1 /*
2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkRSXform_DEFINED
9 #define SkRSXform_DEFINED
11 #include "SkScalar.h"
13 /**
14  *  A compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix.
15  *
16  *  [ fSCos     -fSSin    fTx ]
17  *  [ fSSin      fSCos    fTy ]
18  *  [     0          0      1 ]
19  */
20 struct SkRSXform {
MakeSkRSXform21     static SkRSXform Make(SkScalar scos, SkScalar ssin, SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty) {
22         SkRSXform xform = { scos, ssin, tx, ty };
23         return xform;
24     }
26     /*
27      *  Initialize a new xform based on the scale, rotation (in radians), final tx,ty location
28      *  and anchor-point ax,ay within the src quad.
29      *
30      *  Note: the anchor point is not normalized (e.g. 0...1) but is in pixels of the src image.
31      */
MakeFromRadiansSkRSXform32     static SkRSXform MakeFromRadians(SkScalar scale, SkScalar radians, SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty,
33                                      SkScalar ax, SkScalar ay) {
34         const SkScalar s = SkScalarSin(radians) * scale;
35         const SkScalar c = SkScalarCos(radians) * scale;
36         return Make(c, s, tx + -c * ax + s * ay, ty + -s * ax - c * ay);
37     }
39     SkScalar fSCos;
40     SkScalar fSSin;
41     SkScalar fTx;
42     SkScalar fTy;
rectStaysRectSkRSXform44     bool rectStaysRect() const {
45         return 0 == fSCos || 0 == fSSin;
46     }
setIdentitySkRSXform48     void setIdentity() {
49         fSCos = 1;
50         fSSin = fTx = fTy = 0;
51     }
setSkRSXform53     void set(SkScalar scos, SkScalar ssin, SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty) {
54         fSCos = scos;
55         fSSin = ssin;
56         fTx = tx;
57         fTy = ty;
58     }
60     void toQuad(SkScalar width, SkScalar height, SkPoint quad[4]) const;
toQuadSkRSXform61     void toQuad(const SkSize& size, SkPoint quad[4]) const {
62         this->toQuad(size.width(), size.height(), quad);
63     }
64 };
66 #endif