JaCoCo - Java Code Coverage Library

JaCoCo is a free Java code coverage library distributed under the Eclipse Public License. Check @jacoco.home.url@ for updates and feedback.

This is the distribution of version @qualified.bundle.version@ created on @build.date@ based on commit @buildNumber@.


The JaCoCo distribution contains the following libraries in the ./lib folder:

File OSGi Bundle Description Dependencies
jacocoagent.jar no Java agent for execution data recording - (all dependencies included)
jacocoant.jar no JaCoCo Ant tasks Ant (all other dependencies included)
org.jacoco.agent_@qualified.bundle.version@.jar yes JaCoCo agent -
org.jacoco.core_@qualified.bundle.version@.jar yes JaCoCo core ASM
org.jacoco.report_@qualified.bundle.version@.jar yes JaCoCo reporting org.jacoco.core, ASM
org.jacoco.ant_@qualified.bundle.version@.jar yes JaCoCo Ant tasks org.jacoco.core, org.jacoco.agent, org.jacoco.report, ASM, Ant

All libraries as well as the the JaCoCo Maven plug-in are also available from the Maven repository.