page.title=Wear Input Method Framework meta.tags="wear", "wear-preview", "input-method", "ime" page.tags="wear" @jd:body

In this document

  1. Creating an Input Method for Wear
  2. Invoking IME
  3. General IME Considerations

Wear 2.0 supports input methods beyond voice by extending the Android Input Method Framework (IMF) to Android Wear. IMF allows for virtual, on-screen keyboards and other input methods to be used for text entry. The IMF APIs used for Wear devices are the same as other form factors, though usage is slightly different due to limited screen real estate.

Wear 2.0 comes with the system default Input Method Editor (IME) and opens up the IMF APIs for third-party developers to create custom input methods for Wear.

Figure 1. Sample input methods

Creating an Input Method for Wear

The Android platform provides a standard framework for creating IMEs. To create a Wear-specific IME, you need to optimize your IME for limited screen size.

This document provides guidance that can help you create a Wear-specific IME. Before you continue with this guide, it's important that you read the documentation for Creating an Input Method on handsets.

Invoking an Input Method

If you are developing an IME for Wear, remember that the feature is supported only on Android 6.0 (API level 23) and higher versions of the platform. To ensure that your IME can only be installed on Wearables that support input methods beyond voice, add the following to your app's manifest:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" />
This indicates that your app requires Android 6.0 or higher. For more information, see API Levels and the documentation for the <uses-sdk> element.

To control how your app is filtered from devices that do not support Wear IMEs (for example, on Phone), add the following to your app's manifest:

<uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="" />

Wear provides user settings on the watch that lets the user to enable multiple IMEs from the list of installed IMEs. Once the users enable your IME, they can invoke your IME from:

General IME Considerations

Here are some things to consider when implementing IME for Wear: