame if enabled m_parent->dumpFrameToFile(main_stream, main_frame, QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_SNAPSHOT); // send upperlayer callback for raw image camera_memory_t *mem = memObj->getMemory(main_frame->buf_idx, false); if (NULL != m_parent->mDataCb && m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE) > 0) { qcamera_callback_argm_t cbArg; memset(&cbArg, 0, sizeof(qcamera_callback_argm_t)); cbArg.cb_type = QCAMERA_DATA_CALLBACK; cbArg.msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE; cbArg.data = mem; cbArg.index = 1; m_parent->m_cbNotifier.notifyCallback(cbArg); } if (NULL != m_parent->mNotifyCb && m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY) > 0) { qcamera_callback_argm_t cbArg; memset(&cbArg, 0, sizeof(qcamera_callback_argm_t)); cbArg.cb_type = QCAMERA_NOTIFY_CALLBACK; cbArg.msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY; cbArg.ext1 = 0; cbArg.ext2 = 0; m_parent->m_cbNotifier.notifyCallback(cbArg); } if (thumb_frame != NULL) { // dump thumbnail frame if enabled m_parent->dumpFrameToFile(thumb_stream, thumb_frame, QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_THUMBNAIL); } if (mJpegClientHandle <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: Error: bug here, mJpegClientHandle is 0", __func__); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (needNewSess) { // create jpeg encoding session mm_jpeg_encode_params_t encodeParam; memset(&encodeParam, 0, sizeof(mm_jpeg_encode_params_t)); getJpegEncodingConfig(encodeParam, main_stream, thumb_stream); CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s : call jpeg create_session", __func__); ret = mJpegHandle.create_session(mJpegClientHandle, &encodeParam, &mJpegSessionId); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("%s: error creating a new jpeg encoding session", __func__); return ret; } needNewSess = FALSE; } // Fill in new job memset(&jpg_job, 0, sizeof(mm_jpeg_job_t)); jpg_job.job_type = JPEG_JOB_TYPE_ENCODE; jpg_job.encode_job.session_id = mJpegSessionId; jpg_job.encode_job.src_index = main_frame->buf_idx; jpg_job.encode_job.dst_index = 0; if (mJpegMemOpt) { jpg_job.encode_job.dst_index = jpg_job.encode_job.src_index; } else if (mUseJpegBurst) { jpg_job.encode_job.dst_index = -1; } cam_dimension_t src_dim; memset(&src_dim, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); main_stream->getFrameDimension(src_dim); bool hdr_output_crop = m_parent->mParameters.isHDROutputCropEnabled(); bool img_feature_enabled = m_parent->mParameters.isUbiFocusEnabled() || m_parent->mParameters.isChromaFlashEnabled() || m_parent->mParameters.isOptiZoomEnabled(); CDBG_HIGH("%s:%d] Crop needed %d", __func__, __LINE__, img_feature_enabled); crop.left = 0; crop.top = 0; crop.height = src_dim.height; crop.width = src_dim.width; param = main_stream->getOutputCrop(); for (int i = 0; i < param.outputCrop.num_of_streams; i++) { if (param.outputCrop.crop_info[i].stream_id == main_stream->getMyServerID()) { crop = param.outputCrop.crop_info[i].crop; main_stream->setCropInfo(crop); } } if (img_feature_enabled) { memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(cam_stream_parm_buffer_t)); param = main_stream->getImgProp(); imgProp = param.imgProp; main_stream->setCropInfo(imgProp.crop); crop = imgProp.crop; thumb_stream = NULL; /* use thumbnail from main image */ if (imgProp.is_raw_image) { camera_memory_t *mem = memObj->getMemory( main_frame->buf_idx, false); ALOGE("%s:%d] Process raw image %p %d", __func__, __LINE__, mem, imgProp.size); /* dump image */ if (mem && mem->data) { CAM_DUMP_TO_FILE("/data/local/ubifocus", "DepthMapImage", -1, "y", (uint8_t *)mem->data, imgProp.size); } return NO_ERROR; } } cam_dimension_t dst_dim; if (hdr_output_crop && crop.height) { dst_dim.height = crop.height; } else { dst_dim.height = src_dim.height; } if (hdr_output_crop && crop.width) { dst_dim.width = crop.width; } else { dst_dim.width = src_dim.width; } // main dim jpg_job.encode_job.main_dim.src_dim = src_dim; jpg_job.encode_job.main_dim.dst_dim = dst_dim; jpg_job.encode_job.main_dim.crop = crop; // get exif data QCameraExif *pJpegExifObj = m_parent->getExifData(); jpeg_job_data->pJpegExifObj = pJpegExifObj; if (pJpegExifObj != NULL) { jpg_job.encode_job.exif_info.exif_data = pJpegExifObj->getEntries(); jpg_job.encode_job.exif_info.numOfEntries = pJpegExifObj->getNumOfEntries(); } // set rotation only when no online rotation or offline pp rotation is done before if (!m_parent->needRotationReprocess()) { jpg_job.encode_job.rotation = jpeg_rotation; } CDBG_HIGH("%s: jpeg rotation is set to %d", __func__, jpg_job.encode_job.rotation); // thumbnail dim if (m_bThumbnailNeeded == TRUE) { m_parent->getThumbnailSize(jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim); if (thumb_stream == NULL) { // need jpeg thumbnail, but no postview/preview stream exists // we use the main stream/frame to encode thumbnail thumb_stream = main_stream; thumb_frame = main_frame; if (m_parent->needRotationReprocess() && ((90 == jpeg_rotation) || (270 == jpeg_rotation))) { // swap thumbnail dimensions cam_dimension_t tmp_dim = jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim; jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim.width = tmp_dim.height; jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim.height = tmp_dim.width; } } memset(&src_dim, 0, sizeof(cam_dimension_t)); thumb_stream->getFrameDimension(src_dim); jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.src_dim = src_dim; // crop is the same if frame is the same if (thumb_frame != main_frame) { crop.left = 0; crop.top = 0; crop.height = src_dim.height; crop.width = src_dim.width; param = thumb_stream->getOutputCrop(); for (int i = 0; i < param.outputCrop.num_of_streams; i++) { if (param.outputCrop.crop_info[i].stream_id == thumb_stream->getMyServerID()) { crop = param.outputCrop.crop_info[i].crop; thumb_stream->setCropInfo(crop); } } } jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.crop = crop; jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_index = thumb_frame->buf_idx; CDBG_HIGH("%s, thumbnail src w/h (%dx%d), dst w/h (%dx%d)", __func__, jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.src_dim.width, jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.src_dim.height, jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim.width, jpg_job.encode_job.thumb_dim.dst_dim.height); } if (jpeg_job_data->metadata != NULL) { // fill in meta data frame ptr jpg_job.encode_job.p_metadata = jpeg_job_data->metadata; } jpg_job.encode_job.hal_version = CAM_HAL_V1; jpg_job.encode_job.cam_exif_params = m_parent->mExifParams; /* Init the QTable */ for (int i = 0; i < QTABLE_MAX; i++) { jpg_job.encode_job.qtable_set[i] = 0; } CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s : PROFILE_JPEG_JOB_START", __func__); ret = mJpegHandle.start_job(&jpg_job, &jobId); if (ret == NO_ERROR) { // remember job info jpeg_job_data->jobId = jobId; } return ret; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : processRawImageImpl * * DESCRIPTION: function to send raw image to upper layer * * PARAMETERS : * @recvd_frame : frame to be encoded * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::processRawImageImpl(mm_camera_super_buf_t *recvd_frame) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; QCameraChannel *pChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(recvd_frame->ch_id); QCameraStream *pStream = NULL; mm_camera_buf_def_t *frame = NULL; // check reprocess channel if not found if (pChannel == NULL) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL && m_pReprocChannel->getMyHandle() == recvd_frame->ch_id) { pChannel = m_pReprocChannel; } } if (pChannel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s:%d] No corresponding channel (ch_id = %d) exist, return here", __func__, __LINE__, recvd_frame->ch_id); return BAD_VALUE; } // find snapshot frame for (int i = 0; i < recvd_frame->num_bufs; i++) { QCameraStream *pCurStream = pChannel->getStreamByHandle(recvd_frame->bufs[i]->stream_id); if (pCurStream != NULL) { if (pCurStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) || pCurStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_RAW) || pCurStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) || pCurStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_RAW)) { pStream = pCurStream; frame = recvd_frame->bufs[i]; break; } } } if ( NULL == frame ) { ALOGE("%s: No valid raw buffer", __func__); return BAD_VALUE; } QCameraMemory *rawMemObj = (QCameraMemory *)frame->mem_info; bool zslChannelUsed = m_parent->isZSLMode() && ( pChannel != m_pReprocChannel ); camera_memory_t *raw_mem = NULL; if (rawMemObj != NULL) { if (zslChannelUsed) { raw_mem = rawMemObj->getMemory(frame->buf_idx, false); } else { raw_mem = m_parent->mGetMemory(-1, frame->frame_len, 1, m_parent->mCallbackCookie); if (NULL == raw_mem) { ALOGE("%s : Not enough memory for RAW cb ", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(raw_mem->data, frame->buffer, frame->frame_len); } } if (NULL != rawMemObj && NULL != raw_mem) { // dump frame into file if (frame->stream_type == CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT)) { // for YUV422 NV16 case m_parent->dumpFrameToFile(pStream, frame, QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_SNAPSHOT); } else { m_parent->dumpFrameToFile(pStream, frame, QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_RAW); } // send data callback / notify for RAW_IMAGE if (NULL != m_parent->mDataCb && m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE) > 0) { qcamera_callback_argm_t cbArg; memset(&cbArg, 0, sizeof(qcamera_callback_argm_t)); cbArg.cb_type = QCAMERA_DATA_CALLBACK; cbArg.msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE; cbArg.data = raw_mem; cbArg.index = 0; m_parent->m_cbNotifier.notifyCallback(cbArg); } if (NULL != m_parent->mNotifyCb && m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY) > 0) { qcamera_callback_argm_t cbArg; memset(&cbArg, 0, sizeof(qcamera_callback_argm_t)); cbArg.cb_type = QCAMERA_NOTIFY_CALLBACK; cbArg.msg_type = CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE_NOTIFY; cbArg.ext1 = 0; cbArg.ext2 = 0; m_parent->m_cbNotifier.notifyCallback(cbArg); } if ((m_parent->mDataCb != NULL) && m_parent->msgTypeEnabledWithLock(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE) > 0) { qcamera_release_data_t release_data; memset(&release_data, 0, sizeof(qcamera_release_data_t)); if ( zslChannelUsed ) { release_data.frame = recvd_frame; } else { release_data.data = raw_mem; } rc = sendDataNotify(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE, raw_mem, 0, NULL, &release_data); } else { raw_mem->release(raw_mem); } } else { ALOGE("%s: Cannot get raw mem", __func__); rc = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : dataSaveRoutine * * DESCRIPTION: data saving routine * * PARAMETERS : * @data : user data ptr (QCameraPostProcessor) * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void *QCameraPostProcessor::dataSaveRoutine(void *data) { int running = 1; int ret; uint8_t is_active = FALSE; QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *)data; QCameraCmdThread *cmdThread = &pme->m_saveProcTh; char saveName[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; CDBG_HIGH("%s: E", __func__); do { do { ret = cam_sem_wait(&cmdThread->cmd_sem); if (ret != 0 && errno != EINVAL) { ALOGE("%s: cam_sem_wait error (%s)", __func__, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } while (ret != 0); // we got notified about new cmd avail in cmd queue camera_cmd_type_t cmd = cmdThread->getCmd(); switch (cmd) { case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC: CDBG_HIGH("%s: start data proc", __func__); is_active = TRUE; pme->m_inputSaveQ.init(); break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC: { CDBG_HIGH("%s: stop data proc", __func__); is_active = FALSE; // flush input save Queue pme->m_inputSaveQ.flush(); // signal cmd is completed cam_sem_post(&cmdThread->sync_sem); } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB: { CDBG_HIGH("%s: Do next job, active is %d", __func__, is_active); qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *job_data = (qcamera_jpeg_evt_payload_t *) pme->m_inputSaveQ.dequeue(); if (job_data == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid jpeg event data", __func__); continue; } pme->m_ongoingJpegQ.flushNodes(matchJobId, (void*)&job_data->jobId); CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s : jpeg job %d", __func__, job_data->jobId); if (is_active == TRUE) { memset(saveName, '\0', sizeof(saveName)); snprintf(saveName, sizeof(saveName), QCameraPostProcessor::STORE_LOCATION, pme->mSaveFrmCnt); int file_fd = open(saveName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0655); if (file_fd > 0) { size_t written_len = write(file_fd, job_data->out_data.buf_vaddr, job_data->out_data.buf_filled_len); if ( job_data->out_data.buf_filled_len != written_len ) { ALOGE("%s: Failed save complete data %d bytes written instead of %d bytes!", __func__, written_len, job_data->out_data.buf_filled_len); } else { CDBG_HIGH("%s: written number of bytes %d\n", __func__, written_len); } close(file_fd); } else { ALOGE("%s: fail t open file for saving", __func__); } pme->mSaveFrmCnt++; camera_memory_t* jpeg_mem = pme->m_parent->mGetMemory(-1, strlen(saveName), 1, pme->m_parent->mCallbackCookie); if (NULL == jpeg_mem) { ret = NO_MEMORY; ALOGE("%s : getMemory for jpeg, ret = NO_MEMORY", __func__); goto end; } memcpy(jpeg_mem->data, saveName, strlen(saveName)); CDBG_HIGH("%s : Calling upperlayer callback to store JPEG image", __func__); qcamera_release_data_t release_data; memset(&release_data, 0, sizeof(qcamera_release_data_t)); release_data.data = jpeg_mem; release_data.unlinkFile = true; CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s: PROFILE_JPEG_CB ",__func__); ret = pme->sendDataNotify(CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE, jpeg_mem, 0, NULL, &release_data); } end: free(job_data); } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT: CDBG_HIGH("%s : save thread exit", __func__); running = 0; break; default: break; } } while (running); CDBG_HIGH("%s: X", __func__); return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : dataProcessRoutine * * DESCRIPTION: data process routine that handles input data either from input * Jpeg Queue to do jpeg encoding, or from input PP Queue to do * reprocess. * * PARAMETERS : * @data : user data ptr (QCameraPostProcessor) * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void *QCameraPostProcessor::dataProcessRoutine(void *data) { int running = 1; int ret; uint8_t is_active = FALSE; QCameraPostProcessor *pme = (QCameraPostProcessor *)data; QCameraCmdThread *cmdThread = &pme->m_dataProcTh; CDBG_HIGH("%s: E", __func__); do { do { ret = cam_sem_wait(&cmdThread->cmd_sem); if (ret != 0 && errno != EINVAL) { ALOGE("%s: cam_sem_wait error (%s)", __func__, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } while (ret != 0); // we got notified about new cmd avail in cmd queue camera_cmd_type_t cmd = cmdThread->getCmd(); switch (cmd) { case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC: CDBG_HIGH("%s: start data proc", __func__); is_active = TRUE; pme->m_ongoingPPQ.init(); pme->m_inputJpegQ.init(); pme->m_inputPPQ.init(); pme->m_inputRawQ.init(); pme->m_saveProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC, FALSE, FALSE); // signal cmd is completed cam_sem_post(&cmdThread->sync_sem); break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC: { CDBG_HIGH("%s: stop data proc", __func__); is_active = FALSE; pme->m_saveProcTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC, TRUE, TRUE); // cancel all ongoing jpeg jobs qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)pme->m_ongoingJpegQ.dequeue(); while (jpeg_job != NULL) { pme->mJpegHandle.abort_job(jpeg_job->jobId); pme->releaseJpegJobData(jpeg_job); free(jpeg_job); jpeg_job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)pme->m_ongoingJpegQ.dequeue(); } // destroy jpeg encoding session if ( 0 < pme->mJpegSessionId ) { pme->mJpegHandle.destroy_session(pme->mJpegSessionId); pme->mJpegSessionId = 0; } // free jpeg out buf and exif obj FREE_JPEG_OUTPUT_BUFFER(pme->m_pJpegOutputMem, pme->m_JpegOutputMemCount); if (pme->m_pJpegExifObj != NULL) { delete pme->m_pJpegExifObj; pme->m_pJpegExifObj = NULL; } // stop reproc channel if exists if (pme->m_pReprocChannel != NULL) { pme->m_pReprocChannel->stop(); delete pme->m_pReprocChannel; pme->m_pReprocChannel = NULL; } // flush ongoing postproc Queue pme->m_ongoingPPQ.flush(); // flush input jpeg Queue pme->m_inputJpegQ.flush(); // flush input Postproc Queue pme->m_inputPPQ.flush(); // flush input raw Queue pme->m_inputRawQ.flush(); // signal cmd is completed cam_sem_post(&cmdThread->sync_sem); pme->mNewJpegSessionNeeded = true; } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB: { CDBG_HIGH("%s: Do next job, active is %d", __func__, is_active); if (is_active == TRUE) { qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)pme->m_inputJpegQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != jpeg_job) { // To avoid any race conditions, // sync any stream specific parameters here. pme->syncStreamParams(jpeg_job->src_frame, NULL); // add into ongoing jpeg job Q pme->m_ongoingJpegQ.enqueue((void *)jpeg_job); ret = pme->encodeData(jpeg_job, pme->mNewJpegSessionNeeded); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { // dequeue the last one pme->m_ongoingJpegQ.dequeue(false); pme->releaseJpegJobData(jpeg_job); free(jpeg_job); pme->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); } } // process raw data if any mm_camera_super_buf_t *super_buf = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)pme->m_inputRawQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != super_buf) { //play shutter sound pme->m_parent->playShutter(); ret = pme->processRawImageImpl(super_buf); if (NO_ERROR != ret) { pme->releaseSuperBuf(super_buf); free(super_buf); pme->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); } } mm_camera_super_buf_t *pp_frame = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)pme->m_inputPPQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != pp_frame) { qcamera_pp_data_t *pp_job = (qcamera_pp_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(qcamera_pp_data_t)); if (pp_job != NULL) { pme->syncStreamParams(pp_frame, NULL); memset(pp_job, 0, sizeof(qcamera_pp_data_t)); if (pme->m_pReprocChannel != NULL) { // add into ongoing PP job Q pp_job->src_frame = pp_frame; ret = pme->reprocess(pp_job); if (NO_ERROR == ret) { pme->stopCapture(); } } else { ALOGE("%s: Reprocess channel is NULL", __func__); ret = -1; } } else { ALOGE("%s: no mem for qcamera_pp_data_t", __func__); ret = -1; } if (0 != ret) { // free pp_job if (pp_job != NULL) { free(pp_job); } // free frame if (pp_frame != NULL) { pme->releaseSuperBuf(pp_frame); free(pp_frame); } // send error notify pme->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); } } } else { // not active, simply return buf and do no op qcamera_jpeg_data_t *jpeg_data = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *)pme->m_inputJpegQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != jpeg_data) { pme->releaseJpegJobData(jpeg_data); free(jpeg_data); } mm_camera_super_buf_t *super_buf = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)pme->m_inputRawQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != super_buf) { pme->releaseSuperBuf(super_buf); free(super_buf); } super_buf = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)pme->m_inputPPQ.dequeue(); if (NULL != super_buf) { pme->releaseSuperBuf(super_buf); free(super_buf); } } } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT: running = 0; break; default: break; } } while (running); CDBG_HIGH("%s: X", __func__); return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : reprocess * * DESCRIPTION: Trigger reprocessing * * PARAMETERS : * @pp_job : Postproc job * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::reprocess(qcamera_pp_data_t *pp_job) { int rc = NO_ERROR; if (NULL == pp_job) { return BAD_VALUE; } if (m_parent->isRegularCapture()) { if ((NULL != pp_job->src_frame) && (0 < pp_job->src_frame->num_bufs)) { mm_camera_buf_def_t *bufs = NULL; uint8_t num_bufs = -1; num_bufs = pp_job->src_frame->num_bufs; bufs = new mm_camera_buf_def_t[num_bufs]; if (NULL == bufs) { ALOGE("%s:Unable to allocate cached buffers", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } for (int i = 0; i < num_bufs; i++) { bufs[i] = *pp_job->src_frame->bufs[i]; pp_job->src_frame->bufs[i] = &bufs[i]; } pp_job->src_reproc_bufs = bufs; } // Don't release source frame after encoding // at this point the source channel will not exist. pp_job->reproc_frame_release = true; m_ongoingPPQ.enqueue((void *)pp_job); rc = m_pReprocChannel->doReprocessOffline(pp_job->src_frame); } else { m_ongoingPPQ.enqueue((void *)pp_job); rc = m_pReprocChannel->doReprocess(pp_job->src_frame); } if (NO_ERROR != rc) { // remove from ongoing PP job Q m_ongoingPPQ.dequeue(false); } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stopCapture * * DESCRIPTION: Trigger image capture stop * * PARAMETERS : * None * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::stopCapture() { int rc = NO_ERROR; if (m_parent->isRegularCapture()) { rc = m_parent->processAPI( QCAMERA_SM_EVT_STOP_CAPTURE_CHANNEL, NULL); } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getJpegPaddingReq * * DESCRIPTION: function to add an entry to exif data * * PARAMETERS : * @padding_info : jpeg specific padding requirement * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::getJpegPaddingReq(cam_padding_info_t &padding_info) { // TODO: hardcode for now, needs to query from mm-jpeg-interface padding_info.width_padding = CAM_PAD_NONE; padding_info.height_padding = CAM_PAD_TO_16; padding_info.plane_padding = CAM_PAD_TO_WORD; return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setYUVFrameInfo * * DESCRIPTION: set Raw YUV frame data info for up-layer * * PARAMETERS : * @frame : process frame received from mm-camera-interface * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code * * NOTE : currently we return frame len, y offset, cbcr offset and frame format *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraPostProcessor::setYUVFrameInfo(mm_camera_super_buf_t *recvd_frame) { QCameraChannel *pChannel = m_parent->getChannelByHandle(recvd_frame->ch_id); // check reprocess channel if not found if (pChannel == NULL) { if (m_pReprocChannel != NULL && m_pReprocChannel->getMyHandle() == recvd_frame->ch_id) { pChannel = m_pReprocChannel; } } if (pChannel == NULL) { ALOGE("%s:%d] No corresponding channel (ch_id = %d) exist, return here", __func__, __LINE__, recvd_frame->ch_id); return BAD_VALUE; } // find snapshot frame for (int i = 0; i < recvd_frame->num_bufs; i++) { QCameraStream *pStream = pChannel->getStreamByHandle(recvd_frame->bufs[i]->stream_id); if (pStream != NULL) { if (pStream->isTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT) || pStream->isOrignalTypeOf(CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT)) { //get the main frame, use stream info cam_frame_len_offset_t frame_offset; cam_dimension_t frame_dim; cam_format_t frame_fmt; const char *fmt_string; pStream->getFrameDimension(frame_dim); pStream->getFrameOffset(frame_offset); pStream->getFormat(frame_fmt); fmt_string = m_parent->mParameters.getFrameFmtString(frame_fmt); int cbcr_offset = frame_offset.mp[0].len - frame_dim.width * frame_dim.height; m_parent->mParameters.set("snapshot-framelen", frame_offset.frame_len); m_parent->mParameters.set("snapshot-yoff", frame_offset.mp[0].offset); m_parent->mParameters.set("snapshot-cbcroff", cbcr_offset); if(fmt_string != NULL){ m_parent->mParameters.set("snapshot-format", fmt_string); }else{ m_parent->mParameters.set("snapshot-format", ""); } CDBG_HIGH("%s: frame width=%d, height=%d, yoff=%d, cbcroff=%d, fmt_string=%s", __func__, frame_dim.width, frame_dim.height, frame_offset.mp[0].offset, cbcr_offset, fmt_string); return NO_ERROR; } } } return BAD_VALUE; } bool QCameraPostProcessor::matchJobId(void *data, void *, void *match_data) { qcamera_jpeg_data_t * job = (qcamera_jpeg_data_t *) data; uint32_t job_id = *((uint32_t *) match_data); return job->jobId == job_id; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getJpegMemory * * DESCRIPTION: buffer allocation function * to pass to jpeg interface * * PARAMETERS : * @out_buf : buffer descriptor struct * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraPostProcessor::getJpegMemory(omx_jpeg_ouput_buf_t *out_buf) { CDBG_HIGH("%s: Allocating jpeg out buffer of size: %d", __func__, out_buf->size); QCameraPostProcessor *procInst = (QCameraPostProcessor *) out_buf->handle; camera_memory_t *cam_mem = procInst->m_parent->mGetMemory(-1, out_buf->size, 1, procInst->m_parent->mCallbackCookie); out_buf->mem_hdl = cam_mem; out_buf->vaddr = cam_mem->data; return 0; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCameraExif * * DESCRIPTION: constructor of QCameraExif * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraExif::QCameraExif() : m_nNumEntries(0) { memset(m_Entries, 0, sizeof(m_Entries)); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCameraExif * * DESCRIPTION: deconstructor of QCameraExif. Will release internal memory ptr. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraExif::~QCameraExif() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nNumEntries; i++) { switch (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.type) { case EXIF_BYTE: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._bytes != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._bytes); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._bytes = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_ASCII: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._ascii != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._ascii); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._ascii = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_SHORT: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._shorts != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._shorts); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._shorts = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_LONG: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._longs != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._longs); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._longs = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_RATIONAL: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._rats != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._rats); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._rats = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_UNDEFINED: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._undefined != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._undefined); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._undefined = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_SLONG: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._slongs != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._slongs); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._slongs = NULL; } } break; case EXIF_SRATIONAL: { if (m_Entries[i].tag_entry.count > 1 && m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._srats != NULL) { free(m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._srats); m_Entries[i].tag_entry.data._srats = NULL; } } break; } } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : addEntry * * DESCRIPTION: function to add an entry to exif data * * PARAMETERS : * @tagid : exif tag ID * @type : data type * @count : number of data in uint of its type * @data : input data ptr * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraExif::addEntry(exif_tag_id_t tagid, exif_tag_type_t type, uint32_t count, void *data) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; if(m_nNumEntries >= MAX_EXIF_TABLE_ENTRIES) { ALOGE("%s: Number of entries exceeded limit", __func__); return NO_MEMORY; } m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_id = tagid; m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.type = type; m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.count = count; m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.copy = 1; switch (type) { case EXIF_BYTE: { if (count > 1) { uint8_t *values = (uint8_t *)malloc(count); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for byte array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._bytes = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._byte = *(uint8_t *)data; } } break; case EXIF_ASCII: { char *str = NULL; str = (char *)malloc(count + 1); if (str == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for ascii string", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memset(str, 0, count + 1); memcpy(str, data, count); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._ascii = str; } } break; case EXIF_SHORT: { if (count > 1) { uint16_t *values = (uint16_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(uint16_t)); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for short array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(uint16_t)); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._shorts = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._short = *(uint16_t *)data; } } break; case EXIF_LONG: { if (count > 1) { uint32_t *values = (uint32_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for long array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(uint32_t)); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._longs = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._long = *(uint32_t *)data; } } break; case EXIF_RATIONAL: { if (count > 1) { rat_t *values = (rat_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(rat_t)); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for rational array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(rat_t)); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._rats = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._rat = *(rat_t *)data; } } break; case EXIF_UNDEFINED: { uint8_t *values = (uint8_t *)malloc(count); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for undefined array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._undefined = values; } } break; case EXIF_SLONG: { if (count > 1) { int32_t *values = (int32_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(int32_t)); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for signed long array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(int32_t)); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._slongs = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._slong = *(int32_t *)data; } } break; case EXIF_SRATIONAL: { if (count > 1) { srat_t *values = (srat_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(srat_t)); if (values == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: No memory for signed rational array", __func__); rc = NO_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(srat_t)); m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._srats = values; } } else { m_Entries[m_nNumEntries].tag_entry.data._srat = *(srat_t *)data; } } break; } // Increase number of entries m_nNumEntries++; return rc; } }; // namespace qcamera