# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.; # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # This is an integration test which ensures that a proxy set on a # shared network connection is exposed via LibCrosSevice and used # by tlsdated during time synchronization. import dbus import gobject import logging import subprocess import threading import time from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_ui from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import shill_proxy from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop from SocketServer import ThreadingTCPServer, StreamRequestHandler class ProxyHandler(StreamRequestHandler): """Matching request handler for the ThreadedHitServer that notes when an expected request is seen. """ wbufsize = -1 def handle(self): """Reads the first line, up to 40 characters, looking for the CONNECT string that tlsdated sends. If it is found, the server's hit() method is called. All requests receive a HTTP 504 error. """ # Read up to 40 characters data = self.rfile.readline(40).strip() logging.info('ProxyHandler::handle(): <%s>', data) # TODO(wad) Add User-agent check when it lands in tlsdate. # Also, abstract the time server and move this code into cros/. if data.__contains__('CONNECT clients3.google.com:443 HTTP/1.1'): self.server.hit() self.wfile.write("HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n") class ThreadedHitServer(ThreadingTCPServer): """A threaded TCP server which services requests and allows the handler to track "hits". """ def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass): """Constructor @param server_address: tuple of server IP and port to listen on. @param HandlerClass: the RequestHandler class to instantiate per req. """ self._hits = 0 ThreadingTCPServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass) def hit(self): """Increment the hit count. Usually called by the HandlerClass""" self._hits += 1 def reset_hits(self): """Set the hit count to 0""" self._hits = 0 def hits(self): """Get the number of matched requests @return the count of matched requests """ return self._hits class ProxyListener(object): """A fake listener for tracking if an expected CONNECT request is seen at the provided server address. Any hits are exposed to be consumed by the caller. """ def __init__(self, server_address): """Constructor @param server_address: tuple of server IP and port to listen on. """ self._server = ThreadedHitServer(server_address, ProxyHandler) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._server.serve_forever) def run(self): """Run the server on a thread""" self._thread.start() def stop(self): """Stop the server and its threads""" self._server.shutdown() self._server.socket.close() self._thread.join() def reset_hits(self): """Reset the number of matched requests to 0""" return self._server.reset_hits() def hits(self): """Get the number of matched requests @return the count of matched requests """ return self._server.hits() class SignalListener(object): """A class to listen for a DBus signal """ DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60 _main_loop = None _signals = { } def __init__(self, g_main_loop): """Constructor @param g_mail_loop: glib main loop object. """ self._main_loop = g_main_loop def listen_for_signal(self, signal, interface, path): """Listen with a default handler @param signal: signal name to listen for @param interface: DBus interface to expect it from @param path: DBus path associated with the signal """ self.__listen_to_signal(self.__handle_signal, signal, interface, path) def wait_for_signals(self, desc, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Block for |timeout| seconds waiting for the signals to come in. @param desc: string describing the high-level reason you're waiting for the signals. @param timeout: maximum seconds to wait for the signals. @raises TimeoutError if the timeout is hit. """ utils.poll_for_condition( condition=lambda: self.__received_signals(), desc=desc, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) all_signals = self._signals.copy() self.__reset_signal_state() return all_signals def __received_signals(self): """Run main loop until all pending events are done, checks for signals. Runs self._main_loop until it says it has no more events pending, then returns the state of the internal variables tracking whether desired signals have been received. @return True if both signals have been handled, False otherwise. """ context = self._main_loop.get_context() while context.iteration(False): pass return len(self._signals) > 0 def __reset_signal_state(self): """Resets internal signal tracking state.""" self._signals = { } def __listen_to_signal(self, callback, signal, interface, path): """Connect a callback to a given session_manager dbus signal. Sets up a signal receiver for signal, and calls the provided callback when it comes in. @param callback: a callable to call when signal is received. @param signal: the signal to listen for. """ bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=self._main_loop) bus.add_signal_receiver( handler_function=callback, signal_name=signal, dbus_interface=interface, bus_name=None, path=path, member_keyword='signal_name') def __handle_signal(self, *args, **kwargs): """Callback to be used when a new key signal is received.""" signal_name = kwargs.pop('signal_name', '') #signal_data = str(args[0]) logging.info("SIGNAL: " + signal_name + ", " + str(args)); if self._signals.has_key(signal_name): self._signals[signal_name].append(args) else: self._signals[signal_name] = [args] class network_ProxyResolver(test.test): """A test fixture for validating the integration of shill, Chrome, and tlsdated's proxy resolution. """ version = 1 auto_login = False service_settings = { } TIMEOUT = 360 def initialize(self): """Constructor Sets up the test such that all DBus signals can be received and a fake proxy server can be instantiated. Additionally, the UI is restarted to ensure consistent shared network use. """ super(network_ProxyResolver, self).initialize() cros_ui.stop() cros_ui.start() DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) self._listener = SignalListener(gobject.MainLoop()) self._shill = shill_proxy.ShillProxy.get_proxy() if self._shill is None: raise error.TestFail('Could not connect to shill') # Listen for ProxyResolve responses self._listener.listen_for_signal('ProxyChange', 'org.chromium.AutotestProxyInterface', '/org/chromium/LibCrosService') # Listen for network property changes self._listener.listen_for_signal('PropertyChanged', 'org.chromium.flimflam.Service', '/') # Listen on the proxy port. self._proxy_server = ProxyListener(('', 3128)) # Set the proxy with Shill. This only works for shared connections # (like Eth). def set_proxy(self, service_name, proxy_config): """Changes the ProxyConfig property on the specified shill service. @param service_name: the name, as a str, of the shill service @param proxy_config: the ProxyConfig property value string @raises TestFail if the service is not found. """ shill = self._shill service = shill.find_object('Service', { 'Name' : service_name }) if not service: raise error.TestFail('Service ' + service_name + ' not found to test proxy with.') props = service.GetProperties() old_proxy = '' if props.has_key('ProxyConfig'): old_proxy = props['ProxyConfig'] if self.service_settings.has_key(service_name) == False: logging.info('Preexisting ProxyConfig: ' + service_name + ' -> ' + old_proxy) self.service_settings[service_name] = old_proxy logging.info('Setting proxy to ' + proxy_config) service.SetProperties({'ProxyConfig': proxy_config}) def reset_services(self): """Walks the dict of service->ProxyConfig values and sets the proxy back to the originally observed value. """ if len(self.service_settings) == 0: return for k,v in self.service_settings.items(): logging.info('Resetting ProxyConfig: ' + k + ' -> ' + v) self.set_proxy(k, v) def check_chrome(self, proxy_type, proxy_config, timeout): """Check that Chrome has acknowledged the supplied proxy config by asking for resolution over DBus. @param proxy_type: PAC-style string type (e.g., 'PROXY', 'SOCKS') @param proxy_config: PAC-style config string (e.g., @param timeout: time in seconds to wait for Chrome to issue a signal. @return True if a matching response is seen and False otherwise """ bus = dbus.SystemBus() dbus_proxy = bus.get_object('org.chromium.LibCrosService', '/org/chromium/LibCrosService') cros_service = dbus.Interface(dbus_proxy, 'org.chromium.LibCrosServiceInterface') attempts = timeout while attempts > 0: cros_service.ResolveNetworkProxy( 'https://clients3.google.com', 'org.chromium.AutotestProxyInterface', 'ProxyChange') signals = self._listener.wait_for_signals( 'waiting for proxy resolution from Chrome') if signals['ProxyChange'][0][1] == proxy_type + ' ' + proxy_config: return True attempts -= 1 time.sleep(1) logging.error('Last DBus signal seen before giving up: ' + str(signals)) return False def check_tlsdated(self, timeout): """Check that tlsdated uses the set proxy. @param timeout: time in seconds to wait for tlsdate to restart and query @return True if tlsdated hits the proxy server and False otherwise """ # Restart tlsdated to force a network resync # (The other option is to force it to think there is no network sync.) try: self._proxy_server.run() except Exception as e: logging.error("Proxy error =>" + str(e)) return False logging.info("proxy started!") status = subprocess.call(['initctl', 'restart', 'tlsdated']) if status != 0: logging.info("failed to restart tlsdated") return False attempts = timeout logging.info("waiting for hits on the proxy server") while attempts > 0: if self._proxy_server.hits() > 0: self._proxy_server.reset_hits() return True time.sleep(1) attempts -= 1 logging.info("no hits") return False def cleanup(self): """Reset all the service data and teardown the proxy.""" self.reset_services() logging.info("tearing down the proxy server") self._proxy_server.stop() logging.info("proxy server down") super(network_ProxyResolver, self).cleanup() def test_same_ip_proxy_at_signin_chrome_system_tlsdated( self, service_name, test_timeout=TIMEOUT): """ Set the user policy, waits for condition, then logs out. @param service_name: shill service name to test on @param test_timeout: the total time in seconds split among all timeouts. """ proxy_type = 'http' proxy_port = '3128' proxy_host = '' proxy_url = proxy_type + '://' + proxy_host + ':' + proxy_port # TODO(wad) Only do the below if it was a single protocol proxy. # proxy_config = proxy_type + '=' + proxy_host + ':' + proxy_port proxy_config = proxy_host + ':' + proxy_port self.set_proxy(service_name, '{"mode":"fixed_servers","server":"' + proxy_config + '"}') logging.info("checking chrome") if self.check_chrome('PROXY', proxy_config, test_timeout/3) == False: raise error.TestFail('Chrome failed to resolve the proxy') # Restart tlsdate to force a network fix logging.info("checking tlsdated") if self.check_tlsdated(test_timeout/3) == False: raise error.TestFail('tlsdated never tried the proxy') logging.info("done!") def run_once(self, test_type, **params): logging.info('client: Running client test %s', test_type) getattr(self, test_type)(**params)