/* * Copyright 2011 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TRESYS TECHNOLOGY, LLC ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL TRESYS TECHNOLOGY, LLC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those * of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, * either expressed or implied, of Tresys Technology, LLC. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cil_internal.h" #include "cil_flavor.h" #include "cil_log.h" #include "cil_mem.h" #include "cil_tree.h" #include "cil_list.h" #include "cil_find.h" #include "cil_verify.h" int __cil_verify_name(const char *name) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; int len = strlen(name); int i = 0; if (len >= CIL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Name length greater than max name length of %d", CIL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (!isalpha(name[0])) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "First character in %s is not a letter\n", name); goto exit; } for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '_' && name[i] != '-') { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid character \"%c\" in %s\n", name[i], name); goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid name\n"); return rc; } int __cil_verify_syntax(struct cil_tree_node *parse_current, enum cil_syntax s[], int len) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; int num_extras = 0; struct cil_tree_node *c = parse_current; int i = 0; while (i < len) { if ((s[i] & CIL_SYN_END) && c == NULL) { break; } if (s[i] & CIL_SYN_N_LISTS || s[i] & CIL_SYN_N_STRINGS) { if (c == NULL) { if (num_extras > 0) { i++; continue; } else { goto exit; } } else if ((s[i] & CIL_SYN_N_LISTS) && (c->data == NULL && c->cl_head != NULL)) { c = c->next; num_extras++; continue; } else if ((s[i] & CIL_SYN_N_STRINGS) && (c->data != NULL && c->cl_head == NULL)) { c = c->next; num_extras++; continue; } } if (c == NULL) { goto exit; } if (s[i] & CIL_SYN_STRING) { if (c->data != NULL && c->cl_head == NULL) { c = c->next; i++; continue; } } if (s[i] & CIL_SYN_LIST) { if (c->data == NULL && c->cl_head != NULL) { c = c->next; i++; continue; } } if (s[i] & CIL_SYN_EMPTY_LIST) { if (c->data == NULL && c->cl_head == NULL) { c = c->next; i++; continue; } } goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid syntax\n"); return rc; } int cil_verify_expr_syntax(struct cil_tree_node *current, enum cil_flavor op, enum cil_flavor expr_flavor) { int rc; enum cil_syntax syntax[] = { CIL_SYN_STRING, CIL_SYN_STRING | CIL_SYN_LIST, CIL_SYN_STRING | CIL_SYN_LIST, CIL_SYN_END }; int syntax_len = sizeof(syntax)/sizeof(*syntax); switch (op) { case CIL_NOT: syntax[2] = CIL_SYN_END; syntax_len = 3; break; case CIL_AND: case CIL_OR: case CIL_XOR: break; case CIL_EQ: case CIL_NEQ: if (expr_flavor != CIL_BOOL && expr_flavor != CIL_TUNABLE ) { cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Invalid operator (%s) for set expression\n", (char*)current->data); goto exit; } break; case CIL_ALL: if (expr_flavor == CIL_BOOL || expr_flavor == CIL_TUNABLE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Invalid operator (%s) for boolean or tunable expression\n", (char*)current->data); goto exit; } syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_END; syntax_len = 2; break; case CIL_RANGE: if (expr_flavor != CIL_CAT && expr_flavor != CIL_PERMISSIONX) { cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Operator (%s) only valid for catset and permissionx expression\n", (char*)current->data); goto exit; } syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_STRING; syntax[2] = CIL_SYN_STRING; break; case CIL_NONE: /* String or List */ syntax[0] = CIL_SYN_N_STRINGS | CIL_SYN_N_LISTS; syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_END; syntax_len = 2; break; default: cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Unexpected value (%s) for expression operator\n", (char*)current->data); goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_syntax(current, syntax, syntax_len); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return SEPOL_ERR; } int cil_verify_constraint_leaf_expr_syntax(enum cil_flavor l_flavor, enum cil_flavor r_flavor, enum cil_flavor op, enum cil_flavor expr_flavor) { if (r_flavor == CIL_STRING || r_flavor == CIL_LIST) { if (l_flavor == CIL_CONS_L1 || l_flavor == CIL_CONS_L2 || l_flavor == CIL_CONS_H1 || l_flavor == CIL_CONS_H2 ) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "l1, l2, h1, and h2 cannot be used on the left side with a string or list on the right side\n"); goto exit; } else if (l_flavor == CIL_CONS_U3 || l_flavor == CIL_CONS_R3 || l_flavor == CIL_CONS_T3) { if (expr_flavor != CIL_MLSVALIDATETRANS) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "u3, r3, and t3 can only be used with mlsvalidatetrans rules\n"); goto exit; } } } else { if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_U2) { if (op != CIL_EQ && op != CIL_NEQ) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "u2 on the right side must be used with eq or neq as the operator\n"); goto exit; } else if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_U1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "u2 on the right side must be used with u1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } else if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_R2) { if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_R1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "r2 on the right side must be used with r1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } else if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_T2) { if (op != CIL_EQ && op != CIL_NEQ) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "t2 on the right side must be used with eq or neq as the operator\n"); goto exit; } else if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_T1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "t2 on the right side must be used with t1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } else if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_L2) { if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_L1 && l_flavor != CIL_CONS_H1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "l2 on the right side must be used with l1 or h1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } else if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_H2) { if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_L1 && l_flavor != CIL_CONS_L2 && l_flavor != CIL_CONS_H1 ) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "h2 on the right side must be used with l1, l2, or h1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } else if (r_flavor == CIL_CONS_H1) { if (l_flavor != CIL_CONS_L1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "h1 on the right side must be used with l1 on the left\n"); goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return SEPOL_ERR; } int cil_verify_constraint_expr_syntax(struct cil_tree_node *current, enum cil_flavor op) { int rc; enum cil_syntax syntax[] = { CIL_SYN_STRING, CIL_SYN_END, CIL_SYN_END, CIL_SYN_END }; int syntax_len = sizeof(syntax)/sizeof(*syntax); switch (op) { case CIL_NOT: syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_LIST; syntax_len--; break; case CIL_AND: case CIL_OR: syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_LIST; syntax[2] = CIL_SYN_LIST; break; case CIL_EQ: case CIL_NEQ: syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_STRING; syntax[2] = CIL_SYN_STRING | CIL_SYN_LIST; break; case CIL_CONS_DOM: case CIL_CONS_DOMBY: case CIL_CONS_INCOMP: syntax[1] = CIL_SYN_STRING; syntax[2] = CIL_SYN_STRING; break; default: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid operator (%s) for constraint expression\n", (char*)current->data); goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_syntax(current, syntax, syntax_len); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid constraint syntax\n"); goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return SEPOL_ERR; } int cil_verify_no_self_reference(struct cil_symtab_datum *datum, struct cil_list *datum_list) { struct cil_list_item *i; cil_list_for_each(i, datum_list) { if (i->flavor == CIL_DATUM) { struct cil_symtab_datum *d = i->data; if (d == datum) { cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Self-reference found for %s\n",datum->name); return SEPOL_ERR; } } else if (i->flavor == CIL_LIST) { int rc = cil_verify_no_self_reference(datum, i->data); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return SEPOL_ERR; } } } return SEPOL_OK; } int __cil_verify_ranges(struct cil_list *list) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *curr; struct cil_list_item *range = NULL; if (list == NULL || list->head == NULL) { goto exit; } cil_list_for_each(curr, list) { /* range */ if (curr->flavor == CIL_LIST) { range = ((struct cil_list*)curr->data)->head; if (range == NULL || range->next == NULL || range->next->next != NULL) { goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR,"Invalid Range syntax\n"); return rc; } struct cil_args_verify_order { uint32_t *flavor; }; int __cil_verify_ordered_node_helper(struct cil_tree_node *node, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t *finished, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_verify_order *args = extra_args; uint32_t *flavor = args->flavor; if (node->flavor == *flavor) { if (node->flavor == CIL_SID) { struct cil_sid *sid = node->data; if (sid->ordered == CIL_FALSE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "SID %s not in sidorder statement at line %d of %s\n", sid->datum.name, node->line, node->path); return SEPOL_ERR; } } else if (node->flavor == CIL_CLASS) { struct cil_class *class = node->data; if (class->ordered == CIL_FALSE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Class %s not in classorder statement at line %d of %s\n", class->datum.name, node->line, node->path); return SEPOL_ERR; } } else if (node->flavor == CIL_CAT) { struct cil_cat *cat = node->data; if (cat->ordered == CIL_FALSE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Category %s not in categoryorder statement at line %d of %s\n", cat->datum.name, node->line, node->path); return SEPOL_ERR; } } else if (node->flavor == CIL_SENS) { struct cil_sens *sens = node->data; if (sens->ordered == CIL_FALSE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Sensitivity %s not in sensitivityorder statement at line %d of %s\n", sens->datum.name, node->line, node->path); return SEPOL_ERR; } } } return SEPOL_OK; } int __cil_verify_ordered(struct cil_tree_node *current, enum cil_flavor flavor) { struct cil_args_verify_order extra_args; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; extra_args.flavor = &flavor; rc = cil_tree_walk(current, __cil_verify_ordered_node_helper, NULL, NULL, &extra_args); return rc; } int __cil_verify_initsids(struct cil_list *sids) { int rc = SEPOL_OK; struct cil_list_item *i; if (sids->head == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "At least one initial sid must be defined in the policy\n"); return SEPOL_ERR; } cil_list_for_each(i, sids) { struct cil_sid *sid = i->data; if (sid->context == NULL) { struct cil_tree_node *node = sid->datum.nodes->head->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "No context assigned to SID %s declared at line %d in %s\n",sid->datum.name, node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; } } return rc; } int __cil_is_cat_in_cats(struct cil_cat *cat, struct cil_cats *cats) { struct cil_list_item *i; cil_list_for_each(i, cats->datum_expr) { struct cil_cat *c = i->data; if (c == cat) { return CIL_TRUE; } } return CIL_FALSE; } int __cil_verify_cat_in_cats(struct cil_cat *cat, struct cil_cats *cats) { if (__cil_is_cat_in_cats(cat, cats) != CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to find category %s in category list\n", cat->datum.name); return SEPOL_ERR; } return SEPOL_OK; } int __cil_verify_cats_associated_with_sens(struct cil_sens *sens, struct cil_cats *cats) { int rc = SEPOL_OK; struct cil_list_item *i, *j; if (!cats) { return SEPOL_OK; } if (!sens->cats_list) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "No categories can be used with sensitivity %s\n", sens->datum.name); return SEPOL_ERR; } cil_list_for_each(i, cats->datum_expr) { struct cil_cat *cat = i->data; int ok = CIL_FALSE; cil_list_for_each(j, sens->cats_list) { if (__cil_is_cat_in_cats(cat, j->data) == CIL_TRUE) { ok = CIL_TRUE; break; } } if (ok != CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Category %s cannot be used with sensitivity %s\n", cat->datum.name, sens->datum.name); rc = SEPOL_ERR; } } return rc; } int __cil_verify_levelrange_sensitivity(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_sens *low, struct cil_sens *high) { struct cil_list_item *curr; int found = CIL_FALSE; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_for_each(curr, db->sensitivityorder) { if (curr->data == low) { found = CIL_TRUE; } if ((found == CIL_TRUE) && (curr->data == high)) { break; } } if (found != CIL_TRUE || curr == NULL) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Sensitivity %s does not dominate %s\n", high->datum.name, low->datum.name); return rc; } int __cil_verify_levelrange_cats(struct cil_cats *low, struct cil_cats *high) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *item; if (low == NULL || (low == NULL && high == NULL)) { return SEPOL_OK; } if (high == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } cil_list_for_each(item, low->datum_expr) { rc = __cil_verify_cat_in_cats(item->data, high); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Low level category set must be a subset of the high level category set\n"); return rc; } int __cil_verify_levelrange(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_levelrange *lr) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = __cil_verify_levelrange_sensitivity(db, lr->low->sens, lr->high->sens); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_levelrange_cats(lr->low->cats, lr->high->cats); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_cats_associated_with_sens(lr->low->sens, lr->low->cats); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Low level sensitivity and categories are not associated\n"); goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_cats_associated_with_sens(lr->high->sens, lr->high->cats); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "High level sensitivity and categories are not associated\n"); goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __cil_verify_named_levelrange(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_levelrange *lr = node->data; rc = __cil_verify_levelrange(db, lr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid named range at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } static int __cil_verify_user_pre_eval(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_user *user = node->data; if (user->dftlevel == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "User %s does not have a default level\n", user->datum.name); goto exit; } else if (user->range == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "User %s does not have a level range\n", user->datum.name); goto exit; } else if (user->bounds != NULL) { int steps = 0; int limit = 2; struct cil_user *u1 = user; struct cil_user *u2 = user->bounds; while (u2 != NULL) { if (u1 == u2) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Circular bounds found for user %s\n", u1->datum.name); goto exit; } if (steps == limit) { steps = 0; limit *= 2; u1 = u2; } u2 = u2->bounds; steps++; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid user at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } static int __cil_verify_user_post_eval(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_user *user = node->data; /* Verify user range only if anonymous */ if (user->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_levelrange(db, user->range); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid user at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_role(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_role *role = node->data; int steps = 0; int limit = 2; struct cil_role *r1 = role; struct cil_role *r2 = role->bounds; while (r2 != NULL) { if (r1 == r2) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Circular bounds found for role %s\n", r1->datum.name); goto exit; } if (steps == limit) { steps = 0; limit *= 2; r1 = r2; } r2 = r2->bounds; steps++; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid role at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_type(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_type *type = node->data; int steps = 0; int limit = 2; struct cil_type *t1 = type; struct cil_type *t2 = type->bounds; while (t2 != NULL) { if (t1 == t2) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Circular bounds found for type %s\n", t1->datum.name); goto exit; } if (steps == limit) { steps = 0; limit *= 2; t1 = t2; } t2 = t2->bounds; steps++; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid type at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_context(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_context *ctx) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_user *user = ctx->user; struct cil_role *role = ctx->role; struct cil_type *type = ctx->type; struct cil_level *user_low = user->range->low; struct cil_level *user_high = user->range->high; struct cil_level *ctx_low = ctx->range->low; struct cil_level *ctx_high = ctx->range->high; struct cil_list *sensitivityorder = db->sensitivityorder; struct cil_list_item *curr; int found = CIL_FALSE; if (user->roles != NULL) { if (!ebitmap_get_bit(user->roles, role->value)) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Role %s is invalid for user %s\n", ctx->role_str, ctx->user_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "No roles given to the user %s\n", ctx->user_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (role->types != NULL) { if (!ebitmap_get_bit(role->types, type->value)) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Type %s is invalid for role %s\n", ctx->type_str, ctx->role_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "No types associated with role %s\n", ctx->role_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } /* Verify range only when anonymous */ if (ctx->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_levelrange(db, ctx->range); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } for (curr = sensitivityorder->head; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) { struct cil_sens *sens = curr->data; if (found == CIL_FALSE) { if (sens == user_low->sens) { found = CIL_TRUE; } else if (sens == ctx_low->sens) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Range %s is invalid for user %s\n", ctx->range_str, ctx->user_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } if (found == CIL_TRUE) { if (sens == ctx_high->sens) { break; } else if (sens == user_high->sens) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Range %s is invalid for user %s\n", ctx->range_str, ctx->user_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid context\n"); return rc; } int __cil_verify_named_context(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_context *ctx = node->data; rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid named context at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_rule(struct cil_tree_node *node, struct cil_complex_symtab *symtab) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_type_rule *typerule = NULL; struct cil_roletransition *roletrans = NULL; struct cil_complex_symtab_key ckey; switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_ROLETRANSITION: { roletrans = node->data; ckey.key1 = (intptr_t)roletrans->src; ckey.key2 = (intptr_t)roletrans->tgt; ckey.key3 = (intptr_t)roletrans->obj; ckey.key4 = CIL_ROLETRANSITION; break; } case CIL_TYPE_RULE: { typerule = node->data; ckey.key1 = (intptr_t)typerule->src; ckey.key2 = (intptr_t)typerule->tgt; ckey.key3 = (intptr_t)typerule->obj; ckey.key4 = (intptr_t)typerule->rule_kind; break; } default: break; } rc = cil_complex_symtab_insert(symtab, &ckey, NULL); if (rc == SEPOL_EEXIST) { struct cil_complex_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; cil_complex_symtab_search(symtab, &ckey, &datum); if (datum == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Duplicate rule defined on line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid rule at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_booleanif_helper(struct cil_tree_node *node, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t *finished, __attribute__((unused)) void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_tree_node *rule_node = node; struct cil_booleanif *bif = node->parent->parent->data; switch (rule_node->flavor) { case CIL_AVRULE: { struct cil_avrule *avrule = NULL; avrule = rule_node->data; if (avrule->rule_kind == CIL_AVRULE_NEVERALLOW) { if (bif->preserved_tunable) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Neverallow found in tunableif block (treated as a booleanif due to preserve-tunables) at line %d or %s\n", node->line, node->path); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Neverallow found in booleanif block at line %d or %s\n", node->line, node->path); } rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } break; } case CIL_TYPE_RULE: /* struct cil_type_rule *typerule = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *temp_node = NULL; struct cil_complex_symtab *symtab = extra_args; struct cil_complex_symtab_key ckey; struct cil_complex_symtab_datum datum; typerule = rule_node->data; ckey.key1 = (intptr_t)typerule->src; ckey.key2 = (intptr_t)typerule->tgt; ckey.key3 = (intptr_t)typerule->obj; ckey.key4 = (intptr_t)typerule->rule_kind; datum.data = node; rc = cil_complex_symtab_insert(symtab, &ckey, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } for (temp_node = rule_node->next; temp_node != NULL; temp_node = temp_node->next) { if (temp_node->flavor == CIL_TYPE_RULE) { typerule = temp_node->data; if ((intptr_t)typerule->src == ckey.key1 && (intptr_t)typerule->tgt == ckey.key2 && (intptr_t)typerule->obj == ckey.key3 && (intptr_t)typerule->rule_kind == ckey.key4) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Duplicate type rule found (line: %d)\n", node->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } } break;*/ //TODO Fix duplicate type_rule detection break; case CIL_CALL: //Fall through to check content of call break; case CIL_TUNABLEIF: //Fall through break; case CIL_NAMETYPETRANSITION: /* While type transitions with file component are not allowed in booleanif statements if they don't have "*" as the file. We can't check that here. Or at least we won't right now. */ break; default: { const char * flavor = cil_node_to_string(node); if (bif->preserved_tunable) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid %s statement in tunableif (treated as a booleanif due to preserve-tunables) at line %d of %s\n", flavor, node->line, node->path); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid %s statement in booleanif at line %d of %s\n", flavor, node->line, node->path); } goto exit; } } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __cil_verify_booleanif(struct cil_tree_node *node, struct cil_complex_symtab *symtab) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_booleanif *bif = (struct cil_booleanif*)node->data; struct cil_tree_node *cond_block = node->cl_head; while (cond_block != NULL) { rc = cil_tree_walk(cond_block, __cil_verify_booleanif_helper, NULL, NULL, symtab); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cond_block = cond_block->next; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: if (bif->preserved_tunable) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid tunableif (treated as a booleanif due to preserve-tunables) at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid booleanif at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); } return rc; } int __cil_verify_netifcon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_netifcon *netif = node->data; struct cil_context *if_ctx = netif->if_context; struct cil_context *pkt_ctx = netif->packet_context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (if_ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, if_ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (pkt_ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, pkt_ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid netifcon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_genfscon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_genfscon *genfs = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = genfs->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid genfscon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_filecon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_filecon *file = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = file->context; if (ctx == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid filecon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __cil_verify_nodecon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_nodecon *nodecon = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = nodecon->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid nodecon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_portcon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_portcon *port = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = port->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid portcon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_pirqcon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_pirqcon *pirq = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = pirq->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid pirqcon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_iomemcon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_iomemcon *iomem = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = iomem->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid iomemcon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_ioportcon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_ioportcon *ioport = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = ioport->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid ioportcon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_pcidevicecon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_pcidevicecon *pcidev = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = pcidev->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid pcidevicecon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_devicetreecon(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_devicetreecon *dt = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = dt->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid devicetreecon at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_fsuse(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_fsuse *fsuse = node->data; struct cil_context *ctx = fsuse->context; /* Verify only when anonymous */ if (ctx->datum.name == NULL) { rc = __cil_verify_context(db, ctx); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid fsuse at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_permissionx(struct cil_permissionx *permx, struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc; struct cil_list *classes = NULL; struct cil_list_item *item; struct cil_class *class; struct cil_symtab_datum *perm_datum; char *kind_str; switch (permx->kind) { case CIL_PERMX_KIND_IOCTL: kind_str = CIL_KEY_IOCTL; break; default: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid permissionx kind (%d) at line %d of %s\n", permx->kind, node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } classes = cil_expand_class(permx->obj); cil_list_for_each(item, classes) { class = item->data; rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(&class->perms, kind_str, &perm_datum); if (rc == SEPOL_ENOENT) { if (class->common != NULL) { rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(&class->common->perms, kind_str, &perm_datum); } if (rc == SEPOL_ENOENT) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid permissionx at line %d of %s: %s is not a permission of class %s\n", node->line, node->path, kind_str, class->datum.name); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: if (classes != NULL) { cil_list_destroy(&classes, CIL_FALSE); } return rc; } int __cil_verify_avrulex(struct cil_tree_node *node) { struct cil_avrule *avrulex = node->data; return __cil_verify_permissionx(avrulex->perms.x.permx, node); } int __cil_verify_class(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_class *class = node->data; if (class->common != NULL) { struct cil_class *common = class->common; struct cil_tree_node *common_node = common->datum.nodes->head->data; struct cil_tree_node *curr_com_perm = NULL; for (curr_com_perm = common_node->cl_head; curr_com_perm != NULL; curr_com_perm = curr_com_perm->next) { struct cil_perm *com_perm = curr_com_perm->data; struct cil_tree_node *curr_class_perm = NULL; for (curr_class_perm = node->cl_head; curr_class_perm != NULL; curr_class_perm = curr_class_perm->next) { struct cil_perm *class_perm = curr_class_perm->data; if (com_perm->datum.name == class_perm->datum.name) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Duplicate permissions between %s common and class declarations\n", class_perm->datum.name); goto exit; } } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid class at line %d of %s\n", node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_policycap(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc; struct cil_policycap *polcap = node->data; rc = sepol_polcap_getnum((const char*)polcap->datum.name); if (rc == SEPOL_ERR) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid policycap (%s) at line %d of %s\n", (const char*)polcap->datum.name, node->line, node->path); return rc; } int __cil_verify_helper(struct cil_tree_node *node, uint32_t *finished, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; int *avrule_cnt = 0; int *handleunknown; int *mls; int *nseuserdflt = 0; int *pass = 0; struct cil_args_verify *args = extra_args; struct cil_complex_symtab *csymtab = NULL; struct cil_db *db = NULL; if (node == NULL || extra_args == NULL) { goto exit; } db = args->db; avrule_cnt = args->avrule_cnt; handleunknown = args->handleunknown; mls = args->mls; nseuserdflt = args->nseuserdflt; csymtab = args->csymtab; pass = args->pass; if (node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } else if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { struct cil_block *blk = node->data; if (blk->is_abstract == CIL_TRUE) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; } rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } switch (*pass) { case 0: { switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_USER: rc = __cil_verify_user_post_eval(db, node); break; case CIL_SELINUXUSERDEFAULT: (*nseuserdflt)++; rc = SEPOL_OK; break; case CIL_ROLE: rc = __cil_verify_role(node); break; case CIL_TYPE: rc = __cil_verify_type(node); break; case CIL_AVRULE: (*avrule_cnt)++; rc = SEPOL_OK; break; case CIL_HANDLEUNKNOWN: if (*handleunknown != -1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Policy can not have more than one handleunknown\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; } else { *handleunknown = ((struct cil_handleunknown*)node->data)->handle_unknown; rc = SEPOL_OK; } break; case CIL_MLS: if (*mls != -1) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Policy can not have more than one mls\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; } else { *mls = ((struct cil_mls*)node->data)->value; rc = SEPOL_OK; } break; case CIL_ROLETRANSITION: rc = SEPOL_OK; //TODO __cil_verify_rule doesn't work quite right //rc = __cil_verify_rule(node, csymtab); break; case CIL_TYPE_RULE: rc = SEPOL_OK; //TODO __cil_verify_rule doesn't work quite right //rc = __cil_verify_rule(node, csymtab); break; case CIL_BOOLEANIF: rc = __cil_verify_booleanif(node, csymtab); *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; break; case CIL_LEVELRANGE: rc = __cil_verify_named_levelrange(db, node); break; case CIL_CLASS: rc = __cil_verify_class(node); break; case CIL_POLICYCAP: rc = __cil_verify_policycap(node); break; default: rc = SEPOL_OK; break; } break; } case 1: { switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_CONTEXT: rc = __cil_verify_named_context(db, node); break; case CIL_NETIFCON: rc = __cil_verify_netifcon(db, node); break; case CIL_GENFSCON: rc = __cil_verify_genfscon(db, node); break; case CIL_FILECON: rc = __cil_verify_filecon(db, node); break; case CIL_NODECON: rc = __cil_verify_nodecon(db, node); break; case CIL_PORTCON: rc = __cil_verify_portcon(db, node); break; case CIL_PIRQCON: rc = __cil_verify_pirqcon(db, node); break; case CIL_IOMEMCON: rc = __cil_verify_iomemcon(db, node); break; case CIL_IOPORTCON: rc = __cil_verify_ioportcon(db, node); break; case CIL_PCIDEVICECON: rc = __cil_verify_pcidevicecon(db, node); break; case CIL_DEVICETREECON: rc = __cil_verify_devicetreecon(db, node); break; case CIL_FSUSE: rc = __cil_verify_fsuse(db, node); break; case CIL_AVRULEX: rc = __cil_verify_avrulex(node); break; case CIL_PERMISSIONX: rc = __cil_verify_permissionx(node->data, node); break; case CIL_RANGETRANSITION: rc = SEPOL_OK; break; default: rc = SEPOL_OK; break; } break; } default: rc = SEPOL_ERR; } exit: return rc; } static int __cil_verify_classperms(struct cil_list *classperms, struct cil_symtab_datum *orig) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *curr; cil_list_for_each(curr, classperms) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) { struct cil_classperms *cp = curr->data; if (FLAVOR(cp->class) == CIL_CLASS) { return SEPOL_OK; } else { /* MAP */ struct cil_list_item *i = NULL; cil_list_for_each(i, cp->perms) { struct cil_perm *cmp = i->data; if (&cmp->datum == orig) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_classperms(cmp->classperms, orig); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } } else { /* SET */ struct cil_classperms_set *cp_set = curr->data; struct cil_classpermission *cp = cp_set->set; if (&cp->datum == orig) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_classperms(cp->classperms, orig); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } static int __cil_verify_classpermission(struct cil_tree_node *node) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_classpermission *cp = node->data; if (cp->classperms == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Classpermission %s does not have a classpermissionset at line %d of %s\n", cp->datum.name, node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_classperms(cp->classperms, &cp->datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Found circular class permissions involving the set %s at line %d of %s\n",cp->datum.name, node->line, node->path); goto exit; } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } struct cil_verify_map_args { struct cil_class *class; struct cil_tree_node *node; int rc; }; static int __verify_map_perm_classperms(__attribute__((unused)) hashtab_key_t k, hashtab_datum_t d, void *args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_verify_map_args *map_args = args; struct cil_perm *cmp = (struct cil_perm *)d; if (cmp->classperms == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Map class %s does not have a classmapping for %s at line %d of %s\n", map_args->class->datum.name, cmp->datum.name, map_args->node->line, map_args->node->path); map_args->rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_classperms(cmp->classperms, &cmp->datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Found circular class permissions involving the map class %s and permission %s at line %d of %s\n", map_args->class->datum.name, cmp->datum.name, map_args->node->line, map_args->node->path); map_args->rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } exit: return SEPOL_OK; } static int __cil_verify_map_class(struct cil_tree_node *node) { struct cil_class *mc = node->data; struct cil_verify_map_args map_args; map_args.class = mc; map_args.node = node; map_args.rc = SEPOL_OK; cil_symtab_map(&mc->perms, __verify_map_perm_classperms, &map_args); if (map_args.rc != SEPOL_OK) { return SEPOL_ERR; } return SEPOL_OK; } int __cil_pre_verify_helper(struct cil_tree_node *node, uint32_t *finished, __attribute__((unused)) void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } else if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { struct cil_block *blk = node->data; if (blk->is_abstract == CIL_TRUE) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; } rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_USER: rc = __cil_verify_user_pre_eval(node); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } break; case CIL_MAP_CLASS: rc = __cil_verify_map_class(node); break; case CIL_CLASSPERMISSION: rc = __cil_verify_classpermission(node); break; default: rc = SEPOL_OK; break; } exit: return rc; }