1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import json
6import os
7import re
8import time
10from profile_chrome import controllers
12from devil.android import device_errors
13from devil.android.sdk import intent
16_HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP_PROPERTY = 'heapprof.mmap'
18class ChromeTracingController(controllers.BaseController):
19  def __init__(self, device, package_info,
20               categories, ring_buffer, trace_memory=False):
21    controllers.BaseController.__init__(self)
22    self._device = device
23    self._package_info = package_info
24    self._categories = categories
25    self._ring_buffer = ring_buffer
26    self._logcat_monitor = self._device.GetLogcatMonitor()
27    self._trace_file = None
28    self._trace_interval = None
29    self._trace_memory = trace_memory
30    self._is_tracing = False
31    self._trace_start_re = \
32       re.compile(r'Logging performance trace to file')
33    self._trace_finish_re = \
34       re.compile(r'Profiler finished[.] Results are in (.*)[.]')
36  def __repr__(self):
37    return 'chrome trace'
39  @staticmethod
40  def GetCategories(device, package_info):
41    with device.GetLogcatMonitor() as logmon:
42      device.BroadcastIntent(intent.Intent(
43          action='%s.GPU_PROFILER_LIST_CATEGORIES' % package_info.package))
44      try:
45        json_category_list = logmon.WaitFor(
46            re.compile(r'{"traceCategoriesList(.*)'), timeout=5).group(0)
47      except device_errors.CommandTimeoutError:
48        raise RuntimeError('Performance trace category list marker not found. '
49                           'Is the correct version of the browser running?')
51    record_categories = set()
52    disabled_by_default_categories = set()
53    json_data = json.loads(json_category_list)['traceCategoriesList']
54    for item in json_data:
55      for category in item.split(','):
56        if category.startswith('disabled-by-default'):
57          disabled_by_default_categories.add(category)
58        else:
59          record_categories.add(category)
61    return list(record_categories), list(disabled_by_default_categories)
63  def StartTracing(self, interval):
64    self._trace_interval = interval
65    self._logcat_monitor.Start()
66    start_extras = {'categories': ','.join(self._categories)}
67    if self._ring_buffer:
68      start_extras['continuous'] = None
69    self._device.BroadcastIntent(intent.Intent(
70        action='%s.GPU_PROFILER_START' % self._package_info.package,
71        extras=start_extras))
73    if self._trace_memory:
74      self._device.EnableRoot()
75      self._device.SetProp(_HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP_PROPERTY, 1)
77    # Chrome logs two different messages related to tracing:
78    #
79    # 1. "Logging performance trace to file"
80    # 2. "Profiler finished. Results are in [...]"
81    #
82    # The first one is printed when tracing starts and the second one indicates
83    # that the trace file is ready to be pulled.
84    try:
85      self._logcat_monitor.WaitFor(self._trace_start_re, timeout=5)
86      self._is_tracing = True
87    except device_errors.CommandTimeoutError:
88      raise RuntimeError(
89          'Trace start marker not found. Possible causes: 1) Is the correct '
90          'version of the browser running? 2) Is the browser already launched?')
92  def StopTracing(self):
93    if self._is_tracing:
94      self._device.BroadcastIntent(intent.Intent(
95          action='%s.GPU_PROFILER_STOP' % self._package_info.package))
96      self._trace_file = self._logcat_monitor.WaitFor(
97          self._trace_finish_re, timeout=120).group(1)
98      self._is_tracing = False
99    if self._trace_memory:
100      self._device.SetProp(_HEAP_PROFILE_MMAP_PROPERTY, 0)
102  def PullTrace(self):
103    # Wait a bit for the browser to finish writing the trace file.
104    time.sleep(self._trace_interval / 4 + 1)
106    trace_file = self._trace_file.replace('/storage/emulated/0/', '/sdcard/')
107    host_file = os.path.join(os.path.curdir, os.path.basename(trace_file))
108    try:
109      self._device.PullFile(trace_file, host_file)
110    except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError:
111      raise RuntimeError(
112          'Cannot pull the trace file. Have you granted Storage permission to '
113          'the browser? (Android Settings -> Apps -> [the browser app] -> '
114          'Permissions -> Storage)')
115    return host_file