/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3.allapps; import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; import android.view.View; import com.android.launcher3.BaseRecyclerView; import com.android.launcher3.BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar; import com.android.launcher3.FastBitmapDrawable; import com.android.launcher3.util.Thunk; import java.util.HashSet; public class AllAppsFastScrollHelper implements AllAppsGridAdapter.BindViewCallback { private static final int INITIAL_TOUCH_SETTLING_DURATION = 100; private static final int REPEAT_TOUCH_SETTLING_DURATION = 200; private static final float FAST_SCROLL_TOUCH_VELOCITY_BARRIER = 1900f; private AllAppsRecyclerView mRv; private AlphabeticalAppsList mApps; // Keeps track of the current and targetted fast scroll section (the section to scroll to after // the initial delay) int mTargetFastScrollPosition = -1; @Thunk String mCurrentFastScrollSection; @Thunk String mTargetFastScrollSection; // The settled states affect the delay before the fast scroll animation is applied private boolean mHasFastScrollTouchSettled; private boolean mHasFastScrollTouchSettledAtLeastOnce; // Set of all views animated during fast scroll. We keep track of these ourselves since there // is no way to reset a view once it gets scrapped or recycled without other hacks private HashSet mTrackedFastScrollViews = new HashSet<>(); // Smooth fast-scroll animation frames @Thunk int mFastScrollFrameIndex; @Thunk final int[] mFastScrollFrames = new int[10]; /** * This runnable runs a single frame of the smooth scroll animation and posts the next frame * if necessary. */ @Thunk Runnable mSmoothSnapNextFrameRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mFastScrollFrameIndex < mFastScrollFrames.length) { mRv.scrollBy(0, mFastScrollFrames[mFastScrollFrameIndex]); mFastScrollFrameIndex++; mRv.postOnAnimation(mSmoothSnapNextFrameRunnable); } } }; /** * This runnable updates the current fast scroll section to the target fastscroll section. */ Runnable mFastScrollToTargetSectionRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Update to the target section mCurrentFastScrollSection = mTargetFastScrollSection; mHasFastScrollTouchSettled = true; mHasFastScrollTouchSettledAtLeastOnce = true; updateTrackedViewsFastScrollFocusState(); } }; public AllAppsFastScrollHelper(AllAppsRecyclerView rv, AlphabeticalAppsList apps) { mRv = rv; mApps = apps; } public void onSetAdapter(AllAppsGridAdapter adapter) { adapter.setBindViewCallback(this); } /** * Smooth scrolls the recycler view to the given section. * * @return whether the fastscroller can scroll to the new section. */ public boolean smoothScrollToSection(int scrollY, int availableScrollHeight, AlphabeticalAppsList.FastScrollSectionInfo info) { if (mTargetFastScrollPosition != info.fastScrollToItem.position) { mTargetFastScrollPosition = info.fastScrollToItem.position; smoothSnapToPosition(scrollY, availableScrollHeight, info); return true; } return false; } /** * Smoothly snaps to a given position. We do this manually by calculating the keyframes * ourselves and animating the scroll on the recycler view. */ private void smoothSnapToPosition(int scrollY, int availableScrollHeight, AlphabeticalAppsList.FastScrollSectionInfo info) { mRv.removeCallbacks(mSmoothSnapNextFrameRunnable); mRv.removeCallbacks(mFastScrollToTargetSectionRunnable); trackAllChildViews(); if (mHasFastScrollTouchSettled) { // In this case, the user has already settled once (and the fast scroll state has // animated) and they are just fine-tuning their section from the last section, so // we should make it feel fast and update immediately. mCurrentFastScrollSection = info.sectionName; mTargetFastScrollSection = null; updateTrackedViewsFastScrollFocusState(); } else { // Otherwise, the user has scrubbed really far, and we don't want to distract the user // with the flashing fast scroll state change animation in addition to the fast scroll // section popup, so reset the views to normal, and wait for the touch to settle again // before animating the fast scroll state. mCurrentFastScrollSection = null; mTargetFastScrollSection = info.sectionName; mHasFastScrollTouchSettled = false; updateTrackedViewsFastScrollFocusState(); // Delay scrolling to a new section until after some duration. If the user has been // scrubbing a while and makes multiple big jumps, then reduce the time needed for the // fast scroll to settle so it doesn't feel so long. mRv.postDelayed(mFastScrollToTargetSectionRunnable, mHasFastScrollTouchSettledAtLeastOnce ? REPEAT_TOUCH_SETTLING_DURATION : INITIAL_TOUCH_SETTLING_DURATION); } // Calculate the full animation from the current scroll position to the final scroll // position, and then run the animation for the duration. int newScrollY = Math.min(availableScrollHeight, mRv.getPaddingTop() + mRv.getTop(info.fastScrollToItem.rowIndex)); int numFrames = mFastScrollFrames.length; for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { // TODO(winsonc): We can interpolate this as well. mFastScrollFrames[i] = (newScrollY - scrollY) / numFrames; } mFastScrollFrameIndex = 0; mRv.postOnAnimation(mSmoothSnapNextFrameRunnable); } public void onFastScrollCompleted() { // TODO(winsonc): Handle the case when the user scrolls and releases before the animation // runs // Stop animating the fast scroll position and state mRv.removeCallbacks(mSmoothSnapNextFrameRunnable); mRv.removeCallbacks(mFastScrollToTargetSectionRunnable); // Reset the tracking variables mHasFastScrollTouchSettled = false; mHasFastScrollTouchSettledAtLeastOnce = false; mCurrentFastScrollSection = null; mTargetFastScrollSection = null; mTargetFastScrollPosition = -1; updateTrackedViewsFastScrollFocusState(); mTrackedFastScrollViews.clear(); } @Override public void onBindView(AllAppsGridAdapter.ViewHolder holder) { // Update newly bound views to the current fast scroll state if we are fast scrolling if (mCurrentFastScrollSection != null || mTargetFastScrollSection != null) { if (holder.mContent instanceof BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView) { BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView v = (BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView) holder.mContent; updateViewFastScrollFocusState(v, holder.getPosition(), false /* animated */); mTrackedFastScrollViews.add(v); } } } /** * Starts tracking all the recycler view's children which are FastScrollFocusableViews. */ private void trackAllChildViews() { int childCount = mRv.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { View v = mRv.getChildAt(i); if (v instanceof BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView) { mTrackedFastScrollViews.add((BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView) v); } } } /** * Updates the fast scroll focus on all the children. */ private void updateTrackedViewsFastScrollFocusState() { for (BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView v : mTrackedFastScrollViews) { RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder = mRv.getChildViewHolder((View) v); int pos = (viewHolder != null) ? viewHolder.getPosition() : -1; updateViewFastScrollFocusState(v, pos, true); } } /** * Updates the fast scroll focus on all a given view. */ private void updateViewFastScrollFocusState(BaseRecyclerViewFastScrollBar.FastScrollFocusableView v, int pos, boolean animated) { FastBitmapDrawable.State newState = FastBitmapDrawable.State.NORMAL; if (mCurrentFastScrollSection != null && pos > -1) { AlphabeticalAppsList.AdapterItem item = mApps.getAdapterItems().get(pos); boolean highlight = item.sectionName.equals(mCurrentFastScrollSection) && item.position == mTargetFastScrollPosition; newState = highlight ? FastBitmapDrawable.State.FAST_SCROLL_HIGHLIGHTED : FastBitmapDrawable.State.FAST_SCROLL_UNHIGHLIGHTED; } v.setFastScrollFocusState(newState, animated); } }