package; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.mtp.MtpConstants; import android.mtp.MtpDevice; import android.mtp.MtpObjectInfo; import android.os.Build; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Index of MTP media objects organized into "buckets," or groupings, based on the date * they were created. * * When the index is created, the buckets are sorted in their natural * order, and the items within the buckets sorted by the date they are taken. * * The index enables the access of items and bucket labels as one unified list. * For example, let's say we have the following data in the index: * [Bucket A]: [photo 1], [photo 2] * [Bucket B]: [photo 3] * * Then the items can be thought of as being organized as a 5 element list: * [Bucket A], [photo 1], [photo 2], [Bucket B], [photo 3] * * The data can also be accessed in descending order, in which case the list * would be a bit different from simply reversing the ascending list, since the * bucket labels need to always be at the beginning: * [Bucket B], [photo 3], [Bucket A], [photo 2], [photo 1] * * The index enables all the following operations in constant time, both for * ascending and descending views of the data: * - get/getAscending/getDescending: get an item at a specified list position * - size: get the total number of items (bucket labels and MTP objects) * - getFirstPositionForBucketNumber * - getBucketNumberForPosition * - isFirstInBucket * * See {@link MtpDeviceIndexRunnable} for implementation notes. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1) public class MtpDeviceIndex { /** * Indexing progress listener. */ public interface ProgressListener { /** * A media item on the device was indexed. * @param object The media item that was just indexed * @param numVisited Number of items visited so far */ public void onObjectIndexed(IngestObjectInfo object, int numVisited); /** * The metadata loaded from the device is being sorted. */ public void onSortingStarted(); /** * The indexing is done and the index is ready to be used. */ public void onIndexingFinished(); } /** * Media sort orders. */ public enum SortOrder { ASCENDING, DESCENDING } /** Quicktime MOV container (not already defined in {@link MtpConstants}) **/ public static final int FORMAT_MOV = 0x300D; public static final Set SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS; public static final Set SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS; static { Set supportedImageFormats = new HashSet(); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_JFIF); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_EXIF_JPEG); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_PNG); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_GIF); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_BMP); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_TIFF); supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_TIFF_EP); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) { supportedImageFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_DNG); } SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(supportedImageFormats); Set supportedVideoFormats = new HashSet(); supportedVideoFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_3GP_CONTAINER); supportedVideoFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_AVI); supportedVideoFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_MP4_CONTAINER); supportedVideoFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_MP2); supportedVideoFormats.add(MtpConstants.FORMAT_MPEG); // TODO(georgescu): add FORMAT_MOV once Android Media Scanner supports .mov files SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(supportedVideoFormats); } private MtpDevice mDevice; private long mGeneration; private ProgressListener mProgressListener; private volatile MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results mResults; private final MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Factory mIndexRunnableFactory; private static final MtpDeviceIndex sInstance = new MtpDeviceIndex( MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.getFactory()); private static final Map sCachedSupportedExtenstions = new HashMap<>(); public static MtpDeviceIndex getInstance() { return sInstance; } protected MtpDeviceIndex(MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Factory indexRunnableFactory) { mIndexRunnableFactory = indexRunnableFactory; } public synchronized MtpDevice getDevice() { return mDevice; } public synchronized boolean isDeviceConnected() { return (mDevice != null); } /** * @param mtpObjectInfo MTP object info * @return Whether the format is supported by this index. */ public boolean isFormatSupported(MtpObjectInfo mtpObjectInfo) { // Checks whether the format is supported or not. final int format = mtpObjectInfo.getFormat(); if (SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMATS.contains(format) || SUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMATS.contains(format)) { return true; } // Checks whether the extension is supported or not. final String name = mtpObjectInfo.getName(); if (name == null) { return false; } final int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { final String extension = name.substring(lastDot + 1); Boolean result = sCachedSupportedExtenstions.get(extension); if (result != null) { return result; } final String mime = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension( extension.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); if (mime != null) { // This will also accept the newly added mimetypes for images and videos. result = mime.startsWith("image/") || mime.startsWith("video/"); sCachedSupportedExtenstions.put(extension, result); return result; } } return false; } /** * Sets the MtpDevice that should be indexed and initializes state, but does * not kick off the actual indexing task, which is instead done by using * {@link #getIndexRunnable()} * * @param device The MtpDevice that should be indexed */ public synchronized void setDevice(MtpDevice device) { if (device == mDevice) { return; } mDevice = device; resetState(); } /** * Provides a Runnable for the indexing task (assuming the state has already * been correctly initialized by calling {@link #setDevice(MtpDevice)}). * * @return Runnable for the main indexing task */ public synchronized Runnable getIndexRunnable() { if (!isDeviceConnected() || mResults != null) { return null; } return mIndexRunnableFactory.createMtpDeviceIndexRunnable(this); } /** * @return Whether the index is ready to be used. */ public synchronized boolean isIndexReady() { return mResults != null; } /** * @param listener * @return Current progress (useful for configuring initial UI state) */ public synchronized void setProgressListener(ProgressListener listener) { mProgressListener = listener; } /** * Make the listener null if it matches the argument * * @param listener Listener to unset, if currently registered */ public synchronized void unsetProgressListener(ProgressListener listener) { if (mProgressListener == listener) { mProgressListener = null; } } /** * @return The total number of elements in the index (labels and items) */ public int size() { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; return results != null ? results.unifiedLookupIndex.length : 0; } /** * @param position Index of item to fetch, where 0 is the first item in the * specified order * @param order * @return the bucket label or IngestObjectInfo at the specified position and * order */ public Object get(int position, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (results == null) { return null; } if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { DateBucket bucket = results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[position]]; if (bucket.unifiedStartIndex == position) { return; } else { return results.mtpObjects[bucket.itemsStartIndex + position - 1 - bucket.unifiedStartIndex]; } } else { int zeroIndex = results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - 1 - position; DateBucket bucket = results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[zeroIndex]]; if (bucket.unifiedEndIndex == zeroIndex) { return; } else { return results.mtpObjects[bucket.itemsStartIndex + zeroIndex - bucket.unifiedStartIndex]; } } } /** * @param position Index of item to fetch from a view of the data that does not * include labels and is in the specified order * @return position-th item in specified order, when not including labels */ public IngestObjectInfo getWithoutLabels(int position, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (results == null) { return null; } if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { return results.mtpObjects[position]; } else { return results.mtpObjects[results.mtpObjects.length - 1 - position]; } } /** * @param position Index of item to map from a view of the data that does not * include labels and is in the specified order * @param order * @return position in a view of the data that does include labels, or -1 if the index isn't * ready */ public int getPositionFromPositionWithoutLabels(int position, SortOrder order) { /* Although this is O(log(number of buckets)), and thus should not be used in hotspots, even if the attached device has items for every day for a five-year timeframe, it would still only take 11 iterations at most, so shouldn't be a huge issue. */ MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (results == null) { return -1; } if (order == SortOrder.DESCENDING) { position = results.mtpObjects.length - 1 - position; } int bucketNumber = 0; int iMin = 0; int iMax = results.buckets.length - 1; while (iMax >= iMin) { int iMid = (iMax + iMin) / 2; if (results.buckets[iMid].itemsStartIndex + results.buckets[iMid].numItems <= position) { iMin = iMid + 1; } else if (results.buckets[iMid].itemsStartIndex > position) { iMax = iMid - 1; } else { bucketNumber = iMid; break; } } int mappedPos = results.buckets[bucketNumber].unifiedStartIndex + position - results.buckets[bucketNumber].itemsStartIndex + 1; if (order == SortOrder.DESCENDING) { mappedPos = results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - mappedPos; } return mappedPos; } /** * @param position Index of item to map from a view of the data that * includes labels and is in the specified order * @param order * @return position in a view of the data that does not include labels, or -1 if the index isn't * ready */ public int getPositionWithoutLabelsFromPosition(int position, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (results == null) { return -1; } if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { DateBucket bucket = results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[position]]; if (bucket.unifiedStartIndex == position) { position++; } return bucket.itemsStartIndex + position - 1 - bucket.unifiedStartIndex; } else { int zeroIndex = results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - 1 - position; DateBucket bucket = results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[zeroIndex]]; if (bucket.unifiedEndIndex == zeroIndex) { zeroIndex--; } return results.mtpObjects.length - 1 - bucket.itemsStartIndex - zeroIndex + bucket.unifiedStartIndex; } } /** * @return The number of media items in the index */ public int sizeWithoutLabels() { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; return results != null ? results.mtpObjects.length : 0; } /** * @param bucketNumber Index of bucket in the specified order * @param order * @return position of bucket's first item in a view of the data that includes labels */ public int getFirstPositionForBucketNumber(int bucketNumber, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { return results.buckets[bucketNumber].unifiedStartIndex; } else { return results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - results.buckets[results.buckets.length - 1 - bucketNumber].unifiedEndIndex - 1; } } /** * @param position Index of item in the view of the data that includes labels and is in * the specified order * @param order * @return Index of the bucket that contains the specified item */ public int getBucketNumberForPosition(int position, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { return results.unifiedLookupIndex[position]; } else { return results.buckets.length - 1 - results.unifiedLookupIndex[results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - 1 - position]; } } /** * @param position Index of item in the view of the data that includes labels and is in * the specified order * @param order * @return Whether the specified item is the first item in its bucket */ public boolean isFirstInBucket(int position, SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) { return results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[position]].unifiedStartIndex == position; } else { position = results.unifiedLookupIndex.length - 1 - position; return results.buckets[results.unifiedLookupIndex[position]].unifiedEndIndex == position; } } /** * @param order * @return Array of buckets in the specified order */ public DateBucket[] getBuckets(SortOrder order) { MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results = mResults; if (results == null) { return null; } return (order == SortOrder.ASCENDING) ? results.buckets : results.reversedBuckets; } protected void resetState() { mGeneration++; mResults = null; } /** * @param device * @param generation * @return whether the index is at the given generation and the given device is connected */ protected boolean isAtGeneration(MtpDevice device, long generation) { return (mGeneration == generation) && (mDevice == device); } protected synchronized boolean setIndexingResults(MtpDevice device, long generation, MtpDeviceIndexRunnable.Results results) { if (!isAtGeneration(device, generation)) { return false; } mResults = results; onIndexFinish(true /*successful*/); return true; } protected synchronized void onIndexFinish(boolean successful) { if (!successful) { resetState(); } if (mProgressListener != null) { mProgressListener.onIndexingFinished(); } } protected synchronized void onSorting() { if (mProgressListener != null) { mProgressListener.onSortingStarted(); } } protected synchronized void onObjectIndexed(IngestObjectInfo object, int numVisited) { if (mProgressListener != null) { mProgressListener.onObjectIndexed(object, numVisited); } } protected long getGeneration() { return mGeneration; } }