/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.internal; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants; public class KeyboardStateTestsBase extends AndroidTestCase implements MockKeyboardSwitcher.MockConstants { protected MockKeyboardSwitcher mSwitcher; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mSwitcher = new MockKeyboardSwitcher(); mSwitcher.setAutoCapsMode(CAP_MODE_OFF); loadKeyboard(ALPHABET_UNSHIFTED); } /** * Set auto caps mode. * * @param autoCaps the auto cap mode. */ public void setAutoCapsMode(final int autoCaps) { mSwitcher.setAutoCapsMode(autoCaps); } private static void assertLayout(final String message, final int expected, final int actual) { assertTrue(message + ": expected=" + MockKeyboardSwitcher.getLayoutName(expected) + " actual=" + MockKeyboardSwitcher.getLayoutName(actual), expected == actual); } /** * Emulate update keyboard shift state. * * @param afterUpdate the keyboard state after updating the keyboard shift state. */ public void updateShiftState(final int afterUpdate) { mSwitcher.updateShiftState(); assertLayout("afterUpdate", afterUpdate, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate load default keyboard. * * @param afterLoad the keyboard state after loading default keyboard. */ public void loadKeyboard(final int afterLoad) { mSwitcher.loadKeyboard(); mSwitcher.updateShiftState(); assertLayout("afterLoad", afterLoad, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate rotate device. * * @param afterRotate the keyboard state after rotating device. */ public void rotateDevice(final int afterRotate) { mSwitcher.saveKeyboardState(); mSwitcher.loadKeyboard(); assertLayout("afterRotate", afterRotate, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } private void pressKeyWithoutTimerExpire(final int code, final boolean isSinglePointer, final int afterPress) { mSwitcher.onPressKey(code, isSinglePointer); assertLayout("afterPress", afterPress, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate key press. * * @param code the key code to press. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the key. */ public void pressKey(final int code, final int afterPress) { mSwitcher.expireDoubleTapTimeout(); pressKeyWithoutTimerExpire(code, true, afterPress); } /** * Emulate key release and register. * * @param code the key code to release and register * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after releasing the key. */ public void releaseKey(final int code, final int afterRelease) { mSwitcher.onCodeInput(code); mSwitcher.onReleaseKey(code, NOT_SLIDING); assertLayout("afterRelease", afterRelease, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate key press and release. * * @param code the key code to press and release. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the key. * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after releasing the key. */ public void pressAndReleaseKey(final int code, final int afterPress, final int afterRelease) { pressKey(code, afterPress); releaseKey(code, afterRelease); } /** * Emulate chording key press. * * @param code the chording key code. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing chording key. */ public void chordingPressKey(final int code, final int afterPress) { mSwitcher.expireDoubleTapTimeout(); pressKeyWithoutTimerExpire(code, false, afterPress); } /** * Emulate chording key release. * * @param code the cording key code. * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after releasing chording key. */ public void chordingReleaseKey(final int code, final int afterRelease) { mSwitcher.onCodeInput(code); mSwitcher.onReleaseKey(code, NOT_SLIDING); assertLayout("afterRelease", afterRelease, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate chording key press and release. * * @param code the chording key code. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing chording key. * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after releasing chording key. */ public void chordingPressAndReleaseKey(final int code, final int afterPress, final int afterRelease) { chordingPressKey(code, afterPress); chordingReleaseKey(code, afterRelease); } /** * Emulate start of the sliding key input. * * @param code the key code to start sliding. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the key. * @param afterSlide the keyboard state after releasing the key with sliding input. */ public void pressAndSlideFromKey(final int code, final int afterPress, final int afterSlide) { pressKey(code, afterPress); mSwitcher.onReleaseKey(code, SLIDING); assertLayout("afterSlide", afterSlide, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate end of the sliding key input. * * @param code the key code to stop sliding. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the key. * @param afterSlide the keyboard state after releasing the key and stop sliding. */ public void stopSlidingOnKey(final int code, final int afterPress, final int afterSlide) { pressKey(code, afterPress); mSwitcher.onCodeInput(code); mSwitcher.onReleaseKey(code, NOT_SLIDING); mSwitcher.onFinishSlidingInput(); assertLayout("afterSlide", afterSlide, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate cancel the sliding key input. * * @param afterCancelSliding the keyboard state after canceling sliding input. */ public void stopSlidingAndCancel(final int afterCancelSliding) { mSwitcher.onFinishSlidingInput(); assertLayout("afterCancelSliding", afterCancelSliding, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate long press shift key. * * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing shift key. * @param afterLongPress the keyboard state after long press fired. */ public void longPressShiftKey(final int afterPress, final int afterLongPress) { // Long press shift key will register {@link Constants#CODE_CAPS_LOCK}. See // {@link R.xml#key_styles_common} and its baseForShiftKeyStyle. We thus emulate the // behavior that is implemented in {@link MainKeyboardView#onLongPress(PointerTracker)}. pressKey(Constants.CODE_SHIFT, afterPress); mSwitcher.onPressKey(Constants.CODE_CAPSLOCK, true /* isSinglePointer */); mSwitcher.onCodeInput(Constants.CODE_CAPSLOCK); assertLayout("afterLongPress", afterLongPress, mSwitcher.getLayoutId()); } /** * Emulate long press shift key and release. * * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing shift key. * @param afterLongPress the keyboard state after long press fired. * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after shift key is released. */ public void longPressAndReleaseShiftKey(final int afterPress, final int afterLongPress, final int afterRelease) { // Long press shift key will register {@link Constants#CODE_CAPS_LOCK}. See // {@link R.xml#key_styles_common} and its baseForShiftKeyStyle. We thus emulate the // behavior that is implemented in {@link MainKeyboardView#onLongPress(PointerTracker)}. longPressShiftKey(afterPress, afterLongPress); releaseKey(Constants.CODE_CAPSLOCK, afterRelease); } /** * Emulate the second press of the double tap. * * @param code the key code to double tap. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the second tap. */ public void secondPressKey(final int code, final int afterPress) { pressKeyWithoutTimerExpire(code, true, afterPress); } /** * Emulate the second tap of the double tap. * * @param code the key code to double tap. * @param afterPress the keyboard state after pressing the second tap. * @param afterRelease the keyboard state after releasing the second tap. */ public void secondPressAndReleaseKey(final int code, final int afterPress, final int afterRelease) { secondPressKey(code, afterPress); releaseKey(code, afterRelease); } }