1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7 #ifndef _FWL_THEME_H
8 #define _FWL_THEME_H
9 class IFWL_Widget;
10 class CFWL_ThemePart;
11 class CFWL_ThemeBackground;
12 class CFWL_ThemeText;
13 class CFWL_ThemeElement;
14 class IFWL_ThemeProvider;
15 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_CXBorder 1
16 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_CYBorder 2
17 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_ScrollBarWidth 3
18 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_EdgeFlat 4
19 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_EdgeRaised 5
20 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_EdgeSunken 6
21 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_Font 7
22 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_FontSize 8
23 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_TextColor 9
24 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_TextSelColor 10
25 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_LineHeight 11
26 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_UIMargin 12
27 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_SpaceAboveBelow 13
28 #define FWL_WGTCAPACITY_MAX 65535
29 class CFWL_ThemePart {
30  public:
CFWL_ThemePart()31   CFWL_ThemePart()
32       : m_pWidget(NULL), m_iPart(0), m_dwStates(0), m_dwData(0), m_pData(NULL) {
33     m_rtPart.Reset();
34     m_matrix.SetIdentity();
35   }
36   CFX_Matrix m_matrix;
37   CFX_RectF m_rtPart;
38   IFWL_Widget* m_pWidget;
39   int32_t m_iPart;
40   FX_DWORD m_dwStates;
41   FX_DWORD m_dwData;
42   void* m_pData;
43 };
44 class CFWL_ThemeBackground : public CFWL_ThemePart {
45  public:
CFWL_ThemeBackground()46   CFWL_ThemeBackground() : m_pGraphics(NULL), m_pImage(NULL), m_pPath(NULL) {}
47   CFX_Graphics* m_pGraphics;
48   CFX_DIBitmap* m_pImage;
49   CFX_Path* m_pPath;
50 };
51 class CFWL_ThemeText : public CFWL_ThemePart {
52  public:
CFWL_ThemeText()53   CFWL_ThemeText() : m_pGraphics(NULL) {}
54   CFX_WideString m_wsText;
55   FX_DWORD m_dwTTOStyles;
56   int32_t m_iTTOAlign;
57   CFX_Graphics* m_pGraphics;
58 };
59 class IFWL_ThemeProvider {
60  public:
~IFWL_ThemeProvider()61   virtual ~IFWL_ThemeProvider() {}
62   virtual FX_BOOL IsValidWidget(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) = 0;
63   virtual FX_DWORD GetThemeID(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) = 0;
64   virtual FX_DWORD SetThemeID(IFWL_Widget* pWidget,
65                               FX_DWORD dwThemeID,
66                               FX_BOOL bChildren = TRUE) = 0;
67   virtual FWL_ERR GetThemeMatrix(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_Matrix& matrix) = 0;
68   virtual FWL_ERR SetThemeMatrix(IFWL_Widget* pWidget,
69                                  const CFX_Matrix& matrix) = 0;
70   virtual FX_BOOL DrawBackground(CFWL_ThemeBackground* pParams) = 0;
71   virtual FX_BOOL DrawText(CFWL_ThemeText* pParams) = 0;
72   virtual void* GetCapacity(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart,
73                             FX_DWORD dwCapacity) = 0;
74   virtual FX_BOOL IsCustomizedLayout(IFWL_Widget* pWidget) = 0;
75   virtual FWL_ERR GetPartRect(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart,
76                               CFX_RectF& rtPart) = 0;
77   virtual FX_BOOL IsInPart(CFWL_ThemePart* pThemePart,
78                            FX_FLOAT fx,
79                            FX_FLOAT fy) = 0;
80   virtual FX_BOOL CalcTextRect(CFWL_ThemeText* pParams, CFX_RectF& rect) = 0;
81 };
82 #endif