/* * dspbridge/mpu_api/inc/cmmdefs.h * * DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors. * * Copyright (C) 2007 Texas Instruments, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 of the License. * * This program is distributed .as is. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind, * whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* * ======== cmmdefs.h ======== * Purpose: * Global MEM constants and types. * *! Revision History: *! ================ *! 12-Nov-2001 ag CMM_KERNMAPTYPE added for dsp<->device process addr map'n. *! This allows addr conversion from drvr process <-> DSP addr. *! 29-Aug-2001 ag Added CMM_ALLSEGMENTS. *! 08-Dec-2000 ag Added bus address conversion type CMM_POMAPEMIF2DSPBUS. *! 05-Dec-2000 ag Added default CMM_DEFLTCONVFACTOR & CMM_DEFLTDSPADDROFFSET. *! 29-Oct-2000 ag Added converstion factor for GPP DSP Pa translation. *! 15-Oct-2000 ag Added address translator attributes and defaults. *! 12-Jul-2000 ag Created. */ #ifndef CMMDEFS_ #define CMMDEFS_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include /* Cmm attributes used in CMM_Create() */ struct CMM_MGRATTRS { ULONG ulMinBlockSize; /* Minimum SM allocation; default 32 bytes. */ }; /* Attributes for CMM_AllocBuf() & CMM_AllocDesc() */ struct CMM_ATTRS { ULONG ulSegId; /* 1,2... are SM segments. 0 is not. */ ULONG ulAlignment; /* 0,1,2,4....ulMinBlockSize */ } ; /* * DSPPa to GPPPa Conversion Factor. * * For typical platforms: * converted Address = PaDSP + ( cFactor * addressToConvert). */ typedef enum { CMM_SUBFROMDSPPA = -1, CMM_POMAPEMIF2DSPBUS = 0, /* PreOMAP is special case: not simple offset */ CMM_ADDTODSPPA = 1 } CMM_CNVTTYPE; #define CMM_DEFLTDSPADDROFFSET 0 #define CMM_DEFLTCONVFACTOR CMM_POMAPEMIF2DSPBUS /* PreOMAP DSPBUS<->EMIF */ #define CMM_ALLSEGMENTS 0xFFFFFF /* All SegIds */ #define CMM_MAXGPPSEGS 1 /* Maximum # of SM segs */ /* * SMSEGs are SM segments the DSP allocates from. * * This info is used by the GPP to xlate DSP allocated PAs. */ struct CMM_SMSEG { DWORD dwSMBasePA; /* Physical SM Base address(GPP). */ ULONG ulTotalSizePA; /* Size of SM segment in GPP bytes. */ DWORD dwPAPAConvert; /* DSP PA to GPP PA Conversion. */ CMM_CNVTTYPE cFactor; /* CMM_ADDTOPA=1, CMM_SUBFROMPA=-1 */ } ; /* Fixed size memory descriptor */ struct CMM_FDESC { struct LST_ELEM link; /* must be 1st element */ DWORD dwPA; DWORD dwVA; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwAttrs; /* [31-1 reserved ][0 - SM] */ } ; struct CMM_SEGINFO { DWORD dwSegBasePa; /* Start Phys address of SM segment */ ULONG ulTotalSegSize; /* Total size in bytes of segment: DSP+GPP */ DWORD dwGPPBasePA; /* Start Phys addr of Gpp SM seg */ ULONG ulGPPSize; /* Size of Gpp SM seg in bytes */ DWORD dwDSPBaseVA; /* DSP virt base byte address */ ULONG ulDSPSize; /* DSP seg size in bytes */ ULONG ulInUseCnt; /* # of current GPP allocations from this segment */ DWORD dwSegBaseVa; /* Start Virt address of SM seg */ } ; /* CMM useful information */ struct CMM_INFO { ULONG ulNumGPPSMSegs; /* # of SM segments registered with this Cmm. */ ULONG ulTotalInUseCnt; /* Total # of allocations outstanding for CMM */ /* Min SM block size allocation from CMM_Create() */ ULONG ulMinBlockSize; /* Info per registered SM segment. */ struct CMM_SEGINFO segInfo[CMM_MAXGPPSEGS]; } ; /* XlatorCreate attributes */ struct CMM_XLATORATTRS { ULONG ulSegId; /* segment Id used for SM allocations */ DWORD dwDSPBufs; /* # of DSP-side bufs */ DWORD dwDSPBufSize; /* size of DSP-side bufs in GPP bytes */ PVOID pVmBase; /* Vm base address alloc'd in client process context */ DWORD dwVmSize; /* dwVmSize must be >= (dwMaxNumBufs * dwMaxSize) */ } ; /* Descriptor attributes */ typedef enum { CMM_LOCAL = 0, /* Bit 0 =0 is local memory from default heap */ CMM_SHARED = 1, /* Bit 0 =1 descriptor is SM */ /* Bits 1- 31 RESERVED for future use */ } CMM_DESCTYPE; /* * Cmm translation types. Use to map SM addresses to process context. */ typedef enum { CMM_VA2PA = 0, /* Virtual to GPP physical address xlation */ CMM_PA2VA = 1, /* GPP Physical to virtual */ CMM_VA2DSPPA = 2, /* Va to DSP Pa */ CMM_PA2DSPPA = 3, /* GPP Pa to DSP Pa */ CMM_DSPPA2PA = 4, /* DSP Pa to GPP Pa */ } CMM_XLATETYPE; /* * Used to "map" between device process virt addr and dsp addr. */ typedef enum { CMM_KERNVA2DSP = 0, /* Device process context to dsp address. */ CMM_DSP2KERNVA = 1, /* Dsp address to device process context. */ } CMM_KERNMAPTYPE; struct CMM_OBJECT; /*typedef struct CMM_OBJECT *CMM_HMGR;*/ struct CMM_XLATOROBJECT; /*typedef struct CMM_XLATOROBJECT *CMM_HXLATOR;*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* CMMDEFS_ */