suite('effect-callback', function() { setup(function() { document.timeline._players = []; webAnimations1.timeline._players = []; }); test('animations starting in the future are not in effect', function() { var fractions = []; tick(100); var player = document.body.animate(function(fraction) { fractions.push(fraction); }, 1000); player.startTime = 1000; tick(200); tick(1000); tick(1100); assert.deepEqual(fractions, [null, 0, 0.1]); }); test('duration 0 players get sampled at least once', function() { var timeFraction; tick(0); var player = document.body.animate(function(t) { timeFraction = t; }, {duration: 0, fill: 'both'}); tick(100); assert.equal(timeFraction, 1); assert.equal(isTicking(), false); }); test('players added during custom effect callbacks get updated in the same tick', function() { var player; var called = false; tick(0); document.body.animate(function() { player = document.body.animate(function() { called = true; }, 1); }, 2); tick(1); assert.isTrue(player.startTime >= 0); assert.isFalse(called); }); test('custom effect should be called after cancel', function() { var fractions = []; var player = document.body.animate(function(fraction) { fractions.push(fraction); }, 1000); tick(0); tick(500); player.cancel(); tick(501); assert.deepEqual(fractions, [0, 0.5, null]); }); test('element.animate is given animation', function() { var callbackAnim; var player = document.body.animate(function(t, target, a) { callbackAnim = a; }, 100); tick(50); tick(150); assert.equal(isTicking(), false); assert(callbackAnim, 'callback should be set'); assert.equal(, document.body); }); test('effect callback on animation is given source animation', function() { var callbackAnim; var anim = new Animation(document.body, function(t, target, a) { callbackAnim = a; }, 1000); var player =; tick(50); tick(550); assert.equal(player.currentTime, 500); assert.equal(callbackAnim, anim); }); });