/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.messaging.sms; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.Telephony; import android.support.v7.mms.ApnSettingsLoader; import android.support.v7.mms.MmsManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.data.ParticipantData; import com.android.messaging.mmslib.SqliteWrapper; import com.android.messaging.util.BugleGservices; import com.android.messaging.util.BugleGservicesKeys; import com.android.messaging.util.LogUtil; import com.android.messaging.util.OsUtil; import com.android.messaging.util.PhoneUtils; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * APN loader for default SMS SIM * * This loader tries to load APNs from 3 sources in order: * 1. Gservices setting * 2. System APN table * 3. Local APN table */ public class BugleApnSettingsLoader implements ApnSettingsLoader { /** * The base implementation of an APN */ private static class BaseApn implements Apn { /** * Create a base APN from parameters * * @param typesIn the APN type field * @param mmscIn the APN mmsc field * @param proxyIn the APN mmsproxy field * @param portIn the APN mmsport field * @return an instance of base APN, or null if any of the parameter is invalid */ public static BaseApn from(final String typesIn, final String mmscIn, final String proxyIn, final String portIn) { if (!isValidApnType(trimWithNullCheck(typesIn), APN_TYPE_MMS)) { return null; } String mmsc = trimWithNullCheck(mmscIn); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mmsc)) { return null; } mmsc = trimV4AddrZeros(mmsc); try { new URI(mmsc); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { return null; } String mmsProxy = trimWithNullCheck(proxyIn); int mmsProxyPort = 80; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mmsProxy)) { mmsProxy = trimV4AddrZeros(mmsProxy); final String portString = trimWithNullCheck(portIn); if (portString != null) { try { mmsProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(portString); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore, just use 80 to try } } } return new BaseApn(mmsc, mmsProxy, mmsProxyPort); } private final String mMmsc; private final String mMmsProxy; private final int mMmsProxyPort; public BaseApn(final String mmsc, final String proxy, final int port) { mMmsc = mmsc; mMmsProxy = proxy; mMmsProxyPort = port; } @Override public String getMmsc() { return mMmsc; } @Override public String getMmsProxy() { return mMmsProxy; } @Override public int getMmsProxyPort() { return mMmsProxyPort; } @Override public void setSuccess() { // Do nothing } public boolean equals(final BaseApn other) { return TextUtils.equals(mMmsc, other.getMmsc()) && TextUtils.equals(mMmsProxy, other.getMmsProxy()) && mMmsProxyPort == other.getMmsProxyPort(); } } /** * The APN represented by the local APN table row */ private static class DatabaseApn implements Apn { private static final ContentValues CURRENT_NULL_VALUE; private static final ContentValues CURRENT_SET_VALUE; static { CURRENT_NULL_VALUE = new ContentValues(1); CURRENT_NULL_VALUE.putNull(Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT); CURRENT_SET_VALUE = new ContentValues(1); CURRENT_SET_VALUE.put(Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT, "1"); // 1 for auto selected APN } private static final String CLEAR_UPDATE_SELECTION = Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT + " =?"; private static final String[] CLEAR_UPDATE_SELECTION_ARGS = new String[] { "1" }; private static final String SET_UPDATE_SELECTION = Telephony.Carriers._ID + " =?"; /** * Create an APN loaded from local database * * @param apns the in-memory APN list * @param typesIn the APN type field * @param mmscIn the APN mmsc field * @param proxyIn the APN mmsproxy field * @param portIn the APN mmsport field * @param rowId the APN's row ID in database * @param current the value of CURRENT column in database * @return an in-memory APN instance for database APN row, null if parameter invalid */ public static DatabaseApn from(final List apns, final String typesIn, final String mmscIn, final String proxyIn, final String portIn, final long rowId, final int current) { if (apns == null) { return null; } final BaseApn base = BaseApn.from(typesIn, mmscIn, proxyIn, portIn); if (base == null) { return null; } for (final ApnSettingsLoader.Apn apn : apns) { if (apn instanceof DatabaseApn && ((DatabaseApn) apn).equals(base)) { return null; } } return new DatabaseApn(apns, base, rowId, current); } private final List mApns; private final BaseApn mBase; private final long mRowId; private int mCurrent; public DatabaseApn(final List apns, final BaseApn base, final long rowId, final int current) { mApns = apns; mBase = base; mRowId = rowId; mCurrent = current; } @Override public String getMmsc() { return mBase.getMmsc(); } @Override public String getMmsProxy() { return mBase.getMmsProxy(); } @Override public int getMmsProxyPort() { return mBase.getMmsProxyPort(); } @Override public void setSuccess() { moveToListHead(); setCurrentInDatabase(); } /** * Try to move this APN to the head of in-memory list */ private void moveToListHead() { // If this is being marked as a successful APN, move it to the top of the list so // next time it will be tried first boolean moved = false; synchronized (mApns) { if (mApns.get(0) != this) { mApns.remove(this); mApns.add(0, this); moved = true; } } if (moved) { LogUtil.d(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Set APN [" + "MMSC=" + getMmsc() + ", " + "PROXY=" + getMmsProxy() + ", " + "PORT=" + getMmsProxyPort() + "] to be first"); } } /** * Try to set the APN to be CURRENT in its database table */ private void setCurrentInDatabase() { synchronized (this) { if (mCurrent > 0) { // Already current return; } mCurrent = 1; } LogUtil.d(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Set APN @" + mRowId + " to be CURRENT in local db"); final SQLiteDatabase database = ApnDatabase.getApnDatabase().getWritableDatabase(); database.beginTransaction(); try { // clear the previous current=1 apn // we don't clear current=2 apn since it is manually selected by user // and we should not override it. database.update(ApnDatabase.APN_TABLE, CURRENT_NULL_VALUE, CLEAR_UPDATE_SELECTION, CLEAR_UPDATE_SELECTION_ARGS); // set this one to be current (1) database.update(ApnDatabase.APN_TABLE, CURRENT_SET_VALUE, SET_UPDATE_SELECTION, new String[] { Long.toString(mRowId) }); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } public boolean equals(final BaseApn other) { if (other == null) { return false; } return mBase.equals(other); } } /** * APN_TYPE_ALL is a special type to indicate that this APN entry can * service all data connections. */ public static final String APN_TYPE_ALL = "*"; /** APN type for MMS traffic */ public static final String APN_TYPE_MMS = "mms"; private static final String[] APN_PROJECTION_SYSTEM = { Telephony.Carriers.TYPE, Telephony.Carriers.MMSC, Telephony.Carriers.MMSPROXY, Telephony.Carriers.MMSPORT, }; private static final String[] APN_PROJECTION_LOCAL = { Telephony.Carriers.TYPE, Telephony.Carriers.MMSC, Telephony.Carriers.MMSPROXY, Telephony.Carriers.MMSPORT, Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT, Telephony.Carriers._ID, }; private static final int COLUMN_TYPE = 0; private static final int COLUMN_MMSC = 1; private static final int COLUMN_MMSPROXY = 2; private static final int COLUMN_MMSPORT = 3; private static final int COLUMN_CURRENT = 4; private static final int COLUMN_ID = 5; private static final String SELECTION_APN = Telephony.Carriers.APN + "=?"; private static final String SELECTION_CURRENT = Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT + " IS NOT NULL"; private static final String SELECTION_NUMERIC = Telephony.Carriers.NUMERIC + "=?"; private static final String ORDER_BY = Telephony.Carriers.CURRENT + " DESC"; private final Context mContext; // Cached APNs for subIds private final SparseArray> mApnsCache; public BugleApnSettingsLoader(final Context context) { mContext = context; mApnsCache = new SparseArray<>(); } @Override public List get(final String apnName) { final int subId = PhoneUtils.getDefault().getEffectiveSubId( ParticipantData.DEFAULT_SELF_SUB_ID); List apns; boolean didLoad = false; synchronized (this) { apns = mApnsCache.get(subId); if (apns == null) { apns = new ArrayList<>(); mApnsCache.put(subId, apns); loadLocked(subId, apnName, apns); didLoad = true; } } if (didLoad) { LogUtil.i(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Loaded " + apns.size() + " APNs"); } return apns; } private void loadLocked(final int subId, final String apnName, final List apns) { // Try Gservices first loadFromGservices(apns); if (apns.size() > 0) { return; } // Try system APN table loadFromSystem(subId, apnName, apns); if (apns.size() > 0) { return; } // Try local APN table loadFromLocalDatabase(apnName, apns); if (apns.size() <= 0) { LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Failed to load any APN"); } } /** * Load from Gservices if APN setting is set in Gservices * * @param apns the list used to return results */ private void loadFromGservices(final List apns) { final BugleGservices gservices = BugleGservices.get(); final String mmsc = gservices.getString(BugleGservicesKeys.MMS_MMSC, null); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mmsc)) { return; } LogUtil.i(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Loading APNs from gservices"); final String proxy = gservices.getString(BugleGservicesKeys.MMS_PROXY_ADDRESS, null); final int port = gservices.getInt(BugleGservicesKeys.MMS_PROXY_PORT, -1); final Apn apn = BaseApn.from("mms", mmsc, proxy, Integer.toString(port)); if (apn != null) { apns.add(apn); } } /** * Load matching APNs from telephony provider. * We try different combinations of the query to work around some platform quirks. * * @param subId the SIM subId * @param apnName the APN name to match * @param apns the list used to return results */ private void loadFromSystem(final int subId, final String apnName, final List apns) { Uri uri; if (OsUtil.isAtLeastL_MR1() && subId != MmsManager.DEFAULT_SUB_ID) { uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Telephony.Carriers.CONTENT_URI, "/subId/" + subId); } else { uri = Telephony.Carriers.CONTENT_URI; } Cursor cursor = null; try { for (; ; ) { // Try different combinations of queries. Some would work on some platforms. // So we query each combination until we find one returns non-empty result. cursor = querySystem(uri, true/*checkCurrent*/, apnName); if (cursor != null) { break; } cursor = querySystem(uri, false/*checkCurrent*/, apnName); if (cursor != null) { break; } cursor = querySystem(uri, true/*checkCurrent*/, null/*apnName*/); if (cursor != null) { break; } cursor = querySystem(uri, false/*checkCurrent*/, null/*apnName*/); break; } } catch (final SecurityException e) { // Can't access platform APN table, return directly return; } if (cursor == null) { return; } try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { final ApnSettingsLoader.Apn apn = BaseApn.from( cursor.getString(COLUMN_TYPE), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSC), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSPROXY), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSPORT)); if (apn != null) { apns.add(apn); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Query system APN table * * @param uri The APN query URL to use * @param checkCurrent If add "CURRENT IS NOT NULL" condition * @param apnName The optional APN name for query condition * @return A cursor of the query result. If a cursor is returned as not null, it is * guaranteed to contain at least one row. */ private Cursor querySystem(final Uri uri, final boolean checkCurrent, String apnName) { LogUtil.i(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Loading APNs from system, " + "checkCurrent=" + checkCurrent + " apnName=" + apnName); final StringBuilder selectionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String[] selectionArgs = null; if (checkCurrent) { selectionBuilder.append(SELECTION_CURRENT); } apnName = trimWithNullCheck(apnName); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apnName)) { if (selectionBuilder.length() > 0) { selectionBuilder.append(" AND "); } selectionBuilder.append(SELECTION_APN); selectionArgs = new String[] { apnName }; } try { final Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query( mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), uri, APN_PROJECTION_SYSTEM, selectionBuilder.toString(), selectionArgs, null/*sortOrder*/); if (cursor == null || cursor.getCount() < 1) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Query " + uri + " with apn " + apnName + " and " + (checkCurrent ? "checking CURRENT" : "not checking CURRENT") + " returned empty"); return null; } return cursor; } catch (final SQLiteException e) { LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "APN table query exception: " + e); } catch (final SecurityException e) { LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Platform restricts APN table access: " + e); throw e; } return null; } /** * Load matching APNs from local APN table. * We try both using the APN name and not using the APN name. * * @param apnName the APN name * @param apns the list of results to return */ private void loadFromLocalDatabase(final String apnName, final List apns) { LogUtil.i(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Loading APNs from local APN table"); final SQLiteDatabase database = ApnDatabase.getApnDatabase().getWritableDatabase(); final String mccMnc = PhoneUtils.getMccMncString(PhoneUtils.getDefault().getMccMnc()); Cursor cursor = null; cursor = queryLocalDatabase(database, mccMnc, apnName); if (cursor == null) { cursor = queryLocalDatabase(database, mccMnc, null/*apnName*/); } if (cursor == null) { LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Could not find any APN in local table"); return; } try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final Apn apn = DatabaseApn.from(apns, cursor.getString(COLUMN_TYPE), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSC), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSPROXY), cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMSPORT), cursor.getLong(COLUMN_ID), cursor.getInt(COLUMN_CURRENT)); if (apn != null) { apns.add(apn); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Make a query of local APN table based on MCC/MNC and APN name, sorted by CURRENT * column in descending order * * @param db the local database * @param numeric the MCC/MNC string * @param apnName the optional APN name to match * @return the cursor of the query, null if no result */ private static Cursor queryLocalDatabase(final SQLiteDatabase db, final String numeric, final String apnName) { final String selection; final String[] selectionArgs; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(apnName)) { selection = SELECTION_NUMERIC; selectionArgs = new String[] { numeric }; } else { selection = SELECTION_NUMERIC + " AND " + SELECTION_APN; selectionArgs = new String[] { numeric, apnName }; } Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query(ApnDatabase.APN_TABLE, APN_PROJECTION_LOCAL, selection, selectionArgs, null/*groupBy*/, null/*having*/, ORDER_BY, null/*limit*/); } catch (final SQLiteException e) { LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Local APN table does not exist. Try rebuilding.", e); ApnDatabase.forceBuildAndLoadApnTables(); cursor = db.query(ApnDatabase.APN_TABLE, APN_PROJECTION_LOCAL, selection, selectionArgs, null/*groupBy*/, null/*having*/, ORDER_BY, null/*limit*/); } if (cursor == null || cursor.getCount() < 1) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "Query local APNs with apn " + apnName + " returned empty"); return null; } return cursor; } private static String trimWithNullCheck(final String value) { return value != null ? value.trim() : null; } /** * Trim leading zeros from IPv4 address strings * Our base libraries will interpret that as octel.. * Must leave non v4 addresses and host names alone. * For example, -> * * @param addr a string representing an ip addr * @return a string propertly trimmed */ private static String trimV4AddrZeros(final String addr) { if (addr == null) { return null; } final String[] octets = addr.split("\\."); if (octets.length != 4) { return addr; } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(16); String result = null; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { try { if (octets[i].length() > 3) { return addr; } builder.append(Integer.parseInt(octets[i])); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { return addr; } if (i < 3) { builder.append('.'); } } result = builder.toString(); return result; } /** * Check if the APN contains the APN type we want * * @param types The string encodes a list of supported types * @param requestType The type we want * @return true if the input types string contains the requestType */ public static boolean isValidApnType(final String types, final String requestType) { // If APN type is unspecified, assume APN_TYPE_ALL. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(types)) { return true; } for (final String t : types.split(",")) { if (t.equals(requestType) || t.equals(APN_TYPE_ALL)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the ID of first APN to try */ public static String getFirstTryApn(final SQLiteDatabase database, final String mccMnc) { String key = null; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = queryLocalDatabase(database, mccMnc, null/*apnName*/); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { key = cursor.getString(ApnDatabase.COLUMN_ID); } } catch (final Exception e) { // Nothing to do } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return key; } }