Change Log ========== Version 2.0.2 *(2013-06-18)* ---------------------------- * Fix: Prevent exception trying to delete a non-existent file. Version 2.0.1 *(2013-04-27)* ---------------------------- * Fix: Do not throw runtime exceptions for racy file I/O. * Fix: Synchronize calls to `isClosed`. Version 2.0.0 *(2013-04-13)* ---------------------------- The package name is now `com.jakewharton.disklrucache`. * New: Automatically flush the cache when an edit is completed. * Fix: Ensure file handles are not held when a file is not found. * Fix: Correct journal rebuilds on Windows. * Fix: Ensure file writer uses the appropriate encoding. Version 1.3.1 *(2013-01-02)* ---------------------------- * Fix: Correct logic around detecting whether a journal rebuild is required. *(Thanks Jonathan Gerbaud)* Version 1.3.0 *(2012-12-24)* ---------------------------- * Re-allow dash in cache key (now `[a-z0-9_-]{1,64}`). * New: `getLength` method on `Snapshot`. *(Thanks Edward Dale)* * Performance improvements reading journal lines. Version 1.2.1 *(2012-10-08)* ---------------------------- * Fix: Ensure library references Java 5-compatible version of `Arrays.copyOfRange`. *(Thanks Edward Dale)* Version 1.2.0 *(2012-09-30)* ---------------------------- * New API for cache size adjustment. * Keys are now enforced to match `[a-z0-9_]{1,64}` *(Thanks Brian Langel)* * Fix: Cache will gracefully recover if directory is deleted at runtime. Version 1.1.0 *(2012-01-07)* ---------------------------- * New API for editing an existing snapshot. *(Thanks Jesse Wilson)* Version 1.0.0 *(2012-01-04)* ---------------------------- Initial version.