/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.nfc; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.UserInfo; import com.android.nfc.beam.BeamManager; import com.android.nfc.beam.BeamSendService; import com.android.nfc.beam.BeamTransferRecord; import android.os.UserManager; import com.android.nfc.echoserver.EchoServer; import com.android.nfc.handover.HandoverClient; import com.android.nfc.handover.HandoverDataParser; import com.android.nfc.handover.HandoverServer; import com.android.nfc.ndefpush.NdefPushClient; import com.android.nfc.ndefpush.NdefPushServer; import com.android.nfc.snep.SnepClient; import com.android.nfc.snep.SnepMessage; import com.android.nfc.snep.SnepServer; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.net.Uri; import android.nfc.BeamShareData; import android.nfc.IAppCallback; import android.nfc.NdefMessage; import android.nfc.NdefRecord; import android.nfc.NfcAdapter; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.Log; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Interface to listen for P2P events. * All callbacks are made from the UI thread. */ interface P2pEventListener { /** * Indicates the user has expressed an intent to share * over NFC, but a remote device has not come into range * yet. Prompt the user to NFC tap. */ public void onP2pNfcTapRequested(); /** * Indicates the user has expressed an intent to share over * NFC, but the link hasn't come up yet and we no longer * want to wait for it */ public void onP2pTimeoutWaitingForLink(); /** * Indicates a P2P device is in range. *

onP2pInRange() and onP2pOutOfRange() will always be called * alternately. */ public void onP2pInRange(); /** * Called when a NDEF payload is prepared to send, and confirmation is * required. Call Callback.onP2pSendConfirmed() to make the confirmation. */ public void onP2pSendConfirmationRequested(); /** * Called to indicate a send was successful. */ public void onP2pSendComplete(); /** * * Called to indicate the link has broken while we were trying to send * a message. We'll start a debounce timer for the user to get the devices * back together. UI may show a hint to achieve that */ public void onP2pSendDebounce(); /** * Called to indicate a link has come back up after being temporarily * broken, and sending is resuming */ public void onP2pResumeSend(); /** * Called to indicate the remote device does not support connection handover */ public void onP2pHandoverNotSupported(); /** * Called to indicate the device is busy with another handover transfer */ public void onP2pHandoverBusy(); /** * Called to indicate a receive was successful. */ public void onP2pReceiveComplete(boolean playSound); /** * Indicates the P2P device went out of range. */ public void onP2pOutOfRange(); public interface Callback { public void onP2pSendConfirmed(); public void onP2pCanceled(); } } /** * Manages sending and receiving NDEF message over LLCP link. * Does simple debouncing of the LLCP link - so that even if the link * drops and returns the user does not know. */ class P2pLinkManager implements Handler.Callback, P2pEventListener.Callback { static final String TAG = "NfcP2pLinkManager"; static final boolean DBG = true; /** Include this constant as a meta-data entry in the manifest * of an application to disable beaming the market/AAR link, like this: *

     *  }
*/ static final String DISABLE_BEAM_DEFAULT = "android.nfc.disable_beam_default"; /** Enables the LLCP EchoServer, which can be used to test the android * LLCP stack against nfcpy. */ static final boolean ECHOSERVER_ENABLED = false; // TODO dynamically assign SAP values static final int NDEFPUSH_SAP = 0x10; static final int HANDOVER_SAP = 0x14; static final int LINK_SEND_PENDING_DEBOUNCE_MS = 3000; static final int LINK_SEND_CONFIRMED_DEBOUNCE_MS = 5000; static final int LINK_SEND_COMPLETE_DEBOUNCE_MS = 500; static final int LINK_SEND_CANCELED_DEBOUNCE_MS = 250; // The amount of time we wait for the link to come up // after a user has manually invoked Beam. static final int WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; static final int MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT = 1; static final int MSG_RECEIVE_COMPLETE = 2; static final int MSG_RECEIVE_HANDOVER = 3; static final int MSG_SEND_COMPLETE = 4; static final int MSG_START_ECHOSERVER = 5; static final int MSG_STOP_ECHOSERVER = 6; static final int MSG_HANDOVER_NOT_SUPPORTED = 7; static final int MSG_SHOW_CONFIRMATION_UI = 8; static final int MSG_WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT = 9; static final int MSG_HANDOVER_BUSY = 10; // values for mLinkState static final int LINK_STATE_DOWN = 1; static final int LINK_STATE_UP = 2; static final int LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE = 3; // values for mSendState static final int SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND = 1; static final int SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION = 2; static final int SEND_STATE_PENDING = 3; static final int SEND_STATE_SENDING = 4; static final int SEND_STATE_COMPLETE = 5; static final int SEND_STATE_CANCELED = 6; // return values for doSnepProtocol static final int SNEP_SUCCESS = 0; static final int SNEP_FAILURE = 1; // return values for doHandover static final int HANDOVER_SUCCESS = 0; static final int HANDOVER_FAILURE = 1; static final int HANDOVER_UNSUPPORTED = 2; static final int HANDOVER_BUSY = 3; final NdefPushServer mNdefPushServer; final SnepServer mDefaultSnepServer; final HandoverServer mHandoverServer; final EchoServer mEchoServer; final Context mContext; final P2pEventListener mEventListener; final Handler mHandler; final HandoverDataParser mHandoverDataParser; final ForegroundUtils mForegroundUtils; final int mDefaultMiu; final int mDefaultRwSize; // Locked on NdefP2pManager.this PackageManager mPackageManager; int mLinkState; int mSendState; // valid during LINK_STATE_UP or LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE boolean mIsSendEnabled; boolean mIsReceiveEnabled; NdefMessage mMessageToSend; // not valid in SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND Uri[] mUrisToSend; // not valid in SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND UserHandle mUserHandle; // not valid in SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND int mSendFlags; // not valid in SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND IAppCallback mCallbackNdef; int mNdefCallbackUid; SendTask mSendTask; SharedPreferences mPrefs; SnepClient mSnepClient; HandoverClient mHandoverClient; NdefPushClient mNdefPushClient; ConnectTask mConnectTask; boolean mLlcpServicesConnected; long mLastLlcpActivationTime; byte mPeerLlcpVersion; public P2pLinkManager(Context context, HandoverDataParser handoverDataParser, int defaultMiu, int defaultRwSize) { mNdefPushServer = new NdefPushServer(NDEFPUSH_SAP, mNppCallback); mDefaultSnepServer = new SnepServer(mDefaultSnepCallback, defaultMiu, defaultRwSize); mHandoverServer = new HandoverServer(context, HANDOVER_SAP, handoverDataParser, mHandoverCallback); if (ECHOSERVER_ENABLED) { mEchoServer = new EchoServer(); } else { mEchoServer = null; } mPackageManager = context.getPackageManager(); mContext = context; mEventListener = new P2pEventManager(context, this); mHandler = new Handler(this); mLinkState = LINK_STATE_DOWN; mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; mIsSendEnabled = false; mIsReceiveEnabled = false; mPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(NfcService.PREF, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); mHandoverDataParser = handoverDataParser; mDefaultMiu = defaultMiu; mDefaultRwSize = defaultRwSize; mLlcpServicesConnected = false; mNdefCallbackUid = -1; mForegroundUtils = ForegroundUtils.getInstance(); } /** * May be called from any thread. * Assumes that NFC is already on if any parameter is true. */ public void enableDisable(boolean sendEnable, boolean receiveEnable) { synchronized (this) { if (!mIsReceiveEnabled && receiveEnable) { mDefaultSnepServer.start(); mNdefPushServer.start(); mHandoverServer.start(); if (mEchoServer != null) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_START_ECHOSERVER); } } else if (mIsReceiveEnabled && !receiveEnable) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "enableDisable: llcp deactivate"); onLlcpDeactivated (); mDefaultSnepServer.stop(); mNdefPushServer.stop(); mHandoverServer.stop(); if (mEchoServer != null) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_STOP_ECHOSERVER); } } mIsSendEnabled = sendEnable; mIsReceiveEnabled = receiveEnable; } } /** * May be called from any thread. * @return whether the LLCP link is in an active or debounce state */ public boolean isLlcpActive() { synchronized (this) { return mLinkState != LINK_STATE_DOWN; } } /** * Set NDEF callback for sending. * May be called from any thread. * NDEF callbacks may be set at any time (even if NFC is * currently off or P2P send is currently off). They will become * active as soon as P2P send is enabled. */ public void setNdefCallback(IAppCallback callbackNdef, int callingUid) { synchronized (this) { mCallbackNdef = callbackNdef; mNdefCallbackUid = callingUid; } } public void onManualBeamInvoke(BeamShareData shareData) { synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mLinkState != LINK_STATE_DOWN) { return; } if (mForegroundUtils.getForegroundUids().contains(mNdefCallbackUid)) { // Try to get data from the registered NDEF callback prepareMessageToSend(false); } else { mMessageToSend = null; mUrisToSend = null; } if (mMessageToSend == null && mUrisToSend == null && shareData != null) { // No data from the NDEF callback, get data from ShareData if (shareData.uris != null) { mUrisToSend = shareData.uris; } else if (shareData.ndefMessage != null) { mMessageToSend = shareData.ndefMessage; } mUserHandle = shareData.userHandle; } if (mMessageToSend != null || (mUrisToSend != null && mHandoverDataParser.isHandoverSupported())) { mSendState = SEND_STATE_PENDING; mEventListener.onP2pNfcTapRequested(); scheduleTimeoutLocked(MSG_WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT, WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT_MS); } } } /** * Must be called on UI Thread. */ public void onLlcpActivated(byte peerLlcpVersion) { Log.i(TAG, "LLCP activated"); synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mEchoServer != null) { mEchoServer.onLlcpActivated(); } mLastLlcpActivationTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); mPeerLlcpVersion = peerLlcpVersion; switch (mLinkState) { case LINK_STATE_DOWN: if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pInRange()"); // Start taking a screenshot mEventListener.onP2pInRange(); mLinkState = LINK_STATE_UP; // If we had a pending send (manual Beam invoke), // mark it as sending if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_PENDING) { mSendState = SEND_STATE_SENDING; mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT); // Immediately try to connect LLCP services connectLlcpServices(); } else { mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; prepareMessageToSend(true); if (mMessageToSend != null || (mUrisToSend != null && mHandoverDataParser.isHandoverSupported())) { // We have data to send, connect LLCP services connectLlcpServices(); if ((mSendFlags & NfcAdapter.FLAG_NDEF_PUSH_NO_CONFIRM) != 0) { mSendState = SEND_STATE_SENDING; } else { mSendState = SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION; } } } break; case LINK_STATE_UP: if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Duplicate onLlcpActivated()"); return; case LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE: // Immediately connect and try to send again mLinkState = LINK_STATE_UP; if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_SENDING || mSendState == SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION) { // If we have something to send still, connect LLCP connectLlcpServices(); } mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT); break; } } } /** * Must be called on UI Thread. */ public void onLlcpFirstPacketReceived() { synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { long totalTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastLlcpActivationTime; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Took " + Long.toString(totalTime) + " to get first LLCP PDU"); } } public void onUserSwitched(int userId) { // Update the cached package manager in case of user switch synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { try { mPackageManager = mContext.createPackageContextAsUser("android", 0, new UserHandle(userId)).getPackageManager(); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve PackageManager for user"); } } } void prepareMessageToSend(boolean generatePlayLink) { synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { mMessageToSend = null; mUrisToSend = null; if (!mIsSendEnabled) { return; } List foregroundUids = mForegroundUtils.getForegroundUids(); if (foregroundUids.isEmpty()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not determine foreground UID."); return; } if (isBeamDisabled(foregroundUids.get(0))) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Beam is disabled by policy."); return; } if (mCallbackNdef != null) { if (foregroundUids.contains(mNdefCallbackUid)) { try { BeamShareData shareData = mCallbackNdef.createBeamShareData(mPeerLlcpVersion); mMessageToSend = shareData.ndefMessage; mUrisToSend = shareData.uris; mUserHandle = shareData.userHandle; mSendFlags = shareData.flags; return; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed NDEF callback: ", e); } } else { // This is not necessarily an error - we no longer unset callbacks from // the app process itself (to prevent IPC calls on every pause). // Hence it may simply be a stale callback. if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Last registered callback is not running in the foreground."); } } // fall back to default NDEF for the foreground activity, unless the // application disabled this explicitly in their manifest. String[] pkgs = mPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(foregroundUids.get(0)); if (pkgs != null && pkgs.length >= 1) { if (!generatePlayLink || beamDefaultDisabled(pkgs[0])) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Disabling default Beam behavior"); mMessageToSend = null; mUrisToSend = null; } else { mMessageToSend = createDefaultNdef(pkgs[0]); mUrisToSend = null; } } if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "mMessageToSend = " + mMessageToSend); if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "mUrisToSend = " + mUrisToSend); } } private boolean isBeamDisabled(int uid) { UserManager userManager = (UserManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); UserInfo userInfo = userManager.getUserInfo(UserHandle.getUserId(uid)); return userManager.hasUserRestriction( UserManager.DISALLOW_OUTGOING_BEAM, userInfo.getUserHandle()); } boolean beamDefaultDisabled(String pkgName) { try { ApplicationInfo ai = mPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(pkgName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); if (ai == null || ai.metaData == null) { return false; } return ai.metaData.getBoolean(DISABLE_BEAM_DEFAULT); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { return false; } } NdefMessage createDefaultNdef(String pkgName) { NdefRecord appUri = NdefRecord.createUri(Uri.parse( "http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" + pkgName + "&feature=beam")); NdefRecord appRecord = NdefRecord.createApplicationRecord(pkgName); return new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[] { appUri, appRecord }); } void disconnectLlcpServices() { synchronized (this) { if (mConnectTask != null) { mConnectTask.cancel(true); mConnectTask = null; } // Close any already connected LLCP clients if (mNdefPushClient != null) { mNdefPushClient.close(); mNdefPushClient = null; } if (mSnepClient != null) { mSnepClient.close(); mSnepClient = null; } if (mHandoverClient != null) { mHandoverClient.close(); mHandoverClient = null; } mLlcpServicesConnected = false; } } /** * Must be called on UI Thread. */ public void onLlcpDeactivated() { Log.i(TAG, "LLCP deactivated."); synchronized (this) { if (mEchoServer != null) { mEchoServer.onLlcpDeactivated(); } switch (mLinkState) { case LINK_STATE_DOWN: case LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE: Log.i(TAG, "Duplicate onLlcpDectivated()"); break; case LINK_STATE_UP: // Debounce mLinkState = LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE; int debounceTimeout = 0; switch (mSendState) { case SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND: debounceTimeout = 0; break; case SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION: debounceTimeout = LINK_SEND_PENDING_DEBOUNCE_MS; break; case SEND_STATE_SENDING: debounceTimeout = LINK_SEND_CONFIRMED_DEBOUNCE_MS; break; case SEND_STATE_COMPLETE: debounceTimeout = LINK_SEND_COMPLETE_DEBOUNCE_MS; break; case SEND_STATE_CANCELED: debounceTimeout = LINK_SEND_CANCELED_DEBOUNCE_MS; } scheduleTimeoutLocked(MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, debounceTimeout); if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_SENDING) { Log.e(TAG, "onP2pSendDebounce()"); mEventListener.onP2pSendDebounce(); } cancelSendNdefMessage(); disconnectLlcpServices(); break; } } } void onHandoverUnsupported() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_HANDOVER_NOT_SUPPORTED); } void onHandoverBusy() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_HANDOVER_BUSY); } void onSendComplete(NdefMessage msg, long elapsedRealtime) { // Make callbacks on UI thread mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SEND_COMPLETE); } void sendNdefMessage() { synchronized (this) { cancelSendNdefMessage(); mSendTask = new SendTask(); mSendTask.execute(); } } void cancelSendNdefMessage() { synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mSendTask != null) { mSendTask.cancel(true); } } } void connectLlcpServices() { synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mConnectTask != null) { Log.e(TAG, "Still had a reference to mConnectTask!"); } mConnectTask = new ConnectTask(); mConnectTask.execute(); } } // Must be called on UI-thread void onLlcpServicesConnected() { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onLlcpServicesConnected"); synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mLinkState != LINK_STATE_UP) { return; } mLlcpServicesConnected = true; if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pSendConfirmationRequested()"); mEventListener.onP2pSendConfirmationRequested(); } else if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_SENDING) { mEventListener.onP2pResumeSend(); sendNdefMessage(); } else { // Either nothing to send or canceled/complete, ignore } } } final class ConnectTask extends AsyncTask { @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { if (isCancelled()) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "ConnectTask was cancelled"); return; } if (result) { onLlcpServicesConnected(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Could not connect required NFC transports"); } } @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { boolean needsHandover = false; boolean needsNdef = false; boolean success = false; HandoverClient handoverClient = null; SnepClient snepClient = null; NdefPushClient nppClient = null; synchronized(P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mUrisToSend != null) { needsHandover = true; } if (mMessageToSend != null) { needsNdef = true; } } // We know either is requested - otherwise this task // wouldn't have been started. if (needsHandover) { handoverClient = new HandoverClient(); try { handoverClient.connect(); success = true; // Regardless of NDEF result } catch (IOException e) { handoverClient = null; } } if (needsNdef || (needsHandover && handoverClient == null)) { snepClient = new SnepClient(); try { snepClient.connect(); success = true; } catch (IOException e) { snepClient = null; } if (!success) { nppClient = new NdefPushClient(); try { nppClient.connect(); success = true; } catch (IOException e) { nppClient = null; } } } synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (isCancelled()) { // Cancelled by onLlcpDeactivated on UI thread if (handoverClient != null) { handoverClient.close(); } if (snepClient != null) { snepClient.close(); } if (nppClient != null) { nppClient.close(); } return false; } else { // Once assigned, these are the responsibility of // the code on the UI thread to release - typically // through onLlcpDeactivated(). mHandoverClient = handoverClient; mSnepClient = snepClient; mNdefPushClient = nppClient; return success; } } } }; final class SendTask extends AsyncTask { NdefPushClient nppClient; SnepClient snepClient; HandoverClient handoverClient; int doHandover(Uri[] uris, UserHandle userHandle) throws IOException { NdefMessage response = null; BeamManager beamManager = BeamManager.getInstance(); if (beamManager.isBeamInProgress()) { return HANDOVER_BUSY; } NdefMessage request = mHandoverDataParser.createHandoverRequestMessage(); if (request != null) { if (handoverClient != null) { response = handoverClient.sendHandoverRequest(request); } if (response == null && snepClient != null) { // Remote device may not support handover service, // try the (deprecated) SNEP GET implementation // for devices running Android 4.1 SnepMessage snepResponse = snepClient.get(request); response = snepResponse.getNdefMessage(); } if (response == null) { return HANDOVER_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { return HANDOVER_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!beamManager.startBeamSend(mContext, mHandoverDataParser.getOutgoingHandoverData(response), uris, userHandle)) { return HANDOVER_BUSY; } return HANDOVER_SUCCESS; } int doSnepProtocol(NdefMessage msg) throws IOException { if (msg != null) { snepClient.put(msg); return SNEP_SUCCESS; } else { return SNEP_FAILURE; } } @Override public Void doInBackground(Void... args) { NdefMessage m; Uri[] uris; UserHandle userHandle; boolean result = false; synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { if (mLinkState != LINK_STATE_UP || mSendState != SEND_STATE_SENDING) { return null; } m = mMessageToSend; uris = mUrisToSend; userHandle = mUserHandle; snepClient = mSnepClient; handoverClient = mHandoverClient; nppClient = mNdefPushClient; } long time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (uris != null) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Trying handover request"); try { int handoverResult = doHandover(uris, userHandle); switch (handoverResult) { case HANDOVER_SUCCESS: result = true; break; case HANDOVER_FAILURE: result = false; break; case HANDOVER_UNSUPPORTED: result = false; onHandoverUnsupported(); break; case HANDOVER_BUSY: result = false; onHandoverBusy(); break; } } catch (IOException e) { result = false; } } if (!result && m != null && snepClient != null) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Sending ndef via SNEP"); try { int snepResult = doSnepProtocol(m); switch (snepResult) { case SNEP_SUCCESS: result = true; break; case SNEP_FAILURE: result = false; break; default: result = false; } } catch (IOException e) { result = false; } } if (!result && m != null && nppClient != null) { result = nppClient.push(m); } time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "SendTask result=" + result + ", time ms=" + time); if (result) { onSendComplete(m, time); } return null; } }; final HandoverServer.Callback mHandoverCallback = new HandoverServer.Callback() { @Override public void onHandoverRequestReceived() { onReceiveHandover(); } @Override public void onHandoverBusy() { P2pLinkManager.this.onHandoverBusy(); } }; final NdefPushServer.Callback mNppCallback = new NdefPushServer.Callback() { @Override public void onMessageReceived(NdefMessage msg) { onReceiveComplete(msg); } }; final SnepServer.Callback mDefaultSnepCallback = new SnepServer.Callback() { @Override public SnepMessage doPut(NdefMessage msg) { onReceiveComplete(msg); return SnepMessage.getMessage(SnepMessage.RESPONSE_SUCCESS); } @Override public SnepMessage doGet(int acceptableLength, NdefMessage msg) { // The NFC Forum Default SNEP server is not allowed to respond to // SNEP GET requests - see SNEP 1.0 TS section 6.1. However, // since Android 4.1 used the NFC Forum default server to // implement connection handover, we will support this // until we can deprecate it. NdefMessage response = mHandoverDataParser.getIncomingHandoverData(msg).handoverSelect; if (response != null) { onReceiveHandover(); return SnepMessage.getSuccessResponse(response); } else { return SnepMessage.getMessage(SnepMessage.RESPONSE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } }; void onReceiveHandover() { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_RECEIVE_HANDOVER).sendToTarget(); } void onReceiveComplete(NdefMessage msg) { // Make callbacks on UI thread mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_RECEIVE_COMPLETE, msg).sendToTarget(); } @Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_START_ECHOSERVER: synchronized (this) { mEchoServer.start(); break; } case MSG_STOP_ECHOSERVER: synchronized (this) { mEchoServer.stop(); break; } case MSG_WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT: synchronized (this) { // User wanted to send something but no link // came up. Just cancel the send mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; mEventListener.onP2pTimeoutWaitingForLink(); } break; case MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT: synchronized (this) { if (mLinkState != LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE) { break; } if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Debounce timeout"); mLinkState = LINK_STATE_DOWN; mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; mMessageToSend = null; mUrisToSend = null; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pOutOfRange()"); mEventListener.onP2pOutOfRange(); } break; case MSG_RECEIVE_HANDOVER: // We're going to do a handover request synchronized (this) { if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN) { break; } if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_SENDING) { cancelSendNdefMessage(); } mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pReceiveComplete()"); mEventListener.onP2pReceiveComplete(false); } break; case MSG_RECEIVE_COMPLETE: NdefMessage m = (NdefMessage) msg.obj; synchronized (this) { if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN) { break; } if (mSendState == SEND_STATE_SENDING) { cancelSendNdefMessage(); } mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pReceiveComplete()"); mEventListener.onP2pReceiveComplete(true); NfcService.getInstance().sendMockNdefTag(m); } break; case MSG_HANDOVER_NOT_SUPPORTED: synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { mSendTask = null; if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN || mSendState != SEND_STATE_SENDING) { break; } mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pHandoverNotSupported()"); mEventListener.onP2pHandoverNotSupported(); } break; case MSG_SEND_COMPLETE: synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { mSendTask = null; if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN || mSendState != SEND_STATE_SENDING) { break; } mSendState = SEND_STATE_COMPLETE; mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT); if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pSendComplete()"); mEventListener.onP2pSendComplete(); if (mCallbackNdef != null) { try { mCallbackNdef.onNdefPushComplete(mPeerLlcpVersion); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed NDEF completed callback: " + e.getMessage()); } } } break; case MSG_HANDOVER_BUSY: synchronized (P2pLinkManager.this) { mSendTask = null; if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN || mSendState != SEND_STATE_SENDING) { break; } mSendState = SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND; if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pHandoverBusy()"); mEventListener.onP2pHandoverBusy(); } } return true; } @Override public void onP2pSendConfirmed() { onP2pSendConfirmed(true); } private void onP2pSendConfirmed(boolean requireConfirmation) { if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onP2pSendConfirmed()"); synchronized (this) { if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN || (requireConfirmation && mSendState != SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION)) { return; } mSendState = SEND_STATE_SENDING; if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_UP) { if (mLlcpServicesConnected) { sendNdefMessage(); } // else, will send messages when link comes up } else if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE) { // Restart debounce timeout and tell user to tap again scheduleTimeoutLocked(MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, LINK_SEND_CONFIRMED_DEBOUNCE_MS); mEventListener.onP2pSendDebounce(); } } } @Override public void onP2pCanceled() { synchronized (this) { mSendState = SEND_STATE_CANCELED; if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DOWN) { // If we were waiting for the link to come up, stop doing so mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_WAIT_FOR_LINK_TIMEOUT); } else if (mLinkState == LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE) { // We're in debounce state so link is down. Reschedule debounce // timeout to occur sooner, we don't want to wait any longer. scheduleTimeoutLocked(MSG_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, LINK_SEND_CANCELED_DEBOUNCE_MS); } else { // Link is up, nothing else to do but wait for link to go down } } } void scheduleTimeoutLocked(int what, int timeout) { // Cancel any outstanding debounce timeouts. mHandler.removeMessages(what); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(what, timeout); } static String sendStateToString(int state) { switch (state) { case SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND: return "SEND_STATE_NOTHING_TO_SEND"; case SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION: return "SEND_STATE_NEED_CONFIRMATION"; case SEND_STATE_SENDING: return "SEND_STATE_SENDING"; case SEND_STATE_COMPLETE: return "SEND_STATE_COMPLETE"; case SEND_STATE_CANCELED: return "SEND_STATE_CANCELED"; default: return ""; } } static String linkStateToString(int state) { switch (state) { case LINK_STATE_DOWN: return "LINK_STATE_DOWN"; case LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE: return "LINK_STATE_DEBOUNCE"; case LINK_STATE_UP: return "LINK_STATE_UP"; default: return ""; } } void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { synchronized (this) { pw.println("mIsSendEnabled=" + mIsSendEnabled); pw.println("mIsReceiveEnabled=" + mIsReceiveEnabled); pw.println("mLinkState=" + linkStateToString(mLinkState)); pw.println("mSendState=" + sendStateToString(mSendState)); pw.println("mCallbackNdef=" + mCallbackNdef); pw.println("mMessageToSend=" + mMessageToSend); pw.println("mUrisToSend=" + mUrisToSend); } } }