// // Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // THIS CODE IS GENERATED. #include "attestation/common/print_common_proto.h" #include #include #include namespace attestation { std::string GetProtoDebugString(KeyType value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(KeyType value, int indent_size) { if (value == KEY_TYPE_RSA) { return "KEY_TYPE_RSA"; } if (value == KEY_TYPE_ECC) { return "KEY_TYPE_ECC"; } return ""; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(KeyUsage value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(KeyUsage value, int indent_size) { if (value == KEY_USAGE_SIGN) { return "KEY_USAGE_SIGN"; } if (value == KEY_USAGE_DECRYPT) { return "KEY_USAGE_DECRYPT"; } return ""; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(CertificateProfile value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(CertificateProfile value, int indent_size) { if (value == ENTERPRISE_MACHINE_CERTIFICATE) { return "ENTERPRISE_MACHINE_CERTIFICATE"; } if (value == ENTERPRISE_USER_CERTIFICATE) { return "ENTERPRISE_USER_CERTIFICATE"; } if (value == CONTENT_PROTECTION_CERTIFICATE) { return "CONTENT_PROTECTION_CERTIFICATE"; } if (value == CONTENT_PROTECTION_CERTIFICATE_WITH_STABLE_ID) { return "CONTENT_PROTECTION_CERTIFICATE_WITH_STABLE_ID"; } if (value == CAST_CERTIFICATE) { return "CAST_CERTIFICATE"; } if (value == GFSC_CERTIFICATE) { return "GFSC_CERTIFICATE"; } return ""; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const Quote& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const Quote& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_quote()) { output += indent + " quote: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.quote().data(), value.quote().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_quoted_data()) { output += indent + " quoted_data: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.quoted_data().data(), value.quoted_data().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_quoted_pcr_value()) { output += indent + " quoted_pcr_value: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.quoted_pcr_value().data(), value.quoted_pcr_value().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_pcr_source_hint()) { output += indent + " pcr_source_hint: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.pcr_source_hint().data(), value.pcr_source_hint().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const EncryptedData& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const EncryptedData& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_wrapped_key()) { output += indent + " wrapped_key: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.wrapped_key().data(), value.wrapped_key().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_iv()) { output += indent + " iv: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.iv().data(), value.iv().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_mac()) { output += indent + " mac: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.mac().data(), value.mac().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_encrypted_data()) { output += indent + " encrypted_data: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.encrypted_data().data(), value.encrypted_data().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_wrapping_key_id()) { output += indent + " wrapping_key_id: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.wrapping_key_id().data(), value.wrapping_key_id().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const SignedData& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(const SignedData& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_data()) { output += indent + " data: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.data().data(), value.data().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_signature()) { output += indent + " signature: "; base::StringAppendF(&output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.signature().data(), value.signature().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } std::string GetProtoDebugString(const EncryptedIdentityCredential& value) { return GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent(value, 0); } std::string GetProtoDebugStringWithIndent( const EncryptedIdentityCredential& value, int indent_size) { std::string indent(indent_size, ' '); std::string output = base::StringPrintf("[%s] {\n", value.GetTypeName().c_str()); if (value.has_asym_ca_contents()) { output += indent + " asym_ca_contents: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.asym_ca_contents().data(), value.asym_ca_contents().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } if (value.has_sym_ca_attestation()) { output += indent + " sym_ca_attestation: "; base::StringAppendF( &output, "%s", base::HexEncode(value.sym_ca_attestation().data(), value.sym_ca_attestation().size()).c_str()); output += "\n"; } output += indent + "}\n"; return output; } } // namespace attestation