// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. (function(global, utils) { "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Imports var ArrayFrom; var ArrayToString; var ArrayValues; var GlobalArray = global.Array; var GlobalArrayBuffer = global.ArrayBuffer; var GlobalDataView = global.DataView; var GlobalObject = global.Object; var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray; var InnerArrayCopyWithin; var InnerArrayEvery; var InnerArrayFill; var InnerArrayFilter; var InnerArrayFind; var InnerArrayFindIndex; var InnerArrayForEach; var InnerArrayIncludes; var InnerArrayIndexOf; var InnerArrayJoin; var InnerArrayLastIndexOf; var InnerArrayReduce; var InnerArrayReduceRight; var InnerArraySome; var InnerArraySort; var InnerArrayToLocaleString; var InternalArray = utils.InternalArray; var IsNaN; var MakeRangeError; var MakeTypeError; var MaxSimple; var MinSimple; var PackedArrayReverse; var SpeciesConstructor; var ToPositiveInteger; var iteratorSymbol = utils.ImportNow("iterator_symbol"); var toStringTagSymbol = utils.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol"); macro TYPED_ARRAYS(FUNCTION) // arrayIds below should be synchronized with Runtime_TypedArrayInitialize. FUNCTION(1, Uint8Array, 1) FUNCTION(2, Int8Array, 1) FUNCTION(3, Uint16Array, 2) FUNCTION(4, Int16Array, 2) FUNCTION(5, Uint32Array, 4) FUNCTION(6, Int32Array, 4) FUNCTION(7, Float32Array, 4) FUNCTION(8, Float64Array, 8) FUNCTION(9, Uint8ClampedArray, 1) endmacro macro DECLARE_GLOBALS(INDEX, NAME, SIZE) var GlobalNAME = global.NAME; endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(DECLARE_GLOBALS) utils.Import(function(from) { ArrayFrom = from.ArrayFrom; ArrayToString = from.ArrayToString; ArrayValues = from.ArrayValues; InnerArrayCopyWithin = from.InnerArrayCopyWithin; InnerArrayEvery = from.InnerArrayEvery; InnerArrayFill = from.InnerArrayFill; InnerArrayFilter = from.InnerArrayFilter; InnerArrayFind = from.InnerArrayFind; InnerArrayFindIndex = from.InnerArrayFindIndex; InnerArrayForEach = from.InnerArrayForEach; InnerArrayIncludes = from.InnerArrayIncludes; InnerArrayIndexOf = from.InnerArrayIndexOf; InnerArrayJoin = from.InnerArrayJoin; InnerArrayLastIndexOf = from.InnerArrayLastIndexOf; InnerArrayReduce = from.InnerArrayReduce; InnerArrayReduceRight = from.InnerArrayReduceRight; InnerArraySome = from.InnerArraySome; InnerArraySort = from.InnerArraySort; InnerArrayToLocaleString = from.InnerArrayToLocaleString; IsNaN = from.IsNaN; MakeRangeError = from.MakeRangeError; MakeTypeError = from.MakeTypeError; MaxSimple = from.MaxSimple; MinSimple = from.MinSimple; PackedArrayReverse = from.PackedArrayReverse; SpeciesConstructor = from.SpeciesConstructor; ToPositiveInteger = from.ToPositiveInteger; }); // --------------- Typed Arrays --------------------- function TypedArrayDefaultConstructor(typedArray) { switch (%_ClassOf(typedArray)) { macro TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR_CASE(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) case "NAME": return GlobalNAME; endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR_CASE) } // The TypeError should not be generated since all callers should // have already called ValidateTypedArray. throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "TypedArrayDefaultConstructor", this); } function TypedArrayCreate(constructor, arg0, arg1, arg2) { if (IS_UNDEFINED(arg1)) { var newTypedArray = new constructor(arg0); } else { var newTypedArray = new constructor(arg0, arg1, arg2); } if (!%_IsTypedArray(newTypedArray)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); // TODO(littledan): Check for being detached, here and elsewhere // All callers where the first argument is a Number have no additional // arguments. if (IS_NUMBER(arg0) && %_TypedArrayGetLength(newTypedArray) < arg0) { throw MakeTypeError(kTypedArrayTooShort); } return newTypedArray; } function TypedArraySpeciesCreate(exemplar, arg0, arg1, arg2, conservative) { var defaultConstructor = TypedArrayDefaultConstructor(exemplar); var constructor = SpeciesConstructor(exemplar, defaultConstructor, conservative); return TypedArrayCreate(constructor, arg0, arg1, arg2); } macro TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) function NAMEConstructByArrayBuffer(obj, buffer, byteOffset, length) { if (!IS_UNDEFINED(byteOffset)) { byteOffset = ToPositiveInteger(byteOffset, kInvalidTypedArrayLength); } if (!IS_UNDEFINED(length)) { length = ToPositiveInteger(length, kInvalidTypedArrayLength); } var bufferByteLength = %_ArrayBufferGetByteLength(buffer); var offset; if (IS_UNDEFINED(byteOffset)) { offset = 0; } else { offset = byteOffset; if (offset % ELEMENT_SIZE !== 0) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayAlignment, "start offset", "NAME", ELEMENT_SIZE); } if (offset > bufferByteLength) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayOffset); } } var newByteLength; var newLength; if (IS_UNDEFINED(length)) { if (bufferByteLength % ELEMENT_SIZE !== 0) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayAlignment, "byte length", "NAME", ELEMENT_SIZE); } newByteLength = bufferByteLength - offset; newLength = newByteLength / ELEMENT_SIZE; } else { var newLength = length; newByteLength = newLength * ELEMENT_SIZE; } if ((offset + newByteLength > bufferByteLength) || (newLength > %_MaxSmi())) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayLength); } %_TypedArrayInitialize(obj, ARRAY_ID, buffer, offset, newByteLength, true); } function NAMEConstructByLength(obj, length) { var l = IS_UNDEFINED(length) ? 0 : ToPositiveInteger(length, kInvalidTypedArrayLength); if (l > %_MaxSmi()) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayLength); } var byteLength = l * ELEMENT_SIZE; if (byteLength > %_TypedArrayMaxSizeInHeap()) { var buffer = new GlobalArrayBuffer(byteLength); %_TypedArrayInitialize(obj, ARRAY_ID, buffer, 0, byteLength, true); } else { %_TypedArrayInitialize(obj, ARRAY_ID, null, 0, byteLength, true); } } function NAMEConstructByArrayLike(obj, arrayLike) { var length = arrayLike.length; var l = ToPositiveInteger(length, kInvalidTypedArrayLength); if (l > %_MaxSmi()) { throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidTypedArrayLength); } var initialized = false; var byteLength = l * ELEMENT_SIZE; if (byteLength <= %_TypedArrayMaxSizeInHeap()) { %_TypedArrayInitialize(obj, ARRAY_ID, null, 0, byteLength, false); } else { initialized = %TypedArrayInitializeFromArrayLike(obj, ARRAY_ID, arrayLike, l); } if (!initialized) { for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { // It is crucial that we let any execptions from arrayLike[i] // propagate outside the function. obj[i] = arrayLike[i]; } } } function NAMEConstructByIterable(obj, iterable, iteratorFn) { var list = new InternalArray(); // Reading the Symbol.iterator property of iterable twice would be // observable with getters, so instead, we call the function which // was already looked up, and wrap it in another iterable. The // __proto__ of the new iterable is set to null to avoid any chance // of modifications to Object.prototype being observable here. var iterator = %_Call(iteratorFn, iterable); var newIterable = { __proto__: null }; // TODO(littledan): Computed properties don't work yet in nosnap. // Rephrase when they do. newIterable[iteratorSymbol] = function() { return iterator; } for (var value of newIterable) { list.push(value); } NAMEConstructByArrayLike(obj, list); } function NAMEConstructor(arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (!IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) { if (IS_ARRAYBUFFER(arg1) || IS_SHAREDARRAYBUFFER(arg1)) { NAMEConstructByArrayBuffer(this, arg1, arg2, arg3); } else if (IS_NUMBER(arg1) || IS_STRING(arg1) || IS_BOOLEAN(arg1) || IS_UNDEFINED(arg1)) { NAMEConstructByLength(this, arg1); } else { // TODO(littledan): If arg1 is a TypedArray, follow the constructor // path in ES2015, and call SpeciesConstructor, in a // path that seems to be an optimized version of what's below, but // in an observably different way. var iteratorFn = arg1[iteratorSymbol]; if (IS_UNDEFINED(iteratorFn) || iteratorFn === ArrayValues) { NAMEConstructByArrayLike(this, arg1); } else { NAMEConstructByIterable(this, arg1, iteratorFn); } } } else { throw MakeTypeError(kConstructorNotFunction, "NAME") } } // TODO(littledan): Remove this performance workaround BUG(chromium:579905) function NAME_GetLength() { if (!(%_ClassOf(this) === 'NAME')) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "NAME.length", this); } return %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); } function NAMESubArray(begin, end) { var beginInt = TO_INTEGER(begin); if (!IS_UNDEFINED(end)) { var endInt = TO_INTEGER(end); var srcLength = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); } else { var srcLength = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); var endInt = srcLength; } if (beginInt < 0) { beginInt = MaxSimple(0, srcLength + beginInt); } else { beginInt = MinSimple(beginInt, srcLength); } if (endInt < 0) { endInt = MaxSimple(0, srcLength + endInt); } else { endInt = MinSimple(endInt, srcLength); } if (endInt < beginInt) { endInt = beginInt; } var newLength = endInt - beginInt; var beginByteOffset = %_ArrayBufferViewGetByteOffset(this) + beginInt * ELEMENT_SIZE; return TypedArraySpeciesCreate(this, %TypedArrayGetBuffer(this), beginByteOffset, newLength, true); } endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR) function TypedArraySubArray(begin, end) { switch (%_ClassOf(this)) { macro TYPED_ARRAY_SUBARRAY_CASE(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) case "NAME": return %_Call(NAMESubArray, this, begin, end); endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(TYPED_ARRAY_SUBARRAY_CASE) } throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "get TypedArray.prototype.subarray", this); } %SetForceInlineFlag(TypedArraySubArray); function TypedArrayGetBuffer() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "get TypedArray.prototype.buffer", this); } return %TypedArrayGetBuffer(this); } %SetForceInlineFlag(TypedArrayGetBuffer); function TypedArrayGetByteLength() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "get TypedArray.prototype.byteLength", this); } return %_ArrayBufferViewGetByteLength(this); } %SetForceInlineFlag(TypedArrayGetByteLength); function TypedArrayGetByteOffset() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "get TypedArray.prototype.byteOffset", this); } return %_ArrayBufferViewGetByteOffset(this); } %SetForceInlineFlag(TypedArrayGetByteOffset); function TypedArrayGetLength() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, "get TypedArray.prototype.length", this); } return %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); } %SetForceInlineFlag(TypedArrayGetLength); function TypedArraySetFromArrayLike(target, source, sourceLength, offset) { if (offset > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { target[offset + i] = source[i]; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { target[i] = source[i]; } } } function TypedArraySetFromOverlappingTypedArray(target, source, offset) { var sourceElementSize = source.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var targetElementSize = target.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; var sourceLength = source.length; // Copy left part. function CopyLeftPart() { // First un-mutated byte after the next write var targetPtr = target.byteOffset + (offset + 1) * targetElementSize; // Next read at sourcePtr. We do not care for memory changing before // sourcePtr - we have already copied it. var sourcePtr = source.byteOffset; for (var leftIndex = 0; leftIndex < sourceLength && targetPtr <= sourcePtr; leftIndex++) { target[offset + leftIndex] = source[leftIndex]; targetPtr += targetElementSize; sourcePtr += sourceElementSize; } return leftIndex; } var leftIndex = CopyLeftPart(); // Copy rigth part; function CopyRightPart() { // First unmutated byte before the next write var targetPtr = target.byteOffset + (offset + sourceLength - 1) * targetElementSize; // Next read before sourcePtr. We do not care for memory changing after // sourcePtr - we have already copied it. var sourcePtr = source.byteOffset + sourceLength * sourceElementSize; for(var rightIndex = sourceLength - 1; rightIndex >= leftIndex && targetPtr >= sourcePtr; rightIndex--) { target[offset + rightIndex] = source[rightIndex]; targetPtr -= targetElementSize; sourcePtr -= sourceElementSize; } return rightIndex; } var rightIndex = CopyRightPart(); var temp = new GlobalArray(rightIndex + 1 - leftIndex); for (var i = leftIndex; i <= rightIndex; i++) { temp[i - leftIndex] = source[i]; } for (i = leftIndex; i <= rightIndex; i++) { target[offset + i] = temp[i - leftIndex]; } } function TypedArraySet(obj, offset) { var intOffset = IS_UNDEFINED(offset) ? 0 : TO_INTEGER(offset); if (intOffset < 0) throw MakeTypeError(kTypedArraySetNegativeOffset); if (intOffset > %_MaxSmi()) { throw MakeRangeError(kTypedArraySetSourceTooLarge); } switch (%TypedArraySetFastCases(this, obj, intOffset)) { // These numbers should be synchronized with runtime.cc. case 0: // TYPED_ARRAY_SET_TYPED_ARRAY_SAME_TYPE return; case 1: // TYPED_ARRAY_SET_TYPED_ARRAY_OVERLAPPING TypedArraySetFromOverlappingTypedArray(this, obj, intOffset); return; case 2: // TYPED_ARRAY_SET_TYPED_ARRAY_NONOVERLAPPING TypedArraySetFromArrayLike(this, obj, obj.length, intOffset); return; case 3: // TYPED_ARRAY_SET_NON_TYPED_ARRAY var l = obj.length; if (IS_UNDEFINED(l)) { if (IS_NUMBER(obj)) { // For number as a first argument, throw TypeError // instead of silently ignoring the call, so that // the user knows (s)he did something wrong. // (Consistent with Firefox and Blink/WebKit) throw MakeTypeError(kInvalidArgument); } return; } l = TO_LENGTH(l); if (intOffset + l > this.length) { throw MakeRangeError(kTypedArraySetSourceTooLarge); } TypedArraySetFromArrayLike(this, obj, l, intOffset); return; } } function TypedArrayGetToStringTag() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) return; var name = %_ClassOf(this); if (IS_UNDEFINED(name)) return; return name; } function TypedArrayCopyWithin(target, start, end) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); // TODO(littledan): Replace with a memcpy for better performance return InnerArrayCopyWithin(target, start, end, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayCopyWithin, 2); // ES6 draft 05-05-15, section function TypedArrayEvery(f, receiver) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayEvery(f, receiver, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayEvery, 1); // ES6 draft 08-24-14, section function TypedArrayForEach(f, receiver) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); InnerArrayForEach(f, receiver, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayForEach, 1); // ES6 draft 04-05-14 section function TypedArrayFill(value, start, end) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayFill(value, start, end, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayFill, 1); // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayFilter(f, thisArg) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); if (!IS_CALLABLE(f)) throw MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, f); var result = new InternalArray(); InnerArrayFilter(f, thisArg, this, length, result); var captured = result.length; var output = TypedArraySpeciesCreate(this, captured); for (var i = 0; i < captured; i++) { output[i] = result[i]; } return output; } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayFilter, 1); // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayFind(predicate, thisArg) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayFind(predicate, thisArg, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayFind, 1); // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayFindIndex(predicate, thisArg) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayFindIndex(predicate, thisArg, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayFindIndex, 1); // ES6 draft 05-18-15, section function TypedArrayReverse() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return PackedArrayReverse(this, length); } function TypedArrayComparefn(x, y) { if (IsNaN(x) && IsNaN(y)) { return IsNaN(y) ? 0 : 1; } if (IsNaN(x)) { return 1; } if (x === 0 && x === y) { if (%_IsMinusZero(x)) { if (!%_IsMinusZero(y)) { return -1; } } else if (%_IsMinusZero(y)) { return 1; } } return x - y; } // ES6 draft 05-18-15, section function TypedArraySort(comparefn) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); if (IS_UNDEFINED(comparefn)) { comparefn = TypedArrayComparefn; } return InnerArraySort(this, length, comparefn); } // ES6 section function TypedArrayIndexOf(element, index) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayIndexOf(this, element, index, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayIndexOf, 1); // ES6 section function TypedArrayLastIndexOf(element, index) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayLastIndexOf(this, element, index, length, %_ArgumentsLength()); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayLastIndexOf, 1); // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayMap(f, thisArg) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); var result = TypedArraySpeciesCreate(this, length); if (!IS_CALLABLE(f)) throw MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, f); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = this[i]; result[i] = %_Call(f, thisArg, element, i, this); } return result; } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayMap, 1); // ES6 draft 05-05-15, section function TypedArraySome(f, receiver) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArraySome(f, receiver, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArraySome, 1); // ES6 section function TypedArrayToLocaleString() { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayToLocaleString(this, length); } // ES6 section function TypedArrayToString() { return %_Call(ArrayToString, this); } // ES6 section function TypedArrayJoin(separator) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayJoin(separator, this, length); } // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayReduce(callback, current) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayReduce(callback, current, this, length, %_ArgumentsLength()); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayReduce, 1); // ES6 draft 07-15-13, section function TypedArrayReduceRight(callback, current) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayReduceRight(callback, current, this, length, %_ArgumentsLength()); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayReduceRight, 1); function TypedArraySlice(start, end) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var len = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); var relativeStart = TO_INTEGER(start); var k; if (relativeStart < 0) { k = MaxSimple(len + relativeStart, 0); } else { k = MinSimple(relativeStart, len); } var relativeEnd; if (IS_UNDEFINED(end)) { relativeEnd = len; } else { relativeEnd = TO_INTEGER(end); } var final; if (relativeEnd < 0) { final = MaxSimple(len + relativeEnd, 0); } else { final = MinSimple(relativeEnd, len); } var count = MaxSimple(final - k, 0); var array = TypedArraySpeciesCreate(this, count); // The code below is the 'then' branch; the 'else' branch species // a memcpy. Because V8 doesn't canonicalize NaN, the difference is // unobservable. var n = 0; while (k < final) { var kValue = this[k]; array[n] = kValue; k++; n++; } return array; } // ES2016 draft, section function TypedArrayIncludes(searchElement, fromIndex) { if (!%_IsTypedArray(this)) throw MakeTypeError(kNotTypedArray); var length = %_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayIncludes(searchElement, fromIndex, this, length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayIncludes, 1); // ES6 draft 08-24-14, section function TypedArrayOf() { var length = %_ArgumentsLength(); var array = TypedArrayCreate(this, length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = %_Arguments(i); } return array; } function TypedArrayFrom(source, mapfn, thisArg) { // TODO(littledan): Investigate if there is a receiver which could be // faster to accumulate on than Array, e.g., a TypedVector. // TODO(littledan): Rewrite this code to ensure that things happen // in the right order, e.g., the constructor needs to be called before // the mapping function on array-likes. var array = %_Call(ArrayFrom, GlobalArray, source, mapfn, thisArg); return TypedArrayCreate(this, array); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayFrom, 1); function TypedArray() { if (IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) { throw MakeTypeError(kConstructorNonCallable, "TypedArray"); } if (new.target === TypedArray) { throw MakeTypeError(kConstructAbstractClass, "TypedArray"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- %FunctionSetPrototype(TypedArray, new GlobalObject()); %AddNamedProperty(TypedArray.prototype, "constructor", TypedArray, DONT_ENUM); utils.InstallFunctions(TypedArray, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY, [ "from", TypedArrayFrom, "of", TypedArrayOf ]); utils.InstallGetter(TypedArray.prototype, "buffer", TypedArrayGetBuffer); utils.InstallGetter(TypedArray.prototype, "byteOffset", TypedArrayGetByteOffset, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); utils.InstallGetter(TypedArray.prototype, "byteLength", TypedArrayGetByteLength, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); utils.InstallGetter(TypedArray.prototype, "length", TypedArrayGetLength, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); utils.InstallGetter(TypedArray.prototype, toStringTagSymbol, TypedArrayGetToStringTag); utils.InstallFunctions(TypedArray.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [ "subarray", TypedArraySubArray, "set", TypedArraySet, "copyWithin", TypedArrayCopyWithin, "every", TypedArrayEvery, "fill", TypedArrayFill, "filter", TypedArrayFilter, "find", TypedArrayFind, "findIndex", TypedArrayFindIndex, "includes", TypedArrayIncludes, "indexOf", TypedArrayIndexOf, "join", TypedArrayJoin, "lastIndexOf", TypedArrayLastIndexOf, "forEach", TypedArrayForEach, "map", TypedArrayMap, "reduce", TypedArrayReduce, "reduceRight", TypedArrayReduceRight, "reverse", TypedArrayReverse, "slice", TypedArraySlice, "some", TypedArraySome, "sort", TypedArraySort, "toString", TypedArrayToString, "toLocaleString", TypedArrayToLocaleString ]); macro SETUP_TYPED_ARRAY(ARRAY_ID, NAME, ELEMENT_SIZE) %SetCode(GlobalNAME, NAMEConstructor); %FunctionSetPrototype(GlobalNAME, new GlobalObject()); %InternalSetPrototype(GlobalNAME, TypedArray); %InternalSetPrototype(GlobalNAME.prototype, TypedArray.prototype); %AddNamedProperty(GlobalNAME, "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", ELEMENT_SIZE, READ_ONLY | DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); %AddNamedProperty(GlobalNAME.prototype, "constructor", global.NAME, DONT_ENUM); %AddNamedProperty(GlobalNAME.prototype, "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", ELEMENT_SIZE, READ_ONLY | DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); // TODO(littledan): Remove this performance workaround BUG(chromium:579905) utils.InstallGetter(GlobalNAME.prototype, "length", NAME_GetLength, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE); endmacro TYPED_ARRAYS(SETUP_TYPED_ARRAY) // --------------------------- DataView ----------------------------- function DataViewConstructor(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) { // length = 3 if (IS_UNDEFINED(new.target)) { throw MakeTypeError(kConstructorNotFunction, "DataView"); } // TODO(binji): support SharedArrayBuffers? if (!IS_ARRAYBUFFER(buffer)) throw MakeTypeError(kDataViewNotArrayBuffer); if (!IS_UNDEFINED(byteOffset)) { byteOffset = ToPositiveInteger(byteOffset, kInvalidDataViewOffset); } if (!IS_UNDEFINED(byteLength)) { byteLength = TO_INTEGER(byteLength); } var bufferByteLength = %_ArrayBufferGetByteLength(buffer); var offset = IS_UNDEFINED(byteOffset) ? 0 : byteOffset; if (offset > bufferByteLength) throw MakeRangeError(kInvalidDataViewOffset); var length = IS_UNDEFINED(byteLength) ? bufferByteLength - offset : byteLength; if (length < 0 || offset + length > bufferByteLength) { throw new MakeRangeError(kInvalidDataViewLength); } var result = %NewObject(GlobalDataView, new.target); %_DataViewInitialize(result, buffer, offset, length); return result; } function DataViewGetBufferJS() { if (!IS_DATAVIEW(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'DataView.buffer', this); } return %DataViewGetBuffer(this); } function DataViewGetByteOffset() { if (!IS_DATAVIEW(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'DataView.byteOffset', this); } return %_ArrayBufferViewGetByteOffset(this); } function DataViewGetByteLength() { if (!IS_DATAVIEW(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'DataView.byteLength', this); } return %_ArrayBufferViewGetByteLength(this); } macro DATA_VIEW_TYPES(FUNCTION) FUNCTION(Int8) FUNCTION(Uint8) FUNCTION(Int16) FUNCTION(Uint16) FUNCTION(Int32) FUNCTION(Uint32) FUNCTION(Float32) FUNCTION(Float64) endmacro macro DATA_VIEW_GETTER_SETTER(TYPENAME) function DataViewGetTYPENAMEJS(offset, little_endian) { if (!IS_DATAVIEW(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'DataView.getTYPENAME', this); } if (%_ArgumentsLength() < 1) throw MakeTypeError(kInvalidArgument); offset = ToPositiveInteger(offset, kInvalidDataViewAccessorOffset); return %DataViewGetTYPENAME(this, offset, !!little_endian); } function DataViewSetTYPENAMEJS(offset, value, little_endian) { if (!IS_DATAVIEW(this)) { throw MakeTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'DataView.setTYPENAME', this); } if (%_ArgumentsLength() < 2) throw MakeTypeError(kInvalidArgument); offset = ToPositiveInteger(offset, kInvalidDataViewAccessorOffset); %DataViewSetTYPENAME(this, offset, TO_NUMBER(value), !!little_endian); } endmacro DATA_VIEW_TYPES(DATA_VIEW_GETTER_SETTER) // Setup the DataView constructor. %SetCode(GlobalDataView, DataViewConstructor); %FunctionSetPrototype(GlobalDataView, new GlobalObject); // Set up constructor property on the DataView prototype. %AddNamedProperty(GlobalDataView.prototype, "constructor", GlobalDataView, DONT_ENUM); %AddNamedProperty(GlobalDataView.prototype, toStringTagSymbol, "DataView", READ_ONLY|DONT_ENUM); utils.InstallGetter(GlobalDataView.prototype, "buffer", DataViewGetBufferJS); utils.InstallGetter(GlobalDataView.prototype, "byteOffset", DataViewGetByteOffset); utils.InstallGetter(GlobalDataView.prototype, "byteLength", DataViewGetByteLength); utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalDataView.prototype, DONT_ENUM, [ "getInt8", DataViewGetInt8JS, "setInt8", DataViewSetInt8JS, "getUint8", DataViewGetUint8JS, "setUint8", DataViewSetUint8JS, "getInt16", DataViewGetInt16JS, "setInt16", DataViewSetInt16JS, "getUint16", DataViewGetUint16JS, "setUint16", DataViewSetUint16JS, "getInt32", DataViewGetInt32JS, "setInt32", DataViewSetInt32JS, "getUint32", DataViewGetUint32JS, "setUint32", DataViewSetUint32JS, "getFloat32", DataViewGetFloat32JS, "setFloat32", DataViewSetFloat32JS, "getFloat64", DataViewGetFloat64JS, "setFloat64", DataViewSetFloat64JS ]); })