package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; public class SapRilReceiver implements Runnable { private static final String TAG = "SapRilReceiver"; public static final boolean DEBUG = true; public static final boolean VERBOSE = true; private static final String SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT = "sap_uim_socket1"; // match with constant in ril.cpp - as in private static final int SOCKET_OPEN_RETRY_MILLIS = 4 * 1000; LocalSocket mSocket = null; CodedOutputStreamMicro mRilBtOutStream = null; InputStream mRilBtInStream = null; private Handler mSapServerMsgHandler = null; private Handler mSapServiceHandler = null; public static final int RIL_MAX_COMMAND_BYTES = (8 * 1024); byte[] buffer = new byte[RIL_MAX_COMMAND_BYTES]; public SapRilReceiver(Handler SapServerMsgHandler, Handler sapServiceHandler) { mSapServerMsgHandler = SapServerMsgHandler; mSapServiceHandler = sapServiceHandler; } /** * Open the RIL-BT socket in rild. Will continuously try to open the BT socket until * success. (Based on the approach used to open the rild socket in telephony) * @return The socket handle */ public static LocalSocket openRilBtSocket() { int retryCount = 0; LocalSocket rilSocket = null; for (;;) { LocalSocketAddress address; try { rilSocket = new LocalSocket(); address = new LocalSocketAddress(SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT, LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.RESERVED); rilSocket.connect(address); break; // Socket opened } catch (IOException ex){ try { if (rilSocket != null) { rilSocket.close(); } } catch (IOException ex2) { //ignore failure to close after failure to connect } // don't print an error message after the the first time // or after the 8th time if (retryCount == 8) { Log.e (TAG, "Couldn't find '" + SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT + "' socket after " + retryCount + " times, continuing to retry silently"); } else if (retryCount > 0 && retryCount < 8) { Log.i (TAG, "Couldn't find '" + SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT + "' socket; retrying after timeout"); if (VERBOSE) Log.w(TAG, ex); } try { Thread.sleep(SOCKET_OPEN_RETRY_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException er) { } retryCount++; continue; } } return rilSocket; } public CodedOutputStreamMicro getRilBtOutStream() { return mRilBtOutStream; } /** * Notify SapServer that this class is ready for shutdown. */ private void notifyShutdown() { if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "notifyShutdown()"); // If we are already shutdown, don't bother sending a notification. synchronized (this) { if (mSocket != null) sendShutdownMessage(); } } /** * This will terminate the SapRilReceiver thread, by closing the RIL-BT in-/output * streams. */ public void shutdown() { if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "shutdown()"); /* On Android you need to close the IOstreams using Socket.shutdown* * The IOstream close must not be used, as it some how decouples the * stream from the socket, and when the socket is closed, the pending * reads never return nor throw and exception. * Hence here we use the shutdown method: */ synchronized (this) { if (mSocket != null) { try { mSocket.shutdownOutput(); } catch (IOException e) {} try { mSocket.shutdownInput(); } catch (IOException e) {} try { mSocket.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (VERBOSE) Log.e(TAG,"Uncaught exception", ex); } finally { mSocket = null; } } } } /** * Read the message into buffer * @param is * @param buffer * @return the length of the message * @throws IOException */ private static int readMessage(InputStream is, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { int countRead; int offset; int remaining; int messageLength; // Read in the length of the message offset = 0; remaining = 4; do { countRead =, offset, remaining); if (countRead < 0 ) { Log.e(TAG, "Hit EOS reading message length"); return -1; } offset += countRead; remaining -= countRead; } while (remaining > 0); messageLength = ((buffer[0] & 0xff) << 24) | ((buffer[1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((buffer[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (buffer[3] & 0xff); if (VERBOSE) Log.e(TAG,"Message length found to be: "+messageLength); // Read the message offset = 0; remaining = messageLength; do { countRead =, offset, remaining); if (countRead < 0 ) { Log.e(TAG, "Hit EOS reading message. messageLength=" + messageLength + " remaining=" + remaining); return -1; } offset += countRead; remaining -= countRead; } while (remaining > 0); return messageLength; } /** * The RIL reader thread. Will handle open of the RIL-BT socket, and notify * SapServer when done. */ @Override public void run() { try { if (VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Starting RilBtReceiverThread..."); mSocket = openRilBtSocket(); mRilBtInStream = mSocket.getInputStream(); mRilBtOutStream = CodedOutputStreamMicro.newInstance(mSocket.getOutputStream()); // Notify the SapServer that we have connected to the RilBtSocket sendRilConnectMessage(); // The main loop - read messages and forward to SAP server for (;;) { SapMessage sapMsg = null; MsgHeader rilMsg; if (VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Waiting for incoming message..."); int length = readMessage(mRilBtInStream, buffer); SapService.notifyUpdateWakeLock(mSapServiceHandler); if (length == -1) { if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "EOF reached - closing down."); break; } CodedInputStreamMicro msgStream = CodedInputStreamMicro.newInstance(buffer, 0, length); rilMsg = MsgHeader.parseFrom(msgStream); if (VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Message received."); sapMsg = SapMessage.newInstance(rilMsg); if (sapMsg != null && sapMsg.getMsgType() != SapMessage.INVALID_VALUE) { if (sapMsg.getMsgType() < SapMessage.ID_RIL_BASE) { sendClientMessage(sapMsg); } else { sendRilIndMessage(sapMsg); } } // else simply ignore it } } catch (IOException e) { notifyShutdown(); /* Only needed in case of a connection error */ Log.i(TAG, "'" + SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT + "' socket inputStream closed", e); } finally { Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from '" + SOCKET_NAME_RIL_BT + "' socket"); } } /** * Notify SapServer that the RIL socket is connected */ private void sendRilConnectMessage() { if (mSapServerMsgHandler != null) { mSapServerMsgHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SapServer.SAP_MSG_RIL_CONNECT); } } /** * Send reply (solicited) message from the RIL to the Sap Server Handler Thread * @param sapMsg The message to send */ private void sendClientMessage(SapMessage sapMsg) { Message newMsg = mSapServerMsgHandler.obtainMessage(SapServer.SAP_MSG_RFC_REPLY, sapMsg); mSapServerMsgHandler.sendMessage(newMsg); } /** * Send a shutdown signal to SapServer to indicate the */ private void sendShutdownMessage() { if (mSapServerMsgHandler != null) { mSapServerMsgHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SapServer.SAP_RIL_SOCK_CLOSED); } } /** * Send indication (unsolicited) message from RIL to the Sap Server Handler Thread * @param sapMsg The message to send */ private void sendRilIndMessage(SapMessage sapMsg) { Message newMsg = mSapServerMsgHandler.obtainMessage(SapServer.SAP_MSG_RIL_IND, sapMsg); mSapServerMsgHandler.sendMessage(newMsg); } }