/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.0 Module * ------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Pixel Buffer Object tests *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "es3fPixelBufferObjectTests.hpp" #include "tcuTexture.hpp" #include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp" #include "tcuImageCompare.hpp" #include "tcuTestLog.hpp" #include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp" #include "gluTextureUtil.hpp" #include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp" #include "gluShaderProgram.hpp" #include "deRandom.hpp" #include "deString.h" #include #include #include "glw.h" using std::string; using std::stringstream; namespace deqp { namespace gles3 { namespace Functional { namespace { class ReadPixelsTest : public TestCase { public: struct TestSpec { enum FramebufferType { FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE = 0, FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER }; string name; string description; bool useColorClear; bool renderTriangles; FramebufferType framebufferType; GLenum renderbufferFormat; }; ReadPixelsTest (Context& context, const TestSpec& spec); ~ReadPixelsTest (void); void init (void); void deinit (void); IterateResult iterate (void); private: void renderTriangle (const tcu::Vec3& a, const tcu::Vec3& b, const tcu::Vec3& c); void clearColor (float r, float g, float b, float a); de::Random m_random; tcu::TestLog& m_log; glu::ShaderProgram* m_program; TestSpec::FramebufferType m_framebuffeType; GLenum m_renderbufferFormat; tcu::TextureChannelClass m_texChannelClass; bool m_useColorClears; bool m_renderTriangles; GLfloat m_colorScale; }; ReadPixelsTest::ReadPixelsTest (Context& context, const TestSpec& spec) : TestCase (context, spec.name.c_str(), spec.description.c_str()) , m_random (deStringHash(spec.name.c_str())) , m_log (m_testCtx.getLog()) , m_program (NULL) , m_framebuffeType (spec.framebufferType) , m_renderbufferFormat (spec.renderbufferFormat) , m_texChannelClass (tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_LAST) , m_useColorClears (spec.useColorClear) , m_renderTriangles (spec.renderTriangles) , m_colorScale (1.0f) { if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE) { m_colorScale = 1.0f; } else if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER) { m_texChannelClass = tcu::getTextureChannelClass(glu::mapGLInternalFormat(spec.renderbufferFormat).type); switch (m_texChannelClass) { case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT: m_colorScale = 1.0f; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_SIGNED_INTEGER: m_colorScale = 100.0f; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: m_colorScale = 100.0f; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_FLOATING_POINT: m_colorScale = 100.0f; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } else DE_ASSERT(false); } ReadPixelsTest::~ReadPixelsTest (void) { } void ReadPixelsTest::init (void) { // Check extensions if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER) { bool supported = false; if (m_renderbufferFormat == GL_RGBA16F || m_renderbufferFormat == GL_RG16F) { std::istringstream extensions(std::string((const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS))); std::string extension; while (std::getline(extensions, extension, ' ')) { if (extension=="GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float") { supported = true; break; } if (extension=="GL_EXT_color_buffer_float") { supported = true; break; } } } else if (m_renderbufferFormat == GL_RGBA32F || m_renderbufferFormat == GL_RG32F || m_renderbufferFormat == GL_R11F_G11F_B10F) { std::istringstream extensions(std::string((const char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS))); std::string extension; while (std::getline(extensions, extension, ' ')) { if (extension=="GL_EXT_color_buffer_float") { supported = true; break; } } } else supported = true; if (!supported) throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Renderbuffer format not supported", "", __FILE__, __LINE__); } std::string outtype = ""; if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE) outtype = "vec4"; else if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER) { switch (m_texChannelClass) { case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT: outtype = "vec4"; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_SIGNED_INTEGER: outtype = "ivec4"; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: outtype = "uvec4"; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_FLOATING_POINT: outtype = "vec4"; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } else DE_ASSERT(false); const char* vertexShaderSource = "#version 300 es\n" "in mediump vec3 a_position;\n" "in mediump vec4 a_color;\n" "uniform mediump float u_colorScale;\n" "out mediump vec4 v_color;\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" "\tgl_Position = vec4(a_position, 1.0);\n" "\tv_color = u_colorScale * a_color;\n" "}"; stringstream fragmentShaderSource; fragmentShaderSource << "#version 300 es\n" "in mediump vec4 v_color;\n"; fragmentShaderSource << "layout (location = 0) out mediump " << outtype << " o_color;\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" "\to_color = " << outtype << "(v_color);\n" "}"; m_program = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::makeVtxFragSources(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource.str())); if (!m_program->isOk()) { m_log << *m_program; TCU_FAIL("Failed to compile shader"); } } void ReadPixelsTest::deinit (void) { if (m_program) delete m_program; m_program = NULL; } void ReadPixelsTest::renderTriangle (const tcu::Vec3& a, const tcu::Vec3& b, const tcu::Vec3& c) { float positions[3*3]; positions[0] = a.x(); positions[1] = a.y(); positions[2] = a.z(); positions[3] = b.x(); positions[4] = b.y(); positions[5] = b.z(); positions[6] = c.x(); positions[7] = c.y(); positions[8] = c.z(); float colors[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_program->getProgram())); GLuint coordLoc = (GLuint)-1; GLuint colorLoc = (GLuint)-1; GLuint colorScaleLoc = (GLuint)-1; colorScaleLoc = glGetUniformLocation(m_program->getProgram(), "u_colorScale"); TCU_CHECK(colorScaleLoc != (GLuint)-1); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1f(colorScaleLoc, m_colorScale)); coordLoc = glGetAttribLocation(m_program->getProgram(), "a_position"); TCU_CHECK(coordLoc != (GLuint)-1); colorLoc = glGetAttribLocation(m_program->getProgram(), "a_color"); TCU_CHECK(colorLoc != (GLuint)-1); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(colorLoc)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(coordLoc)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(coordLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, positions)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(colorLoc, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, colors)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDisableVertexAttribArray(colorLoc)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDisableVertexAttribArray(coordLoc)); } void ReadPixelsTest::clearColor (float r, float g, float b, float a) { if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearColor(r, g, b, a)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); } else if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER) { switch (m_texChannelClass) { case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT: { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearColor(r, g, b, a)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); break; } case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_SIGNED_INTEGER: { GLint color[4] = { (GLint)r, (GLint)g, (GLint)b, (GLint)a }; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearBufferiv(GL_COLOR, 0, color)); break; } case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: { GLuint color[4] = { (GLuint)r, (GLuint)g, (GLuint)b, (GLuint)a }; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearBufferuiv(GL_COLOR, 0, color)); break; } case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_FLOATING_POINT: { GLfloat color[4] = { (GLfloat)r, (GLfloat)g, (GLfloat)b, (GLfloat)a }; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, 0, color)); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } else DE_ASSERT(false); } TestCase::IterateResult ReadPixelsTest::iterate(void) { int width = m_context.getRenderTarget().getWidth(); int height = m_context.getRenderTarget().getHeight(); GLuint framebuffer = 0; GLuint renderbuffer = 0; switch (m_framebuffeType) { case TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer)); break; case TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER: { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &framebuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &renderbuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_renderbufferFormat, width, height)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer)); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); } clearColor(m_colorScale * 0.4f, m_colorScale * 1.0f, m_colorScale * 0.5f, m_colorScale * 1.0f); if (m_useColorClears) { const int maxClearCount = 10; const int minClearCount = 6; const int minClearSize = 15; int clearCount = m_random.getInt(minClearCount, maxClearCount); for (int clearNdx = 0; clearNdx < clearCount; clearNdx++) { int clearX = m_random.getInt(0, width - minClearSize); int clearY = m_random.getInt(0, height - minClearSize); int clearWidth = m_random.getInt(minClearSize, width - clearX); int clearHeight = m_random.getInt(minClearSize, height - clearY); float clearRed = m_colorScale * m_random.getFloat(); float clearGreen = m_colorScale * m_random.getFloat(); float clearBlue = m_colorScale * m_random.getFloat(); float clearAlpha = m_colorScale * (0.5f + 0.5f * m_random.getFloat()); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glScissor(clearX, clearY, clearWidth, clearHeight)); clearColor(clearRed, clearGreen, clearBlue, clearAlpha); } GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)); } if (m_renderTriangles) { const int minTriangleCount = 4; const int maxTriangleCount = 10; int triangleCount = m_random.getInt(minTriangleCount, maxTriangleCount); for (int triangleNdx = 0; triangleNdx < triangleCount; triangleNdx++) { float x1 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float y1 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float z1 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float x2 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float y2 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float z2 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float x3 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float y3 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; float z3 = 2.0f * m_random.getFloat() - 1.0f; renderTriangle(tcu::Vec3(x1, y1, z1), tcu::Vec3(x2, y2, z2), tcu::Vec3(x3, y3, z3)); } } tcu::TextureFormat readFormat; GLenum readPixelsFormat; GLenum readPixelsType; bool floatCompare; if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE) { readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA; readPixelsType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; floatCompare = false; } else if (m_framebuffeType == TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER) { switch (m_texChannelClass) { case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT: readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA; readPixelsType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; floatCompare = true; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_SIGNED_INTEGER: readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_INT); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA_INTEGER; readPixelsType = GL_INT; floatCompare = false; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA_INTEGER; readPixelsType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; floatCompare = false; break; case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_FLOATING_POINT: readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA; readPixelsType = GL_FLOAT; floatCompare = true; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); // Silence warnings readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA; readPixelsType = GL_FLOAT; floatCompare = true; } } else { // Silence warnings readFormat = glu::mapGLTransferFormat(GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT); readPixelsFormat = GL_RGBA; readPixelsType = GL_FLOAT; floatCompare = true; DE_ASSERT(false); } tcu::Texture2D readRefrence (readFormat, width, height); const int readDataSize = readRefrence.getWidth() * readRefrence.getHeight() * readFormat.getPixelSize(); readRefrence.allocLevel(0); GLuint pixelBuffer = (GLuint)-1; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenBuffers(1, &pixelBuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pixelBuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, readDataSize, NULL, GL_STREAM_READ)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, readPixelsFormat, readPixelsType, 0)); const deUint8* bufferData = (const deUint8*)glMapBufferRange(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0, readDataSize, GL_MAP_READ_BIT); GLU_CHECK_MSG("glMapBufferRange() failed"); tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess readResult(readFormat, width, height, 1, bufferData); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, readPixelsFormat, readPixelsType, readRefrence.getLevel(0).getDataPtr())); if (framebuffer) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &framebuffer)); if (renderbuffer) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &renderbuffer)); bool isOk = false; if (floatCompare) isOk = tcu::floatThresholdCompare(m_log, "Result comparision", "Result of read pixels to memory compared with result of read pixels to buffer", readRefrence.getLevel(0), readResult, tcu::Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); else isOk = tcu::intThresholdCompare(m_log, "Result comparision", "Result of read pixels to memory compared with result of read pixels to buffer", readRefrence.getLevel(0), readResult, tcu::UVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pixelBuffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUnmapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDeleteBuffers(1, &pixelBuffer)); if (isOk) { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } else { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } } } // anonymous PixelBufferObjectTests::PixelBufferObjectTests (Context& context) : TestCaseGroup (context, "pbo", "Pixel buffer objects tests") { } PixelBufferObjectTests::~PixelBufferObjectTests (void) { } void PixelBufferObjectTests::init (void) { TestCaseGroup* nativeFramebufferGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "native", "Tests with reading from native framebuffer"); ReadPixelsTest::TestSpec nativeFramebufferTests[] = { { "clears", "Simple read pixels test with color clears", true, false, ReadPixelsTest::TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE, GL_NONE }, { "triangles", "Simple read pixels test rendering triangles", false, true, ReadPixelsTest::TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_NATIVE, GL_NONE } }; for (int testNdx = 0; testNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(nativeFramebufferTests); testNdx++) { nativeFramebufferGroup->addChild(new ReadPixelsTest(m_context, nativeFramebufferTests[testNdx])); } addChild(nativeFramebufferGroup); TestCaseGroup* renderbufferGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "renderbuffer", "Tests with reading from renderbuffer"); GLenum renderbufferFormats[] = { GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA8I, GL_RGBA8UI, GL_RGBA16F, GL_RGBA16I, GL_RGBA16UI, GL_RGBA32F, GL_RGBA32I, GL_RGBA32UI, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, GL_RGB10_A2, GL_RGB10_A2UI, GL_RGBA4, GL_RGB5_A1, GL_RGB8, GL_RGB565, GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, GL_RG8, GL_RG8I, GL_RG8UI, GL_RG16F, GL_RG16I, GL_RG16UI, GL_RG32F, GL_RG32I, GL_RG32UI }; const char* renderbufferFormatsStr[] = { "rgba8", "rgba8i", "rgba8ui", "rgba16f", "rgba16i", "rgba16ui", "rgba32f", "rgba32i", "rgba32ui", "srgb8_alpha8", "rgb10_a2", "rgb10_a2ui", "rgba4", "rgb5_a1", "rgb8", "rgb565", "r11f_g11f_b10f", "rg8", "rg8i", "rg8ui", "rg16f", "rg16i", "rg16ui", "rg32f", "rg32i", "rg32ui" }; DE_STATIC_ASSERT(DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(renderbufferFormatsStr) == DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(renderbufferFormats)); for (int formatNdx = 0; formatNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(renderbufferFormats); formatNdx++) { for (int trianglesClears = 0; trianglesClears < 2; trianglesClears++) { ReadPixelsTest::TestSpec testSpec; testSpec.name = string(renderbufferFormatsStr [formatNdx]) + "_" + (trianglesClears == 0 ? "triangles" : "clears"), testSpec.description = testSpec.name; testSpec.useColorClear = trianglesClears == 1, testSpec.renderTriangles = trianglesClears == 0, testSpec.framebufferType = ReadPixelsTest::TestSpec::FRAMEBUFFERTYPE_RENDERBUFFER, testSpec.renderbufferFormat = renderbufferFormats[formatNdx]; renderbufferGroup->addChild(new ReadPixelsTest(m_context, testSpec)); } } addChild(renderbufferGroup); } } // Functional } // gles3 } // deqp