1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include "stack_map_stream.h"
18 namespace art {
BeginStackMapEntry(uint32_t dex_pc,uint32_t native_pc_offset,uint32_t register_mask,BitVector * sp_mask,uint32_t num_dex_registers,uint8_t inlining_depth)20 void StackMapStream::BeginStackMapEntry(uint32_t dex_pc,
21                                         uint32_t native_pc_offset,
22                                         uint32_t register_mask,
23                                         BitVector* sp_mask,
24                                         uint32_t num_dex_registers,
25                                         uint8_t inlining_depth) {
26   DCHECK_EQ(0u, current_entry_.dex_pc) << "EndStackMapEntry not called after BeginStackMapEntry";
27   DCHECK_NE(dex_pc, static_cast<uint32_t>(-1)) << "invalid dex_pc";
28   current_entry_.dex_pc = dex_pc;
29   current_entry_.native_pc_offset = native_pc_offset;
30   current_entry_.register_mask = register_mask;
31   current_entry_.sp_mask = sp_mask;
32   current_entry_.num_dex_registers = num_dex_registers;
33   current_entry_.inlining_depth = inlining_depth;
34   current_entry_.dex_register_locations_start_index = dex_register_locations_.size();
35   current_entry_.inline_infos_start_index = inline_infos_.size();
36   current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash = 0;
37   current_entry_.same_dex_register_map_as_ = kNoSameDexMapFound;
38   if (num_dex_registers != 0) {
39     current_entry_.live_dex_registers_mask =
40         ArenaBitVector::Create(allocator_, num_dex_registers, true, kArenaAllocStackMapStream);
41   } else {
42     current_entry_.live_dex_registers_mask = nullptr;
43   }
45   if (sp_mask != nullptr) {
46     stack_mask_max_ = std::max(stack_mask_max_, sp_mask->GetHighestBitSet());
47   }
48   if (inlining_depth > 0) {
49     number_of_stack_maps_with_inline_info_++;
50   }
52   dex_pc_max_ = std::max(dex_pc_max_, dex_pc);
53   register_mask_max_ = std::max(register_mask_max_, register_mask);
54   current_dex_register_ = 0;
55 }
EndStackMapEntry()57 void StackMapStream::EndStackMapEntry() {
58   current_entry_.same_dex_register_map_as_ = FindEntryWithTheSameDexMap();
59   stack_maps_.push_back(current_entry_);
60   current_entry_ = StackMapEntry();
61 }
AddDexRegisterEntry(DexRegisterLocation::Kind kind,int32_t value)63 void StackMapStream::AddDexRegisterEntry(DexRegisterLocation::Kind kind, int32_t value) {
64   if (kind != DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone) {
65     // Ensure we only use non-compressed location kind at this stage.
66     DCHECK(DexRegisterLocation::IsShortLocationKind(kind)) << kind;
67     DexRegisterLocation location(kind, value);
69     // Look for Dex register `location` in the location catalog (using the
70     // companion hash map of locations to indices).  Use its index if it
71     // is already in the location catalog.  If not, insert it (in the
72     // location catalog and the hash map) and use the newly created index.
73     auto it = location_catalog_entries_indices_.Find(location);
74     if (it != location_catalog_entries_indices_.end()) {
75       // Retrieve the index from the hash map.
76       dex_register_locations_.push_back(it->second);
77     } else {
78       // Create a new entry in the location catalog and the hash map.
79       size_t index = location_catalog_entries_.size();
80       location_catalog_entries_.push_back(location);
81       dex_register_locations_.push_back(index);
82       location_catalog_entries_indices_.Insert(std::make_pair(location, index));
83     }
85     if (in_inline_frame_) {
86       // TODO: Support sharing DexRegisterMap across InlineInfo.
87       DCHECK_LT(current_dex_register_, current_inline_info_.num_dex_registers);
88       current_inline_info_.live_dex_registers_mask->SetBit(current_dex_register_);
89     } else {
90       DCHECK_LT(current_dex_register_, current_entry_.num_dex_registers);
91       current_entry_.live_dex_registers_mask->SetBit(current_dex_register_);
92       current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash += (1 <<
93           (current_dex_register_ % (sizeof(current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash) * kBitsPerByte)));
94       current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash += static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
95       current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash += static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
96     }
97   }
98   current_dex_register_++;
99 }
BeginInlineInfoEntry(uint32_t method_index,uint32_t dex_pc,InvokeType invoke_type,uint32_t num_dex_registers)101 void StackMapStream::BeginInlineInfoEntry(uint32_t method_index,
102                                           uint32_t dex_pc,
103                                           InvokeType invoke_type,
104                                           uint32_t num_dex_registers) {
105   DCHECK(!in_inline_frame_);
106   in_inline_frame_ = true;
107   current_inline_info_.method_index = method_index;
108   current_inline_info_.dex_pc = dex_pc;
109   current_inline_info_.invoke_type = invoke_type;
110   current_inline_info_.num_dex_registers = num_dex_registers;
111   current_inline_info_.dex_register_locations_start_index = dex_register_locations_.size();
112   if (num_dex_registers != 0) {
113     current_inline_info_.live_dex_registers_mask =
114         ArenaBitVector::Create(allocator_, num_dex_registers, true, kArenaAllocStackMapStream);
115   } else {
116     current_inline_info_.live_dex_registers_mask = nullptr;
117   }
118   current_dex_register_ = 0;
119 }
EndInlineInfoEntry()121 void StackMapStream::EndInlineInfoEntry() {
122   DCHECK(in_inline_frame_);
123   DCHECK_EQ(current_dex_register_, current_inline_info_.num_dex_registers)
124       << "Inline information contains less registers than expected";
125   in_inline_frame_ = false;
126   inline_infos_.push_back(current_inline_info_);
127   current_inline_info_ = InlineInfoEntry();
128 }
ComputeMaxNativePcOffset() const130 uint32_t StackMapStream::ComputeMaxNativePcOffset() const {
131   uint32_t max_native_pc_offset = 0u;
132   for (const StackMapEntry& entry : stack_maps_) {
133     max_native_pc_offset = std::max(max_native_pc_offset, entry.native_pc_offset);
134   }
135   return max_native_pc_offset;
136 }
PrepareForFillIn()138 size_t StackMapStream::PrepareForFillIn() {
139   int stack_mask_number_of_bits = stack_mask_max_ + 1;  // Need room for max element too.
140   dex_register_maps_size_ = ComputeDexRegisterMapsSize();
141   ComputeInlineInfoEncoding();  // needs dex_register_maps_size_.
142   inline_info_size_ = inline_infos_.size() * inline_info_encoding_.GetEntrySize();
143   uint32_t max_native_pc_offset = ComputeMaxNativePcOffset();
144   size_t stack_map_size = stack_map_encoding_.SetFromSizes(max_native_pc_offset,
145                                                            dex_pc_max_,
146                                                            dex_register_maps_size_,
147                                                            inline_info_size_,
148                                                            register_mask_max_,
149                                                            stack_mask_number_of_bits);
150   stack_maps_size_ = stack_maps_.size() * stack_map_size;
151   dex_register_location_catalog_size_ = ComputeDexRegisterLocationCatalogSize();
153   size_t non_header_size =
154       stack_maps_size_ +
155       dex_register_location_catalog_size_ +
156       dex_register_maps_size_ +
157       inline_info_size_;
159   // Prepare the CodeInfo variable-sized encoding.
160   CodeInfoEncoding code_info_encoding;
161   code_info_encoding.non_header_size = non_header_size;
162   code_info_encoding.number_of_stack_maps = stack_maps_.size();
163   code_info_encoding.stack_map_size_in_bytes = stack_map_size;
164   code_info_encoding.stack_map_encoding = stack_map_encoding_;
165   code_info_encoding.inline_info_encoding = inline_info_encoding_;
166   code_info_encoding.number_of_location_catalog_entries = location_catalog_entries_.size();
167   code_info_encoding.Compress(&code_info_encoding_);
169   // TODO: Move the catalog at the end. It is currently too expensive at runtime
170   // to compute its size (note that we do not encode that size in the CodeInfo).
171   dex_register_location_catalog_start_ = code_info_encoding_.size() + stack_maps_size_;
172   dex_register_maps_start_ =
173       dex_register_location_catalog_start_ + dex_register_location_catalog_size_;
174   inline_infos_start_ = dex_register_maps_start_ + dex_register_maps_size_;
176   needed_size_ = code_info_encoding_.size() + non_header_size;
177   return needed_size_;
178 }
ComputeDexRegisterLocationCatalogSize() const180 size_t StackMapStream::ComputeDexRegisterLocationCatalogSize() const {
181   size_t size = DexRegisterLocationCatalog::kFixedSize;
182   for (const DexRegisterLocation& dex_register_location : location_catalog_entries_) {
183     size += DexRegisterLocationCatalog::EntrySize(dex_register_location);
184   }
185   return size;
186 }
ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(uint32_t num_dex_registers,const BitVector * live_dex_registers_mask) const188 size_t StackMapStream::ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(uint32_t num_dex_registers,
189                                                  const BitVector* live_dex_registers_mask) const {
190   // For num_dex_registers == 0u live_dex_registers_mask may be null.
191   if (num_dex_registers == 0u) {
192     return 0u;  // No register map will be emitted.
193   }
194   DCHECK(live_dex_registers_mask != nullptr);
196   // Size of the map in bytes.
197   size_t size = DexRegisterMap::kFixedSize;
198   // Add the live bit mask for the Dex register liveness.
199   size += DexRegisterMap::GetLiveBitMaskSize(num_dex_registers);
200   // Compute the size of the set of live Dex register entries.
201   size_t number_of_live_dex_registers = live_dex_registers_mask->NumSetBits();
202   size_t map_entries_size_in_bits =
203       DexRegisterMap::SingleEntrySizeInBits(location_catalog_entries_.size())
204       * number_of_live_dex_registers;
205   size_t map_entries_size_in_bytes =
206       RoundUp(map_entries_size_in_bits, kBitsPerByte) / kBitsPerByte;
207   size += map_entries_size_in_bytes;
208   return size;
209 }
ComputeDexRegisterMapsSize() const211 size_t StackMapStream::ComputeDexRegisterMapsSize() const {
212   size_t size = 0;
213   size_t inline_info_index = 0;
214   for (const StackMapEntry& entry : stack_maps_) {
215     if (entry.same_dex_register_map_as_ == kNoSameDexMapFound) {
216       size += ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(entry.num_dex_registers, entry.live_dex_registers_mask);
217     } else {
218       // Entries with the same dex map will have the same offset.
219     }
220     for (size_t j = 0; j < entry.inlining_depth; ++j) {
221       InlineInfoEntry inline_entry = inline_infos_[inline_info_index++];
222       size += ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(inline_entry.num_dex_registers,
223                                         inline_entry.live_dex_registers_mask);
224     }
225   }
226   return size;
227 }
ComputeInlineInfoEncoding()229 void StackMapStream::ComputeInlineInfoEncoding() {
230   uint32_t method_index_max = 0;
231   uint32_t dex_pc_max = 0;
232   uint32_t invoke_type_max = 0;
234   uint32_t inline_info_index = 0;
235   for (const StackMapEntry& entry : stack_maps_) {
236     for (size_t j = 0; j < entry.inlining_depth; ++j) {
237       InlineInfoEntry inline_entry = inline_infos_[inline_info_index++];
238       method_index_max = std::max(method_index_max, inline_entry.method_index);
239       dex_pc_max = std::max(dex_pc_max, inline_entry.dex_pc);
240       invoke_type_max = std::max(invoke_type_max, static_cast<uint32_t>(inline_entry.invoke_type));
241     }
242   }
243   DCHECK_EQ(inline_info_index, inline_infos_.size());
245   inline_info_encoding_.SetFromSizes(method_index_max,
246                                      dex_pc_max,
247                                      invoke_type_max,
248                                      dex_register_maps_size_);
249 }
FillIn(MemoryRegion region)251 void StackMapStream::FillIn(MemoryRegion region) {
252   DCHECK_EQ(0u, current_entry_.dex_pc) << "EndStackMapEntry not called after BeginStackMapEntry";
253   DCHECK_NE(0u, needed_size_) << "PrepareForFillIn not called before FillIn";
255   DCHECK_EQ(region.size(), needed_size_);
257   // Note that the memory region does not have to be zeroed when we JIT code
258   // because we do not use the arena allocator there.
260   // Write the CodeInfo header.
261   region.CopyFrom(0, MemoryRegion(code_info_encoding_.data(), code_info_encoding_.size()));
263   MemoryRegion dex_register_locations_region = region.Subregion(
264       dex_register_maps_start_, dex_register_maps_size_);
266   MemoryRegion inline_infos_region = region.Subregion(
267       inline_infos_start_, inline_info_size_);
269   CodeInfo code_info(region);
270   CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
271   DCHECK_EQ(code_info.GetStackMapsSize(encoding), stack_maps_size_);
273   // Set the Dex register location catalog.
274   MemoryRegion dex_register_location_catalog_region = region.Subregion(
275       dex_register_location_catalog_start_, dex_register_location_catalog_size_);
276   DexRegisterLocationCatalog dex_register_location_catalog(dex_register_location_catalog_region);
277   // Offset in `dex_register_location_catalog` where to store the next
278   // register location.
279   size_t location_catalog_offset = DexRegisterLocationCatalog::kFixedSize;
280   for (DexRegisterLocation dex_register_location : location_catalog_entries_) {
281     dex_register_location_catalog.SetRegisterInfo(location_catalog_offset, dex_register_location);
282     location_catalog_offset += DexRegisterLocationCatalog::EntrySize(dex_register_location);
283   }
284   // Ensure we reached the end of the Dex registers location_catalog.
285   DCHECK_EQ(location_catalog_offset, dex_register_location_catalog_region.size());
287   ArenaBitVector empty_bitmask(allocator_, 0, /* expandable */ false, kArenaAllocStackMapStream);
288   uintptr_t next_dex_register_map_offset = 0;
289   uintptr_t next_inline_info_offset = 0;
290   for (size_t i = 0, e = stack_maps_.size(); i < e; ++i) {
291     StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(i, encoding);
292     StackMapEntry entry = stack_maps_[i];
294     stack_map.SetDexPc(stack_map_encoding_, entry.dex_pc);
295     stack_map.SetNativePcOffset(stack_map_encoding_, entry.native_pc_offset);
296     stack_map.SetRegisterMask(stack_map_encoding_, entry.register_mask);
297     size_t number_of_stack_mask_bits = stack_map.GetNumberOfStackMaskBits(stack_map_encoding_);
298     if (entry.sp_mask != nullptr) {
299       for (size_t bit = 0; bit < number_of_stack_mask_bits; bit++) {
300         stack_map.SetStackMaskBit(stack_map_encoding_, bit, entry.sp_mask->IsBitSet(bit));
301       }
302     } else {
303       // The MemoryRegion does not have to be zeroed, so make sure we clear the bits.
304       for (size_t bit = 0; bit < number_of_stack_mask_bits; bit++) {
305         stack_map.SetStackMaskBit(stack_map_encoding_, bit, false);
306       }
307     }
309     if (entry.num_dex_registers == 0 || (entry.live_dex_registers_mask->NumSetBits() == 0)) {
310       // No dex map available.
311       stack_map.SetDexRegisterMapOffset(stack_map_encoding_, StackMap::kNoDexRegisterMap);
312     } else {
313       // Search for an entry with the same dex map.
314       if (entry.same_dex_register_map_as_ != kNoSameDexMapFound) {
315         // If we have a hit reuse the offset.
316         stack_map.SetDexRegisterMapOffset(
317             stack_map_encoding_,
318             code_info.GetStackMapAt(entry.same_dex_register_map_as_, encoding)
319                 .GetDexRegisterMapOffset(stack_map_encoding_));
320       } else {
321         // New dex registers maps should be added to the stack map.
322         MemoryRegion register_region = dex_register_locations_region.Subregion(
323             next_dex_register_map_offset,
324             ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(entry.num_dex_registers, entry.live_dex_registers_mask));
325         next_dex_register_map_offset += register_region.size();
326         DexRegisterMap dex_register_map(register_region);
327         stack_map.SetDexRegisterMapOffset(
328             stack_map_encoding_, register_region.start() - dex_register_locations_region.start());
330         // Set the dex register location.
331         FillInDexRegisterMap(dex_register_map,
332                              entry.num_dex_registers,
333                              *entry.live_dex_registers_mask,
334                              entry.dex_register_locations_start_index);
335       }
336     }
338     // Set the inlining info.
339     if (entry.inlining_depth != 0) {
340       MemoryRegion inline_region = inline_infos_region.Subregion(
341           next_inline_info_offset,
342           entry.inlining_depth * inline_info_encoding_.GetEntrySize());
343       next_inline_info_offset += inline_region.size();
344       InlineInfo inline_info(inline_region);
346       // Currently relative to the dex register map.
347       stack_map.SetInlineDescriptorOffset(
348           stack_map_encoding_, inline_region.start() - dex_register_locations_region.start());
350       inline_info.SetDepth(inline_info_encoding_, entry.inlining_depth);
351       DCHECK_LE(entry.inline_infos_start_index + entry.inlining_depth, inline_infos_.size());
352       for (size_t depth = 0; depth < entry.inlining_depth; ++depth) {
353         InlineInfoEntry inline_entry = inline_infos_[depth + entry.inline_infos_start_index];
354         inline_info.SetMethodIndexAtDepth(inline_info_encoding_, depth, inline_entry.method_index);
355         inline_info.SetDexPcAtDepth(inline_info_encoding_, depth, inline_entry.dex_pc);
356         inline_info.SetInvokeTypeAtDepth(inline_info_encoding_, depth, inline_entry.invoke_type);
357         if (inline_entry.num_dex_registers == 0) {
358           // No dex map available.
359           inline_info.SetDexRegisterMapOffsetAtDepth(inline_info_encoding_,
360                                                      depth,
361                                                      StackMap::kNoDexRegisterMap);
362           DCHECK(inline_entry.live_dex_registers_mask == nullptr);
363         } else {
364           MemoryRegion register_region = dex_register_locations_region.Subregion(
365               next_dex_register_map_offset,
366               ComputeDexRegisterMapSize(inline_entry.num_dex_registers,
367                                         inline_entry.live_dex_registers_mask));
368           next_dex_register_map_offset += register_region.size();
369           DexRegisterMap dex_register_map(register_region);
370           inline_info.SetDexRegisterMapOffsetAtDepth(
371               inline_info_encoding_,
372               depth, register_region.start() - dex_register_locations_region.start());
374           FillInDexRegisterMap(dex_register_map,
375                                inline_entry.num_dex_registers,
376                                *inline_entry.live_dex_registers_mask,
377                                inline_entry.dex_register_locations_start_index);
378         }
379       }
380     } else {
381       if (inline_info_size_ != 0) {
382         stack_map.SetInlineDescriptorOffset(stack_map_encoding_, StackMap::kNoInlineInfo);
383       }
384     }
385   }
387   // Verify all written data in debug build.
388   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
389     CheckCodeInfo(region);
390   }
391 }
FillInDexRegisterMap(DexRegisterMap dex_register_map,uint32_t num_dex_registers,const BitVector & live_dex_registers_mask,uint32_t start_index_in_dex_register_locations) const393 void StackMapStream::FillInDexRegisterMap(DexRegisterMap dex_register_map,
394                                           uint32_t num_dex_registers,
395                                           const BitVector& live_dex_registers_mask,
396                                           uint32_t start_index_in_dex_register_locations) const {
397   dex_register_map.SetLiveBitMask(num_dex_registers, live_dex_registers_mask);
398   // Set the dex register location mapping data.
399   size_t number_of_live_dex_registers = live_dex_registers_mask.NumSetBits();
400   DCHECK_LE(number_of_live_dex_registers, dex_register_locations_.size());
401   DCHECK_LE(start_index_in_dex_register_locations,
402             dex_register_locations_.size() - number_of_live_dex_registers);
403   for (size_t index_in_dex_register_locations = 0;
404       index_in_dex_register_locations != number_of_live_dex_registers;
405        ++index_in_dex_register_locations) {
406     size_t location_catalog_entry_index = dex_register_locations_[
407         start_index_in_dex_register_locations + index_in_dex_register_locations];
408     dex_register_map.SetLocationCatalogEntryIndex(
409         index_in_dex_register_locations,
410         location_catalog_entry_index,
411         num_dex_registers,
412         location_catalog_entries_.size());
413   }
414 }
FindEntryWithTheSameDexMap()416 size_t StackMapStream::FindEntryWithTheSameDexMap() {
417   size_t current_entry_index = stack_maps_.size();
418   auto entries_it = dex_map_hash_to_stack_map_indices_.find(current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash);
419   if (entries_it == dex_map_hash_to_stack_map_indices_.end()) {
420     // We don't have a perfect hash functions so we need a list to collect all stack maps
421     // which might have the same dex register map.
422     ArenaVector<uint32_t> stack_map_indices(allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocStackMapStream));
423     stack_map_indices.push_back(current_entry_index);
424     dex_map_hash_to_stack_map_indices_.Put(current_entry_.dex_register_map_hash,
425                                            std::move(stack_map_indices));
426     return kNoSameDexMapFound;
427   }
429   // We might have collisions, so we need to check whether or not we really have a match.
430   for (uint32_t test_entry_index : entries_it->second) {
431     if (HaveTheSameDexMaps(GetStackMap(test_entry_index), current_entry_)) {
432       return test_entry_index;
433     }
434   }
435   entries_it->second.push_back(current_entry_index);
436   return kNoSameDexMapFound;
437 }
HaveTheSameDexMaps(const StackMapEntry & a,const StackMapEntry & b) const439 bool StackMapStream::HaveTheSameDexMaps(const StackMapEntry& a, const StackMapEntry& b) const {
440   if (a.live_dex_registers_mask == nullptr && b.live_dex_registers_mask == nullptr) {
441     return true;
442   }
443   if (a.live_dex_registers_mask == nullptr || b.live_dex_registers_mask == nullptr) {
444     return false;
445   }
446   if (a.num_dex_registers != b.num_dex_registers) {
447     return false;
448   }
449   if (a.num_dex_registers != 0u) {
450     DCHECK(a.live_dex_registers_mask != nullptr);
451     DCHECK(b.live_dex_registers_mask != nullptr);
452     if (!a.live_dex_registers_mask->Equal(b.live_dex_registers_mask)) {
453       return false;
454     }
455     size_t number_of_live_dex_registers = a.live_dex_registers_mask->NumSetBits();
456     DCHECK_LE(number_of_live_dex_registers, dex_register_locations_.size());
457     DCHECK_LE(a.dex_register_locations_start_index,
458               dex_register_locations_.size() - number_of_live_dex_registers);
459     DCHECK_LE(b.dex_register_locations_start_index,
460               dex_register_locations_.size() - number_of_live_dex_registers);
461     auto a_begin = dex_register_locations_.begin() + a.dex_register_locations_start_index;
462     auto b_begin = dex_register_locations_.begin() + b.dex_register_locations_start_index;
463     if (!std::equal(a_begin, a_begin + number_of_live_dex_registers, b_begin)) {
464       return false;
465     }
466   }
467   return true;
468 }
470 // Helper for CheckCodeInfo - check that register map has the expected content.
CheckDexRegisterMap(const CodeInfo & code_info,const DexRegisterMap & dex_register_map,size_t num_dex_registers,BitVector * live_dex_registers_mask,size_t dex_register_locations_index) const471 void StackMapStream::CheckDexRegisterMap(const CodeInfo& code_info,
472                                          const DexRegisterMap& dex_register_map,
473                                          size_t num_dex_registers,
474                                          BitVector* live_dex_registers_mask,
475                                          size_t dex_register_locations_index) const {
476   CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
477   for (size_t reg = 0; reg < num_dex_registers; reg++) {
478     // Find the location we tried to encode.
479     DexRegisterLocation expected = DexRegisterLocation::None();
480     if (live_dex_registers_mask->IsBitSet(reg)) {
481       size_t catalog_index = dex_register_locations_[dex_register_locations_index++];
482       expected = location_catalog_entries_[catalog_index];
483     }
484     // Compare to the seen location.
485     if (expected.GetKind() == DexRegisterLocation::Kind::kNone) {
486       DCHECK(!dex_register_map.IsValid() || !dex_register_map.IsDexRegisterLive(reg));
487     } else {
488       DCHECK(dex_register_map.IsDexRegisterLive(reg));
489       DexRegisterLocation seen = dex_register_map.GetDexRegisterLocation(
490           reg, num_dex_registers, code_info, encoding);
491       DCHECK_EQ(expected.GetKind(), seen.GetKind());
492       DCHECK_EQ(expected.GetValue(), seen.GetValue());
493     }
494   }
495   if (num_dex_registers == 0) {
496     DCHECK(!dex_register_map.IsValid());
497   }
498 }
500 // Check that all StackMapStream inputs are correctly encoded by trying to read them back.
CheckCodeInfo(MemoryRegion region) const501 void StackMapStream::CheckCodeInfo(MemoryRegion region) const {
502   CodeInfo code_info(region);
503   CodeInfoEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
504   DCHECK_EQ(code_info.GetNumberOfStackMaps(encoding), stack_maps_.size());
505   for (size_t s = 0; s < stack_maps_.size(); ++s) {
506     const StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(s, encoding);
507     const StackMapEncoding& stack_map_encoding = encoding.stack_map_encoding;
508     StackMapEntry entry = stack_maps_[s];
510     // Check main stack map fields.
511     DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.GetNativePcOffset(stack_map_encoding), entry.native_pc_offset);
512     DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.GetDexPc(stack_map_encoding), entry.dex_pc);
513     DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.GetRegisterMask(stack_map_encoding), entry.register_mask);
514     size_t num_stack_mask_bits = stack_map.GetNumberOfStackMaskBits(stack_map_encoding);
515     if (entry.sp_mask != nullptr) {
516       DCHECK_GE(num_stack_mask_bits, entry.sp_mask->GetNumberOfBits());
517       for (size_t b = 0; b < num_stack_mask_bits; b++) {
518         DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.GetStackMaskBit(stack_map_encoding, b), entry.sp_mask->IsBitSet(b));
519       }
520     } else {
521       for (size_t b = 0; b < num_stack_mask_bits; b++) {
522         DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.GetStackMaskBit(stack_map_encoding, b), 0u);
523       }
524     }
526     CheckDexRegisterMap(code_info,
527                         code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(
528                             stack_map, encoding, entry.num_dex_registers),
529                         entry.num_dex_registers,
530                         entry.live_dex_registers_mask,
531                         entry.dex_register_locations_start_index);
533     // Check inline info.
534     DCHECK_EQ(stack_map.HasInlineInfo(stack_map_encoding), (entry.inlining_depth != 0));
535     if (entry.inlining_depth != 0) {
536       InlineInfo inline_info = code_info.GetInlineInfoOf(stack_map, encoding);
537       DCHECK_EQ(inline_info.GetDepth(encoding.inline_info_encoding), entry.inlining_depth);
538       for (size_t d = 0; d < entry.inlining_depth; ++d) {
539         size_t inline_info_index = entry.inline_infos_start_index + d;
540         DCHECK_LT(inline_info_index, inline_infos_.size());
541         InlineInfoEntry inline_entry = inline_infos_[inline_info_index];
542         DCHECK_EQ(inline_info.GetDexPcAtDepth(encoding.inline_info_encoding, d),
543                   inline_entry.dex_pc);
544         DCHECK_EQ(inline_info.GetMethodIndexAtDepth(encoding.inline_info_encoding, d),
545                   inline_entry.method_index);
546         DCHECK_EQ(inline_info.GetInvokeTypeAtDepth(encoding.inline_info_encoding, d),
547                   inline_entry.invoke_type);
549         CheckDexRegisterMap(code_info,
550                             code_info.GetDexRegisterMapAtDepth(
551                                 d, inline_info, encoding, inline_entry.num_dex_registers),
552                             inline_entry.num_dex_registers,
553                             inline_entry.live_dex_registers_mask,
554                             inline_entry.dex_register_locations_start_index);
555       }
556     }
557   }
558 }
560 }  // namespace art