// // Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "update_engine/omaha_request_params.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "update_engine/common/constants.h" #include "update_engine/common/hardware_interface.h" #include "update_engine/common/platform_constants.h" #include "update_engine/common/utils.h" #include "update_engine/system_state.h" #define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object, member) ((object).*(member)) using std::map; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace chromeos_update_engine { const char OmahaRequestParams::kOsVersion[] = "Indy"; const char* kChannelsByStability[] = { // This list has to be sorted from least stable to most stable channel. "canary-channel", "dev-channel", "beta-channel", "stable-channel", }; OmahaRequestParams::~OmahaRequestParams() { if (!root_.empty()) test::SetImagePropertiesRootPrefix(nullptr); } bool OmahaRequestParams::Init(const string& in_app_version, const string& in_update_url, bool in_interactive) { LOG(INFO) << "Initializing parameters for this update attempt"; image_props_ = LoadImageProperties(system_state_); mutable_image_props_ = LoadMutableImageProperties(system_state_); // Sanity check the channel names. if (!IsValidChannel(image_props_.current_channel)) image_props_.current_channel = "stable-channel"; if (!IsValidChannel(mutable_image_props_.target_channel)) mutable_image_props_.target_channel = image_props_.current_channel; UpdateDownloadChannel(); LOG(INFO) << "Running from channel " << image_props_.current_channel; os_platform_ = constants::kOmahaPlatformName; os_version_ = OmahaRequestParams::kOsVersion; if (!in_app_version.empty()) image_props_.version = in_app_version; os_sp_ = image_props_.version + "_" + GetMachineType(); app_lang_ = "en-US"; hwid_ = system_state_->hardware()->GetHardwareClass(); if (CollectECFWVersions()) { fw_version_ = system_state_->hardware()->GetFirmwareVersion(); ec_version_ = system_state_->hardware()->GetECVersion(); } if (image_props_.current_channel == mutable_image_props_.target_channel) { // deltas are only okay if the /.nodelta file does not exist. if we don't // know (i.e. stat() returns some unexpected error), then err on the side of // caution and say deltas are not okay. struct stat stbuf; delta_okay_ = (stat((root_ + "/.nodelta").c_str(), &stbuf) < 0) && (errno == ENOENT); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Disabling deltas as a channel change to " << mutable_image_props_.target_channel << " is pending, with is_powerwash_allowed=" << utils::ToString(mutable_image_props_.is_powerwash_allowed); // For now, disable delta updates if the current channel is different from // the channel that we're sending to the update server because such updates // are destined to fail -- the current rootfs hash will be different than // the expected hash due to the different channel in /etc/lsb-release. delta_okay_ = false; } if (in_update_url.empty()) update_url_ = image_props_.omaha_url; else update_url_ = in_update_url; // Set the interactive flag accordingly. interactive_ = in_interactive; return true; } bool OmahaRequestParams::IsUpdateUrlOfficial() const { return (update_url_ == constants::kOmahaDefaultAUTestURL || update_url_ == image_props_.omaha_url); } bool OmahaRequestParams::CollectECFWVersions() const { return base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("SAMS ALEX"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("BUTTERFLY"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("LUMPY"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("PARROT"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("SPRING"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(hwid_, string("SNOW"), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE); } bool OmahaRequestParams::SetTargetChannel(const string& new_target_channel, bool is_powerwash_allowed, string* error_message) { LOG(INFO) << "SetTargetChannel called with " << new_target_channel << ", Is Powerwash Allowed = " << utils::ToString(is_powerwash_allowed) << ". Current channel = " << image_props_.current_channel << ", existing target channel = " << mutable_image_props_.target_channel << ", download channel = " << download_channel_; if (!IsValidChannel(new_target_channel)) { string valid_channels = brillo::string_utils::JoinRange( ", ", std::begin(kChannelsByStability), std::end(kChannelsByStability)); if (error_message) { *error_message = base::StringPrintf( "Invalid channel name \"%s\", valid names are: %s", new_target_channel.c_str(), valid_channels.c_str()); } return false; } MutableImageProperties new_props; new_props.target_channel = new_target_channel; new_props.is_powerwash_allowed = is_powerwash_allowed; if (!StoreMutableImageProperties(system_state_, new_props)) { if (error_message) *error_message = "Error storing the new channel value."; return false; } mutable_image_props_ = new_props; return true; } void OmahaRequestParams::UpdateDownloadChannel() { if (download_channel_ != mutable_image_props_.target_channel) { download_channel_ = mutable_image_props_.target_channel; LOG(INFO) << "Download channel for this attempt = " << download_channel_; } } string OmahaRequestParams::GetMachineType() const { struct utsname buf; string ret; if (uname(&buf) == 0) ret = buf.machine; return ret; } bool OmahaRequestParams::IsValidChannel(const string& channel) const { return GetChannelIndex(channel) >= 0; } void OmahaRequestParams::set_root(const string& root) { root_ = root; test::SetImagePropertiesRootPrefix(root_.c_str()); } int OmahaRequestParams::GetChannelIndex(const string& channel) const { for (size_t t = 0; t < arraysize(kChannelsByStability); ++t) if (channel == kChannelsByStability[t]) return t; return -1; } bool OmahaRequestParams::to_more_stable_channel() const { int current_channel_index = GetChannelIndex(image_props_.current_channel); int download_channel_index = GetChannelIndex(download_channel_); return download_channel_index > current_channel_index; } string OmahaRequestParams::GetAppId() const { return download_channel_ == "canary-channel" ? image_props_.canary_product_id : image_props_.product_id; } } // namespace chromeos_update_engine